Okay, for a while now I've noticed these small harmless bumps on the skin of my penis, its like on the top. It didnt really seem like a big deal since they were like INSIDE but you can see the white spots as if they were white heads or something. Is there something wrong with that? Also I have this small bump like the size of a pimple..Is it possible to have a pimple on your penis? What can I do to clear this off? I'm only 16 and I'm not sexually active so It cant be any STD or anything. Also Im light skinned but my penis is Darker skinned. Would this affect my chances of having sex? How can I take care of the skin of my penis? would hand sanitizer do anything? Lotion? HELP PLEASE!
Penis Skin Care?
I don't know about the bumps, but I think hand sanitizer would sting. And having a darker penis will have no impact of someone wanting to have sex with you. When you find the right person, they will just want to be intimate with you, they won't care about slight variations in color.
/moth orchid
Friday, November 6, 2009
Why do so many people have bad skin?
Have you ever noticed that alot of teens and adults are asking how can i have great skin? People use ARBONNE. Its as simple as that it is made by the top skin care chemist in the world it is pure swiss safe and botanical and will repair acne wrinkle fine lines and age spots and scars due to acne. Clicking on my profile will take you to where you can get on the intellegence's line if your under 25 for great ph balanced skin and the nutrimin c re9 line will help skin over 25 it doesn't matter if your male female dark pale it works undeneath your skin to fix and repair to put the natural ph balance back into your skin. We fix skin from age 0-100 and hair and make-up and vitiamns you name it we have over 300 products that are the finest in the world so do your skin a favor get the best their is and say good bye to dull dry oily skin forever its so simple.
Why do so many people have bad skin?
It must be from all the ARBONNE they are using.
Why do so many people have bad skin?
It must be from all the ARBONNE they are using.
The Skin Colour of Malaysians?
Why are some people in this country so obsessed about being fair?
So much so that there's a skin whitening product called 'Fair %26amp; Lovely', which has advertisements showing women only getting the attention of men when their skin becomes fair.
What a load of BS.
Even in Yahoo answers, a lot of dark skinned Malaysians like to make their avatars a lighter colour than their skin actually is.
If you're dark, you're dark. There is no reason to be ashamed. So why are so many people still ashamed/in denial???
The Skin Colour of Malaysians?
THANK YOU, exactly. What's up with that?
Blame it on the media, dude is what I say. In fact blame it on human nature, I mean if you've short hair, you want it lengthened, if you're short you wanna be taller, etc.
The same goes for the Westerners, while they envy our naturally tanned skin, we on the other hand envy their pale skin!
%26lt;go figure%26gt;
It's almost insulting to me that it indicates if you're dark-skinned then you're automatically ugly. Then what about those that are born with such dark complexions? Does that mean they should be ostracized for their appearance? *rolls eyes*
That's what makes us all unique. If we all looked pale, wouldn't that be a "colorless" and dull world?
The Skin Colour of Malaysians?
all far easterns have wheatish colour....now if some one wants to meddle with that its upto them.
Reply:In the Philippines, most women love having "fair" or "whiter" skin. It's advertised in the media, etc... White is supposed to be associated with purity. Also, in the olden days, women used to stay indoors and not work, meaning they were fairer skinned than if they were to work outside. Is it like a symbol of health.
Personally, I like women with a little tan, looks caliente! :D
Reply:Did you know other means for preety?
It's white skin, long hair, big boobs (pardon me), but the fact that people agree.
Reply:well a lot of white/pale people like a suntan.... I guess people are never happy with what they have... they want something else.
dark people want light skin
light skinned people want darker skin.
Reply:i agree with you! be what you are and not to be like michael jackson.
just for your infomation...malaysia is a multi national country and they look the same as any human on earth...just different in skin color!
Reply:ye i only find that sad because it shows how a beautiful race has been affected by western culture!
Reply:grass is always greener on the other side
Reply:there are various kinds of race in malaysia. there is chinese, malays and indians. the malays are usually have a dark skin but not too dark.they are wearing that kind of product because the weather in malaysia is hot. the sun makes their skin look darker than usual.. that's why they are using the product too protect their skin from further darkening.
Reply:yeah, we should be proud of our skin colour...god made us as we are and we should appreciate it blemish and all...
Reply:You mean Malays. They are brown.
Reply:Well human always never satisfied with what they owned. I think it's our Asian culture. We perceive that fairer colour skin will get better recognitions and praises from ppl around. * mine is fair colour skin ;-)
Reply:reason for whittening is to let the paints of the colours in the face looks nicer and more attractive.
Reply:Everyone wants to look good. The 'in thing' now is fair skin. For all you know one day the trend will change, and having a dark skin will be fashionable.So in the meantime quit whining and just live and let live, after all beauty is only just skin deep. Its the inner beauty thats count at the end of the day
Reply:"The fox %26amp; the sour grapes?"
Reply:the main obsession in Malaysia is with Chinese women wanting to have the perfect figure more than white skin. there are hundreds of clinics everywhere charging a bomb, promising to 'sculpt' their body.
but its not as tacky as in India. there are actually ads on TV where a girl gets rejected because she's dark and after she uses "Fair %26amp; Lovely", she wins the man of her dreams.
same stuff in Singapore. its an Asian mentality where white is considered beautiful.
Reply:people sometimes don't know how to appreciate their natural appearence. People don't think it is right to say they are beautiful because they think it's like boasting.
i think television has contributed a lot to this problem.
Reply:because they watch too much of 'Fair %26amp; Lovely' advertisment...
Reply:I'm dark and i always dream to be fair but i stopped it after i think i'm special with dark skin. I'm Asian not American why must shame with my skin. no discrimination here, why i need a crazy dream?
how can when i put my face with whitening product and all my skin can be fair? oh... impossible right?
so i stoped to dream to born as white
Reply:Even the most successful or beautiful people in the world are never completely satisfied with themselves but always in want of more...
Take Michael Jackson for example... He used to be black but look at him now... ;-)
So much so that there's a skin whitening product called 'Fair %26amp; Lovely', which has advertisements showing women only getting the attention of men when their skin becomes fair.
What a load of BS.
Even in Yahoo answers, a lot of dark skinned Malaysians like to make their avatars a lighter colour than their skin actually is.
If you're dark, you're dark. There is no reason to be ashamed. So why are so many people still ashamed/in denial???
The Skin Colour of Malaysians?
THANK YOU, exactly. What's up with that?
Blame it on the media, dude is what I say. In fact blame it on human nature, I mean if you've short hair, you want it lengthened, if you're short you wanna be taller, etc.
The same goes for the Westerners, while they envy our naturally tanned skin, we on the other hand envy their pale skin!
%26lt;go figure%26gt;
It's almost insulting to me that it indicates if you're dark-skinned then you're automatically ugly. Then what about those that are born with such dark complexions? Does that mean they should be ostracized for their appearance? *rolls eyes*
That's what makes us all unique. If we all looked pale, wouldn't that be a "colorless" and dull world?
The Skin Colour of Malaysians?
all far easterns have wheatish colour....now if some one wants to meddle with that its upto them.
Reply:In the Philippines, most women love having "fair" or "whiter" skin. It's advertised in the media, etc... White is supposed to be associated with purity. Also, in the olden days, women used to stay indoors and not work, meaning they were fairer skinned than if they were to work outside. Is it like a symbol of health.
Personally, I like women with a little tan, looks caliente! :D
Reply:Did you know other means for preety?
It's white skin, long hair, big boobs (pardon me), but the fact that people agree.
Reply:well a lot of white/pale people like a suntan.... I guess people are never happy with what they have... they want something else.
dark people want light skin
light skinned people want darker skin.
Reply:i agree with you! be what you are and not to be like michael jackson.
just for your infomation...malaysia is a multi national country and they look the same as any human on earth...just different in skin color!
Reply:ye i only find that sad because it shows how a beautiful race has been affected by western culture!
Reply:grass is always greener on the other side
Reply:there are various kinds of race in malaysia. there is chinese, malays and indians. the malays are usually have a dark skin but not too dark.they are wearing that kind of product because the weather in malaysia is hot. the sun makes their skin look darker than usual.. that's why they are using the product too protect their skin from further darkening.
Reply:yeah, we should be proud of our skin colour...god made us as we are and we should appreciate it blemish and all...
Reply:You mean Malays. They are brown.
Reply:Well human always never satisfied with what they owned. I think it's our Asian culture. We perceive that fairer colour skin will get better recognitions and praises from ppl around. * mine is fair colour skin ;-)
Reply:reason for whittening is to let the paints of the colours in the face looks nicer and more attractive.
Reply:Everyone wants to look good. The 'in thing' now is fair skin. For all you know one day the trend will change, and having a dark skin will be fashionable.So in the meantime quit whining and just live and let live, after all beauty is only just skin deep. Its the inner beauty thats count at the end of the day
Reply:"The fox %26amp; the sour grapes?"
Reply:the main obsession in Malaysia is with Chinese women wanting to have the perfect figure more than white skin. there are hundreds of clinics everywhere charging a bomb, promising to 'sculpt' their body.
but its not as tacky as in India. there are actually ads on TV where a girl gets rejected because she's dark and after she uses "Fair %26amp; Lovely", she wins the man of her dreams.
same stuff in Singapore. its an Asian mentality where white is considered beautiful.
Reply:people sometimes don't know how to appreciate their natural appearence. People don't think it is right to say they are beautiful because they think it's like boasting.
i think television has contributed a lot to this problem.
Reply:because they watch too much of 'Fair %26amp; Lovely' advertisment...
Reply:I'm dark and i always dream to be fair but i stopped it after i think i'm special with dark skin. I'm Asian not American why must shame with my skin. no discrimination here, why i need a crazy dream?
how can when i put my face with whitening product and all my skin can be fair? oh... impossible right?
so i stoped to dream to born as white
Reply:Even the most successful or beautiful people in the world are never completely satisfied with themselves but always in want of more...
Take Michael Jackson for example... He used to be black but look at him now... ;-)
Help with finding skin care that doesn't make me break out!?
Since high school I have used a lot of different skin care products, usually the higher end like estee lauder, clinique, merle norman etc. I never could use grocery/drug store type because I would breakout.
I use something for a few months with great success, and then all of a sudden it stops working. Or, I immediately break out or get dry skin.
I have very sensitive skin, especially to vitamin C, so a lot of anti aging products bother me. I started using Neutrogena products a few months ago and I thought I had found the answer, but now my skin is becoming flaky and has slight red bumps, but not acne.
My question is, where can I go to find the right skin care? I'm tired of trying samples at counters and buying products only to return them. Does anyone have a skin issue and have found a solution, or should I just head to the dermatologist? I've tried natural products and they don't seem to help either.
What can I do?
Help with finding skin care that doesn't make me break out!?
I can totally relate to you.. I never had the big breakouts like most people had, just lots of redness and tiny bumps all the time. Finding the right combination of products was like a giant chemistry experiment, but I finally have it down.
I stopped washing twice a day because I was overstimulating my skin and I think the products were drying it out. I started using Proactiv, but only at night. It took a few weeks to really show results, but I've maintained perfect skin for the last 3 1/2 years. A first for me since the 5th grade! Also, their sulfur mask is like a miracle. I use it a couple times a week when I get breakouts. To remove make-up I use a really gentle remover wipe by the brand Comodynes (I get them at Trader Joe's). I've tried a few different types of wipes, but these seem to work best and don't sting. I even use them on my eyes. For a moisturizer, I use Aveeno's skin calming moisturizer. It's really light, not greasy at all, and has helped get rid of "red face". It's the only moisturizer I've ever been able to use. For make-up, Bare Escentuals can't be beat - no clogging, nice coverage, and I think it's actually helped improve the texture of my skin. It's also super quick and easy to apply.
I hope this helps you. You may still want to consult with a dermatologist because if you do have a skin condition, it may just keep getting irritated by any product you try until you get the condition cleared up. It'll be worth it though- best of luck to you!
Help with finding skin care that doesn't make me break out!?
this sounds like it could be rosacea, i suggest going to a dermatologist, it may not be the problem you think it is, also sometimes skin becomes allergic to things after extended use.
Reply:I had the same problem, I found this hemp based sunblock called burn out that works great and Ive had no break outs.
Reply:Head to the dermatologist...
Flaky sounds like seborrhea.
Redness and bumps sounds like Rosacea
Reply:good advice up above me there!
have you tried proactive? its on tv and i have a friend that uses it .its great.
also you could try to go to the mall and talk to the lady behind the clinique counter.
if all else fails go to the dermatologist
Reply:toothpaste on the very tip of one will shrink it within an hour give or take a few minutes. then rinse it off with lukewarm water and your good to go.
Reply:Go to a dermatologist because it sounds like you have rosacea and need a prescription to control it .There is no cure.
Reply:All I can use is Dove for sensitive skin. Everything else I break out in a rash of tiny bumps and itch.
Reply:Have you tried Proactive? It works pretty well. If not, go to a dermatologist, they will help.
Reply:Yes, I would probably take a trip to the dermatologist, you may need an allergy test to see what exactly you are allergic to. Alot of the products that youve mentioned have perfumes in them, and this also could be the reason for your outbreaks, The dermatologist will determine which products, if any you should use, or better yet he/she will give you prescriptions for the appropriate medication(s). lol
Reply:I too have sensitive skin.
I tried proactive and it did major damage to my face.
I have been using Arbonne Clear Advantages for four months and love it! https://www.arbonne.com
Reply:Well, you shouldn't use Neutrogena products only becuz you said u dont like cheep product and neutrogena is very cheap! ~good luck~ ~鈾estiny鈽粇
Reply:My great aunt used 2 products on her face:
Whitch Hazel and Vaseline
Sometimes simple is best.
Good luck, I have very sensitive skin as well.
use oil free, non comedogenic, FRAGRANCE FREE products.
Chamomile can be very soothing for your skin (you can even use the tea bags). Aloe Vera is very soothing as well.
Reply:I have found great success using the Oil of Olay line. My skin tends to get dry in patches and since using their line of products (the Regenerist and Definity line) I have had great success! I had some bumps on my face and since using this they have noiticably been smoothed over! I have had these bumps for nearly 10 years and after 6 months of daily usage, they are almost flattened down.
They will probably never go completely away, but I am very happy to see them smoothed this much. I hope that if you try this line you too might find success and great skin!
Reply:You should probably see a dermatologist. They can prescribe you products based on your specific skin type that will improve the overall condition of your skin and treat the problems you are having now. Although I use Neutrogena products, they are scented and perhaps the fragrance is irritating your skin and causing the bumps and flakiness.
Good luck
Reply:I 100% owe my skin's life to Glytone products... I have combination skin that is either extremely dry, or very oily and Im super prone to rashes and break outs of all sorts. I had a dermatologist recommend Glytone and its seriously saved me, my skin is soooo smooth.. and always... Ive used it for 3 years now, never stopped working! I buy it online... the link is below!
Reply:had the same problem too. And this is what has helped.
1. Stop using All skincare products
2. Before I use regular tap water to wash my face with I use Evian ( it is that bottled spring water). I pour some on the palm of my hand and just sort of smear it all over my face. Or you could pour some on a cotton pad and gently ( without rubbing) smoothe it over your face to lift off some of the oil. I follow that by rinsing my face with regular tap water. Evian actually helps to cleanse the skin which I could never get by using tap water only.
I use something for a few months with great success, and then all of a sudden it stops working. Or, I immediately break out or get dry skin.
I have very sensitive skin, especially to vitamin C, so a lot of anti aging products bother me. I started using Neutrogena products a few months ago and I thought I had found the answer, but now my skin is becoming flaky and has slight red bumps, but not acne.
My question is, where can I go to find the right skin care? I'm tired of trying samples at counters and buying products only to return them. Does anyone have a skin issue and have found a solution, or should I just head to the dermatologist? I've tried natural products and they don't seem to help either.
What can I do?
Help with finding skin care that doesn't make me break out!?
I can totally relate to you.. I never had the big breakouts like most people had, just lots of redness and tiny bumps all the time. Finding the right combination of products was like a giant chemistry experiment, but I finally have it down.
I stopped washing twice a day because I was overstimulating my skin and I think the products were drying it out. I started using Proactiv, but only at night. It took a few weeks to really show results, but I've maintained perfect skin for the last 3 1/2 years. A first for me since the 5th grade! Also, their sulfur mask is like a miracle. I use it a couple times a week when I get breakouts. To remove make-up I use a really gentle remover wipe by the brand Comodynes (I get them at Trader Joe's). I've tried a few different types of wipes, but these seem to work best and don't sting. I even use them on my eyes. For a moisturizer, I use Aveeno's skin calming moisturizer. It's really light, not greasy at all, and has helped get rid of "red face". It's the only moisturizer I've ever been able to use. For make-up, Bare Escentuals can't be beat - no clogging, nice coverage, and I think it's actually helped improve the texture of my skin. It's also super quick and easy to apply.
I hope this helps you. You may still want to consult with a dermatologist because if you do have a skin condition, it may just keep getting irritated by any product you try until you get the condition cleared up. It'll be worth it though- best of luck to you!
Help with finding skin care that doesn't make me break out!?
this sounds like it could be rosacea, i suggest going to a dermatologist, it may not be the problem you think it is, also sometimes skin becomes allergic to things after extended use.
Reply:I had the same problem, I found this hemp based sunblock called burn out that works great and Ive had no break outs.
Reply:Head to the dermatologist...
Flaky sounds like seborrhea.
Redness and bumps sounds like Rosacea
Reply:good advice up above me there!
have you tried proactive? its on tv and i have a friend that uses it .its great.
also you could try to go to the mall and talk to the lady behind the clinique counter.
if all else fails go to the dermatologist
Reply:toothpaste on the very tip of one will shrink it within an hour give or take a few minutes. then rinse it off with lukewarm water and your good to go.
Reply:Go to a dermatologist because it sounds like you have rosacea and need a prescription to control it .There is no cure.
