Why are some people in this country so obsessed about being fair?
So much so that there's a skin whitening product called 'Fair %26amp; Lovely', which has advertisements showing women only getting the attention of men when their skin becomes fair.
What a load of BS.
Even in Yahoo answers, a lot of dark skinned Malaysians like to make their avatars a lighter colour than their skin actually is.
If you're dark, you're dark. There is no reason to be ashamed. So why are so many people still ashamed/in denial???
The Skin Colour of Malaysians?
THANK YOU, exactly. What's up with that?
Blame it on the media, dude is what I say. In fact blame it on human nature, I mean if you've short hair, you want it lengthened, if you're short you wanna be taller, etc.
The same goes for the Westerners, while they envy our naturally tanned skin, we on the other hand envy their pale skin!
%26lt;go figure%26gt;
It's almost insulting to me that it indicates if you're dark-skinned then you're automatically ugly. Then what about those that are born with such dark complexions? Does that mean they should be ostracized for their appearance? *rolls eyes*
That's what makes us all unique. If we all looked pale, wouldn't that be a "colorless" and dull world?
The Skin Colour of Malaysians?
all far easterns have wheatish colour....now if some one wants to meddle with that its upto them.
Reply:In the Philippines, most women love having "fair" or "whiter" skin. It's advertised in the media, etc... White is supposed to be associated with purity. Also, in the olden days, women used to stay indoors and not work, meaning they were fairer skinned than if they were to work outside. Is it like a symbol of health.
Personally, I like women with a little tan, looks caliente! :D
Reply:Did you know other means for preety?
It's white skin, long hair, big boobs (pardon me), but the fact that people agree.
Reply:well a lot of white/pale people like a suntan.... I guess people are never happy with what they have... they want something else.
dark people want light skin
light skinned people want darker skin.
Reply:i agree with you! be what you are and not to be like michael jackson.
just for your infomation...malaysia is a multi national country and they look the same as any human on earth...just different in skin color!
Reply:ye i only find that sad because it shows how a beautiful race has been affected by western culture!
Reply:grass is always greener on the other side
Reply:there are various kinds of race in malaysia. there is chinese, malays and indians. the malays are usually have a dark skin but not too dark.they are wearing that kind of product because the weather in malaysia is hot. the sun makes their skin look darker than usual.. that's why they are using the product too protect their skin from further darkening.
Reply:yeah, we should be proud of our skin colour...god made us as we are and we should appreciate it blemish and all...
Reply:You mean Malays. They are brown.
Reply:Well human always never satisfied with what they owned. I think it's our Asian culture. We perceive that fairer colour skin will get better recognitions and praises from ppl around. * mine is fair colour skin ;-)
Reply:reason for whittening is to let the paints of the colours in the face looks nicer and more attractive.
Reply:Everyone wants to look good. The 'in thing' now is fair skin. For all you know one day the trend will change, and having a dark skin will be fashionable.So in the meantime quit whining and just live and let live, after all beauty is only just skin deep. Its the inner beauty thats count at the end of the day
Reply:"The fox %26amp; the sour grapes?"
Reply:the main obsession in Malaysia is with Chinese women wanting to have the perfect figure more than white skin. there are hundreds of clinics everywhere charging a bomb, promising to 'sculpt' their body.
but its not as tacky as in India. there are actually ads on TV where a girl gets rejected because she's dark and after she uses "Fair %26amp; Lovely", she wins the man of her dreams.
same stuff in Singapore. its an Asian mentality where white is considered beautiful.
Reply:people sometimes don't know how to appreciate their natural appearence. People don't think it is right to say they are beautiful because they think it's like boasting.
i think television has contributed a lot to this problem.
Reply:because they watch too much of 'Fair %26amp; Lovely' advertisment...
Reply:I'm dark and i always dream to be fair but i stopped it after i think i'm special with dark skin. I'm Asian not American why must shame with my skin. no discrimination here, why i need a crazy dream?
how can when i put my face with whitening product and all my skin can be fair? oh... impossible right?
so i stoped to dream to born as white
Reply:Even the most successful or beautiful people in the world are never completely satisfied with themselves but always in want of more...
Take Michael Jackson for example... He used to be black but look at him now... ;-)
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