For example, some people have smooth skin but others don't. And by "other's don't" I don't mean acne or stuff like that. I'm talking about different skin textures. Do they exist? Because my skin is not smooth, yet I don't suffer from acne. My skin looks like I'm cold/goosebumps (tiny dots) all over.
Are there different skin types? I don't mean skin color?
yes there are different types
Are there different skin types? I don't mean skin color?
erm im not so shur.. but ya... i think its due to diff skin type.. like normal skin. oily skin.. dry skin.. combination. maybe urs is normal skin.
Reply:Yes...go to see a certified cosmetologist who can help you get smoother skin.
Reply:i got that too it is fine you can go get a tube of medicen that will make them go away but they will come back there is no way to get them gone forever it is call xama it is fine
Reply:Types of skins are
# Type 1: Oily Oily skin tends to shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads %26amp; blemishes. You might experience some tightness.
# Type 2: Combination/normal This skin type has medium pores, a smooth %26amp; even texture, good circulation, healthy color, may tend toward dryness on the cheeks while being oily in the t-zone.
# Type 3: Sensitive Sensitive skin tends to be thin, delicate with fine pores. It flushes easily, is prone to broken capillaries, is frequently allergic %26amp; can be rashy.
# Type 4: Dry Dry skin feels tight, especially after cleansing, %26amp; have fine wrinkles, flaking %26amp; red patches. In women of color, skin may appear ashy or dull from dead skin buildup.
# Type 5: Aging or sun-damaged This skin also feels tight with visible wrinkles, slack skin tone -- especially around the cheeks %26amp; jawline -- with leathery texture %26amp; broken capillaries.
Reply:There's dry, sensitive, normal, oily %26amp; combination. Combination is your cheeks are dry but you have oily nose, chin, and foreheead. How you can tell if you have oily skin is if your skin looks shiny or if you put a brown bag pressed against your face and the bag looks greasy. Sensitive means your skin can't handle a lot of skin products or your skin itches with lots of fabrics (wool doesn't count, as ANY ONE can itch with wool). Normal means your skin is not oily nor does it feel rough. Rough means your skin is dry.
I hope I been of help! :-)
Reply:yeah. everyone's skin is a little different. People with oily skin usually have bigger pores.
the bumps you have might be whiteheads/blackheads and are a sign of clogged pores. you should wash your face daily with a good facewash and then follow up with a toner. toner will clean deep into the pores to remove dead skin cells and others that cause bumps on the face. Remember to moisturize MOISTURIZE moisturize! all skin types need to a moisturizer. Moisturizing will maintain your skin's hydration level. also, exfoliate at most 3 times a week (every other day).
when you exfoliate, gentally, using circular motions, rub in one direction and then the other direction. exfoliating will really remove those bumps because it lifts all the dead skin cells and bacteria clogging your pores.
clinique has a 3 step face was that's pretty good, about $54 for face wash, toner and moisturizer.
i love lancome's exfoliator. $21 but really nice. it has beads that clean and other beads that softens the skin.
if you have bumps and don't think that they're clogged pores, consult your dermatoligst! she's a pro and will know exactly why you have bumps.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Skin Question??? Darken & Whiten???
How come there is something to darken your skin (a tan) but there's isn't anything like that to whiten your skin???
If there is a "tanning booth" there should be a "whitnening booth" also...or do they???
Is there something that you can like bathe in to lightnen/whiten your skin (Whole body)???
Skin Question??? Darken %26amp; Whiten???
There are a whole ton of whitening products in Asia where white/pale skin is considered to be more desirable for women. It would be hard to find that sort of stuff in America. They have face whitening products in America [Estee Lauder, H2O] but for the body, as far as I know, you would have to import it/buy it online from the internet.
The whitening products are just lotions that lighten your skin, there aren't any whitening booth :)
Hope this was helpful and good luck!
Hey, I googled and found this:
Most skin whiteners currently on the market contain ingredients (hydroquinone, ascorbic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, azealic acid, glycyrrhetinic acid (licorice extract)) that act as direct inhibitors of tyrosinase, the enzyme in the skin pigment cells (melanocytes) that make melanin.
Arbutin is a new type of skin de-pigmentation and whitening agents, an extract of Bearberry plant which produced by a solid /liquid extraction, an environmentally friendly process. Arbutin protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals, Arbutin is a skin whitening agent which is very popular in Japan and Asian countries for skin de-pigmentation, Arbutin inhibits the formation of melanin pigment by inhibiting Tyrosinase activity. It may be used to repress the virulence of bacterial pathogens and to prevent contaminating bacteria, it is also used for treating allergic inflammation of the skin . More recently, Arbutin has been used to prevent pigmentation and to whiten the skin beautifully. It can be used to whiten the skin, to prevent liver spots and freckles, to treat sunburn marks and to regulate melanogenesis.
Arbutin is very safe skin agent for external use which does not have toxicity, stimulation, unpleasant odor or side effect such as Hydroqinone.The encapsulation of Arbutin constitute a delivery system to potentialize the effect in time. It is a way to incorporate the hydrophilic Arbutin in lipophilic media. Arbutin give three main properties; Whitening effects, anti- age effect and UVB/ UVC filter .
There is an increasing awareness that vitamin C has a wide variety of role in human health. New therapeutic uses are being investigated daily, among recent discoveries is that Vitamin C can play important role in the health and beauty of your skin. Vitamin C as ascorbyl form has been tested extensively and reported in journal of American Academy of Dermatology to inhibit the production of the melanin (Melanin is the pigment which give the skin it's dark color), when Vitamin C inhibit the production of the melanin, a lighter and brighter skin will reveal in just few weeks.