Reply:All I can use is Dove for sensitive skin. Everything else I break out in a rash of tiny bumps and itch.
Reply:Have you tried Proactive? It works pretty well. If not, go to a dermatologist, they will help.
Reply:Yes, I would probably take a trip to the dermatologist, you may need an allergy test to see what exactly you are allergic to. Alot of the products that youve mentioned have perfumes in them, and this also could be the reason for your outbreaks, The dermatologist will determine which products, if any you should use, or better yet he/she will give you prescriptions for the appropriate medication(s). lol
Reply:I too have sensitive skin.
I tried proactive and it did major damage to my face.
I have been using Arbonne Clear Advantages for four months and love it! https://www.arbonne.com
Reply:Well, you shouldn't use Neutrogena products only becuz you said u dont like cheep product and neutrogena is very cheap! ~good luck~ ~鈾estiny鈽粇
Reply:My great aunt used 2 products on her face:
Whitch Hazel and Vaseline
Sometimes simple is best.
Good luck, I have very sensitive skin as well.
use oil free, non comedogenic, FRAGRANCE FREE products.
Chamomile can be very soothing for your skin (you can even use the tea bags). Aloe Vera is very soothing as well.
Reply:I have found great success using the Oil of Olay line. My skin tends to get dry in patches and since using their line of products (the Regenerist and Definity line) I have had great success! I had some bumps on my face and since using this they have noiticably been smoothed over! I have had these bumps for nearly 10 years and after 6 months of daily usage, they are almost flattened down.
They will probably never go completely away, but I am very happy to see them smoothed this much. I hope that if you try this line you too might find success and great skin!
Reply:You should probably see a dermatologist. They can prescribe you products based on your specific skin type that will improve the overall condition of your skin and treat the problems you are having now. Although I use Neutrogena products, they are scented and perhaps the fragrance is irritating your skin and causing the bumps and flakiness.
Good luck
Reply:I 100% owe my skin's life to Glytone products... I have combination skin that is either extremely dry, or very oily and Im super prone to rashes and break outs of all sorts. I had a dermatologist recommend Glytone and its seriously saved me, my skin is soooo smooth.. and always... Ive used it for 3 years now, never stopped working! I buy it online... the link is below!
Reply:had the same problem too. And this is what has helped.
1. Stop using All skincare products
2. Before I use regular tap water to wash my face with I use Evian ( it is that bottled spring water). I pour some on the palm of my hand and just sort of smear it all over my face. Or you could pour some on a cotton pad and gently ( without rubbing) smoothe it over your face to lift off some of the oil. I follow that by rinsing my face with regular tap water. Evian actually helps to cleanse the skin which I could never get by using tap water only.
Which iPod skin do you like better??
I like both of these oriental skins for my ipod video, but i can only pick one. Which one do u like best?
1. https://www.gelaskins.com/skins.php?Devi...
2. https://www.gelaskins.com/skins.php?Devi...
Which iPod skin do you like better??
I'd go with the red one...its super cute!
Which iPod skin do you like better??
wow they are both really pretty!! i would go with the red one, i think it looks crisper idk
Reply:the red one.
chinese style?I like it
1. https://www.gelaskins.com/skins.php?Devi...
2. https://www.gelaskins.com/skins.php?Devi...
Which iPod skin do you like better??
I'd go with the red one...its super cute!
Which iPod skin do you like better??
wow they are both really pretty!! i would go with the red one, i think it looks crisper idk
Reply:the red one.
chinese style?I like it
Bad skin condition :(?
Hello All,
My face skin condition is really bad. I have a oily skin and it is seen only very much on my forehead and nose. after sometime or days i use to get small eruptions and later they turn into big pimples and once they break, they leave a ugly scar.
Can anyone please help me or suggest me a way to get rid off and get a clear skin. I am dark in color and still it shows up very badly. I am unable to attend meetings or go out.
I would appreciate if anyone give me a homemade product or solution to get rid of this. I want my skin to be clear and free fro wrinkles and scars caused by it.
Best Regards,
Bad skin condition :(?
For oily skin care, see the source below.
Bad skin condition :(?
Try proactive. It worked well for me. Also, try washing your face in the morning and at night. There are also oil-absorbant cloths you can get to use during the day.
My face skin condition is really bad. I have a oily skin and it is seen only very much on my forehead and nose. after sometime or days i use to get small eruptions and later they turn into big pimples and once they break, they leave a ugly scar.
Can anyone please help me or suggest me a way to get rid off and get a clear skin. I am dark in color and still it shows up very badly. I am unable to attend meetings or go out.
I would appreciate if anyone give me a homemade product or solution to get rid of this. I want my skin to be clear and free fro wrinkles and scars caused by it.
Best Regards,
Bad skin condition :(?
For oily skin care, see the source below.
Bad skin condition :(?
Try proactive. It worked well for me. Also, try washing your face in the morning and at night. There are also oil-absorbant cloths you can get to use during the day.
Help please...skin problem.?
I am very busty, and underneath my bust where my underwire is, is a bunch of dark brown, red, sploches of skin. It's quite unattractive. But what's worse, is that when I work out, or go outside for a couple of hours, the brown and red skin...comes off. It will itch, I touch it, and I have peices of my skin on my hand.
Now my skin is cut up and raw, because it was itching so bad, and a lot of skin came off.
Could someone please tell me what causes this? And...what can I do to get rid of it?
Help please...skin problem.?
Sounds like it may have given you a yeast infection or some sort of jock itch there.
Any exposed metal, excess perspiration, or improper fit could be causing the problem.
You need to keep the skin clean and dry.
Never sleep with a bra so the skin can breathe.
Start using 100% cotton sports bras.
If you want to treat it yourself without going to your physician-
You could start with trying thin layers of corn starch or Gold Bond powder and if that doesn't work try anti-fungal ointments.
Use thin layers of anti-fungals like lamisil, tinnactin, tetrisil, or dermisil.
Chances are that your physician will give you a prescription for something like valisone.
Help please...skin problem.?
What causes this is your bra is too tight and to relive the itch you need to wash frequently and go see a doctor so they can perscribe a persrciptioncream.
Reply:dont have an underwired bra...u could be allergic tothe metal or something to do with the underwire could be rubbing and causing irritation
Reply:Please go to the doctor and let her/him rule out an infection.
Recently some one told me about a yeast infection under their breasts. It was in their skin. I had never heard of such until then. Don't count on us Common Sensers- go to a professional.
Reply:Sounds like you need to keep it clean and dry. Carry an extra bra or two and change it. Make sure it's not an allergy to the bra material or what you wash the bra in. Zinc cream may help to heal it and once it's better vitamin A ointment was always the go down below for sweating and chafing when sailing. "Red and brown splotches" sounds like a doctor should look at it. Be gentle with it. Leave it alone (if you can). Picking the skin off will probably make it worse.
Reply:It could be that your skin is breaking down because of constant moisture. It would be simular to diaper rash. There are times during the summer I have that trouble. Not because I am busty but because there is a little extra of me. Try to keep the area dry. If this is an ongoing problem you have, powder the area regularly. that will help.
Also, I only wear underwire. They are the only ones that seem to geve me nice shape. The wires have never cause a problem for me except when they start to wear through the fabric and irritate near my armpit, but never under my boosum.
Now my skin is cut up and raw, because it was itching so bad, and a lot of skin came off.
Could someone please tell me what causes this? And...what can I do to get rid of it?
Help please...skin problem.?
Sounds like it may have given you a yeast infection or some sort of jock itch there.
Any exposed metal, excess perspiration, or improper fit could be causing the problem.
You need to keep the skin clean and dry.
Never sleep with a bra so the skin can breathe.
Start using 100% cotton sports bras.
If you want to treat it yourself without going to your physician-
You could start with trying thin layers of corn starch or Gold Bond powder and if that doesn't work try anti-fungal ointments.
Use thin layers of anti-fungals like lamisil, tinnactin, tetrisil, or dermisil.
Chances are that your physician will give you a prescription for something like valisone.
Help please...skin problem.?
What causes this is your bra is too tight and to relive the itch you need to wash frequently and go see a doctor so they can perscribe a persrciptioncream.
Reply:dont have an underwired bra...u could be allergic tothe metal or something to do with the underwire could be rubbing and causing irritation
Reply:Please go to the doctor and let her/him rule out an infection.
Recently some one told me about a yeast infection under their breasts. It was in their skin. I had never heard of such until then. Don't count on us Common Sensers- go to a professional.
Reply:Sounds like you need to keep it clean and dry. Carry an extra bra or two and change it. Make sure it's not an allergy to the bra material or what you wash the bra in. Zinc cream may help to heal it and once it's better vitamin A ointment was always the go down below for sweating and chafing when sailing. "Red and brown splotches" sounds like a doctor should look at it. Be gentle with it. Leave it alone (if you can). Picking the skin off will probably make it worse.
Reply:It could be that your skin is breaking down because of constant moisture. It would be simular to diaper rash. There are times during the summer I have that trouble. Not because I am busty but because there is a little extra of me. Try to keep the area dry. If this is an ongoing problem you have, powder the area regularly. that will help.
Also, I only wear underwire. They are the only ones that seem to geve me nice shape. The wires have never cause a problem for me except when they start to wear through the fabric and irritate near my armpit, but never under my boosum.
Sensitive Skin?
I have very sensitive skin ... and recently, it's getting worse.
First, I have oily skin, which causes acne.
To counter that, I use acne medicine.
I also use a lotion.
Here's what I do:
Wash face
Acne Medication
I leave the acne cream on all day.
Wash face
Acne cream
The problem is, the acne medicine makes my skin flaky.
So I have oily but flaky skin with acne here and there.
What should I do to stop the flakiness?
Foundation will not go on smoothly on my face!!
Sensitive Skin?
Choose a lotion consisting entirely of natural ingredients instead of chemicals. Apply moisturizer both in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. Facial peeling occasionally can minimize wrinkling and other aging signs.
It can be a problem if you have sensitive skin as well as acne. Most of the treatments for acne contain strong chemicals, which can irritate your skin and aggravate your condition. Use only the natural products for acne. Buy gentle cleansers, meant for your skin type. Do not wash your skin frequently as it can irritate the skin
Sensitive Skin?
I make my own organic lotions. I do have a formula with essential oils that help combat acne naturally. You might want to try my acne formula!
check out the eBay sale at:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISA... Report It
Reply:change your diet and drink more water is all i can say. otherwise theres medication.
First, I have oily skin, which causes acne.
To counter that, I use acne medicine.
I also use a lotion.
Here's what I do:
Wash face
Acne Medication
I leave the acne cream on all day.
Wash face
Acne cream
The problem is, the acne medicine makes my skin flaky.
So I have oily but flaky skin with acne here and there.
What should I do to stop the flakiness?
Foundation will not go on smoothly on my face!!
Sensitive Skin?
Choose a lotion consisting entirely of natural ingredients instead of chemicals. Apply moisturizer both in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. Facial peeling occasionally can minimize wrinkling and other aging signs.
It can be a problem if you have sensitive skin as well as acne. Most of the treatments for acne contain strong chemicals, which can irritate your skin and aggravate your condition. Use only the natural products for acne. Buy gentle cleansers, meant for your skin type. Do not wash your skin frequently as it can irritate the skin
Sensitive Skin?
I make my own organic lotions. I do have a formula with essential oils that help combat acne naturally. You might want to try my acne formula!
check out the eBay sale at:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISA... Report It
Reply:change your diet and drink more water is all i can say. otherwise theres medication.
Tanning and skin care question?
They say tanned skin damged skin, .. does tanning really damage skin or is burning and cooking urself that does the damge from UV Rays? I guess what i am asking is , your skin makes mel something to protect it from harm which gives u the tan, so if u use a lotion with spf that blocks most the UV rays and u dont stay out so long that u burn then tanning isnt really that bad is it? as long as you use common sense and use lotion ,, or is dark skin just bad
Tanning and skin care question?
Dark skin is ok on people of a "darker" ethnicity. Dark skin contains more melanosomes, which are part of the pigmenting cell, giving off naturally a darker complexion. Caucasians tend to have less melanosomes, which means less melanin (Giving off a fairer complexion). When you "tan", your cells are absorbing light at shorter wavelengths. The "tan" you see if your body defending itself from the damage these light-wavelengths. DNA is breaking down, allowing amino acid tyrosine to produce a color to shield lower layers of the skin. So what I'm saying is that, melanin production is NOT good for you, unless you already are "naturally dark". SPF blocks these rays from absorbing into the skin and causing DNA breakdown. Burning is worse for your skin. Not only is it breaking down DNA, it adds injury on top of it. Burning is an indicator that your body is trying to heal itself So remember SPF is your friend and there is no such thing as a "safe tan".... unless it's from a bottle!!
Tanning and skin care question?
For more helpful skin care information try visiting http://simple-skin-care-tips.com 鈥?this is part of the health information network http://the-health-information-network.co...
Hope This Helps,
Tanning and skin care question?
Dark skin is ok on people of a "darker" ethnicity. Dark skin contains more melanosomes, which are part of the pigmenting cell, giving off naturally a darker complexion. Caucasians tend to have less melanosomes, which means less melanin (Giving off a fairer complexion). When you "tan", your cells are absorbing light at shorter wavelengths. The "tan" you see if your body defending itself from the damage these light-wavelengths. DNA is breaking down, allowing amino acid tyrosine to produce a color to shield lower layers of the skin. So what I'm saying is that, melanin production is NOT good for you, unless you already are "naturally dark". SPF blocks these rays from absorbing into the skin and causing DNA breakdown. Burning is worse for your skin. Not only is it breaking down DNA, it adds injury on top of it. Burning is an indicator that your body is trying to heal itself So remember SPF is your friend and there is no such thing as a "safe tan".... unless it's from a bottle!!
Tanning and skin care question?
For more helpful skin care information try visiting http://simple-skin-care-tips.com 鈥?this is part of the health information network http://the-health-information-network.co...
Hope This Helps,
Why did the skin on my nose get so rough and ugly?
I'm 19, and my nose used to have nice smooth skin on it when I was about 16 but then I started to have slight skin problems on it. I occasionally get pimples on it (which I pop...should I?) and I also get these strange little pellets that grow just under the surface of the skin, and they pop out just like a pimple except it's a bit more difficult to do so. I think all this popping might be causing scarring (kind of like acne scars) because now the skin on my nose is all rough, even though the skin on my face is pretty much as smooth as it's always been. But I have to keep popping these things or else they'll accumulate. Also, the pores on my nose seem to be a lot bigger and more visible than they used to be. I started using these biore "ultra deep cleansing pore strips" but they don't seem to be making the skin on my nose any smoother.
What can I do about this?
Why did the skin on my nose get so rough and ugly?
You need to go to a dermatologist. If you keep popping your nose your going to have a hilarious red nose with enlarge pores all your adult life. I have seen adults with this problem and it horrible to look at. You need medication and quickly.
Why did the skin on my nose get so rough and ugly?
it may be dry skin
and if its white and starting to peel
its probably weather change
try aveeno or gold bond =)
Reply:it's called 'EXFOLIATION.' Just avoid scrubbing at pimples w/ it.
Reply:puberty kid live to learn with it
Reply:exfoliate...! %26lt;3
Reply:consult a dermatologist.. dont pop your zits.. have your facial once a week..
Reply:You should not pop your pimples for it spreads bacteria throughout the skin causing dry skin, black heads, and more pimples.
Reply:no you really should not pop them. go and see a dermatologist... or at least your family doctor. there are sooo many creams out there that can help you. good luck!
Reply:you might have a skin condition.
go see a dermotologist and if you use a certain type of face wash stop using it
try not to pop those annoying pimples and,
Reply:it is winter and there is not much sun, and the sun helps your skin. there is not much sun in the winter. when it gets to summer time, they will go away. do not pop anything, it will make it worse.
Reply:ewwwwwwwwwww u must look really ugly..............find a dermatologist ..........and good luck.
Reply:Could be rosacea. Many different kinds of rosacea, so best to see a dermatologist, but essentially, it is a vascular condition that doesn't allow enough blood flow to the surface of your skin, which allows certain kinds of skin conditions to persist (different forms of bacteria, wider pores, etc).
Treatable, but permanent. Usually not that big a deal. We all had perfect skin when we were young. Chances are your soul mate won't mind some imperfections ;).
Reply:I have those pore strips. They dont work!!! Just get an exfoliator (you can find them anywhere) and scrub your nose each night. It will take off the dead skin that causes these pimples. By the way, stop popping them unless absolutely necessary. It will give you scars and is probably one of the causes to the roughness. When you do pop one, immediately scrub it with the exfoliator. That will prevent the dead skin from clogging other pores. You will see a big difference in the amount of pimples. But, maybe not the dryness. If your sking continues to be dry, every morning, put on some oil free moisturizer. If you do all of these things, I guarantee that you will have a clean smooth nose in at most a month!!! Good Luck!!!
What can I do about this?
Why did the skin on my nose get so rough and ugly?
You need to go to a dermatologist. If you keep popping your nose your going to have a hilarious red nose with enlarge pores all your adult life. I have seen adults with this problem and it horrible to look at. You need medication and quickly.
Why did the skin on my nose get so rough and ugly?
it may be dry skin
and if its white and starting to peel
its probably weather change
try aveeno or gold bond =)
Reply:it's called 'EXFOLIATION.' Just avoid scrubbing at pimples w/ it.
Reply:puberty kid live to learn with it
Reply:exfoliate...! %26lt;3
Reply:consult a dermatologist.. dont pop your zits.. have your facial once a week..
Reply:You should not pop your pimples for it spreads bacteria throughout the skin causing dry skin, black heads, and more pimples.
Reply:no you really should not pop them. go and see a dermatologist... or at least your family doctor. there are sooo many creams out there that can help you. good luck!
