Why do darker skin blacks get on light-skinned blacks for loveing,merrying, dateing and haveing a family with other light-skinned black people? blacks will say their trying to act white for have light skinned kids and loveing,merrying and dateing each other.
the resone why i ask this is beacuse lighter skinned black get hated on for loveing,merrying, dateing and haveing a family with each other.
Why do darker skin blacks get on light-skinned blackmen for loveing/merrying/dateing light-skinnedblack women?
Don't call African American people "blacks", that's rude and sounds really horrible. You can say "black people" but not "blacks" - that's a very racists term. If someone called my husband a "black" I'd knock them out. Learn some manners when it comes to talking about people of different ethnicity's.
Why do darker skin blacks get on light-skinned blackmen for loveing/merrying/dateing light-skinnedblack women?
Reply:Maybe the question should be why lighter skinned black people act this way???
I have no idea if they do or not but if it is true it sounds like they discriminate against their darker skinned brothers and sisters and receive discrimination in return.
Pretty sad but that's human nature.
Reply:Never heard of such a thing!
Reply:never heard of this, do you mean mixed? where are you from? i am white an my boyfriend is black and we are having a mixed baby and no one gives us a hard time. i wouldnt care if they did anyway.
Reply:I have never heard of this problem, could it have developed in your "world"?
Reply:thats that old slave mentality divide and conquer you hate me cause u aint me dont let it bother you
Reply:aren't we lucky school just started back ...now maybe half of these people will learn how to spell instead of coming up with all these stupid a$$ racial questions
Reply:Is this thing going on with you.
Reply:if you spent more time on your spelling and less time on bullsh*t . you would not have these hangups.........
Reply:What the hell...Wat difference does it make your all black. Light skinned people date other light skinned people all the time. It's not abnormal. We are all different shades, does it really matter. That old myth that light skinned always date dark skinned and vice verse. Come on that just ain't happening. when you grow up and stop acting like a kid, you'll realize we're just a different shade of one color.
Additional Note:
Your making alot of forums about lightskinned blacks and darksinned blacks. Are you really a white racist person trying to use the willie lynch method to start a war within the black race? Um....It's not working.
Reply:What the hell are you talking about? Their is not issues in the black community about hatting on light skin people. Go to sleep you have school tomorrow.
Reply:Because their discrimmination within the black culture.And as long as you are on opposit on the color scale you will always be looked at as awanna be.Because their is racism between the transition amongst blacks an afriicans. However black is a diluted race thaty is why we are not african.blacks will always reflect the lighter side as a down fall and africans will never except you.
Reply:well wouldnt you feel a little agravated if you could stand in the dark and people only saw you when you smiled?
Reply:Get real we (black, white, Hispanic, Asian, etc....) all hate on each other. Some just prefer a different skinned toned partner. That is all some bogus stereo typing you are carrying on like all the rest get over. We are all made different and that's a part of life. The world would be a boring place if we all looked exactly alike don't you think.
Reply:I know what you mean but really who cares. It all comes down to preference. You should be able to do what you want to do.
Reply:Let me give you a little advice my man.......this is 2006.....light skinned or darker Black is Black! And black in all forms is Beautiful.
Reply:Having worked lived and been around blacks for most of my life, I can tell you that there is more racism against blacks within the black community than there ever thought of being between black and white
Reply:It's a black thing kid leave it alone alright.
Reply:Ridiculous racism, isn't it??? Why do they think they get to tell others how to act or they "aren't black enough????" I'd be pi#$%d off if it happened to me. Everyone should be allowed to make up their own minds (that's what a mind is for...THINKING) and make their own choices without some nameless, faceless force telling them they're being untrue to their race. Why don't the light skinned tell the others to get a more opened and enlightened mind?
Reply:~First and foremost, have you ever thought that it may be difficult for "darker skinned black men" to make contact in the bedroom with the lights off (especially if she got no teeth and her butt is under the sheets) with a moolie as dark as him. (It's like trying to watch a black cat eating licorice in the coal bin with the lights out, for christ's sakes) ....... whereas, "light-skinned" black women are easier to find in the dark (even without teeth) The poor guy doesn't have to spend the night floundering trying to find the source of that tuna smell.
I didn't think I could be more racist with my answer than you were with your question. I was wrong. PTL
Reply:What does merrying mean? Use spell check next time.
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