Vitamin C does more than that also, vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis, which declines markedly in aging skin. As we grow older, we suffer diminished micro capillary circulation within our skin, which deprives our skin cells of the supply of vitamin C it needs for youthful collagen synthesis. The topical application of vitamin C in a skin-penetrating medium can dramatically enhance the availability of vitamin C for collagen production.
Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E in the skin. An antioxidant like vitamin E can only suppress a limited number of free radicals before it runs out of electrons to donate. Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E and enables vitamin E to provide sustained antioxidant protection in the skin's elastin fibers.
Vitamin C plays a vital role in skin repair. When your skin is injured, its Vitamin C content is used up rapidly in the scavenging of free radicals, and in synthesizing collagen to speed healing.
Glycyrrhetinic acid, isolated from Glycyrrihiza glabra (licorice) is widely used in cosmetic industry. Licorice inhibit tyrosinase activity of melanocytes without any cytotoxicity, it also showed that UV-B鈥搃nduced pigmentation and erythema can be inhibited by topical application of 0.5% Licorice The anti-inflammatory properties of Licorice were attributed to inhibition of superoxide anion production and cyclooxygenase activity.
As a fungal metabolic product, kojic acid inhibits the catecholase activity of tyrosinase, which is the rate-limiting, essential enzyme in the biosynthesis of the skin pigment melanin. Kojic acid also is consumed widely in the Japanese diet with the belief that it is of benefit to health. Indeed, it has been shown to significantly enhance neutrophil phagocytosis and lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by phytohemagglutinin. Melanocytes treated with kojic acid become nondendritic with a decreased melanin content. Additionally, it scavenges reactive oxygen species that are excessively released from cells or generated in tissue or blood.
This tyrosinase inhibitor was isolated from a plant herbal extract. The plant roots from which paper mulberry was isolated were collected in Korea. The tyrosinase inhibition of paper mulberry was compared to kojic acid and HQ. The IC50, the concentration causing 50% inhibition of the activity of tyrosinase, was reported to be 0.396% compared to 5.5% for hydroquinone and 10.0% for kojic acid.
Melanostat is a peptide obtained by amino acid synthesis with a technique of Merryfield. It demonstrate an outstanding anti MSH activity experimentally investigated for skin lightening. The target of Melanostat the membrane receptor of alpha-MSH on the melanocytes, the B- MICR receptor , its mode of action is a competitive inhibition of alpha-MSH, membrane receptors are blocked in a natural way. The anti-MSH is a molecule naturally present in the skin. It belong to the system of regulation of the pigmentation. Melanostat counterbalances the formation of melanin and especially the synthesis of tyrosinase, key enzyme involved in the process of pigmentation. In the skin, alpha-MSH plays an essential role in the stimulation of the synthesis of melanin. This process is under the control of an anti鈥擬SH, also naturally present in the skin.
Recently, researches performed on alpha- MSH enabled a detailed study of the structure and function of this molecule, so as the exact determination of its receptor. This receptor is B receptor, its scientific determination is MICR receptor. The study of these molecules enabled researchers to synthesize peptides with a similar (MSH-like), or antagonist (anti-MSH) activity. The structure of Melanostat antagonist peptide of the alpha-MSH, is relatively similar to the structure of alpa-MSH. Because of this similarity, Melanostat acts while competing the receptors of alpha-MSH on the melanocytes. The action of Melanostat occurs before the action of the well-known inhibitors. Which acts on the intracellular enzyme system. Melanostat does not penetrate the cell because its competitive activity initiates on membrane receptors. Its action enables a natural and reversible blockage of the membrane receptors, without disturbing the physiological functioning of the cutaneous cells. Thus, Melanostat counteracts the formation of melanin and notably the synthesis of tyrosinase, key enzyme of the pigmentation process of the skin. The anti-MSH molecule naturally exist in the organism, and is involved in a system that regulates melanogenesis. It is activated in season changes. When sunshine is high, the amount of alpha MSH exceed the amount of anti-MSH. The receptors for alpha-MSH multiply at the surface of the cells. The results is an increase of the synthesis of the melanin and the rise of the pigmentation of the skin. When the sunshine is low, anti-MSH exceed alpha-MSH. The receptors at the surface of the melanocytes decrease. The synthesis of melanin is not stimulated anymore, pigmentation of the skin decreases. Thus, alpha-MSH and anti-MSH play the role of accelerator or brake for the synthesis of melanin. Depending on the predominance of anti-MSH or alpha-MSH, the color of the skin evolves in a away or another.
The incorporation of Melanostat in skin lightening creams will place the skin in a physiological dominant anti-MSH situation. Its action is based on the reinforcement of the natural ability of the skin to counteract the activity of alpha-MSH. Melanostat has been investigated in vivo against alpha MSH: the darkening of the skin induced by alpha-MSH is assessed and expressed in percentage of change by comparison with the normal situation.
Retinol is the most important natural form of vitamin A. Vitamin A is the first vitamin to be used topically for the treatment of damaged human skin. Today, the term vitamin A is applied to retinol (Vitamin A alcohol), retinal (Vitamin A aldehyde) and tretinoin (Vitamin A acid). Vitamin A stimulates mitotic activity and the production of collagen - the stuff skin is made of. It is now known that the clinical effect obtained with high doses of vitamin A is necessary for normal differentiate and maintenance of epithelial tissues. Especially, retinol is held out as the new great hope for reduction of photo aging skin. Retinol or Vitamin A helps to renew and exfoliate the skin, giving a new lighter, beautiful skin.
Hope that was more helpful to you and good luck!
Skin Question??? Darken %26amp; Whiten???
you cant whiten the skin. darkening of skin is possible.
that is nature
Reply:you have michael Jacksonian desires? Well, colored people really don't want to be pale. I know I don't and you shouldn't either, are you Michael Jackson or something?