Reply:you might have a skin condition.
go see a dermotologist and if you use a certain type of face wash stop using it
try not to pop those annoying pimples and,
Reply:it is winter and there is not much sun, and the sun helps your skin. there is not much sun in the winter. when it gets to summer time, they will go away. do not pop anything, it will make it worse.
Reply:ewwwwwwwwwww u must look really ugly..............find a dermatologist ..........and good luck.
Reply:Could be rosacea. Many different kinds of rosacea, so best to see a dermatologist, but essentially, it is a vascular condition that doesn't allow enough blood flow to the surface of your skin, which allows certain kinds of skin conditions to persist (different forms of bacteria, wider pores, etc).
Treatable, but permanent. Usually not that big a deal. We all had perfect skin when we were young. Chances are your soul mate won't mind some imperfections ;).
Reply:I have those pore strips. They dont work!!! Just get an exfoliator (you can find them anywhere) and scrub your nose each night. It will take off the dead skin that causes these pimples. By the way, stop popping them unless absolutely necessary. It will give you scars and is probably one of the causes to the roughness. When you do pop one, immediately scrub it with the exfoliator. That will prevent the dead skin from clogging other pores. You will see a big difference in the amount of pimples. But, maybe not the dryness. If your sking continues to be dry, every morning, put on some oil free moisturizer. If you do all of these things, I guarantee that you will have a clean smooth nose in at most a month!!! Good Luck!!!
Uneven Skin Tone?
Clear skin, relatively small pores, but my freckles cause me a bit of grief because the skin tone around them is darker and the skin tone elsewhere is lighter.
I use a dark foundation and a lighter powder, but is there any way to just make my skin look a little more even? Thanks.
Uneven Skin Tone?
Tyra Banks did a show, and she mentioned this in it. You should use two different colors of foundation, and then powder.
Uneven Skin Tone?
I have tried everything for mine and nothing seems to work, sorry
Reply:I have the same problem with uneven skin, I have yet to find one that leaves you looking flawless and not thick and greasy,I am going to try id bare minerals.. It's a little more but worth it if it works..Great foundation can make the difference in the rest of your makeup I think..I have found some on ebay as well..they say the color "medium beige 2.3" works on most women...May not be the answer a wanted,but hope it helped. ;)
I use a dark foundation and a lighter powder, but is there any way to just make my skin look a little more even? Thanks.
Uneven Skin Tone?
Tyra Banks did a show, and she mentioned this in it. You should use two different colors of foundation, and then powder.
Uneven Skin Tone?
I have tried everything for mine and nothing seems to work, sorry
Reply:I have the same problem with uneven skin, I have yet to find one that leaves you looking flawless and not thick and greasy,I am going to try id bare minerals.. It's a little more but worth it if it works..Great foundation can make the difference in the rest of your makeup I think..I have found some on ebay as well..they say the color "medium beige 2.3" works on most women...May not be the answer a wanted,but hope it helped. ;)
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
Well my skin is really dry and dead skin comes off just to rub my face! What products should I use? I've looked just about everywhere for something to cure it but the majority of face cleansers are for oily skin. The ones that were for dry skin are too heavy feel like lotion making me sweat. Please help! Home remedies would be great as well as products you've bought! Thanks! =] x
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
I have a skin disorder on some areas of my body called "ichthyosis vuglaris" that's pretty much extreme dry skin. When I went to a dermatologist a while back, he recommended I buy something called "AmLactin," which is a lotion that's close to prescription, but not. You might have to get it from behind the counter at your pharmacy. It's very very VERY moisturizing and will probably hurt people's skin if they don't have very dry skin. If you can pick that up, that would be GREAT. It worked really well for me.
Also, I use Jergens Skin Smoothing lotion when I'm not using the AmLactin. Because my ichthyosis is worse during colder months when your skin is typically more dry, I can get away with lighter moisturizers in warmer weather. The Jergens lotion is actually REALLY good.
Also, try using exfoliating body wash in the shower (and an exfoliating facial scrub). Anything with exfoliating beads is good, and use a "body buffer" or "body polisher" or a loofah in the shower. They'll buff away dead skin cells and leave fresh, new ones that aren't dry and look great! Here are some pictures of the types of buffers and polishers that work REALLY well with an exfoliating body wash or shower gel.
http://image.ecplaza.net/offer/t/thankyo... (in between the bottles)
Also, try to use a mesh spongey-thing (whatever it's called, lol) like this when you're showering regularly: http://tanningmoisturizer.com/wp-content... It's gentle, cleansing, and moisturizes your body more than a washcloth, etc.
Good luck, I hope that helps you out!! :)
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
Neurtogena skin/hand cream. makes alligator skin feel like a baby's butt after alittle bit. lol. also, try dove soap. it is or sensitive skin.
Reply:Have you tried a facial scrub when you shower? I used to get this but a good exfoliate followed by a moisturiser works well.
Reply:Exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate. Use a moisterising facial foam such as Olay Moisterising Facial Foam. Apply a moisteriser on your face at night, and HOPEFULLY, you don't sweat at night. haha
Reply:I have dry skin around my nose in the winter I bought I humidifier for my apt and it has really helped
Reply:Try some Emu Oil/ Vitamin E oil. They both are natural and penetrates the skin well because of there properties. Vitamin E oil also fades acne scars over time with regular use.
Reply:Use "acne free". It works great. You can it at wal greens or walmart. (other place too) I have really dry skin and this stuff doesn't irritatit at all. Only makes it fell funny the first cuple times you use it. You can also try Vitamin E lotion it works great for me. I think you can get that at wal greens. And don't cost alot at all.
Reply:Well, first off I can tell you absolutely to use Cetaphil, both the wash and the facial cream. It is specifically for sensitive skin (something you need to consider you may also have), and also mosturizes. Its soap free, sort of like a cream, but its also hypoallergenic and doesn't clog pores.
You could exfoliate with something also extremely gentle, but I would recommend focusing more on moisturizing than exfoliating. That could potentially agrivate your skin and make it worse.
If it continues and gets itchy or raw, I would suggest going to a dermatologist.
Reply:You may try this cloth my sister uses from "Artistry".
This gave her immediate results
This Cloth gently polishes away dead skin cells on the surface of your skin, improving skin clarity and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles 鈥?resulting in a dramatic youthful radiance
Reply:My boyfriend suffers from eczema, which could be what is happening with you. He too suddenly began to suffer dry, flaky skin which seemed to be helped by nothing that he tried. This condition can be so irritating as to cause pain and embarrassment. The only real answer here is to see a dermatologist. They can prescribe a skin conditioner and antibiotic that will relieve the condition all together. It will eliminate the dry flaky skin and relieve any pain you might experience with eczema flare-ups. There is no real cure that I am aware of, but the condition may become dormant after time.
More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eczema
Reply:o.k this is a Game plan i got from a celebrity beauty guide.
its for DRY SKIN. i had a friend who used this for dry skin and it worked! she looked really natrual very pretty.(not so dry)
Morning: Wash with mild soap-free cleanser(i suggest dove)
it has to contain NO ALCOHOL. Use luke warm water to wash and then gently pat your face dry with a towel. Cover your face with an oil free moisturizer that is for normal dry skin.Finish with an oil free SPF 15 or high sunscreen.
Night: Wash your face with the same mild soap-free cleanser,
rinse with lukewarm water, and pat dry with a towel. Exfoliate dry patches with a lotion that contains glycolic acid, applying it only to dry and flaky spots. Top it with an oil-free moisturizer, applied over your entire face.
ONCE A WEEK: Moisturize with a hydrating face mask to make it feel soft and less irratated.
MAKE UP TIP: Choose only creamy foundations and moisturizing lipsticks.
Reply:I get dry skin during the winter time and what I find that works for me is right after I take a shower I put baby lotion all over from head to toe and what this does is keeps the moister in the skin.
Reply:You could have a skin called sebborrheic dermatitis (like dandruff on your face). Especially, if it's on your chin and around your nose. Excessive washing and using lotion will make the condition a bit worse. First try a cortisone cream, such as Cortaid, if that helps, then see a doctor. Mine gave me a combination of "Elidel and Ketoconazole" and it's cleared my skin up. I only use it when I have flare ups. You don't want to use cortisone creams for an extended period of time because it will age your skin on your face. The Elidel is a non-steriod cream and ketoconazole is an anti-fungal that is thought to be the cause of the condition. It's important to remember you can't cure it, but you can manage it. I've been living with it for over 20 years. Good luck. 2D
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
I have a skin disorder on some areas of my body called "ichthyosis vuglaris" that's pretty much extreme dry skin. When I went to a dermatologist a while back, he recommended I buy something called "AmLactin," which is a lotion that's close to prescription, but not. You might have to get it from behind the counter at your pharmacy. It's very very VERY moisturizing and will probably hurt people's skin if they don't have very dry skin. If you can pick that up, that would be GREAT. It worked really well for me.
Also, I use Jergens Skin Smoothing lotion when I'm not using the AmLactin. Because my ichthyosis is worse during colder months when your skin is typically more dry, I can get away with lighter moisturizers in warmer weather. The Jergens lotion is actually REALLY good.
Also, try using exfoliating body wash in the shower (and an exfoliating facial scrub). Anything with exfoliating beads is good, and use a "body buffer" or "body polisher" or a loofah in the shower. They'll buff away dead skin cells and leave fresh, new ones that aren't dry and look great! Here are some pictures of the types of buffers and polishers that work REALLY well with an exfoliating body wash or shower gel.
http://image.ecplaza.net/offer/t/thankyo... (in between the bottles)
Also, try to use a mesh spongey-thing (whatever it's called, lol) like this when you're showering regularly: http://tanningmoisturizer.com/wp-content... It's gentle, cleansing, and moisturizes your body more than a washcloth, etc.
Good luck, I hope that helps you out!! :)
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
Neurtogena skin/hand cream. makes alligator skin feel like a baby's butt after alittle bit. lol. also, try dove soap. it is or sensitive skin.
Reply:Have you tried a facial scrub when you shower? I used to get this but a good exfoliate followed by a moisturiser works well.
Reply:Exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate. Use a moisterising facial foam such as Olay Moisterising Facial Foam. Apply a moisteriser on your face at night, and HOPEFULLY, you don't sweat at night. haha
Reply:I have dry skin around my nose in the winter I bought I humidifier for my apt and it has really helped
Reply:Try some Emu Oil/ Vitamin E oil. They both are natural and penetrates the skin well because of there properties. Vitamin E oil also fades acne scars over time with regular use.
Reply:Use "acne free". It works great. You can it at wal greens or walmart. (other place too) I have really dry skin and this stuff doesn't irritatit at all. Only makes it fell funny the first cuple times you use it. You can also try Vitamin E lotion it works great for me. I think you can get that at wal greens. And don't cost alot at all.
Reply:Well, first off I can tell you absolutely to use Cetaphil, both the wash and the facial cream. It is specifically for sensitive skin (something you need to consider you may also have), and also mosturizes. Its soap free, sort of like a cream, but its also hypoallergenic and doesn't clog pores.
You could exfoliate with something also extremely gentle, but I would recommend focusing more on moisturizing than exfoliating. That could potentially agrivate your skin and make it worse.
If it continues and gets itchy or raw, I would suggest going to a dermatologist.
Reply:You may try this cloth my sister uses from "Artistry".
This gave her immediate results
This Cloth gently polishes away dead skin cells on the surface of your skin, improving skin clarity and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles 鈥?resulting in a dramatic youthful radiance
Reply:My boyfriend suffers from eczema, which could be what is happening with you. He too suddenly began to suffer dry, flaky skin which seemed to be helped by nothing that he tried. This condition can be so irritating as to cause pain and embarrassment. The only real answer here is to see a dermatologist. They can prescribe a skin conditioner and antibiotic that will relieve the condition all together. It will eliminate the dry flaky skin and relieve any pain you might experience with eczema flare-ups. There is no real cure that I am aware of, but the condition may become dormant after time.
More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eczema
Reply:o.k this is a Game plan i got from a celebrity beauty guide.
its for DRY SKIN. i had a friend who used this for dry skin and it worked! she looked really natrual very pretty.(not so dry)
Morning: Wash with mild soap-free cleanser(i suggest dove)
it has to contain NO ALCOHOL. Use luke warm water to wash and then gently pat your face dry with a towel. Cover your face with an oil free moisturizer that is for normal dry skin.Finish with an oil free SPF 15 or high sunscreen.
Night: Wash your face with the same mild soap-free cleanser,
rinse with lukewarm water, and pat dry with a towel. Exfoliate dry patches with a lotion that contains glycolic acid, applying it only to dry and flaky spots. Top it with an oil-free moisturizer, applied over your entire face.
ONCE A WEEK: Moisturize with a hydrating face mask to make it feel soft and less irratated.
MAKE UP TIP: Choose only creamy foundations and moisturizing lipsticks.
Reply:I get dry skin during the winter time and what I find that works for me is right after I take a shower I put baby lotion all over from head to toe and what this does is keeps the moister in the skin.
Reply:You could have a skin called sebborrheic dermatitis (like dandruff on your face). Especially, if it's on your chin and around your nose. Excessive washing and using lotion will make the condition a bit worse. First try a cortisone cream, such as Cortaid, if that helps, then see a doctor. Mine gave me a combination of "Elidel and Ketoconazole" and it's cleared my skin up. I only use it when I have flare ups. You don't want to use cortisone creams for an extended period of time because it will age your skin on your face. The Elidel is a non-steriod cream and ketoconazole is an anti-fungal that is thought to be the cause of the condition. It's important to remember you can't cure it, but you can manage it. I've been living with it for over 20 years. Good luck. 2D
Foot Skin? Please Help?
Do any of you guys have dry skin on your feet? Mine is really bad around my heals and starting to crack a little. And on the bottom of my feet my skin is starting to peal a little. Do any of you know what this could be caused from besides just dry skin? What can I do to get normal skin on my feet again?
Foot Skin? Please Help?
Foot Skin? Please Help?
I would obviously use some lotion.
And whatever you do, don't use your teeth to peel away at the skin.
Trust me.
Reply:Sound like you have athletic feet fungus. Get some anti fungus cream at Walmart.
Reply:I do two things to my feet every month. I have done this for years.
1 - wash feet in pure bleach for about five minutes - rinse..
2 - then use moisturizer.
Reply:use cure feetstuff.....my sis triedthat and it worked
Reply:It sounds like your feet have callouses. Use a pedicure set and moisturize and hopefully they'll be good as new in no time.
Reply:You could have a number of different problems with your skin. I personally have contact dermatitis.
if that isn't the case for you, try googling "dry feet" ~_^
Reply:use a pumace stone
and use burts bees peppermint foot cream, trust me i have it and it works really really really well, and a great time to use it is overnite so your feet have time to obsorbe mosture
hope this help, and u should seriously try it it WORKS! =)
Reply:hey you should put petroleum jelly often to prevent or heal the cracks on your feet especially on your soles.
Reply:You could have athletes foot fungus if the pealing area is also red and bumpy. If not, just use a large emery board on the heels and lots of lotion. Use lotion at night %26amp; put on cotton socks %26amp; your feet will look %26amp; feel great.
Reply:The best solution for me was a foot file and a good lotion. There is a product called Bare feet. It comes in a scrub and a lotion and they both work really really good. It helps if you put lotion on right before your socks and shoes. It feels weird at first but your feet will feel really soft when you take off your shoes. If you do that everyday for a week, your feet will be really soft.
Reply:Go to www.thebodyshop.com or their nearest store. They have awesome foot lotion for cracked heels and it will work in just a couple days. The location can be found on their website.
Reply:it depends on what type of shoes u wear-that can affect ur feet alot..Im in FL so I wear alot of high heel open sandals so they get alot of friction and can get pretty yucky...everytime I take a shower I scrub my feet lightly with a pumice stone -and lotion often with cocoa butter-
Reply:It's completley normal. All you have to do is too try to rub a little bit of lotion into your feet every night, and try to wear more supportive and comfortable shoes for a while. All it means is that you are on your feet a lot.
Reply:You have dry skin on your feet. Use shea butter or vaseline, smear it on your feet, especially where they are cracking, then put on a pair of white sock. Leave on til morning. Repeat until feet are no longer so dry and cracked, then do this 2 or 3 times a week.
Reply:MY FATHER HAD THE SAME PROBLEM for years - his feet were so bad that they would crack and bleed when he walked. This is caused by a variety of foot funguses like variations of Athlete's foot.
You need to apply a pumice stone when possible to cut down on the callouses, then use either a lotion, or get a jar of what is called "udder cream". It will keep your feet soft and supple. You should also go to your doctor, and try to get something to treat the fungus. Once the fungus and your feet are back under control, make sure you change your socks at least once every day. Do not put the same dirty pair back on. If your feet get wet, dry them as soon as possible. And make sure that you let your feet air out while at home, take your socks off - you can still wear a pair of slippers if you wish, but your feet need time to breathe, just like the rest of your skin.
Reply:to use Vaseline is the best .
Reply:I have the same problem sorry to hear you are having this problem...
This could be lots of reasons..
As a first resort go to your pharmacist and get some heel balm and wear it at night with cotton socks..
If it does not clear up after 3 or so weeks go and see a doctor.
If there is any discolouration or a lot of pain, go and see a doctor straight away...
Best of luck...
Foot Skin? Please Help?
Foot Skin? Please Help?
I would obviously use some lotion.
And whatever you do, don't use your teeth to peel away at the skin.
Trust me.
Reply:Sound like you have athletic feet fungus. Get some anti fungus cream at Walmart.
Reply:I do two things to my feet every month. I have done this for years.
1 - wash feet in pure bleach for about five minutes - rinse..
2 - then use moisturizer.
Reply:use cure feetstuff.....my sis triedthat and it worked
Reply:It sounds like your feet have callouses. Use a pedicure set and moisturize and hopefully they'll be good as new in no time.
