Anyone Asian or Indian would know about this stereotype. Lighter is prettier on a female. So as an East Indian with caramel skin, my skin is looked down upon in Indian society even though my features are fine: great skin, long eyelashes, nice smile, small nose, pretty eyes. I even get less attention from Indian guys. But then again, i get hit on by every other culture- black, white, hispanic, etc. So what skin color do guys generally prefer on a girl? And is mine okay?
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
I'm down with all...even green.
What skin color do you 'guys' prefer on a girl?
it depends on race the guy is, they usually like their own kind.
Reply:all true love does not see those things
Reply:All skin colors or tones are beautiful in there own way. here in the states we do not have a cast system as u are used to.
Reply:I do not know i need to know the answer as well.
Reply:Race has no part of relationship if two people love each other that is all that matters.
Reply:i wanna meet u to answer this question well.i m an indian....
Reply:If I was only a racist, I would've told you the answer, See it doesn't matter the colour, all you need is Love and Care from the Girl, Never mind her colour, if she loves you and knows how to handle you at situations then its a ULTIMATE GIFT which a man can ever have, even if he gets all the possible goodness of this whole world.
Reply:I had no idea this stereotype existed. I'm sorry you even have to think or ask about this since you are obviously beautiful and confident. Good luck getting your answer...
Reply:most boys like any type of skin take my advice
Reply:Guys.............. They dont prefer a skin color sweetie they prefer a girl who does or doesn't do what they want I dont even think a guy could tell you. It all depends on the upbringing of the person if they are racist against certain types of people for a certain specific reason or not and if they are mature.
Reply:for me i prefer any skin color other than african black.
caramel is nice. screw the indians for not likig it.
i'm from sri lanka by the way.
i like white to deep tan. good range and keeps the black women for the blacks.
Reply:Unless you plan on excluding the possibility of going out with anyone of a different culture, it sounds fine. As a guy, I'd say that skin tone isn't too big a factor (a lot of white girls think they are too pasty, some black girls think they are too dark, etc.). Honestly, you sound fairly beautiful (haha corny), and, on the whole, a preference in skin color is mostly based on how that person was raised; someone raised in India might only like a darker skin tone if that is the standard there, while someone raised in a place with a variety in culture, like America, might have a broader appreciation limited only by their personal preferences. So yes, yours is more than ok. And as a whole, guys raised in multicultrual environments, on the whole, like a wide range of skin types, although usually on the lighter side.
Reply:predominantly non-white cultures generally adopt social status mind-sets that stereotype lighter skin to be preferred. Philippine culture is yet another example of exactly what you describe with Indian men. But it's not just a gender thing. It's the same in South Africa and other places across the globe. It's a status thing. Ignore it. Find a man who loves you or flip off all the men who don't! There are plenty of men who I'm sure would love the way you look!
Reply:Preference is a personal thing, as is the shape of the body.
I am white caucasian, but definitely prefer a smooth brown skin on my ladies. This is not just because of skin colour but more that I have found Thai ladies to be more beautiful, more respectful, more loyal and more caring than European ladies.
So for me, Rika, brown is tops, and from how you describe yourself so are you!!!
Reply:hey - welcome to the club!! im from a tropical country and i've kind of brown skin (not so much but still).i've always been considered very beautiful by locals as well as foreigners. then i met this indian guy - who was an absolute (and totally sweet) hunk. we were so happy toogether and i never realised that he was much fairer than me (i was never conscious of skin clr before).i realised that like 2 months before our wedding, when we flew to india to meet his family. they did not do anything to make me feel bad, but once my man let out a slip that his family said sthg abt my skiin clr. that was a SHOCK for me!!! I never really believed that ppl still think that way!!! But all's fine now. we have been very-happily-married for 16 months. we r both having great careers, in a different country in asia.i get along great with his family, though im so different from them. but still sometimes, when i meet some indians, they tell me "ur husband is fairer than u" and believe me, they do hear it from me!!!there are some ppl who tend to compare us. as if u can compare beauty of a man and a woman... not all indian guys are like that (i married 1, who tells me like 10 times/day that im beautiful), but it will take time for this concept to go. One thing u have to remember: beauty has nothing to do with skin clr. You have to feel good abt urself. Look beyond the skin. And forget what the rest says. And you dont have to be with an indian guy, if you dont feel good abt it. Last thg: lighter skin on a girl is not prettier, it is considered to be prettier.You can change that if you want.Good luck.
Reply:i'm sure you are beautiful, as for me i perfer white girls with light skin or a light tan, next would be middle eastern darkish tan then asain then maybe hispanic depending on the girl i've never been attracted to any black girls. I don't think thats racest thou do you. It not so much i hate or dislike black girls it's that i've never seen one i pitcualy like but then again haily berry doesn't look hafe bad but i wouldn't say that i was attracted to her. Oh i'm white which means i'm a henze 57 or your clasic mutt
Reply:I prefer bright white (obviously kinna like a vampire)
theres this song " come out in play " about black girls and white guys it goes like this "you gotta keep'm separated"
Reply:Just as some people prefer apples to oranges some people will prefer dark, others light; for whatever reason.
As a Goan I prefer fair as it has connotations of class (Portuguese maintained rule by intermarriage with the Brahman casts over half a millenium). It may sound unfair but everyone has their own preference eg do you prefer tall men to short? Slim men to fat? Young to Old?
You are what you are and some things about you will or can be changed, others won't so just be happy with who you are. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder be assured some guys will think your caramel is the sweetest colour they could desire!
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