Reply:Apparently there is a cream that lightens your skin but I suggest not to use it. Tanning your skin goes away but who wants to look like Michael Jackson and your skin pigment messed up.
You have to use abrasive chemicals to lighten your skin.
Reply:lightening skin naturally takes a LONG time....i used to have DARK DARK skin and u really just have to wear sunscreen when u go out and limit ur sun'll prolly take more than a year.....if u REALLY want to whiten ur skin, ive read about surgeries that will do it. They have it a lot in Asia because darker skin represents working was in Time magazine....check and maybe search for the article if you're really intent on whitening ur skin
Reply:fair %26amp; lovely
Reply:They are showing up in China, but I don't know about any skin lightening establishments in the US.
Reply:Have a look in an asian grocer. I know they sell whitening makeup so they might sell something like what you want
Reply:Yes, I agree that whilst there are many facial cream in the market which whitens or brightens your face but not much for the body. I suggest you have a look at St Ives and or Nivea, I vaguely recall that they have brightening/whitening body lotion, "it won't happen over night, but it will happen".
I used to pour 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide in my bath to remove dried-up unwanted tanning lotion/tan marks (yep stripy tan lines/streaks does not look good nor does that betacarotene look). I just soak for about 10 minutes, rinse in the shower and exfoliate, works like magic everytime! Then I just moisturise my whole body for baby smooth skin...hehehe...perhaps this will help you with exfoliating your tanned skin to reveal a lighter/more desirable shade? But becareful if you have hyper sensitive skin as the hydrogen peroxide might cause redness as with any cream that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
Also do as the other person has mentioned earlier, use spf30 or higher (certain parts of Europe sells spf60 lotions/creams) when you're in the Sun as well as minimise Sun exposure. Just about an hour or 2 a day with a hat on is sufficient. You need Sunlight to stay happy otherwise you will have to take vitamin D supplement should you avoid Sun exposure altogether.
Good luck!
If there is a "tanning booth" there should be a "whitnening booth" also...or do they???
Is there something that you can like bathe in to lightnen/whiten your skin (Whole body)???
Skin Question??? Darken %26amp; Whiten???
There are a whole ton of whitening products in Asia where white/pale skin is considered to be more desirable for women. It would be hard to find that sort of stuff in America. They have face whitening products in America [Estee Lauder, H2O] but for the body, as far as I know, you would have to import it/buy it online from the internet.
The whitening products are just lotions that lighten your skin, there aren't any whitening booth :)
Hope this was helpful and good luck!
Hey, I googled and found this:
Most skin whiteners currently on the market contain ingredients (hydroquinone, ascorbic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, azealic acid, glycyrrhetinic acid (licorice extract)) that act as direct inhibitors of tyrosinase, the enzyme in the skin pigment cells (melanocytes) that make melanin.
Arbutin is a new type of skin de-pigmentation and whitening agents, an extract of Bearberry plant which produced by a solid /liquid extraction, an environmentally friendly process. Arbutin protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals, Arbutin is a skin whitening agent which is very popular in Japan and Asian countries for skin de-pigmentation, Arbutin inhibits the formation of melanin pigment by inhibiting Tyrosinase activity. It may be used to repress the virulence of bacterial pathogens and to prevent contaminating bacteria, it is also used for treating allergic inflammation of the skin . More recently, Arbutin has been used to prevent pigmentation and to whiten the skin beautifully. It can be used to whiten the skin, to prevent liver spots and freckles, to treat sunburn marks and to regulate melanogenesis.
Arbutin is very safe skin agent for external use which does not have toxicity, stimulation, unpleasant odor or side effect such as Hydroqinone.The encapsulation of Arbutin constitute a delivery system to potentialize the effect in time. It is a way to incorporate the hydrophilic Arbutin in lipophilic media. Arbutin give three main properties; Whitening effects, anti- age effect and UVB/ UVC filter .
There is an increasing awareness that vitamin C has a wide variety of role in human health. New therapeutic uses are being investigated daily, among recent discoveries is that Vitamin C can play important role in the health and beauty of your skin. Vitamin C as ascorbyl form has been tested extensively and reported in journal of American Academy of Dermatology to inhibit the production of the melanin (Melanin is the pigment which give the skin it's dark color), when Vitamin C inhibit the production of the melanin, a lighter and brighter skin will reveal in just few weeks.
Vitamin C does more than that also, vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis, which declines markedly in aging skin. As we grow older, we suffer diminished micro capillary circulation within our skin, which deprives our skin cells of the supply of vitamin C it needs for youthful collagen synthesis. The topical application of vitamin C in a skin-penetrating medium can dramatically enhance the availability of vitamin C for collagen production.
Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E in the skin. An antioxidant like vitamin E can only suppress a limited number of free radicals before it runs out of electrons to donate. Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E and enables vitamin E to provide sustained antioxidant protection in the skin's elastin fibers.
Vitamin C plays a vital role in skin repair. When your skin is injured, its Vitamin C content is used up rapidly in the scavenging of free radicals, and in synthesizing collagen to speed healing.
Glycyrrhetinic acid, isolated from Glycyrrihiza glabra (licorice) is widely used in cosmetic industry. Licorice inhibit tyrosinase activity of melanocytes without any cytotoxicity, it also showed that UV-B鈥搃nduced pigmentation and erythema can be inhibited by topical application of 0.5% Licorice The anti-inflammatory properties of Licorice were attributed to inhibition of superoxide anion production and cyclooxygenase activity.