Reply:You could have a number of different problems with your skin. I personally have contact dermatitis.
if that isn't the case for you, try googling "dry feet" ~_^
Reply:use a pumace stone
and use burts bees peppermint foot cream, trust me i have it and it works really really really well, and a great time to use it is overnite so your feet have time to obsorbe mosture
hope this help, and u should seriously try it it WORKS! =)
Reply:hey you should put petroleum jelly often to prevent or heal the cracks on your feet especially on your soles.
Reply:You could have athletes foot fungus if the pealing area is also red and bumpy. If not, just use a large emery board on the heels and lots of lotion. Use lotion at night %26amp; put on cotton socks %26amp; your feet will look %26amp; feel great.
Reply:The best solution for me was a foot file and a good lotion. There is a product called Bare feet. It comes in a scrub and a lotion and they both work really really good. It helps if you put lotion on right before your socks and shoes. It feels weird at first but your feet will feel really soft when you take off your shoes. If you do that everyday for a week, your feet will be really soft.
Reply:Go to www.thebodyshop.com or their nearest store. They have awesome foot lotion for cracked heels and it will work in just a couple days. The location can be found on their website.
Reply:it depends on what type of shoes u wear-that can affect ur feet alot..Im in FL so I wear alot of high heel open sandals so they get alot of friction and can get pretty yucky...everytime I take a shower I scrub my feet lightly with a pumice stone -and lotion often with cocoa butter-
Reply:It's completley normal. All you have to do is too try to rub a little bit of lotion into your feet every night, and try to wear more supportive and comfortable shoes for a while. All it means is that you are on your feet a lot.
Reply:You have dry skin on your feet. Use shea butter or vaseline, smear it on your feet, especially where they are cracking, then put on a pair of white sock. Leave on til morning. Repeat until feet are no longer so dry and cracked, then do this 2 or 3 times a week.
Reply:MY FATHER HAD THE SAME PROBLEM for years - his feet were so bad that they would crack and bleed when he walked. This is caused by a variety of foot funguses like variations of Athlete's foot.
You need to apply a pumice stone when possible to cut down on the callouses, then use either a lotion, or get a jar of what is called "udder cream". It will keep your feet soft and supple. You should also go to your doctor, and try to get something to treat the fungus. Once the fungus and your feet are back under control, make sure you change your socks at least once every day. Do not put the same dirty pair back on. If your feet get wet, dry them as soon as possible. And make sure that you let your feet air out while at home, take your socks off - you can still wear a pair of slippers if you wish, but your feet need time to breathe, just like the rest of your skin.
Reply:to use Vaseline is the best .
Reply:I have the same problem sorry to hear you are having this problem...
This could be lots of reasons..
As a first resort go to your pharmacist and get some heel balm and wear it at night with cotton socks..
If it does not clear up after 3 or so weeks go and see a doctor.
If there is any discolouration or a lot of pain, go and see a doctor straight away...
Best of luck...
My skin gets blackheads and sometimes pimples, but cleansers dry it out too much?
My skin has cleared since being on the pill and since I've been working out and eating healthier.
I normally use Neutrogena Oil-free Acne Wash 2.0% salictic acid/beta-hydroxy acid.
Lately I find that it's been making my skin feel tight, and is drying it out near my eyebrows and near my mouth.
Is there any product that would help keep my skin clear, and not dry out my skin?
My skin gets blackheads and sometimes pimples, but cleansers dry it out too much?
don't use it near your eyebrows or mouth.
or use clearasil blackhead formula
after a neutrogena cleanser without the salicitic acid.
My skin gets blackheads and sometimes pimples, but cleansers dry it out too much?
Use the cleanser and once you have cleaned your face apply some moisturizer.
Reply:Um, why don't you try Dove Moisturizing and Relaxing Face Wash w/ Tea Extracts and Cucumber, St. Ivers Apricot Scrub, Aveeno Daily Scrub, or Clean %26amp; Clear Daily Wash for a change.
Ah yes, we are all obsessed with our skin.
Reply:Buy a jar of Noxzema %26amp; wash your face with that, using a wash cloth %26amp; warm water. Rinse well, then splash on some cool water. Blot well, then apply a little Noxzema to the problem areas. Give the Noxzema a chance to work. I used it all through high school %26amp; rarely ever had a pimple. Now, many years later, I still wash my face with it. My skin is smooth %26amp; it feels really clean after washing with it. You can get a jar of it much cheaper at Dollar General.
Reply:sounds like you need to use a cleansing milk , its not as harsh on the skin , but you also need to tone and moisturise , try rose water for toner its kind to skin , there's lots of different products on the market , also would recommend going for regular facials ( try your local collage , its dead cheap and still professional ) and lastly don't forget your sunscreen .
Reply:use Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash, proven to be as gentle as water...it wont dry your skin out but in case it does get the Purpose Moistureizer
Reply:An ideal mask that extracts dirt and oil from clogged pores can be made by using orange peel and yogurt.It also opens up the clogged pores that cause acne and blackheads.Clay masks used regularly helps pull out trapped oil and dead skin.Check out http://useinfo-blackhead.blogspot.com/ for more useful tips to control blackheads.
I normally use Neutrogena Oil-free Acne Wash 2.0% salictic acid/beta-hydroxy acid.
Lately I find that it's been making my skin feel tight, and is drying it out near my eyebrows and near my mouth.
Is there any product that would help keep my skin clear, and not dry out my skin?
My skin gets blackheads and sometimes pimples, but cleansers dry it out too much?
don't use it near your eyebrows or mouth.
or use clearasil blackhead formula
after a neutrogena cleanser without the salicitic acid.
My skin gets blackheads and sometimes pimples, but cleansers dry it out too much?
Use the cleanser and once you have cleaned your face apply some moisturizer.
Reply:Um, why don't you try Dove Moisturizing and Relaxing Face Wash w/ Tea Extracts and Cucumber, St. Ivers Apricot Scrub, Aveeno Daily Scrub, or Clean %26amp; Clear Daily Wash for a change.
Ah yes, we are all obsessed with our skin.
Reply:Buy a jar of Noxzema %26amp; wash your face with that, using a wash cloth %26amp; warm water. Rinse well, then splash on some cool water. Blot well, then apply a little Noxzema to the problem areas. Give the Noxzema a chance to work. I used it all through high school %26amp; rarely ever had a pimple. Now, many years later, I still wash my face with it. My skin is smooth %26amp; it feels really clean after washing with it. You can get a jar of it much cheaper at Dollar General.
Reply:sounds like you need to use a cleansing milk , its not as harsh on the skin , but you also need to tone and moisturise , try rose water for toner its kind to skin , there's lots of different products on the market , also would recommend going for regular facials ( try your local collage , its dead cheap and still professional ) and lastly don't forget your sunscreen .
Reply:use Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash, proven to be as gentle as water...it wont dry your skin out but in case it does get the Purpose Moistureizer
Reply:An ideal mask that extracts dirt and oil from clogged pores can be made by using orange peel and yogurt.It also opens up the clogged pores that cause acne and blackheads.Clay masks used regularly helps pull out trapped oil and dead skin.Check out http://useinfo-blackhead.blogspot.com/ for more useful tips to control blackheads.
Penis skin??? i need help~~~?
okay so im 14 and i need some advice i have masterbated probably every month at least once and my skin is coming off the head of the penis??? i wonder if this is normal? because when i was small it didn't come off it just suddenly come out after 1 year i started to masterbate is this normal?? or did i masterbated too hard?? the skin that use to connect to the skin which makes my penis stays in that limit the skin come off and i can see the whole head?? (there was no pain nor blood) is this normal? (abit purple on the bottom)
Penis skin??? i need help~~~?
It was a bit hard to understand what you are saying, but I think what you are describing is normal. Do you mean your foreskin?
The foreskin is attached to the head of the penis in children and often until puberty. It detaches sometime when you're a teenager and yes masturbation can help with this. It's good that it's happening, because it's more pleasurable that way, and you can clean better (if you couldn't clean under it before). In teen/adult males the foreskin should be fully retratable, to expose the whole head, and can slide up and down during masturbation and sex. It's fun to play with too!
You say you've had no pain and bleeding, so I don't think you would have any trauma to the area or anything. I doubt you've masturbated too hard.
PS Ignore the answers about circumcision, they don't know what they are talking about.
Penis skin??? i need help~~~?
Reply:It's okay, you've done nothing wrong.
the Foreskin is suppose to skinback
off the penis. If You were circumsized
There would be no skin ( or very little )
for you to worry about, talk to your Dad,
brother or your friends about this.
Reply:Just go to wikipedia.org and type in penis and you can see some pics to compare.
Reply:Hey kid don't worry, you are normal. The foreskin is usually attatched to the head of the penis when you are young but eventually (usually when you start masturbating) it separates itself and the foreskin will move freely up and down the shaft of the penis. That is how it's supposed to work. As long as it doesn't hurt or anything you have nothing to worry about.
Reply:dont be silly...ofcourse that is just normal...
that is actually a sign that you are ready for your circumcision
that skin will be extracted to avoid any infection
Reply:Whether you're expecting a baby boy or have just welcomed your new little guy into the world, you have an important decision to make before you take your son home: whether to circumcise him.
For some families, the choice is simple because it's based on cultural or religious beliefs. But for others, the right option isn't as clear-cut. Before you make a circumcision decision, it's important to talk to your child's doctor and consider some of the issues.
What Is Circumcision?
Boys are born with a hood of skin, called the foreskin, covering the head (also called the glans) of the penis. In circumcision, the foreskin is surgically removed, exposing the end of the penis.
Approximately 56% of all newborn boys - about 1.1 million babies - are circumcised in the United States each year. The procedure is much more widespread in the United States, Canada, and the Middle East than in Asia, South America, Central America, and most of Europe, where it's uncommon.
Parents who choose circumcision often do so based on religious beliefs, concerns about hygiene, or cultural or social reasons, such as the wish to have their son look like other men in the family.
If you do opt for circumcision, it's best to perform the operation within the first 2 to 3 weeks after birth, as it can become more complicated as a child gets older. But the procedure is usually performed during the first 10 days (often within the first 48 hours), either in the hospital or, for some religious ritual circumcisions, at home. If you decide to have your son circumcised at the hospital, your pediatrician, family doctor, or obstetrician will perform the procedure before you bring your baby home. The doctor should prepare you by telling you about the procedure he or she will use and the possible risks.
In some instances, doctors may decide to delay the procedure or forgo it altogether. Premature babies or those who have special medical concerns may not be circumcised until they're ready to leave the hospital. And babies born with physical abnormalities of the penis that need to be corrected surgically often aren't circumcised at all because the foreskin may eventually be used as part of a reconstructive operation.
The Pros and Cons
On the plus side, studies indicate that circumcised infants are less likely to contract a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the first year of life. About one out of every 1,000 circumcised boys has a UTI in the first year, whereas the rate is one in 100 (at most) for uncircumcised infants.
Circumcised men may also be at lower risk for penile cancer, although the disease is rare in both circumcised and uncircumcised males. Although some studies indicate that the procedure might offer an additional line of defense against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), particularly HIV, the results of studies in this area are conflicting and difficult to interpret.
It's also easier to keep a circumcised penis clean, although uncircumcised boys can learn how to clean beneath the foreskin once the foreskin becomes retractable (usually some time before age 5). However, some uncircumcised boys can end up with infected foreskins as the result of poor hygiene.
Some people also claim that circumcision either lessens or heightens the sensitivity of the tip of the penis, decreasing or increasing sexual pleasure later in life. But neither of these subjective findings has been proven to be true.
Although circumcision appears to have some medical benefits, it also carries potential risks - as does any surgical procedure. These risks are small, but you should be aware of both the possible advantages and the problems that can be associated with the procedure before you make your decision. Complications of newborn circumcision are uncommon, occurring in between 0.2% to 3% of cases. Of these, the most frequent are minor bleeding and local infection, both of which can be easily treated by your child's doctor.
Perhaps one of the hardest parts of the decision to circumcise is accepting that the procedure can be painful. In the past, it wasn't commonplace to provide pain relief for babies being circumcised, but because studies have indicated that it benefits the infant to receive anesthesia, most doctors will now provide it. Also, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the use of pain relief measures for circumcision. Even up until recently, though, anesthesia hasn't been universally used, so it's important to ask your doctor ahead of time what, if any, pain relief will be utilized with your son.
Two primary forms of local anesthetic are used to make the operation less painful for your baby:
* a topical cream (a cream put on the penis) that requires at least 20 to 40 minutes to take its full effect
* an injectable anesthetic that requires less time to take effect and may provide a slightly longer period of anesthesia
Besides anesthesia, giving a pacifier dipped in sugar water can help reduce your baby's level of stress (and yours). Used together, these methods can decrease your baby's discomfort by more than 50%.
Caring for a Circumcised Penis
Whether you choose circumcision or not, it's important to keep your son's penis clean. It should be washed with soap and warm water every time you bathe him. And you don't need to use cotton swabs, astringents, or any special bath products.
There are also no special washing precautions with newly circumcised babies, other than to be gentle, as your baby may have some mild discomfort after the circumcision. If your son has a bandage on his incision, you might need to apply a new one whenever you change his diaper for a day or 2 after the procedure (put petroleum jelly on the bandage so it won't stick to his skin). Doctors often also recommend putting a dab of petroleum jelly on the baby's penis or on the front of the diaper to alleviate any potential discomfort caused by friction against the diaper.
How you take care of your baby's penis may also vary depending on the type of circumcision procedure your child's doctor performs. Be sure to talk to him or her about what aftercare will be needed.
It usually takes between 7 to 10 days for a penis to heal. Until it does, the tip may seem raw or yellowish in color. Although this is normal, certain other symptoms are not. Call your child's doctor right away if you notice any of the following:
* persistent bleeding
* redness around the tip of the penis that gets worse after 3 days
* fever
* signs of infection, such as the presence of pus-filled blisters
* not urinating normally within 6 to 8 hours after the circumcision
However, with quick intervention, almost all circumcision-related problems are easily treated.
Caring for an Uncircumcised Penis
As with a penis that's circumcised, an uncircumcised one should be kept clean. Also, no cotton swabs, astringents, or any special bath products are needed - simple soap and warm water every time you bathe your baby will suffice.
However, you should never forcibly pull back the foreskin to clean beneath it. Instead, gently tense it against the tip of the penis and wash off any smegma (the whitish "beads" of dead skin cells mixed with the body's natural oil). Over time, the foreskin will retract on its own so that it can be pulled away from the glans toward the abdomen. This happens at different times for different children, but most boys can retract their foreskins by the time they're 5 years old.
As your son grows up, teach him to wash beneath the foreskin by gently pulling it back from the glans, rinsing the glans and the inside of the foreskin with soap and warm water, then pulling the foreskin back over the head of the penis.
Making a Circumcision Decision
In addition to the medical issues discussed, religious and cultural beliefs often figure into the equation. Of course, if these are important to you, they deserve to be seriously considered.
Despite the possible benefits and risks, circumcision is neither essential nor detrimental to a boy's health. The AAP and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) do not endorse the procedure as a way to prevent any of the medical conditions mentioned previously. The AAP also does not find sufficient evidence to medically recommend circumcision or argue against it.
Talk to your child's doctor about the pros and cons of circumcision to help you make the choice that's right for your son.
Penis skin??? i need help~~~?
It was a bit hard to understand what you are saying, but I think what you are describing is normal. Do you mean your foreskin?
The foreskin is attached to the head of the penis in children and often until puberty. It detaches sometime when you're a teenager and yes masturbation can help with this. It's good that it's happening, because it's more pleasurable that way, and you can clean better (if you couldn't clean under it before). In teen/adult males the foreskin should be fully retratable, to expose the whole head, and can slide up and down during masturbation and sex. It's fun to play with too!
You say you've had no pain and bleeding, so I don't think you would have any trauma to the area or anything. I doubt you've masturbated too hard.
PS Ignore the answers about circumcision, they don't know what they are talking about.
Penis skin??? i need help~~~?
Reply:It's okay, you've done nothing wrong.
the Foreskin is suppose to skinback
off the penis. If You were circumsized
There would be no skin ( or very little )
for you to worry about, talk to your Dad,
brother or your friends about this.
Reply:Just go to wikipedia.org and type in penis and you can see some pics to compare.
Reply:Hey kid don't worry, you are normal. The foreskin is usually attatched to the head of the penis when you are young but eventually (usually when you start masturbating) it separates itself and the foreskin will move freely up and down the shaft of the penis. That is how it's supposed to work. As long as it doesn't hurt or anything you have nothing to worry about.
Reply:dont be silly...ofcourse that is just normal...
that is actually a sign that you are ready for your circumcision
that skin will be extracted to avoid any infection
Reply:Whether you're expecting a baby boy or have just welcomed your new little guy into the world, you have an important decision to make before you take your son home: whether to circumcise him.
For some families, the choice is simple because it's based on cultural or religious beliefs. But for others, the right option isn't as clear-cut. Before you make a circumcision decision, it's important to talk to your child's doctor and consider some of the issues.
What Is Circumcision?
Boys are born with a hood of skin, called the foreskin, covering the head (also called the glans) of the penis. In circumcision, the foreskin is surgically removed, exposing the end of the penis.
Approximately 56% of all newborn boys - about 1.1 million babies - are circumcised in the United States each year. The procedure is much more widespread in the United States, Canada, and the Middle East than in Asia, South America, Central America, and most of Europe, where it's uncommon.
Parents who choose circumcision often do so based on religious beliefs, concerns about hygiene, or cultural or social reasons, such as the wish to have their son look like other men in the family.
If you do opt for circumcision, it's best to perform the operation within the first 2 to 3 weeks after birth, as it can become more complicated as a child gets older. But the procedure is usually performed during the first 10 days (often within the first 48 hours), either in the hospital or, for some religious ritual circumcisions, at home. If you decide to have your son circumcised at the hospital, your pediatrician, family doctor, or obstetrician will perform the procedure before you bring your baby home. The doctor should prepare you by telling you about the procedure he or she will use and the possible risks.
