Do any of you guys have dry skin on your feet? Mine is really bad around my heals and starting to crack a little. And on the bottom of my feet my skin is starting to peal a little. Do any of you know what this could be caused from besides just dry skin? What can I do to get normal skin on my feet again?
Foot Skin? Please Help?
Foot Skin? Please Help?
I would obviously use some lotion.
And whatever you do, don't use your teeth to peel away at the skin.
Trust me.
Reply:Sound like you have athletic feet fungus. Get some anti fungus cream at Walmart.
Reply:I do two things to my feet every month. I have done this for years.
1 - wash feet in pure bleach for about five minutes - rinse..
2 - then use moisturizer.
Reply:use cure sis triedthat and it worked
Reply:It sounds like your feet have callouses. Use a pedicure set and moisturize and hopefully they'll be good as new in no time.
Reply:You could have a number of different problems with your skin. I personally have contact dermatitis.
if that isn't the case for you, try googling "dry feet" ~_^
Reply:use a pumace stone
and use burts bees peppermint foot cream, trust me i have it and it works really really really well, and a great time to use it is overnite so your feet have time to obsorbe mosture
hope this help, and u should seriously try it it WORKS! =)
Reply:hey you should put petroleum jelly often to prevent or heal the cracks on your feet especially on your soles.
Reply:You could have athletes foot fungus if the pealing area is also red and bumpy. If not, just use a large emery board on the heels and lots of lotion. Use lotion at night %26amp; put on cotton socks %26amp; your feet will look %26amp; feel great.
Reply:The best solution for me was a foot file and a good lotion. There is a product called Bare feet. It comes in a scrub and a lotion and they both work really really good. It helps if you put lotion on right before your socks and shoes. It feels weird at first but your feet will feel really soft when you take off your shoes. If you do that everyday for a week, your feet will be really soft.
Reply:Go to or their nearest store. They have awesome foot lotion for cracked heels and it will work in just a couple days. The location can be found on their website.
Reply:it depends on what type of shoes u wear-that can affect ur feet alot..Im in FL so I wear alot of high heel open sandals so they get alot of friction and can get pretty yucky...everytime I take a shower I scrub my feet lightly with a pumice stone -and lotion often with cocoa butter-
Reply:It's completley normal. All you have to do is too try to rub a little bit of lotion into your feet every night, and try to wear more supportive and comfortable shoes for a while. All it means is that you are on your feet a lot.
Reply:You have dry skin on your feet. Use shea butter or vaseline, smear it on your feet, especially where they are cracking, then put on a pair of white sock. Leave on til morning. Repeat until feet are no longer so dry and cracked, then do this 2 or 3 times a week.
Reply:MY FATHER HAD THE SAME PROBLEM for years - his feet were so bad that they would crack and bleed when he walked. This is caused by a variety of foot funguses like variations of Athlete's foot.
You need to apply a pumice stone when possible to cut down on the callouses, then use either a lotion, or get a jar of what is called "udder cream". It will keep your feet soft and supple. You should also go to your doctor, and try to get something to treat the fungus. Once the fungus and your feet are back under control, make sure you change your socks at least once every day. Do not put the same dirty pair back on. If your feet get wet, dry them as soon as possible. And make sure that you let your feet air out while at home, take your socks off - you can still wear a pair of slippers if you wish, but your feet need time to breathe, just like the rest of your skin.
Reply:to use Vaseline is the best .
Reply:I have the same problem sorry to hear you are having this problem...
This could be lots of reasons..
As a first resort go to your pharmacist and get some heel balm and wear it at night with cotton socks..
If it does not clear up after 3 or so weeks go and see a doctor.
If there is any discolouration or a lot of pain, go and see a doctor straight away...
Best of luck...
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