As a fungal metabolic product, kojic acid inhibits the catecholase activity of tyrosinase, which is the rate-limiting, essential enzyme in the biosynthesis of the skin pigment melanin. Kojic acid also is consumed widely in the Japanese diet with the belief that it is of benefit to health. Indeed, it has been shown to significantly enhance neutrophil phagocytosis and lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by phytohemagglutinin. Melanocytes treated with kojic acid become nondendritic with a decreased melanin content. Additionally, it scavenges reactive oxygen species that are excessively released from cells or generated in tissue or blood.
This tyrosinase inhibitor was isolated from a plant herbal extract. The plant roots from which paper mulberry was isolated were collected in Korea. The tyrosinase inhibition of paper mulberry was compared to kojic acid and HQ. The IC50, the concentration causing 50% inhibition of the activity of tyrosinase, was reported to be 0.396% compared to 5.5% for hydroquinone and 10.0% for kojic acid.
Melanostat is a peptide obtained by amino acid synthesis with a technique of Merryfield. It demonstrate an outstanding anti MSH activity experimentally investigated for skin lightening. The target of Melanostat the membrane receptor of alpha-MSH on the melanocytes, the B- MICR receptor , its mode of action is a competitive inhibition of alpha-MSH, membrane receptors are blocked in a natural way. The anti-MSH is a molecule naturally present in the skin. It belong to the system of regulation of the pigmentation. Melanostat counterbalances the formation of melanin and especially the synthesis of tyrosinase, key enzyme involved in the process of pigmentation. In the skin, alpha-MSH plays an essential role in the stimulation of the synthesis of melanin. This process is under the control of an anti鈥擬SH, also naturally present in the skin.
Recently, researches performed on alpha- MSH enabled a detailed study of the structure and function of this molecule, so as the exact determination of its receptor. This receptor is B receptor, its scientific determination is MICR receptor. The study of these molecules enabled researchers to synthesize peptides with a similar (MSH-like), or antagonist (anti-MSH) activity. The structure of Melanostat antagonist peptide of the alpha-MSH, is relatively similar to the structure of alpa-MSH. Because of this similarity, Melanostat acts while competing the receptors of alpha-MSH on the melanocytes. The action of Melanostat occurs before the action of the well-known inhibitors. Which acts on the intracellular enzyme system. Melanostat does not penetrate the cell because its competitive activity initiates on membrane receptors. Its action enables a natural and reversible blockage of the membrane receptors, without disturbing the physiological functioning of the cutaneous cells. Thus, Melanostat counteracts the formation of melanin and notably the synthesis of tyrosinase, key enzyme of the pigmentation process of the skin. The anti-MSH molecule naturally exist in the organism, and is involved in a system that regulates melanogenesis. It is activated in season changes. When sunshine is high, the amount of alpha MSH exceed the amount of anti-MSH. The receptors for alpha-MSH multiply at the surface of the cells. The results is an increase of the synthesis of the melanin and the rise of the pigmentation of the skin. When the sunshine is low, anti-MSH exceed alpha-MSH. The receptors at the surface of the melanocytes decrease. The synthesis of melanin is not stimulated anymore, pigmentation of the skin decreases. Thus, alpha-MSH and anti-MSH play the role of accelerator or brake for the synthesis of melanin. Depending on the predominance of anti-MSH or alpha-MSH, the color of the skin evolves in a away or another.
The incorporation of Melanostat in skin lightening creams will place the skin in a physiological dominant anti-MSH situation. Its action is based on the reinforcement of the natural ability of the skin to counteract the activity of alpha-MSH. Melanostat has been investigated in vivo against alpha MSH: the darkening of the skin induced by alpha-MSH is assessed and expressed in percentage of change by comparison with the normal situation.
Retinol is the most important natural form of vitamin A. Vitamin A is the first vitamin to be used topically for the treatment of damaged human skin. Today, the term vitamin A is applied to retinol (Vitamin A alcohol), retinal (Vitamin A aldehyde) and tretinoin (Vitamin A acid). Vitamin A stimulates mitotic activity and the production of collagen - the stuff skin is made of. It is now known that the clinical effect obtained with high doses of vitamin A is necessary for normal differentiate and maintenance of epithelial tissues. Especially, retinol is held out as the new great hope for reduction of photo aging skin. Retinol or Vitamin A helps to renew and exfoliate the skin, giving a new lighter, beautiful skin.
Hope that was more helpful to you and good luck!
Skin Question??? Darken %26amp; Whiten???
you cant whiten the skin. darkening of skin is possible.
that is nature
Reply:you have michael Jacksonian desires? Well, colored people really don't want to be pale. I know I don't and you shouldn't either, are you Michael Jackson or something?
Reply:Apparently there is a cream that lightens your skin but I suggest not to use it. Tanning your skin goes away but who wants to look like Michael Jackson and your skin pigment messed up.
You have to use abrasive chemicals to lighten your skin.
Reply:lightening skin naturally takes a LONG time....i used to have DARK DARK skin and u really just have to wear sunscreen when u go out and limit ur sun'll prolly take more than a year.....if u REALLY want to whiten ur skin, ive read about surgeries that will do it. They have it a lot in Asia because darker skin represents working was in Time magazine....check and maybe search for the article if you're really intent on whitening ur skin
Reply:fair %26amp; lovely
Reply:They are showing up in China, but I don't know about any skin lightening establishments in the US.
Reply:Have a look in an asian grocer. I know they sell whitening makeup so they might sell something like what you want
Reply:Yes, I agree that whilst there are many facial cream in the market which whitens or brightens your face but not much for the body. I suggest you have a look at St Ives and or Nivea, I vaguely recall that they have brightening/whitening body lotion, "it won't happen over night, but it will happen".