In some instances, doctors may decide to delay the procedure or forgo it altogether. Premature babies or those who have special medical concerns may not be circumcised until they're ready to leave the hospital. And babies born with physical abnormalities of the penis that need to be corrected surgically often aren't circumcised at all because the foreskin may eventually be used as part of a reconstructive operation.
The Pros and Cons
On the plus side, studies indicate that circumcised infants are less likely to contract a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the first year of life. About one out of every 1,000 circumcised boys has a UTI in the first year, whereas the rate is one in 100 (at most) for uncircumcised infants.
Circumcised men may also be at lower risk for penile cancer, although the disease is rare in both circumcised and uncircumcised males. Although some studies indicate that the procedure might offer an additional line of defense against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), particularly HIV, the results of studies in this area are conflicting and difficult to interpret.
It's also easier to keep a circumcised penis clean, although uncircumcised boys can learn how to clean beneath the foreskin once the foreskin becomes retractable (usually some time before age 5). However, some uncircumcised boys can end up with infected foreskins as the result of poor hygiene.
Some people also claim that circumcision either lessens or heightens the sensitivity of the tip of the penis, decreasing or increasing sexual pleasure later in life. But neither of these subjective findings has been proven to be true.
Although circumcision appears to have some medical benefits, it also carries potential risks - as does any surgical procedure. These risks are small, but you should be aware of both the possible advantages and the problems that can be associated with the procedure before you make your decision. Complications of newborn circumcision are uncommon, occurring in between 0.2% to 3% of cases. Of these, the most frequent are minor bleeding and local infection, both of which can be easily treated by your child's doctor.
Perhaps one of the hardest parts of the decision to circumcise is accepting that the procedure can be painful. In the past, it wasn't commonplace to provide pain relief for babies being circumcised, but because studies have indicated that it benefits the infant to receive anesthesia, most doctors will now provide it. Also, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the use of pain relief measures for circumcision. Even up until recently, though, anesthesia hasn't been universally used, so it's important to ask your doctor ahead of time what, if any, pain relief will be utilized with your son.
Two primary forms of local anesthetic are used to make the operation less painful for your baby:
* a topical cream (a cream put on the penis) that requires at least 20 to 40 minutes to take its full effect
* an injectable anesthetic that requires less time to take effect and may provide a slightly longer period of anesthesia
Besides anesthesia, giving a pacifier dipped in sugar water can help reduce your baby's level of stress (and yours). Used together, these methods can decrease your baby's discomfort by more than 50%.
Caring for a Circumcised Penis
Whether you choose circumcision or not, it's important to keep your son's penis clean. It should be washed with soap and warm water every time you bathe him. And you don't need to use cotton swabs, astringents, or any special bath products.
There are also no special washing precautions with newly circumcised babies, other than to be gentle, as your baby may have some mild discomfort after the circumcision. If your son has a bandage on his incision, you might need to apply a new one whenever you change his diaper for a day or 2 after the procedure (put petroleum jelly on the bandage so it won't stick to his skin). Doctors often also recommend putting a dab of petroleum jelly on the baby's penis or on the front of the diaper to alleviate any potential discomfort caused by friction against the diaper.
How you take care of your baby's penis may also vary depending on the type of circumcision procedure your child's doctor performs. Be sure to talk to him or her about what aftercare will be needed.
It usually takes between 7 to 10 days for a penis to heal. Until it does, the tip may seem raw or yellowish in color. Although this is normal, certain other symptoms are not. Call your child's doctor right away if you notice any of the following:
* persistent bleeding
* redness around the tip of the penis that gets worse after 3 days
* fever
* signs of infection, such as the presence of pus-filled blisters
* not urinating normally within 6 to 8 hours after the circumcision
However, with quick intervention, almost all circumcision-related problems are easily treated.
Caring for an Uncircumcised Penis
As with a penis that's circumcised, an uncircumcised one should be kept clean. Also, no cotton swabs, astringents, or any special bath products are needed - simple soap and warm water every time you bathe your baby will suffice.
However, you should never forcibly pull back the foreskin to clean beneath it. Instead, gently tense it against the tip of the penis and wash off any smegma (the whitish "beads" of dead skin cells mixed with the body's natural oil). Over time, the foreskin will retract on its own so that it can be pulled away from the glans toward the abdomen. This happens at different times for different children, but most boys can retract their foreskins by the time they're 5 years old.
As your son grows up, teach him to wash beneath the foreskin by gently pulling it back from the glans, rinsing the glans and the inside of the foreskin with soap and warm water, then pulling the foreskin back over the head of the penis.
Making a Circumcision Decision
In addition to the medical issues discussed, religious and cultural beliefs often figure into the equation. Of course, if these are important to you, they deserve to be seriously considered.
Despite the possible benefits and risks, circumcision is neither essential nor detrimental to a boy's health. The AAP and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) do not endorse the procedure as a way to prevent any of the medical conditions mentioned previously. The AAP also does not find sufficient evidence to medically recommend circumcision or argue against it.
Talk to your child's doctor about the pros and cons of circumcision to help you make the choice that's right for your son.
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
Anyone Asian or Indian would know about this stereotype. Lighter is prettier on a female. So as an East Indian with caramel skin, my skin is looked down upon in Indian society even though my features are fine: great skin, long eyelashes, nice smile, small nose, pretty eyes. I even get less attention from Indian guys. But then again, i get hit on by every other culture- black, white, hispanic, etc. So what skin color do guys generally prefer on a girl? And is mine okay?
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
I'm down with all...even green.
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
it depends on race the guy is, they usually like their own kind.
Reply:all true love does not see those things
Reply:All skin colors or tones are beautiful in there own way. here in the states we do not have a cast system as u are used to.
Reply:I do not know i need to know the answer as well.
Reply:Race has no part of relationship if two people love each other that is all that matters.
Reply:i wanna meet u to answer this question well.i m an indian....
Reply:If I was only a racist, I would've told you the answer, See it doesn't matter the colour, all you need is Love and Care from the Girl, Never mind her colour, if she loves you and knows how to handle you at situations then its a ULTIMATE GIFT which a man can ever have, even if he gets all the possible goodness of this whole world.
Reply:I had no idea this stereotype existed. I'm sorry you even have to think or ask about this since you are obviously beautiful and confident. Good luck getting your answer...
Reply:most boys like any type of skin take my advice
Reply:Guys.............. They dont prefer a skin color sweetie they prefer a girl who does or doesn't do what they want I dont even think a guy could tell you. It all depends on the upbringing of the person if they are racist against certain types of people for a certain specific reason or not and if they are mature.
Reply:for me i prefer any skin color other than african black.
caramel is nice. screw the indians for not likig it.
i'm from sri lanka by the way.
i like white to deep tan. good range and keeps the black women for the blacks.
Reply:Unless you plan on excluding the possibility of going out with anyone of a different culture, it sounds fine. As a guy, I'd say that skin tone isn't too big a factor (a lot of white girls think they are too pasty, some black girls think they are too dark, etc.). Honestly, you sound fairly beautiful (haha corny), and, on the whole, a preference in skin color is mostly based on how that person was raised; someone raised in India might only like a darker skin tone if that is the standard there, while someone raised in a place with a variety in culture, like America, might have a broader appreciation limited only by their personal preferences. So yes, yours is more than ok. And as a whole, guys raised in multicultrual environments, on the whole, like a wide range of skin types, although usually on the lighter side.
Reply:predominantly non-white cultures generally adopt social status mind-sets that stereotype lighter skin to be preferred. Philippine culture is yet another example of exactly what you describe with Indian men. But it's not just a gender thing. It's the same in South Africa and other places across the globe. It's a status thing. Ignore it. Find a man who loves you or flip off all the men who don't! There are plenty of men who I'm sure would love the way you look!
Reply:Preference is a personal thing, as is the shape of the body.
I am white caucasian, but definitely prefer a smooth brown skin on my ladies. This is not just because of skin colour but more that I have found Thai ladies to be more beautiful, more respectful, more loyal and more caring than European ladies.
So for me, Rika, brown is tops, and from how you describe yourself so are you!!!
Reply:hey - welcome to the club!! im from a tropical country and i've kind of brown skin (not so much but still).i've always been considered very beautiful by locals as well as foreigners. then i met this indian guy - who was an absolute (and totally sweet) hunk. we were so happy toogether and i never realised that he was much fairer than me (i was never conscious of skin clr before).i realised that like 2 months before our wedding, when we flew to india to meet his family. they did not do anything to make me feel bad, but once my man let out a slip that his family said sthg abt my skiin clr. that was a SHOCK for me!!! I never really believed that ppl still think that way!!! But all's fine now. we have been very-happily-married for 16 months. we r both having great careers, in a different country in asia.i get along great with his family, though im so different from them. but still sometimes, when i meet some indians, they tell me "ur husband is fairer than u" and believe me, they do hear it from me!!!there are some ppl who tend to compare us. as if u can compare beauty of a man and a woman... not all indian guys are like that (i married 1, who tells me like 10 times/day that im beautiful), but it will take time for this concept to go. One thing u have to remember: beauty has nothing to do with skin clr. You have to feel good abt urself. Look beyond the skin. And forget what the rest says. And you dont have to be with an indian guy, if you dont feel good abt it. Last thg: lighter skin on a girl is not prettier, it is considered to be prettier.You can change that if you want.Good luck.
Reply:i'm sure you are beautiful, as for me i perfer white girls with light skin or a light tan, next would be middle eastern darkish tan then asain then maybe hispanic depending on the girl i've never been attracted to any black girls. I don't think thats racest thou do you. It not so much i hate or dislike black girls it's that i've never seen one i pitcualy like but then again haily berry doesn't look hafe bad but i wouldn't say that i was attracted to her. Oh i'm white which means i'm a henze 57 or your clasic mutt
Reply:I prefer bright white (obviously kinna like a vampire)
theres this song " come out in play " about black girls and white guys it goes like this "you gotta keep'm separated"
Reply:Just as some people prefer apples to oranges some people will prefer dark, others light; for whatever reason.
As a Goan I prefer fair as it has connotations of class (Portuguese maintained rule by intermarriage with the Brahman casts over half a millenium). It may sound unfair but everyone has their own preference eg do you prefer tall men to short? Slim men to fat? Young to Old?
You are what you are and some things about you will or can be changed, others won't so just be happy with who you are. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder be assured some guys will think your caramel is the sweetest colour they could desire!
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
I'm down with all...even green.
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
it depends on race the guy is, they usually like their own kind.
Reply:all true love does not see those things
Reply:All skin colors or tones are beautiful in there own way. here in the states we do not have a cast system as u are used to.
Reply:I do not know i need to know the answer as well.
Reply:Race has no part of relationship if two people love each other that is all that matters.
Reply:i wanna meet u to answer this question well.i m an indian....
Reply:If I was only a racist, I would've told you the answer, See it doesn't matter the colour, all you need is Love and Care from the Girl, Never mind her colour, if she loves you and knows how to handle you at situations then its a ULTIMATE GIFT which a man can ever have, even if he gets all the possible goodness of this whole world.
Reply:I had no idea this stereotype existed. I'm sorry you even have to think or ask about this since you are obviously beautiful and confident. Good luck getting your answer...
Reply:most boys like any type of skin take my advice
Reply:Guys.............. They dont prefer a skin color sweetie they prefer a girl who does or doesn't do what they want I dont even think a guy could tell you. It all depends on the upbringing of the person if they are racist against certain types of people for a certain specific reason or not and if they are mature.
Reply:for me i prefer any skin color other than african black.
caramel is nice. screw the indians for not likig it.
i'm from sri lanka by the way.
i like white to deep tan. good range and keeps the black women for the blacks.
Reply:Unless you plan on excluding the possibility of going out with anyone of a different culture, it sounds fine. As a guy, I'd say that skin tone isn't too big a factor (a lot of white girls think they are too pasty, some black girls think they are too dark, etc.). Honestly, you sound fairly beautiful (haha corny), and, on the whole, a preference in skin color is mostly based on how that person was raised; someone raised in India might only like a darker skin tone if that is the standard there, while someone raised in a place with a variety in culture, like America, might have a broader appreciation limited only by their personal preferences. So yes, yours is more than ok. And as a whole, guys raised in multicultrual environments, on the whole, like a wide range of skin types, although usually on the lighter side.
Reply:predominantly non-white cultures generally adopt social status mind-sets that stereotype lighter skin to be preferred. Philippine culture is yet another example of exactly what you describe with Indian men. But it's not just a gender thing. It's the same in South Africa and other places across the globe. It's a status thing. Ignore it. Find a man who loves you or flip off all the men who don't! There are plenty of men who I'm sure would love the way you look!
Reply:Preference is a personal thing, as is the shape of the body.
I am white caucasian, but definitely prefer a smooth brown skin on my ladies. This is not just because of skin colour but more that I have found Thai ladies to be more beautiful, more respectful, more loyal and more caring than European ladies.
So for me, Rika, brown is tops, and from how you describe yourself so are you!!!
Reply:hey - welcome to the club!! im from a tropical country and i've kind of brown skin (not so much but still).i've always been considered very beautiful by locals as well as foreigners. then i met this indian guy - who was an absolute (and totally sweet) hunk. we were so happy toogether and i never realised that he was much fairer than me (i was never conscious of skin clr before).i realised that like 2 months before our wedding, when we flew to india to meet his family. they did not do anything to make me feel bad, but once my man let out a slip that his family said sthg abt my skiin clr. that was a SHOCK for me!!! I never really believed that ppl still think that way!!! But all's fine now. we have been very-happily-married for 16 months. we r both having great careers, in a different country in asia.i get along great with his family, though im so different from them. but still sometimes, when i meet some indians, they tell me "ur husband is fairer than u" and believe me, they do hear it from me!!!there are some ppl who tend to compare us. as if u can compare beauty of a man and a woman... not all indian guys are like that (i married 1, who tells me like 10 times/day that im beautiful), but it will take time for this concept to go. One thing u have to remember: beauty has nothing to do with skin clr. You have to feel good abt urself. Look beyond the skin. And forget what the rest says. And you dont have to be with an indian guy, if you dont feel good abt it. Last thg: lighter skin on a girl is not prettier, it is considered to be prettier.You can change that if you want.Good luck.
Reply:i'm sure you are beautiful, as for me i perfer white girls with light skin or a light tan, next would be middle eastern darkish tan then asain then maybe hispanic depending on the girl i've never been attracted to any black girls. I don't think thats racest thou do you. It not so much i hate or dislike black girls it's that i've never seen one i pitcualy like but then again haily berry doesn't look hafe bad but i wouldn't say that i was attracted to her. Oh i'm white which means i'm a henze 57 or your clasic mutt
Reply:I prefer bright white (obviously kinna like a vampire)
theres this song " come out in play " about black girls and white guys it goes like this "you gotta keep'm separated"
Reply:Just as some people prefer apples to oranges some people will prefer dark, others light; for whatever reason.
As a Goan I prefer fair as it has connotations of class (Portuguese maintained rule by intermarriage with the Brahman casts over half a millenium). It may sound unfair but everyone has their own preference eg do you prefer tall men to short? Slim men to fat? Young to Old?
You are what you are and some things about you will or can be changed, others won't so just be happy with who you are. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder be assured some guys will think your caramel is the sweetest colour they could desire!
My sisters skin?
In my Family we have this skin type of birthmark. My sister has it and its makeing her really depresed. She has some on her for head, and alot on her legs, all it looks like is white skin that will not tan in the sun no matter what. My parents have been resurching it, and all they say is to use make up on the places she has birth marks on. They tried that and it didnt really work or look good. I need help, she wants to wear shorts and feel normal out in public. When we go to the swimming pool she will always feel like someone is judging her. I hate it. If you know anything about this skin problem that is called pibaldism please let me know, if you any skin doctors please tell me PLEASE!!!! She needs to have normal skin soon. Thanks.
My sisters skin?
whats the name of the skin disease? Is it vertigo? Sorry I cant help you.
My sisters skin?
kk sorry bout that lol
Reply:Go to a dermatologist.
Reply:its not birth marks it is called vitilligo and is cased by uneven pigmentaion in the skin,she may grow out of it
Reply:well its form the inside out, melanin, so until yu get your body to produce one solid color it will always be that way. There is awlasy a way, a supplement or food you can eat to correct the way your body funtions.
Just thinof peopel that eat a lot of carrots and get a orange hue we ARE what we eat.
Reply:hello try sally the spay on make up for your legs. and also if that doesnt work go to a dermatoligist that would be the first and best step
Reply:try useing alot of sunscreen so the rest of her skin dont tan then it will blend in its alright not to be tan. ha! she will be less likely to get skin cancer
skin problems
In my Family we have this skin type of birthmark. My sister has it and its makeing her really depresed. She has some on her for head, and alot on her legs, all it looks like is white skin that will not tan in the sun no matter what. My parents have been resurching it, and all they say is to use make up on the places she has birth marks on. They tried that and it didnt really work or look good. I need help, she wants to wear shorts and feel normal out in public. When we go to the swimming pool she will always feel like someone is judging her. I hate it. If you know anything about this skin problem that is called pibaldism please let me know, if you any skin doctors please tell me PLEASE!!!! She needs to have normal skin soon. Thanks.
My sisters skin?
whats the name of the skin disease? Is it vertigo? Sorry I cant help you.
My sisters skin?
kk sorry bout that lol
Reply:Go to a dermatologist.
Reply:its not birth marks it is called vitilligo and is cased by uneven pigmentaion in the skin,she may grow out of it
Reply:well its form the inside out, melanin, so until yu get your body to produce one solid color it will always be that way. There is awlasy a way, a supplement or food you can eat to correct the way your body funtions.
