I'm 19, and my nose used to have nice smooth skin on it when I was about 16 but then I started to have slight skin problems on it. I occasionally get pimples on it (which I pop...should I?) and I also get these strange little pellets that grow just under the surface of the skin, and they pop out just like a pimple except it's a bit more difficult to do so. I think all this popping might be causing scarring (kind of like acne scars) because now the skin on my nose is all rough, even though the skin on my face is pretty much as smooth as it's always been. But I have to keep popping these things or else they'll accumulate. Also, the pores on my nose seem to be a lot bigger and more visible than they used to be. I started using these biore "ultra deep cleansing pore strips" but they don't seem to be making the skin on my nose any smoother.
What can I do about this?
Why did the skin on my nose get so rough and ugly?
You need to go to a dermatologist. If you keep popping your nose your going to have a hilarious red nose with enlarge pores all your adult life. I have seen adults with this problem and it horrible to look at. You need medication and quickly.
Why did the skin on my nose get so rough and ugly?
it may be dry skin
and if its white and starting to peel
its probably weather change
try aveeno or gold bond =)
Reply:it's called 'EXFOLIATION.' Just avoid scrubbing at pimples w/ it.
Reply:puberty kid live to learn with it
Reply:exfoliate...! %26lt;3
Reply:consult a dermatologist.. dont pop your zits.. have your facial once a week..
Reply:You should not pop your pimples for it spreads bacteria throughout the skin causing dry skin, black heads, and more pimples.
Reply:no you really should not pop them. go and see a dermatologist... or at least your family doctor. there are sooo many creams out there that can help you. good luck!
Reply:you might have a skin condition.
go see a dermotologist and if you use a certain type of face wash stop using it
try not to pop those annoying pimples and,
Reply:it is winter and there is not much sun, and the sun helps your skin. there is not much sun in the winter. when it gets to summer time, they will go away. do not pop anything, it will make it worse.
Reply:ewwwwwwwwwww u must look really ugly..............find a dermatologist ..........and good luck.
Reply:Could be rosacea. Many different kinds of rosacea, so best to see a dermatologist, but essentially, it is a vascular condition that doesn't allow enough blood flow to the surface of your skin, which allows certain kinds of skin conditions to persist (different forms of bacteria, wider pores, etc).
Treatable, but permanent. Usually not that big a deal. We all had perfect skin when we were young. Chances are your soul mate won't mind some imperfections ;).
Reply:I have those pore strips. They dont work!!! Just get an exfoliator (you can find them anywhere) and scrub your nose each night. It will take off the dead skin that causes these pimples. By the way, stop popping them unless absolutely necessary. It will give you scars and is probably one of the causes to the roughness. When you do pop one, immediately scrub it with the exfoliator. That will prevent the dead skin from clogging other pores. You will see a big difference in the amount of pimples. But, maybe not the dryness. If your sking continues to be dry, every morning, put on some oil free moisturizer. If you do all of these things, I guarantee that you will have a clean smooth nose in at most a month!!! Good Luck!!!
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