I used to pour 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide in my bath to remove dried-up unwanted tanning lotion/tan marks (yep stripy tan lines/streaks does not look good nor does that betacarotene look). I just soak for about 10 minutes, rinse in the shower and exfoliate, works like magic everytime! Then I just moisturise my whole body for baby smooth skin...hehehe...perhaps this will help you with exfoliating your tanned skin to reveal a lighter/more desirable shade? But becareful if you have hyper sensitive skin as the hydrogen peroxide might cause redness as with any cream that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
Also do as the other person has mentioned earlier, use spf30 or higher (certain parts of Europe sells spf60 lotions/creams) when you're in the Sun as well as minimise Sun exposure. Just about an hour or 2 a day with a hat on is sufficient. You need Sunlight to stay happy otherwise you will have to take vitamin D supplement should you avoid Sun exposure altogether.
Good luck!
Skin allergy??
I have been having tiny bumps on my face, that seem like tiny clusters. Around certain areas, it gets very dry and the skin there starts to peel away. Its itchy too, and it doesnt seem to go away with any kind of medication. One skin specialist says it is allergy due to dust. My skin used to be very clear before, and now i seem to get tiny pimples and acne too!!! Has anyone experinced this or has this. Help.
Skin allergy??
its called growing up
Skin allergy??
I have the same problem, and i'm 26! It has only happened a handful of times, but almost always in relation to dust (and sometimes chemicals in face creams). I actually have a reaction at the moment, which is why i was googling and came upon your post!
Try switching to a hypo allergenic detergent for your clothes and sheets and dust regularly.
Once i've had a reaction, i find the soak and seal method helps clear it up - ie. splash your face with warm water, leave it slightly wet and then rub in a moisturisor for sensitive skin. Makes it feel a lot better too.
Hope that helps! I know how frustrating it can be, and uncomfortable!
Skin allergy??
its called growing up
Skin allergy??
I have the same problem, and i'm 26! It has only happened a handful of times, but almost always in relation to dust (and sometimes chemicals in face creams). I actually have a reaction at the moment, which is why i was googling and came upon your post!
Try switching to a hypo allergenic detergent for your clothes and sheets and dust regularly.
Once i've had a reaction, i find the soak and seal method helps clear it up - ie. splash your face with warm water, leave it slightly wet and then rub in a moisturisor for sensitive skin. Makes it feel a lot better too.
Hope that helps! I know how frustrating it can be, and uncomfortable!
I hate the whole skin tone questions, don't you?
It's like some of these people are really freaking me out with the whole "Light skinned people are beautiful", "dark skinned people are more considered as a black person or w/e".
I can't take it. I'm not dark skinned nor light skinned. I'm inbetween. (brownskin).
I think its horrible how some of the blacks here are agruing over their skin tones. (who's better? i mean my gosh)
Don't you think its stupid and it should end.
Also: (Mia Long, Diamond, The light skinned boy and girl and all the other idiots are really werid and creepy and yucky and ew. Don't you agree lol.
Thanks for reading.
And uh......Hiya! (ahahahaha ghehehehe, i love to giggle)
Have a wonderful day and enjoy you're 2 points.
I hate the whole skin tone questions, don't you?
You like to giggle and you're brown-skinned.
And you want us to not think in terms of skin colour.
O.... K..... Well, how about not bringing it up then?
I hate the whole skin tone questions, don't you?
I like em, they are funny
Reply:yea it should end its stupid what matters is the person i mean god a white person can be as bad a black person and as well as Hispanic and visa verse point is its all in the person not the skin tone and everyone is beautiful in their on special way that's what makes the person beautiful.
Reply:hi honey! yeah i agree with you. but i always thought they were trolls? i don't read that many of their questions, don't let it get to you. just for the record i'm white.
Reply:Yeah I am in the brown color and I thank god for that! But I do notice that sometimes because im brown depending on the company I keep I am labeled Dark skinned, when dealing with very light complexion blacks and some whites that actually acknowledge that we have complexions, and my family is mostly very darkskinned so I am often referred to as the "yellow" one. Its all too subjective to worry about as long as your happy in your skin, live in it!
Reply:It's all just a game and a joke, as is all of YA. I'm going to go play Rainbow Six, do some killin'. Join me, I'm Ouch95148.
Reply:i agree with you!! to all u brothers and sisters stop acting a fool ur all beautiful. no matter how light you are you get treated no better than the darker skined brothers and know what i mean? just be you!
told ya look at some of the ignorant replys
and those that say the n-word do u know what it means?
take a look in the mirror!!! you'll find ur answer:)
Reply:its sp shallow, and the ones who talk about dark skin or light skinned being better always date people of the opposite complexion!
Reply:I don't hate it but I think people on the whole must stop judging each other in this manner. It really shows a lack of adjectives in describing a person, One could use eye color, hair st lye, clothing etc
I can't take it. I'm not dark skinned nor light skinned. I'm inbetween. (brownskin).
I think its horrible how some of the blacks here are agruing over their skin tones. (who's better? i mean my gosh)
Don't you think its stupid and it should end.
Also: (Mia Long, Diamond, The light skinned boy and girl and all the other idiots are really werid and creepy and yucky and ew. Don't you agree lol.
Thanks for reading.
And uh......Hiya! (ahahahaha ghehehehe, i love to giggle)
Have a wonderful day and enjoy you're 2 points.
I hate the whole skin tone questions, don't you?
You like to giggle and you're brown-skinned.
And you want us to not think in terms of skin colour.
O.... K..... Well, how about not bringing it up then?
I hate the whole skin tone questions, don't you?
I like em, they are funny
Reply:yea it should end its stupid what matters is the person i mean god a white person can be as bad a black person and as well as Hispanic and visa verse point is its all in the person not the skin tone and everyone is beautiful in their on special way that's what makes the person beautiful.