Just thinof peopel that eat a lot of carrots and get a orange hue we ARE what we eat.
Reply:hello try sally the spay on make up for your legs. and also if that doesnt work go to a dermatoligist that would be the first and best step
Reply:try useing alot of sunscreen so the rest of her skin dont tan then it will blend in its alright not to be tan. ha! she will be less likely to get skin cancer
skin problems
Extra skin on my chest...?
I just want people to know that I was told by a doctor that it is all extra skin and not fat....because by looking at me, its hard to tell.....its more noticible when I'm bending down then when I'm standing up although I still don't like it cause its not flat...
In 2 years I went from 240 to 170 and I'm 20 yrs old. I ran 5 miles a day, and weight trained every day and ate healthy...I lost the fat really fast and didn't give time for some of my skin (especially my stomach...i got a mini tummy tuck)....
my question is....how can I get rid of this extra skin?.....more toning???
do you think it is possible that with time, that my body will eventually get back to normal, but it just takes patience because I lost so much weight fast??will my skin finally get smart?
Extra skin on my chest...?
Hello I am a plastic surgery nurse and no you will not get rid of the extra skin by exercises. You Will have to have it removed by surgery.
Sorry for the bad news, but I see this all of the time with weight loss, and by the way congrats to you for the loss of all that weight.
You should be proud, very very.
Extra skin on my chest...?
Friend's dad had to have it removed (no it doesn't go away) due to the possible risk of men's breast cancer. Sounds silly, but i'd get that checked out, just in case.
Reply:As you tone up, the skin will slowly readjust to the excess weight you lost. Be patient. And, congrats on all the weight lost!
Reply:if u want information http://www.skincarefairy.com
In 2 years I went from 240 to 170 and I'm 20 yrs old. I ran 5 miles a day, and weight trained every day and ate healthy...I lost the fat really fast and didn't give time for some of my skin (especially my stomach...i got a mini tummy tuck)....
my question is....how can I get rid of this extra skin?.....more toning???
do you think it is possible that with time, that my body will eventually get back to normal, but it just takes patience because I lost so much weight fast??will my skin finally get smart?
Extra skin on my chest...?
Hello I am a plastic surgery nurse and no you will not get rid of the extra skin by exercises. You Will have to have it removed by surgery.
Sorry for the bad news, but I see this all of the time with weight loss, and by the way congrats to you for the loss of all that weight.
You should be proud, very very.
Extra skin on my chest...?
Friend's dad had to have it removed (no it doesn't go away) due to the possible risk of men's breast cancer. Sounds silly, but i'd get that checked out, just in case.
Reply:As you tone up, the skin will slowly readjust to the excess weight you lost. Be patient. And, congrats on all the weight lost!
Reply:if u want information http://www.skincarefairy.com
Best Skin toner brand?
What is the best brand for skin toning? i have a very weird skin type. i have tannish skin, and whenever i go in the sun for a long time, i start to get white blotches all over my arms. its so himiliating and embarrassing. i cant even wear short sleeves to school. so what kind of tanning lotion can i use to clear up the blotches so that it can fit my natural skin color?
Best Skin toner brand?
Neutrogena! It's the best!
Best Skin toner brand?
Neutrogena! It's the best!
My skin is so oily but no acne. i just want to use a set of skin care.?
my skin is so oily but no acne. i just want to use a set of skin care from cleansing to moisturizing. What brand do u recommend me? Just skin care, no make up. Thanks!
My skin is so oily but no acne. i just want to use a set of skin care.?
You are lucky! Oily skin ages more slowly and is more resistant to stress. And you are even luckier if you don't have acne problems!
You probably don't need moisturizing, as your natural oils will keep your skin from losing water. For cleansing, don't use anything with alcohol. Maybe you could the Skin Actives cleanser, which is really great.
If you want to do something for your skin without increasing the amount of oils in it, use an antioxdant water-based serum.
And a sunblock, of course!
Good luck and best wishes
My skin is so oily but no acne. i just want to use a set of skin care.?
i got this thing from a grilfriend i had that works preety good. i think its frim avon.
Reply:try Neutrogena
Reply:Avon has a good skin care line for oily skin and so does Mary Kay. there is also a lotion you can use its an oil absorber called clinac oc you can get it over the counter at some drug stores.
Reply:I have very oily skin too and the Clairol oily skin care set works best for me. And it's only 40 something for the whole set.
My skin is so oily but no acne. i just want to use a set of skin care.?
You are lucky! Oily skin ages more slowly and is more resistant to stress. And you are even luckier if you don't have acne problems!
You probably don't need moisturizing, as your natural oils will keep your skin from losing water. For cleansing, don't use anything with alcohol. Maybe you could the Skin Actives cleanser, which is really great.
If you want to do something for your skin without increasing the amount of oils in it, use an antioxdant water-based serum.
And a sunblock, of course!
Good luck and best wishes
My skin is so oily but no acne. i just want to use a set of skin care.?
i got this thing from a grilfriend i had that works preety good. i think its frim avon.
Reply:try Neutrogena
Reply:Avon has a good skin care line for oily skin and so does Mary Kay. there is also a lotion you can use its an oil absorber called clinac oc you can get it over the counter at some drug stores.
Reply:I have very oily skin too and the Clairol oily skin care set works best for me. And it's only 40 something for the whole set.
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
Well my skin is really dry and dead skin comes off just to rub my face! What products should I use? I've looked just about everywhere for something to cure it but the majority of face cleansers are for oily skin. The ones that were for dry skin are too heavy feel like lotion making me sweat. Please help! Home remedies would be great as well as products you've bought! Thanks! =] x
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
I have a skin disorder on some areas of my body called "ichthyosis vuglaris" that's pretty much extreme dry skin. When I went to a dermatologist a while back, he recommended I buy something called "AmLactin," which is a lotion that's close to prescription, but not. You might have to get it from behind the counter at your pharmacy. It's very very VERY moisturizing and will probably hurt people's skin if they don't have very dry skin. If you can pick that up, that would be GREAT. It worked really well for me.
Also, I use Jergens Skin Smoothing lotion when I'm not using the AmLactin. Because my ichthyosis is worse during colder months when your skin is typically more dry, I can get away with lighter moisturizers in warmer weather. The Jergens lotion is actually REALLY good.
Also, try using exfoliating body wash in the shower (and an exfoliating facial scrub). Anything with exfoliating beads is good, and use a "body buffer" or "body polisher" or a loofah in the shower. They'll buff away dead skin cells and leave fresh, new ones that aren't dry and look great! Here are some pictures of the types of buffers and polishers that work REALLY well with an exfoliating body wash or shower gel.
http://image.ecplaza.net/offer/t/thankyo... (in between the bottles)
Also, try to use a mesh spongey-thing (whatever it's called, lol) like this when you're showering regularly: http://tanningmoisturizer.com/wp-content... It's gentle, cleansing, and moisturizes your body more than a washcloth, etc.
Good luck, I hope that helps you out!! :)
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
Neurtogena skin/hand cream. makes alligator skin feel like a baby's butt after alittle bit. lol. also, try dove soap. it is or sensitive skin.
Reply:Have you tried a facial scrub when you shower? I used to get this but a good exfoliate followed by a moisturiser works well.
Reply:Exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate. Use a moisterising facial foam such as Olay Moisterising Facial Foam. Apply a moisteriser on your face at night, and HOPEFULLY, you don't sweat at night. haha
Reply:I have dry skin around my nose in the winter I bought I humidifier for my apt and it has really helped
Reply:Try some Emu Oil/ Vitamin E oil. They both are natural and penetrates the skin well because of there properties. Vitamin E oil also fades acne scars over time with regular use.
Reply:Use "acne free". It works great. You can it at wal greens or walmart. (other place too) I have really dry skin and this stuff doesn't irritatit at all. Only makes it fell funny the first cuple times you use it. You can also try Vitamin E lotion it works great for me. I think you can get that at wal greens. And don't cost alot at all.
Reply:Well, first off I can tell you absolutely to use Cetaphil, both the wash and the facial cream. It is specifically for sensitive skin (something you need to consider you may also have), and also mosturizes. Its soap free, sort of like a cream, but its also hypoallergenic and doesn't clog pores.
You could exfoliate with something also extremely gentle, but I would recommend focusing more on moisturizing than exfoliating. That could potentially agrivate your skin and make it worse.
If it continues and gets itchy or raw, I would suggest going to a dermatologist.
Reply:You may try this cloth my sister uses from "Artistry".
This gave her immediate results
This Cloth gently polishes away dead skin cells on the surface of your skin, improving skin clarity and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles 鈥?resulting in a dramatic youthful radiance
Reply:My boyfriend suffers from eczema, which could be what is happening with you. He too suddenly began to suffer dry, flaky skin which seemed to be helped by nothing that he tried. This condition can be so irritating as to cause pain and embarrassment. The only real answer here is to see a dermatologist. They can prescribe a skin conditioner and antibiotic that will relieve the condition all together. It will eliminate the dry flaky skin and relieve any pain you might experience with eczema flare-ups. There is no real cure that I am aware of, but the condition may become dormant after time.
More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eczema
Reply:o.k this is a Game plan i got from a celebrity beauty guide.
its for DRY SKIN. i had a friend who used this for dry skin and it worked! she looked really natrual very pretty.(not so dry)
Morning: Wash with mild soap-free cleanser(i suggest dove)
it has to contain NO ALCOHOL. Use luke warm water to wash and then gently pat your face dry with a towel. Cover your face with an oil free moisturizer that is for normal dry skin.Finish with an oil free SPF 15 or high sunscreen.
Night: Wash your face with the same mild soap-free cleanser,
rinse with lukewarm water, and pat dry with a towel. Exfoliate dry patches with a lotion that contains glycolic acid, applying it only to dry and flaky spots. Top it with an oil-free moisturizer, applied over your entire face.
ONCE A WEEK: Moisturize with a hydrating face mask to make it feel soft and less irratated.
MAKE UP TIP: Choose only creamy foundations and moisturizing lipsticks.
Reply:I get dry skin during the winter time and what I find that works for me is right after I take a shower I put baby lotion all over from head to toe and what this does is keeps the moister in the skin.
Reply:You could have a skin called sebborrheic dermatitis (like dandruff on your face). Especially, if it's on your chin and around your nose. Excessive washing and using lotion will make the condition a bit worse. First try a cortisone cream, such as Cortaid, if that helps, then see a doctor. Mine gave me a combination of "Elidel and Ketoconazole" and it's cleared my skin up. I only use it when I have flare ups. You don't want to use cortisone creams for an extended period of time because it will age your skin on your face. The Elidel is a non-steriod cream and ketoconazole is an anti-fungal that is thought to be the cause of the condition. It's important to remember you can't cure it, but you can manage it. I've been living with it for over 20 years. Good luck. 2D
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
I have a skin disorder on some areas of my body called "ichthyosis vuglaris" that's pretty much extreme dry skin. When I went to a dermatologist a while back, he recommended I buy something called "AmLactin," which is a lotion that's close to prescription, but not. You might have to get it from behind the counter at your pharmacy. It's very very VERY moisturizing and will probably hurt people's skin if they don't have very dry skin. If you can pick that up, that would be GREAT. It worked really well for me.
Also, I use Jergens Skin Smoothing lotion when I'm not using the AmLactin. Because my ichthyosis is worse during colder months when your skin is typically more dry, I can get away with lighter moisturizers in warmer weather. The Jergens lotion is actually REALLY good.
Also, try using exfoliating body wash in the shower (and an exfoliating facial scrub). Anything with exfoliating beads is good, and use a "body buffer" or "body polisher" or a loofah in the shower. They'll buff away dead skin cells and leave fresh, new ones that aren't dry and look great! Here are some pictures of the types of buffers and polishers that work REALLY well with an exfoliating body wash or shower gel.
http://image.ecplaza.net/offer/t/thankyo... (in between the bottles)
Also, try to use a mesh spongey-thing (whatever it's called, lol) like this when you're showering regularly: http://tanningmoisturizer.com/wp-content... It's gentle, cleansing, and moisturizes your body more than a washcloth, etc.
Good luck, I hope that helps you out!! :)
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
Neurtogena skin/hand cream. makes alligator skin feel like a baby's butt after alittle bit. lol. also, try dove soap. it is or sensitive skin.
Reply:Have you tried a facial scrub when you shower? I used to get this but a good exfoliate followed by a moisturiser works well.
Reply:Exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate. Use a moisterising facial foam such as Olay Moisterising Facial Foam. Apply a moisteriser on your face at night, and HOPEFULLY, you don't sweat at night. haha
Reply:I have dry skin around my nose in the winter I bought I humidifier for my apt and it has really helped
Reply:Try some Emu Oil/ Vitamin E oil. They both are natural and penetrates the skin well because of there properties. Vitamin E oil also fades acne scars over time with regular use.
Reply:Use "acne free". It works great. You can it at wal greens or walmart. (other place too) I have really dry skin and this stuff doesn't irritatit at all. Only makes it fell funny the first cuple times you use it. You can also try Vitamin E lotion it works great for me. I think you can get that at wal greens. And don't cost alot at all.
Reply:Well, first off I can tell you absolutely to use Cetaphil, both the wash and the facial cream. It is specifically for sensitive skin (something you need to consider you may also have), and also mosturizes. Its soap free, sort of like a cream, but its also hypoallergenic and doesn't clog pores.
You could exfoliate with something also extremely gentle, but I would recommend focusing more on moisturizing than exfoliating. That could potentially agrivate your skin and make it worse.
If it continues and gets itchy or raw, I would suggest going to a dermatologist.
Reply:You may try this cloth my sister uses from "Artistry".
This gave her immediate results
This Cloth gently polishes away dead skin cells on the surface of your skin, improving skin clarity and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles 鈥?resulting in a dramatic youthful radiance
Reply:My boyfriend suffers from eczema, which could be what is happening with you. He too suddenly began to suffer dry, flaky skin which seemed to be helped by nothing that he tried. This condition can be so irritating as to cause pain and embarrassment. The only real answer here is to see a dermatologist. They can prescribe a skin conditioner and antibiotic that will relieve the condition all together. It will eliminate the dry flaky skin and relieve any pain you might experience with eczema flare-ups. There is no real cure that I am aware of, but the condition may become dormant after time.
More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eczema
Reply:o.k this is a Game plan i got from a celebrity beauty guide.
its for DRY SKIN. i had a friend who used this for dry skin and it worked! she looked really natrual very pretty.(not so dry)
Morning: Wash with mild soap-free cleanser(i suggest dove)
it has to contain NO ALCOHOL. Use luke warm water to wash and then gently pat your face dry with a towel. Cover your face with an oil free moisturizer that is for normal dry skin.Finish with an oil free SPF 15 or high sunscreen.
Night: Wash your face with the same mild soap-free cleanser,
rinse with lukewarm water, and pat dry with a towel. Exfoliate dry patches with a lotion that contains glycolic acid, applying it only to dry and flaky spots. Top it with an oil-free moisturizer, applied over your entire face.
ONCE A WEEK: Moisturize with a hydrating face mask to make it feel soft and less irratated.
MAKE UP TIP: Choose only creamy foundations and moisturizing lipsticks.
Reply:I get dry skin during the winter time and what I find that works for me is right after I take a shower I put baby lotion all over from head to toe and what this does is keeps the moister in the skin.
Reply:You could have a skin called sebborrheic dermatitis (like dandruff on your face). Especially, if it's on your chin and around your nose. Excessive washing and using lotion will make the condition a bit worse. First try a cortisone cream, such as Cortaid, if that helps, then see a doctor. Mine gave me a combination of "Elidel and Ketoconazole" and it's cleared my skin up. I only use it when I have flare ups. You don't want to use cortisone creams for an extended period of time because it will age your skin on your face. The Elidel is a non-steriod cream and ketoconazole is an anti-fungal that is thought to be the cause of the condition. It's important to remember you can't cure it, but you can manage it. I've been living with it for over 20 years. Good luck. 2D
Foot Skin? Please Help?
Do any of you guys have dry skin on your feet? Mine is really bad around my heals and starting to crack a little. And on the bottom of my feet my skin is starting to peal a little. Do any of you know what this could be caused from besides just dry skin? What can I do to get normal skin on my feet again?
Foot Skin? Please Help?
Foot Skin? Please Help?
I would obviously use some lotion.
And whatever you do, don't use your teeth to peel away at the skin.
Trust me.
Reply:Sound like you have athletic feet fungus. Get some anti fungus cream at Walmart.
Reply:I do two things to my feet every month. I have done this for years.
1 - wash feet in pure bleach for about five minutes - rinse..
2 - then use moisturizer.
Reply:use cure feetstuff.....my sis triedthat and it worked
Reply:It sounds like your feet have callouses. Use a pedicure set and moisturize and hopefully they'll be good as new in no time.
Reply:You could have a number of different problems with your skin. I personally have contact dermatitis.
if that isn't the case for you, try googling "dry feet" ~_^
Reply:use a pumace stone
and use burts bees peppermint foot cream, trust me i have it and it works really really really well, and a great time to use it is overnite so your feet have time to obsorbe mosture
hope this help, and u should seriously try it it WORKS! =)
Reply:hey you should put petroleum jelly often to prevent or heal the cracks on your feet especially on your soles.
Reply:You could have athletes foot fungus if the pealing area is also red and bumpy. If not, just use a large emery board on the heels and lots of lotion. Use lotion at night %26amp; put on cotton socks %26amp; your feet will look %26amp; feel great.
Reply:The best solution for me was a foot file and a good lotion. There is a product called Bare feet. It comes in a scrub and a lotion and they both work really really good. It helps if you put lotion on right before your socks and shoes. It feels weird at first but your feet will feel really soft when you take off your shoes. If you do that everyday for a week, your feet will be really soft.
