Well my skin is really dry and dead skin comes off just to rub my face! What products should I use? I've looked just about everywhere for something to cure it but the majority of face cleansers are for oily skin. The ones that were for dry skin are too heavy feel like lotion making me sweat. Please help! Home remedies would be great as well as products you've bought! Thanks! =] x
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
I have a skin disorder on some areas of my body called "ichthyosis vuglaris" that's pretty much extreme dry skin. When I went to a dermatologist a while back, he recommended I buy something called "AmLactin," which is a lotion that's close to prescription, but not. You might have to get it from behind the counter at your pharmacy. It's very very VERY moisturizing and will probably hurt people's skin if they don't have very dry skin. If you can pick that up, that would be GREAT. It worked really well for me.
Also, I use Jergens Skin Smoothing lotion when I'm not using the AmLactin. Because my ichthyosis is worse during colder months when your skin is typically more dry, I can get away with lighter moisturizers in warmer weather. The Jergens lotion is actually REALLY good.
Also, try using exfoliating body wash in the shower (and an exfoliating facial scrub). Anything with exfoliating beads is good, and use a "body buffer" or "body polisher" or a loofah in the shower. They'll buff away dead skin cells and leave fresh, new ones that aren't dry and look great! Here are some pictures of the types of buffers and polishers that work REALLY well with an exfoliating body wash or shower gel.
http://image.ecplaza.net/offer/t/thankyo... (in between the bottles)
Also, try to use a mesh spongey-thing (whatever it's called, lol) like this when you're showering regularly: http://tanningmoisturizer.com/wp-content... It's gentle, cleansing, and moisturizes your body more than a washcloth, etc.
Good luck, I hope that helps you out!! :)
My skin is really flaky and dry and I don't have acne everything I've tried doesn't work! Help?
Neurtogena skin/hand cream. makes alligator skin feel like a baby's butt after alittle bit. lol. also, try dove soap. it is or sensitive skin.
Reply:Have you tried a facial scrub when you shower? I used to get this but a good exfoliate followed by a moisturiser works well.
Reply:Exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate. Use a moisterising facial foam such as Olay Moisterising Facial Foam. Apply a moisteriser on your face at night, and HOPEFULLY, you don't sweat at night. haha
Reply:I have dry skin around my nose in the winter I bought I humidifier for my apt and it has really helped
Reply:Try some Emu Oil/ Vitamin E oil. They both are natural and penetrates the skin well because of there properties. Vitamin E oil also fades acne scars over time with regular use.
Reply:Use "acne free". It works great. You can it at wal greens or walmart. (other place too) I have really dry skin and this stuff doesn't irritatit at all. Only makes it fell funny the first cuple times you use it. You can also try Vitamin E lotion it works great for me. I think you can get that at wal greens. And don't cost alot at all.
Reply:Well, first off I can tell you absolutely to use Cetaphil, both the wash and the facial cream. It is specifically for sensitive skin (something you need to consider you may also have), and also mosturizes. Its soap free, sort of like a cream, but its also hypoallergenic and doesn't clog pores.
You could exfoliate with something also extremely gentle, but I would recommend focusing more on moisturizing than exfoliating. That could potentially agrivate your skin and make it worse.
If it continues and gets itchy or raw, I would suggest going to a dermatologist.
Reply:You may try this cloth my sister uses from "Artistry".
This gave her immediate results
This Cloth gently polishes away dead skin cells on the surface of your skin, improving skin clarity and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles 鈥?resulting in a dramatic youthful radiance
Reply:My boyfriend suffers from eczema, which could be what is happening with you. He too suddenly began to suffer dry, flaky skin which seemed to be helped by nothing that he tried. This condition can be so irritating as to cause pain and embarrassment. The only real answer here is to see a dermatologist. They can prescribe a skin conditioner and antibiotic that will relieve the condition all together. It will eliminate the dry flaky skin and relieve any pain you might experience with eczema flare-ups. There is no real cure that I am aware of, but the condition may become dormant after time.
More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eczema
Reply:o.k this is a Game plan i got from a celebrity beauty guide.
its for DRY SKIN. i had a friend who used this for dry skin and it worked! she looked really natrual very pretty.(not so dry)
Morning: Wash with mild soap-free cleanser(i suggest dove)
it has to contain NO ALCOHOL. Use luke warm water to wash and then gently pat your face dry with a towel. Cover your face with an oil free moisturizer that is for normal dry skin.Finish with an oil free SPF 15 or high sunscreen.
Night: Wash your face with the same mild soap-free cleanser,
rinse with lukewarm water, and pat dry with a towel. Exfoliate dry patches with a lotion that contains glycolic acid, applying it only to dry and flaky spots. Top it with an oil-free moisturizer, applied over your entire face.
ONCE A WEEK: Moisturize with a hydrating face mask to make it feel soft and less irratated.
MAKE UP TIP: Choose only creamy foundations and moisturizing lipsticks.
Reply:I get dry skin during the winter time and what I find that works for me is right after I take a shower I put baby lotion all over from head to toe and what this does is keeps the moister in the skin.
Reply:You could have a skin called sebborrheic dermatitis (like dandruff on your face). Especially, if it's on your chin and around your nose. Excessive washing and using lotion will make the condition a bit worse. First try a cortisone cream, such as Cortaid, if that helps, then see a doctor. Mine gave me a combination of "Elidel and Ketoconazole" and it's cleared my skin up. I only use it when I have flare ups. You don't want to use cortisone creams for an extended period of time because it will age your skin on your face. The Elidel is a non-steriod cream and ketoconazole is an anti-fungal that is thought to be the cause of the condition. It's important to remember you can't cure it, but you can manage it. I've been living with it for over 20 years. Good luck. 2D
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