Reply:hi honey! yeah i agree with you. but i always thought they were trolls? i don't read that many of their questions, don't let it get to you. just for the record i'm white.
Reply:Yeah I am in the brown color and I thank god for that! But I do notice that sometimes because im brown depending on the company I keep I am labeled Dark skinned, when dealing with very light complexion blacks and some whites that actually acknowledge that we have complexions, and my family is mostly very darkskinned so I am often referred to as the "yellow" one. Its all too subjective to worry about as long as your happy in your skin, live in it!
Reply:It's all just a game and a joke, as is all of YA. I'm going to go play Rainbow Six, do some killin'. Join me, I'm Ouch95148.
Reply:i agree with you!! to all u brothers and sisters stop acting a fool ur all beautiful. no matter how light you are you get treated no better than the darker skined brothers and know what i mean? just be you!
told ya look at some of the ignorant replys
and those that say the n-word do u know what it means?
take a look in the mirror!!! you'll find ur answer:)
Reply:its sp shallow, and the ones who talk about dark skin or light skinned being better always date people of the opposite complexion!
Reply:I don't hate it but I think people on the whole must stop judging each other in this manner. It really shows a lack of adjectives in describing a person, One could use eye color, hair st lye, clothing etc
Skin Skin Skin V.1?
okay first things first. my skin isnt anything too bad, but it get oily a lot and i always hate getting even one zit pimple or their any household or cheap products to help me get my face anti oily but clear
Skin Skin Skin V.1?
Well there are no sureshot solutions but few steps in your daily beauty care routine can help.
Greasy skin looks shiny, thick; slightly toneless has coarse ores, pimples and other embarrassing blemishes. If you have very oily skin, take a diet rich in proteins but restricted in sugar, fluids and salt. Also take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, pork and fried and highly seasoned foods should be avoided. Add brewer's yeast to your daily diet. This invaluable B vitamin will normalize oil balance on your skin. It looks drab, dull and flabby, comparatively early in life, it turns prone to wrinkles. This type of skin cannot be made supple within a few days; it requires constant attention over a period of months to turn into soft and supple skin. Start first with a correct diet. Take 4 to 5 tablespoons of butter, ghee or oil either raw or in milk, soup, dal, rice or vegetable.
Wash your face frequently with mild soap and water. Here is a good makeup remover. Put a tablespoon of skimmed milk in a cup. Add enough water to create a milky consistency. Apply with cotton wool allover your face and neck, then remove with facial tissue and blot dry.
Hope this helps
Skin Skin Skin V.1?
You have to find a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer designed for oily skin. During the day, there are oil absorbing strips you can buy from a drug store. To bring down a swollen pimple I put a dab of neosporin on it. For blackheads, toothpaste or wrap a strand of hair around it.
Reply:The source below discusses natural homemade remedies for the treatment of oily skin.
Skin Skin Skin V.1?
Well there are no sureshot solutions but few steps in your daily beauty care routine can help.
Greasy skin looks shiny, thick; slightly toneless has coarse ores, pimples and other embarrassing blemishes. If you have very oily skin, take a diet rich in proteins but restricted in sugar, fluids and salt. Also take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, pork and fried and highly seasoned foods should be avoided. Add brewer's yeast to your daily diet. This invaluable B vitamin will normalize oil balance on your skin. It looks drab, dull and flabby, comparatively early in life, it turns prone to wrinkles. This type of skin cannot be made supple within a few days; it requires constant attention over a period of months to turn into soft and supple skin. Start first with a correct diet. Take 4 to 5 tablespoons of butter, ghee or oil either raw or in milk, soup, dal, rice or vegetable.
Wash your face frequently with mild soap and water. Here is a good makeup remover. Put a tablespoon of skimmed milk in a cup. Add enough water to create a milky consistency. Apply with cotton wool allover your face and neck, then remove with facial tissue and blot dry.
Hope this helps
Skin Skin Skin V.1?
You have to find a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer designed for oily skin. During the day, there are oil absorbing strips you can buy from a drug store. To bring down a swollen pimple I put a dab of neosporin on it. For blackheads, toothpaste or wrap a strand of hair around it.
Reply:The source below discusses natural homemade remedies for the treatment of oily skin.
Skin Cond. in GSD big time itching and crusty skin?
I noticed my GSD scratching a little more then usual, I knew his Frontline was about due so I applied it figuring that would help him out.
Well, the other night I was petting him and came across an irritated patch of skin in his armpit area. I can't see it very well with all his fur, but it seems like some of the fur has come out (maybe from him itching) and there are a few crusty areas and also some red flecking of the skin.
The package insert of Frontline said it works on mild cases of mange, (tho I'm not sure thats what this is) .
I've been washing the area with soap and water today (I haven't put any antibacterial stuff on it as he likes to play in the pool constantly %26amp; would just wash it off) is there anything else I can do for him till I get him to the vet?
Skin Cond. in GSD big time itching and crusty skin?
There might be something that is causing an allergic reaction. Did you change the food recently, or has he gotten any fleas on him? Those tend to be the most common cause of allergies.
Do not use SOAP! It will further dry out the area, causing more irritation %26amp; dryness. You can purchase anti-itch spray at your local pet store that might help relieve irritation. Put something on the irritated area to help relieve irritation right before bedtime, that way you won't have to worry about the pool washin' it right back off.
Skin Cond. in GSD big time itching and crusty skin?
You can give him Benadryl to relieve the itching. It's 1 mlg per lb, pills are 25 mlgs each. A little extra isn't going to hurt the dog, so if he's 60lbs 3 pills is fine.