Reply:Go to www.thebodyshop.com or their nearest store. They have awesome foot lotion for cracked heels and it will work in just a couple days. The location can be found on their website.
Reply:it depends on what type of shoes u wear-that can affect ur feet alot..Im in FL so I wear alot of high heel open sandals so they get alot of friction and can get pretty yucky...everytime I take a shower I scrub my feet lightly with a pumice stone -and lotion often with cocoa butter-
Reply:It's completley normal. All you have to do is too try to rub a little bit of lotion into your feet every night, and try to wear more supportive and comfortable shoes for a while. All it means is that you are on your feet a lot.
Reply:You have dry skin on your feet. Use shea butter or vaseline, smear it on your feet, especially where they are cracking, then put on a pair of white sock. Leave on til morning. Repeat until feet are no longer so dry and cracked, then do this 2 or 3 times a week.
Reply:MY FATHER HAD THE SAME PROBLEM for years - his feet were so bad that they would crack and bleed when he walked. This is caused by a variety of foot funguses like variations of Athlete's foot.
You need to apply a pumice stone when possible to cut down on the callouses, then use either a lotion, or get a jar of what is called "udder cream". It will keep your feet soft and supple. You should also go to your doctor, and try to get something to treat the fungus. Once the fungus and your feet are back under control, make sure you change your socks at least once every day. Do not put the same dirty pair back on. If your feet get wet, dry them as soon as possible. And make sure that you let your feet air out while at home, take your socks off - you can still wear a pair of slippers if you wish, but your feet need time to breathe, just like the rest of your skin.
Reply:to use Vaseline is the best .
Reply:I have the same problem sorry to hear you are having this problem...
This could be lots of reasons..
As a first resort go to your pharmacist and get some heel balm and wear it at night with cotton socks..
If it does not clear up after 3 or so weeks go and see a doctor.
If there is any discolouration or a lot of pain, go and see a doctor straight away...
Best of luck...
Foot Skin? Please Help?
Foot Skin? Please Help?
I would obviously use some lotion.
And whatever you do, don't use your teeth to peel away at the skin.
Trust me.
Reply:Sound like you have athletic feet fungus. Get some anti fungus cream at Walmart.
Reply:I do two things to my feet every month. I have done this for years.
1 - wash feet in pure bleach for about five minutes - rinse..
2 - then use moisturizer.
Reply:use cure feetstuff.....my sis triedthat and it worked
Reply:It sounds like your feet have callouses. Use a pedicure set and moisturize and hopefully they'll be good as new in no time.
Reply:You could have a number of different problems with your skin. I personally have contact dermatitis.
if that isn't the case for you, try googling "dry feet" ~_^
Reply:use a pumace stone
and use burts bees peppermint foot cream, trust me i have it and it works really really really well, and a great time to use it is overnite so your feet have time to obsorbe mosture
hope this help, and u should seriously try it it WORKS! =)
Reply:hey you should put petroleum jelly often to prevent or heal the cracks on your feet especially on your soles.
Reply:You could have athletes foot fungus if the pealing area is also red and bumpy. If not, just use a large emery board on the heels and lots of lotion. Use lotion at night %26amp; put on cotton socks %26amp; your feet will look %26amp; feel great.
Reply:The best solution for me was a foot file and a good lotion. There is a product called Bare feet. It comes in a scrub and a lotion and they both work really really good. It helps if you put lotion on right before your socks and shoes. It feels weird at first but your feet will feel really soft when you take off your shoes. If you do that everyday for a week, your feet will be really soft.
Reply:Go to www.thebodyshop.com or their nearest store. They have awesome foot lotion for cracked heels and it will work in just a couple days. The location can be found on their website.
Reply:it depends on what type of shoes u wear-that can affect ur feet alot..Im in FL so I wear alot of high heel open sandals so they get alot of friction and can get pretty yucky...everytime I take a shower I scrub my feet lightly with a pumice stone -and lotion often with cocoa butter-
Reply:It's completley normal. All you have to do is too try to rub a little bit of lotion into your feet every night, and try to wear more supportive and comfortable shoes for a while. All it means is that you are on your feet a lot.
Reply:You have dry skin on your feet. Use shea butter or vaseline, smear it on your feet, especially where they are cracking, then put on a pair of white sock. Leave on til morning. Repeat until feet are no longer so dry and cracked, then do this 2 or 3 times a week.
Reply:MY FATHER HAD THE SAME PROBLEM for years - his feet were so bad that they would crack and bleed when he walked. This is caused by a variety of foot funguses like variations of Athlete's foot.
You need to apply a pumice stone when possible to cut down on the callouses, then use either a lotion, or get a jar of what is called "udder cream". It will keep your feet soft and supple. You should also go to your doctor, and try to get something to treat the fungus. Once the fungus and your feet are back under control, make sure you change your socks at least once every day. Do not put the same dirty pair back on. If your feet get wet, dry them as soon as possible. And make sure that you let your feet air out while at home, take your socks off - you can still wear a pair of slippers if you wish, but your feet need time to breathe, just like the rest of your skin.
Reply:to use Vaseline is the best .
Reply:I have the same problem sorry to hear you are having this problem...
This could be lots of reasons..
As a first resort go to your pharmacist and get some heel balm and wear it at night with cotton socks..
If it does not clear up after 3 or so weeks go and see a doctor.
If there is any discolouration or a lot of pain, go and see a doctor straight away...
Best of luck...
My skin gets blackheads and sometimes pimples, but cleansers dry it out too much?
My skin has cleared since being on the pill and since I've been working out and eating healthier.
I normally use Neutrogena Oil-free Acne Wash 2.0% salictic acid/beta-hydroxy acid.
Lately I find that it's been making my skin feel tight, and is drying it out near my eyebrows and near my mouth.
Is there any product that would help keep my skin clear, and not dry out my skin?
My skin gets blackheads and sometimes pimples, but cleansers dry it out too much?
don't use it near your eyebrows or mouth.
or use clearasil blackhead formula
after a neutrogena cleanser without the salicitic acid.
My skin gets blackheads and sometimes pimples, but cleansers dry it out too much?
Use the cleanser and once you have cleaned your face apply some moisturizer.
Reply:Um, why don't you try Dove Moisturizing and Relaxing Face Wash w/ Tea Extracts and Cucumber, St. Ivers Apricot Scrub, Aveeno Daily Scrub, or Clean %26amp; Clear Daily Wash for a change.
Ah yes, we are all obsessed with our skin.
Reply:Buy a jar of Noxzema %26amp; wash your face with that, using a wash cloth %26amp; warm water. Rinse well, then splash on some cool water. Blot well, then apply a little Noxzema to the problem areas. Give the Noxzema a chance to work. I used it all through high school %26amp; rarely ever had a pimple. Now, many years later, I still wash my face with it. My skin is smooth %26amp; it feels really clean after washing with it. You can get a jar of it much cheaper at Dollar General.
Reply:sounds like you need to use a cleansing milk , its not as harsh on the skin , but you also need to tone and moisturise , try rose water for toner its kind to skin , there's lots of different products on the market , also would recommend going for regular facials ( try your local collage , its dead cheap and still professional ) and lastly don't forget your sunscreen .
Reply:use Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash, proven to be as gentle as water...it wont dry your skin out but in case it does get the Purpose Moistureizer
Reply:An ideal mask that extracts dirt and oil from clogged pores can be made by using orange peel and yogurt.It also opens up the clogged pores that cause acne and blackheads.Clay masks used regularly helps pull out trapped oil and dead skin.Check out http://useinfo-blackhead.blogspot.com/ for more useful tips to control blackheads.
I normally use Neutrogena Oil-free Acne Wash 2.0% salictic acid/beta-hydroxy acid.
Lately I find that it's been making my skin feel tight, and is drying it out near my eyebrows and near my mouth.
Is there any product that would help keep my skin clear, and not dry out my skin?
My skin gets blackheads and sometimes pimples, but cleansers dry it out too much?
don't use it near your eyebrows or mouth.
or use clearasil blackhead formula
after a neutrogena cleanser without the salicitic acid.
My skin gets blackheads and sometimes pimples, but cleansers dry it out too much?
Use the cleanser and once you have cleaned your face apply some moisturizer.
Reply:Um, why don't you try Dove Moisturizing and Relaxing Face Wash w/ Tea Extracts and Cucumber, St. Ivers Apricot Scrub, Aveeno Daily Scrub, or Clean %26amp; Clear Daily Wash for a change.
Ah yes, we are all obsessed with our skin.
Reply:Buy a jar of Noxzema %26amp; wash your face with that, using a wash cloth %26amp; warm water. Rinse well, then splash on some cool water. Blot well, then apply a little Noxzema to the problem areas. Give the Noxzema a chance to work. I used it all through high school %26amp; rarely ever had a pimple. Now, many years later, I still wash my face with it. My skin is smooth %26amp; it feels really clean after washing with it. You can get a jar of it much cheaper at Dollar General.
Reply:sounds like you need to use a cleansing milk , its not as harsh on the skin , but you also need to tone and moisturise , try rose water for toner its kind to skin , there's lots of different products on the market , also would recommend going for regular facials ( try your local collage , its dead cheap and still professional ) and lastly don't forget your sunscreen .
Reply:use Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash, proven to be as gentle as water...it wont dry your skin out but in case it does get the Purpose Moistureizer
Reply:An ideal mask that extracts dirt and oil from clogged pores can be made by using orange peel and yogurt.It also opens up the clogged pores that cause acne and blackheads.Clay masks used regularly helps pull out trapped oil and dead skin.Check out http://useinfo-blackhead.blogspot.com/ for more useful tips to control blackheads.
Penis skin??? i need help~~~?
okay so im 14 and i need some advice i have masterbated probably every month at least once and my skin is coming off the head of the penis??? i wonder if this is normal? because when i was small it didn't come off it just suddenly come out after 1 year i started to masterbate is this normal?? or did i masterbated too hard?? the skin that use to connect to the skin which makes my penis stays in that limit the skin come off and i can see the whole head?? (there was no pain nor blood) is this normal? (abit purple on the bottom)
Penis skin??? i need help~~~?
It was a bit hard to understand what you are saying, but I think what you are describing is normal. Do you mean your foreskin?
The foreskin is attached to the head of the penis in children and often until puberty. It detaches sometime when you're a teenager and yes masturbation can help with this. It's good that it's happening, because it's more pleasurable that way, and you can clean better (if you couldn't clean under it before). In teen/adult males the foreskin should be fully retratable, to expose the whole head, and can slide up and down during masturbation and sex. It's fun to play with too!
You say you've had no pain and bleeding, so I don't think you would have any trauma to the area or anything. I doubt you've masturbated too hard.
PS Ignore the answers about circumcision, they don't know what they are talking about.
Penis skin??? i need help~~~?
Reply:It's okay, you've done nothing wrong.
the Foreskin is suppose to skinback
off the penis. If You were circumsized
There would be no skin ( or very little )
for you to worry about, talk to your Dad,
brother or your friends about this.
Reply:Just go to wikipedia.org and type in penis and you can see some pics to compare.
Reply:Hey kid don't worry, you are normal. The foreskin is usually attatched to the head of the penis when you are young but eventually (usually when you start masturbating) it separates itself and the foreskin will move freely up and down the shaft of the penis. That is how it's supposed to work. As long as it doesn't hurt or anything you have nothing to worry about.
Reply:dont be silly...ofcourse that is just normal...
that is actually a sign that you are ready for your circumcision
that skin will be extracted to avoid any infection
Reply:Whether you're expecting a baby boy or have just welcomed your new little guy into the world, you have an important decision to make before you take your son home: whether to circumcise him.
For some families, the choice is simple because it's based on cultural or religious beliefs. But for others, the right option isn't as clear-cut. Before you make a circumcision decision, it's important to talk to your child's doctor and consider some of the issues.
What Is Circumcision?
Boys are born with a hood of skin, called the foreskin, covering the head (also called the glans) of the penis. In circumcision, the foreskin is surgically removed, exposing the end of the penis.
Approximately 56% of all newborn boys - about 1.1 million babies - are circumcised in the United States each year. The procedure is much more widespread in the United States, Canada, and the Middle East than in Asia, South America, Central America, and most of Europe, where it's uncommon.
Parents who choose circumcision often do so based on religious beliefs, concerns about hygiene, or cultural or social reasons, such as the wish to have their son look like other men in the family.
If you do opt for circumcision, it's best to perform the operation within the first 2 to 3 weeks after birth, as it can become more complicated as a child gets older. But the procedure is usually performed during the first 10 days (often within the first 48 hours), either in the hospital or, for some religious ritual circumcisions, at home. If you decide to have your son circumcised at the hospital, your pediatrician, family doctor, or obstetrician will perform the procedure before you bring your baby home. The doctor should prepare you by telling you about the procedure he or she will use and the possible risks.
In some instances, doctors may decide to delay the procedure or forgo it altogether. Premature babies or those who have special medical concerns may not be circumcised until they're ready to leave the hospital. And babies born with physical abnormalities of the penis that need to be corrected surgically often aren't circumcised at all because the foreskin may eventually be used as part of a reconstructive operation.
The Pros and Cons
On the plus side, studies indicate that circumcised infants are less likely to contract a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the first year of life. About one out of every 1,000 circumcised boys has a UTI in the first year, whereas the rate is one in 100 (at most) for uncircumcised infants.
Circumcised men may also be at lower risk for penile cancer, although the disease is rare in both circumcised and uncircumcised males. Although some studies indicate that the procedure might offer an additional line of defense against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), particularly HIV, the results of studies in this area are conflicting and difficult to interpret.
It's also easier to keep a circumcised penis clean, although uncircumcised boys can learn how to clean beneath the foreskin once the foreskin becomes retractable (usually some time before age 5). However, some uncircumcised boys can end up with infected foreskins as the result of poor hygiene.
Some people also claim that circumcision either lessens or heightens the sensitivity of the tip of the penis, decreasing or increasing sexual pleasure later in life. But neither of these subjective findings has been proven to be true.
Although circumcision appears to have some medical benefits, it also carries potential risks - as does any surgical procedure. These risks are small, but you should be aware of both the possible advantages and the problems that can be associated with the procedure before you make your decision. Complications of newborn circumcision are uncommon, occurring in between 0.2% to 3% of cases. Of these, the most frequent are minor bleeding and local infection, both of which can be easily treated by your child's doctor.
Perhaps one of the hardest parts of the decision to circumcise is accepting that the procedure can be painful. In the past, it wasn't commonplace to provide pain relief for babies being circumcised, but because studies have indicated that it benefits the infant to receive anesthesia, most doctors will now provide it. Also, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the use of pain relief measures for circumcision. Even up until recently, though, anesthesia hasn't been universally used, so it's important to ask your doctor ahead of time what, if any, pain relief will be utilized with your son.
Two primary forms of local anesthetic are used to make the operation less painful for your baby:
* a topical cream (a cream put on the penis) that requires at least 20 to 40 minutes to take its full effect
* an injectable anesthetic that requires less time to take effect and may provide a slightly longer period of anesthesia
Besides anesthesia, giving a pacifier dipped in sugar water can help reduce your baby's level of stress (and yours). Used together, these methods can decrease your baby's discomfort by more than 50%.
Caring for a Circumcised Penis
Whether you choose circumcision or not, it's important to keep your son's penis clean. It should be washed with soap and warm water every time you bathe him. And you don't need to use cotton swabs, astringents, or any special bath products.
There are also no special washing precautions with newly circumcised babies, other than to be gentle, as your baby may have some mild discomfort after the circumcision. If your son has a bandage on his incision, you might need to apply a new one whenever you change his diaper for a day or 2 after the procedure (put petroleum jelly on the bandage so it won't stick to his skin). Doctors often also recommend putting a dab of petroleum jelly on the baby's penis or on the front of the diaper to alleviate any potential discomfort caused by friction against the diaper.
How you take care of your baby's penis may also vary depending on the type of circumcision procedure your child's doctor performs. Be sure to talk to him or her about what aftercare will be needed.
It usually takes between 7 to 10 days for a penis to heal. Until it does, the tip may seem raw or yellowish in color. Although this is normal, certain other symptoms are not. Call your child's doctor right away if you notice any of the following:
* persistent bleeding
* redness around the tip of the penis that gets worse after 3 days
* fever
* signs of infection, such as the presence of pus-filled blisters
* not urinating normally within 6 to 8 hours after the circumcision
However, with quick intervention, almost all circumcision-related problems are easily treated.
Caring for an Uncircumcised Penis
As with a penis that's circumcised, an uncircumcised one should be kept clean. Also, no cotton swabs, astringents, or any special bath products are needed - simple soap and warm water every time you bathe your baby will suffice.
However, you should never forcibly pull back the foreskin to clean beneath it. Instead, gently tense it against the tip of the penis and wash off any smegma (the whitish "beads" of dead skin cells mixed with the body's natural oil). Over time, the foreskin will retract on its own so that it can be pulled away from the glans toward the abdomen. This happens at different times for different children, but most boys can retract their foreskins by the time they're 5 years old.
As your son grows up, teach him to wash beneath the foreskin by gently pulling it back from the glans, rinsing the glans and the inside of the foreskin with soap and warm water, then pulling the foreskin back over the head of the penis.
Making a Circumcision Decision
In addition to the medical issues discussed, religious and cultural beliefs often figure into the equation. Of course, if these are important to you, they deserve to be seriously considered.
Despite the possible benefits and risks, circumcision is neither essential nor detrimental to a boy's health. The AAP and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) do not endorse the procedure as a way to prevent any of the medical conditions mentioned previously. The AAP also does not find sufficient evidence to medically recommend circumcision or argue against it.
Talk to your child's doctor about the pros and cons of circumcision to help you make the choice that's right for your son.
Penis skin??? i need help~~~?
It was a bit hard to understand what you are saying, but I think what you are describing is normal. Do you mean your foreskin?
The foreskin is attached to the head of the penis in children and often until puberty. It detaches sometime when you're a teenager and yes masturbation can help with this. It's good that it's happening, because it's more pleasurable that way, and you can clean better (if you couldn't clean under it before). In teen/adult males the foreskin should be fully retratable, to expose the whole head, and can slide up and down during masturbation and sex. It's fun to play with too!
You say you've had no pain and bleeding, so I don't think you would have any trauma to the area or anything. I doubt you've masturbated too hard.
PS Ignore the answers about circumcision, they don't know what they are talking about.
Penis skin??? i need help~~~?
Reply:It's okay, you've done nothing wrong.
the Foreskin is suppose to skinback
off the penis. If You were circumsized
There would be no skin ( or very little )
for you to worry about, talk to your Dad,
brother or your friends about this.
Reply:Just go to wikipedia.org and type in penis and you can see some pics to compare.
Reply:Hey kid don't worry, you are normal. The foreskin is usually attatched to the head of the penis when you are young but eventually (usually when you start masturbating) it separates itself and the foreskin will move freely up and down the shaft of the penis. That is how it's supposed to work. As long as it doesn't hurt or anything you have nothing to worry about.
Reply:dont be silly...ofcourse that is just normal...
that is actually a sign that you are ready for your circumcision
that skin will be extracted to avoid any infection
Reply:Whether you're expecting a baby boy or have just welcomed your new little guy into the world, you have an important decision to make before you take your son home: whether to circumcise him.
For some families, the choice is simple because it's based on cultural or religious beliefs. But for others, the right option isn't as clear-cut. Before you make a circumcision decision, it's important to talk to your child's doctor and consider some of the issues.
What Is Circumcision?
Boys are born with a hood of skin, called the foreskin, covering the head (also called the glans) of the penis. In circumcision, the foreskin is surgically removed, exposing the end of the penis.
Approximately 56% of all newborn boys - about 1.1 million babies - are circumcised in the United States each year. The procedure is much more widespread in the United States, Canada, and the Middle East than in Asia, South America, Central America, and most of Europe, where it's uncommon.
Parents who choose circumcision often do so based on religious beliefs, concerns about hygiene, or cultural or social reasons, such as the wish to have their son look like other men in the family.
If you do opt for circumcision, it's best to perform the operation within the first 2 to 3 weeks after birth, as it can become more complicated as a child gets older. But the procedure is usually performed during the first 10 days (often within the first 48 hours), either in the hospital or, for some religious ritual circumcisions, at home. If you decide to have your son circumcised at the hospital, your pediatrician, family doctor, or obstetrician will perform the procedure before you bring your baby home. The doctor should prepare you by telling you about the procedure he or she will use and the possible risks.
In some instances, doctors may decide to delay the procedure or forgo it altogether. Premature babies or those who have special medical concerns may not be circumcised until they're ready to leave the hospital. And babies born with physical abnormalities of the penis that need to be corrected surgically often aren't circumcised at all because the foreskin may eventually be used as part of a reconstructive operation.
The Pros and Cons
On the plus side, studies indicate that circumcised infants are less likely to contract a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the first year of life. About one out of every 1,000 circumcised boys has a UTI in the first year, whereas the rate is one in 100 (at most) for uncircumcised infants.
Circumcised men may also be at lower risk for penile cancer, although the disease is rare in both circumcised and uncircumcised males. Although some studies indicate that the procedure might offer an additional line of defense against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), particularly HIV, the results of studies in this area are conflicting and difficult to interpret.
It's also easier to keep a circumcised penis clean, although uncircumcised boys can learn how to clean beneath the foreskin once the foreskin becomes retractable (usually some time before age 5). However, some uncircumcised boys can end up with infected foreskins as the result of poor hygiene.
Some people also claim that circumcision either lessens or heightens the sensitivity of the tip of the penis, decreasing or increasing sexual pleasure later in life. But neither of these subjective findings has been proven to be true.
Although circumcision appears to have some medical benefits, it also carries potential risks - as does any surgical procedure. These risks are small, but you should be aware of both the possible advantages and the problems that can be associated with the procedure before you make your decision. Complications of newborn circumcision are uncommon, occurring in between 0.2% to 3% of cases. Of these, the most frequent are minor bleeding and local infection, both of which can be easily treated by your child's doctor.
Perhaps one of the hardest parts of the decision to circumcise is accepting that the procedure can be painful. In the past, it wasn't commonplace to provide pain relief for babies being circumcised, but because studies have indicated that it benefits the infant to receive anesthesia, most doctors will now provide it. Also, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the use of pain relief measures for circumcision. Even up until recently, though, anesthesia hasn't been universally used, so it's important to ask your doctor ahead of time what, if any, pain relief will be utilized with your son.
Two primary forms of local anesthetic are used to make the operation less painful for your baby:
* a topical cream (a cream put on the penis) that requires at least 20 to 40 minutes to take its full effect
* an injectable anesthetic that requires less time to take effect and may provide a slightly longer period of anesthesia
Besides anesthesia, giving a pacifier dipped in sugar water can help reduce your baby's level of stress (and yours). Used together, these methods can decrease your baby's discomfort by more than 50%.
Caring for a Circumcised Penis
Whether you choose circumcision or not, it's important to keep your son's penis clean. It should be washed with soap and warm water every time you bathe him. And you don't need to use cotton swabs, astringents, or any special bath products.
There are also no special washing precautions with newly circumcised babies, other than to be gentle, as your baby may have some mild discomfort after the circumcision. If your son has a bandage on his incision, you might need to apply a new one whenever you change his diaper for a day or 2 after the procedure (put petroleum jelly on the bandage so it won't stick to his skin). Doctors often also recommend putting a dab of petroleum jelly on the baby's penis or on the front of the diaper to alleviate any potential discomfort caused by friction against the diaper.
How you take care of your baby's penis may also vary depending on the type of circumcision procedure your child's doctor performs. Be sure to talk to him or her about what aftercare will be needed.
It usually takes between 7 to 10 days for a penis to heal. Until it does, the tip may seem raw or yellowish in color. Although this is normal, certain other symptoms are not. Call your child's doctor right away if you notice any of the following:
* persistent bleeding
* redness around the tip of the penis that gets worse after 3 days
* fever
* signs of infection, such as the presence of pus-filled blisters
* not urinating normally within 6 to 8 hours after the circumcision
However, with quick intervention, almost all circumcision-related problems are easily treated.
Caring for an Uncircumcised Penis
As with a penis that's circumcised, an uncircumcised one should be kept clean. Also, no cotton swabs, astringents, or any special bath products are needed - simple soap and warm water every time you bathe your baby will suffice.
However, you should never forcibly pull back the foreskin to clean beneath it. Instead, gently tense it against the tip of the penis and wash off any smegma (the whitish "beads" of dead skin cells mixed with the body's natural oil). Over time, the foreskin will retract on its own so that it can be pulled away from the glans toward the abdomen. This happens at different times for different children, but most boys can retract their foreskins by the time they're 5 years old.
As your son grows up, teach him to wash beneath the foreskin by gently pulling it back from the glans, rinsing the glans and the inside of the foreskin with soap and warm water, then pulling the foreskin back over the head of the penis.
Making a Circumcision Decision
In addition to the medical issues discussed, religious and cultural beliefs often figure into the equation. Of course, if these are important to you, they deserve to be seriously considered.
Despite the possible benefits and risks, circumcision is neither essential nor detrimental to a boy's health. The AAP and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) do not endorse the procedure as a way to prevent any of the medical conditions mentioned previously. The AAP also does not find sufficient evidence to medically recommend circumcision or argue against it.
Talk to your child's doctor about the pros and cons of circumcision to help you make the choice that's right for your son.
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
Anyone Asian or Indian would know about this stereotype. Lighter is prettier on a female. So as an East Indian with caramel skin, my skin is looked down upon in Indian society even though my features are fine: great skin, long eyelashes, nice smile, small nose, pretty eyes. I even get less attention from Indian guys. But then again, i get hit on by every other culture- black, white, hispanic, etc. So what skin color do guys generally prefer on a girl? And is mine okay?
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
I'm down with all...even green.
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
it depends on race the guy is, they usually like their own kind.
Reply:all true love does not see those things
Reply:All skin colors or tones are beautiful in there own way. here in the states we do not have a cast system as u are used to.
Reply:I do not know i need to know the answer as well.
Reply:Race has no part of relationship if two people love each other that is all that matters.
Reply:i wanna meet u to answer this question well.i m an indian....
Reply:If I was only a racist, I would've told you the answer, See it doesn't matter the colour, all you need is Love and Care from the Girl, Never mind her colour, if she loves you and knows how to handle you at situations then its a ULTIMATE GIFT which a man can ever have, even if he gets all the possible goodness of this whole world.
Reply:I had no idea this stereotype existed. I'm sorry you even have to think or ask about this since you are obviously beautiful and confident. Good luck getting your answer...
Reply:most boys like any type of skin take my advice
Reply:Guys.............. They dont prefer a skin color sweetie they prefer a girl who does or doesn't do what they want I dont even think a guy could tell you. It all depends on the upbringing of the person if they are racist against certain types of people for a certain specific reason or not and if they are mature.
Reply:for me i prefer any skin color other than african black.
caramel is nice. screw the indians for not likig it.
i'm from sri lanka by the way.
i like white to deep tan. good range and keeps the black women for the blacks.
Reply:Unless you plan on excluding the possibility of going out with anyone of a different culture, it sounds fine. As a guy, I'd say that skin tone isn't too big a factor (a lot of white girls think they are too pasty, some black girls think they are too dark, etc.). Honestly, you sound fairly beautiful (haha corny), and, on the whole, a preference in skin color is mostly based on how that person was raised; someone raised in India might only like a darker skin tone if that is the standard there, while someone raised in a place with a variety in culture, like America, might have a broader appreciation limited only by their personal preferences. So yes, yours is more than ok. And as a whole, guys raised in multicultrual environments, on the whole, like a wide range of skin types, although usually on the lighter side.
Reply:predominantly non-white cultures generally adopt social status mind-sets that stereotype lighter skin to be preferred. Philippine culture is yet another example of exactly what you describe with Indian men. But it's not just a gender thing. It's the same in South Africa and other places across the globe. It's a status thing. Ignore it. Find a man who loves you or flip off all the men who don't! There are plenty of men who I'm sure would love the way you look!
Reply:Preference is a personal thing, as is the shape of the body.
I am white caucasian, but definitely prefer a smooth brown skin on my ladies. This is not just because of skin colour but more that I have found Thai ladies to be more beautiful, more respectful, more loyal and more caring than European ladies.
So for me, Rika, brown is tops, and from how you describe yourself so are you!!!
Reply:hey - welcome to the club!! im from a tropical country and i've kind of brown skin (not so much but still).i've always been considered very beautiful by locals as well as foreigners. then i met this indian guy - who was an absolute (and totally sweet) hunk. we were so happy toogether and i never realised that he was much fairer than me (i was never conscious of skin clr before).i realised that like 2 months before our wedding, when we flew to india to meet his family. they did not do anything to make me feel bad, but once my man let out a slip that his family said sthg abt my skiin clr. that was a SHOCK for me!!! I never really believed that ppl still think that way!!! But all's fine now. we have been very-happily-married for 16 months. we r both having great careers, in a different country in asia.i get along great with his family, though im so different from them. but still sometimes, when i meet some indians, they tell me "ur husband is fairer than u" and believe me, they do hear it from me!!!there are some ppl who tend to compare us. as if u can compare beauty of a man and a woman... not all indian guys are like that (i married 1, who tells me like 10 times/day that im beautiful), but it will take time for this concept to go. One thing u have to remember: beauty has nothing to do with skin clr. You have to feel good abt urself. Look beyond the skin. And forget what the rest says. And you dont have to be with an indian guy, if you dont feel good abt it. Last thg: lighter skin on a girl is not prettier, it is considered to be prettier.You can change that if you want.Good luck.
Reply:i'm sure you are beautiful, as for me i perfer white girls with light skin or a light tan, next would be middle eastern darkish tan then asain then maybe hispanic depending on the girl i've never been attracted to any black girls. I don't think thats racest thou do you. It not so much i hate or dislike black girls it's that i've never seen one i pitcualy like but then again haily berry doesn't look hafe bad but i wouldn't say that i was attracted to her. Oh i'm white which means i'm a henze 57 or your clasic mutt
Reply:I prefer bright white (obviously kinna like a vampire)
theres this song " come out in play " about black girls and white guys it goes like this "you gotta keep'm separated"
Reply:Just as some people prefer apples to oranges some people will prefer dark, others light; for whatever reason.
As a Goan I prefer fair as it has connotations of class (Portuguese maintained rule by intermarriage with the Brahman casts over half a millenium). It may sound unfair but everyone has their own preference eg do you prefer tall men to short? Slim men to fat? Young to Old?
You are what you are and some things about you will or can be changed, others won't so just be happy with who you are. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder be assured some guys will think your caramel is the sweetest colour they could desire!
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
I'm down with all...even green.
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
it depends on race the guy is, they usually like their own kind.
Reply:all true love does not see those things
Reply:All skin colors or tones are beautiful in there own way. here in the states we do not have a cast system as u are used to.
Reply:I do not know i need to know the answer as well.
Reply:Race has no part of relationship if two people love each other that is all that matters.
Reply:i wanna meet u to answer this question well.i m an indian....
Reply:If I was only a racist, I would've told you the answer, See it doesn't matter the colour, all you need is Love and Care from the Girl, Never mind her colour, if she loves you and knows how to handle you at situations then its a ULTIMATE GIFT which a man can ever have, even if he gets all the possible goodness of this whole world.
Reply:I had no idea this stereotype existed. I'm sorry you even have to think or ask about this since you are obviously beautiful and confident. Good luck getting your answer...
Reply:most boys like any type of skin take my advice
Reply:Guys.............. They dont prefer a skin color sweetie they prefer a girl who does or doesn't do what they want I dont even think a guy could tell you. It all depends on the upbringing of the person if they are racist against certain types of people for a certain specific reason or not and if they are mature.
Reply:for me i prefer any skin color other than african black.
caramel is nice. screw the indians for not likig it.
i'm from sri lanka by the way.
i like white to deep tan. good range and keeps the black women for the blacks.
Reply:Unless you plan on excluding the possibility of going out with anyone of a different culture, it sounds fine. As a guy, I'd say that skin tone isn't too big a factor (a lot of white girls think they are too pasty, some black girls think they are too dark, etc.). Honestly, you sound fairly beautiful (haha corny), and, on the whole, a preference in skin color is mostly based on how that person was raised; someone raised in India might only like a darker skin tone if that is the standard there, while someone raised in a place with a variety in culture, like America, might have a broader appreciation limited only by their personal preferences. So yes, yours is more than ok. And as a whole, guys raised in multicultrual environments, on the whole, like a wide range of skin types, although usually on the lighter side.
Reply:predominantly non-white cultures generally adopt social status mind-sets that stereotype lighter skin to be preferred. Philippine culture is yet another example of exactly what you describe with Indian men. But it's not just a gender thing. It's the same in South Africa and other places across the globe. It's a status thing. Ignore it. Find a man who loves you or flip off all the men who don't! There are plenty of men who I'm sure would love the way you look!
Reply:Preference is a personal thing, as is the shape of the body.
I am white caucasian, but definitely prefer a smooth brown skin on my ladies. This is not just because of skin colour but more that I have found Thai ladies to be more beautiful, more respectful, more loyal and more caring than European ladies.
So for me, Rika, brown is tops, and from how you describe yourself so are you!!!
Reply:hey - welcome to the club!! im from a tropical country and i've kind of brown skin (not so much but still).i've always been considered very beautiful by locals as well as foreigners. then i met this indian guy - who was an absolute (and totally sweet) hunk. we were so happy toogether and i never realised that he was much fairer than me (i was never conscious of skin clr before).i realised that like 2 months before our wedding, when we flew to india to meet his family. they did not do anything to make me feel bad, but once my man let out a slip that his family said sthg abt my skiin clr. that was a SHOCK for me!!! I never really believed that ppl still think that way!!! But all's fine now. we have been very-happily-married for 16 months. we r both having great careers, in a different country in asia.i get along great with his family, though im so different from them. but still sometimes, when i meet some indians, they tell me "ur husband is fairer than u" and believe me, they do hear it from me!!!there are some ppl who tend to compare us. as if u can compare beauty of a man and a woman... not all indian guys are like that (i married 1, who tells me like 10 times/day that im beautiful), but it will take time for this concept to go. One thing u have to remember: beauty has nothing to do with skin clr. You have to feel good abt urself. Look beyond the skin. And forget what the rest says. And you dont have to be with an indian guy, if you dont feel good abt it. Last thg: lighter skin on a girl is not prettier, it is considered to be prettier.You can change that if you want.Good luck.
Reply:i'm sure you are beautiful, as for me i perfer white girls with light skin or a light tan, next would be middle eastern darkish tan then asain then maybe hispanic depending on the girl i've never been attracted to any black girls. I don't think thats racest thou do you. It not so much i hate or dislike black girls it's that i've never seen one i pitcualy like but then again haily berry doesn't look hafe bad but i wouldn't say that i was attracted to her. Oh i'm white which means i'm a henze 57 or your clasic mutt
Reply:I prefer bright white (obviously kinna like a vampire)
theres this song " come out in play " about black girls and white guys it goes like this "you gotta keep'm separated"
Reply:Just as some people prefer apples to oranges some people will prefer dark, others light; for whatever reason.
As a Goan I prefer fair as it has connotations of class (Portuguese maintained rule by intermarriage with the Brahman casts over half a millenium). It may sound unfair but everyone has their own preference eg do you prefer tall men to short? Slim men to fat? Young to Old?
You are what you are and some things about you will or can be changed, others won't so just be happy with who you are. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder be assured some guys will think your caramel is the sweetest colour they could desire!
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