Reply:Well first off it might be ringworm my cat recently got it from the going outside he has a bald spot and flaky dry skin we got a really bad smelling ointment soap from the vet i got for like 35 dollars you apply it asap and then a again in two weeks it is contagous and it can be spread to humans so don't touch contaminated area although i got it and it is just an ugly spot on your skin it dosn't itch ,i got this anti-fungal cream at the drug store and it is already helping.go t the vet avoid contact W/ area and you'll be fine
Reply:First, please stop with soap, that will just irritate the area. Until you can get him to the vet, which you should do, try vaseline on the crust part. it will soften it, after a couple of days, you may be able to lightly comb the crust off. This will also help with the itching once he crust softens. You must get him to a vet however, they will have a cream to put on it. Vaseline won't hurt him if he trys to lick it off, but is only a temporary fix. And a fyi, never use soap on dogs with fur....dries their skin out horribly, and try to keep him out of the water until you get him to the vet.
Reply:Is the dog in a kiddie pool filled w/water, or a larger pool requiring chlorine %26amp; other chemicals? If the later, perhaps that is your problem. Also, if the itching just occurred recently, he may have fleas or a flea allergy which can kick up with only one flea bite. An antihistimine like children's benedryl might help, but the vet really needs to prescribe the dosage but its probably only 1/2 tsp or something, but again the vet should know %26amp; you should be alert to any side effects. Also, prednisone is a steroid %26amp; can also be helpful in treating allergies. Also, I read about omega fatty acids %26amp; biotin for itchy skin - don't know dosages but you might check the info Drs. Foster %26amp; Smith online - they sell those products.
Reply:it might of become a hot spot. i think my dog has this too. it could have caused anything from a scratch, boredom (just started to itch itself for no reason), or allergies.
hot spots are SO annoying. i have to cut the fur off my dog and dry it to put the medication on. Oy.
how about changing the diet to raw meat? grains, which are the main ingredient in MOST dog foods are in fact, the most common allergy dogs have. I think my dog has allergies, but i'm not sure. plus, raw meat is much beneficial for dogs even though you might thing its "bad" for them. I feed it to my bichon and seems to take it well.
here's some websites about why you should switch and why you should start raw feeding. its very informational and true. aren't you scared what your dog is eating after all that pet food recalls??
there is also a yahoo groups for raw feeding in which i am in. :)
Well, the other night I was petting him and came across an irritated patch of skin in his armpit area. I can't see it very well with all his fur, but it seems like some of the fur has come out (maybe from him itching) and there are a few crusty areas and also some red flecking of the skin.
The package insert of Frontline said it works on mild cases of mange, (tho I'm not sure thats what this is) .
I've been washing the area with soap and water today (I haven't put any antibacterial stuff on it as he likes to play in the pool constantly %26amp; would just wash it off) is there anything else I can do for him till I get him to the vet?
Skin Cond. in GSD big time itching and crusty skin?
There might be something that is causing an allergic reaction. Did you change the food recently, or has he gotten any fleas on him? Those tend to be the most common cause of allergies.
Do not use SOAP! It will further dry out the area, causing more irritation %26amp; dryness. You can purchase anti-itch spray at your local pet store that might help relieve irritation. Put something on the irritated area to help relieve irritation right before bedtime, that way you won't have to worry about the pool washin' it right back off.
Skin Cond. in GSD big time itching and crusty skin?
You can give him Benadryl to relieve the itching. It's 1 mlg per lb, pills are 25 mlgs each. A little extra isn't going to hurt the dog, so if he's 60lbs 3 pills is fine.
Reply:Well first off it might be ringworm my cat recently got it from the going outside he has a bald spot and flaky dry skin we got a really bad smelling ointment soap from the vet i got for like 35 dollars you apply it asap and then a again in two weeks it is contagous and it can be spread to humans so don't touch contaminated area although i got it and it is just an ugly spot on your skin it dosn't itch ,i got this anti-fungal cream at the drug store and it is already helping.go t the vet avoid contact W/ area and you'll be fine
Reply:First, please stop with soap, that will just irritate the area. Until you can get him to the vet, which you should do, try vaseline on the crust part. it will soften it, after a couple of days, you may be able to lightly comb the crust off. This will also help with the itching once he crust softens. You must get him to a vet however, they will have a cream to put on it. Vaseline won't hurt him if he trys to lick it off, but is only a temporary fix. And a fyi, never use soap on dogs with fur....dries their skin out horribly, and try to keep him out of the water until you get him to the vet.
Reply:Is the dog in a kiddie pool filled w/water, or a larger pool requiring chlorine %26amp; other chemicals? If the later, perhaps that is your problem. Also, if the itching just occurred recently, he may have fleas or a flea allergy which can kick up with only one flea bite. An antihistimine like children's benedryl might help, but the vet really needs to prescribe the dosage but its probably only 1/2 tsp or something, but again the vet should know %26amp; you should be alert to any side effects. Also, prednisone is a steroid %26amp; can also be helpful in treating allergies. Also, I read about omega fatty acids %26amp; biotin for itchy skin - don't know dosages but you might check the info Drs. Foster %26amp; Smith online - they sell those products.
Reply:it might of become a hot spot. i think my dog has this too. it could have caused anything from a scratch, boredom (just started to itch itself for no reason), or allergies.
hot spots are SO annoying. i have to cut the fur off my dog and dry it to put the medication on. Oy.
how about changing the diet to raw meat? grains, which are the main ingredient in MOST dog foods are in fact, the most common allergy dogs have. I think my dog has allergies, but i'm not sure. plus, raw meat is much beneficial for dogs even though you might thing its "bad" for them. I feed it to my bichon and seems to take it well.
here's some websites about why you should switch and why you should start raw feeding. its very informational and true. aren't you scared what your dog is eating after all that pet food recalls??
there is also a yahoo groups for raw feeding in which i am in. :)
Skin problems?
I have always had sensitive skin but lately it's a nightmare! I work part time glass collecting at a night club and whenever I go home after my shift, my arms, hands, legs and even scalp itch like crazy! Also, I have this round circle type shape on my palm which looks like a burn and itches like mad. This may sound silly but I'm sick of having itchy, irritable skin. I've tried moisturiser and exma cream as I have had exma before but this cream isn't helping. Is it my job that's making my skin so bad? I do have to use the glass wash and sometimes beer spills on to you etc. What does this sound like? I'm going to my GP as soon as possible but does anyone have any idea what this could be? Happy new year folks x
Skin problems?
This may sound rather strange, but if it is a rash of some kind, (I am also prone to them), I find that as strong of vinegar mixed with water as I can handle sprayed onto the irritated area will take care of it rather quickly. I was amazed how fast! At first it stings but it's one of those forms of pain that is kind of a relief because it feels like it's doing something for the condition. So it's not unbearable, or anything, and the results seem to be pretty much immediate. Reapply as needed. My rash is gone and I haven't needed it since, and it's been a week and a half.
Meanwhile, the person who talked about the diet was right on, also. Great advice to avoid recurring flare-ups. Learn about PH-balancing your body. Taking good enzymes and acidophulus helps, I think. It fosters a healthy environment in your body for good bacteria to grow that defeats most fungus and rashes I've read. Hope this helps.
Good luck and happy new year.
Skin problems?
have you tried looking up the circle type thing on your hand in images
perhaps its just a reaction to the chemicals in the pumps or the washing liquids you use or it could be something you picked up
as for what to use on it i haven't a clue because you said you had suffered with skin complaints in the past anything people on here might say to try could aggravate it
try to get to docs asap he should be able to give you something that will help sorry i couldnt be more helpful hun
happy new year
Reply:most external problems arise because of internal problems,the skin is the largest organ we all have.the diet plays a major role in our inner and outer health.epsom salt baths help the external and give needed magnesium to the inner at the same time.but the diet with sugar of all forms is totally lethal.our skin reflects our diet and lifestyle over time.change the inner and you,ll change the outer as out candida support on yahoo and know the cause dot com for more answers.
Reply:Your eczema may be flaring up due to stress or an allergic reaction to something at your job. If possible, you should wear gloves when washing the glass. Also, until you can get to the doctor, you may want to use an antihistamine like Benadryl to relieve the itching (it may make you sleepy, though, so use with caution). I have had eczema all of my life, and it recently got really bad after I changed jobs (I found out I work in an older building, and I don't think the place is even vacuumed or dusted often, which can also aggravate your skin). Hope this helps!
Reply:Could be your eczema or a dermatitis caused by glass wash detergents. You shouldn't be using detergent wash without gloves if your skin is sensitive or has become sensitized.
Sounds like an allergic type reaction that may result in an eczema flare up.
Additional detailed information and links here, if of interest:
Reply:u may be allegric to the stuff used in glass washer machine the beer lots of things go to ur asap i am the same just now i have itching skin everywhere its driving me mad happy new yr
skin problems
Skin problems?
This may sound rather strange, but if it is a rash of some kind, (I am also prone to them), I find that as strong of vinegar mixed with water as I can handle sprayed onto the irritated area will take care of it rather quickly. I was amazed how fast! At first it stings but it's one of those forms of pain that is kind of a relief because it feels like it's doing something for the condition. So it's not unbearable, or anything, and the results seem to be pretty much immediate. Reapply as needed. My rash is gone and I haven't needed it since, and it's been a week and a half.
Meanwhile, the person who talked about the diet was right on, also. Great advice to avoid recurring flare-ups. Learn about PH-balancing your body. Taking good enzymes and acidophulus helps, I think. It fosters a healthy environment in your body for good bacteria to grow that defeats most fungus and rashes I've read. Hope this helps.
Good luck and happy new year.
Skin problems?
have you tried looking up the circle type thing on your hand in images
perhaps its just a reaction to the chemicals in the pumps or the washing liquids you use or it could be something you picked up
as for what to use on it i haven't a clue because you said you had suffered with skin complaints in the past anything people on here might say to try could aggravate it
try to get to docs asap he should be able to give you something that will help sorry i couldnt be more helpful hun
happy new year
Reply:most external problems arise because of internal problems,the skin is the largest organ we all have.the diet plays a major role in our inner and outer health.epsom salt baths help the external and give needed magnesium to the inner at the same time.but the diet with sugar of all forms is totally lethal.our skin reflects our diet and lifestyle over time.change the inner and you,ll change the outer as out candida support on yahoo and know the cause dot com for more answers.
Reply:Your eczema may be flaring up due to stress or an allergic reaction to something at your job. If possible, you should wear gloves when washing the glass. Also, until you can get to the doctor, you may want to use an antihistamine like Benadryl to relieve the itching (it may make you sleepy, though, so use with caution). I have had eczema all of my life, and it recently got really bad after I changed jobs (I found out I work in an older building, and I don't think the place is even vacuumed or dusted often, which can also aggravate your skin). Hope this helps!
Reply:Could be your eczema or a dermatitis caused by glass wash detergents. You shouldn't be using detergent wash without gloves if your skin is sensitive or has become sensitized.
Sounds like an allergic type reaction that may result in an eczema flare up.
Additional detailed information and links here, if of interest:
Reply:u may be allegric to the stuff used in glass washer machine the beer lots of things go to ur asap i am the same just now i have itching skin everywhere its driving me mad happy new yr
skin problems
Are there different skin types? I don't mean skin color?
For example, some people have smooth skin but others don't. And by "other's don't" I don't mean acne or stuff like that. I'm talking about different skin textures. Do they exist? Because my skin is not smooth, yet I don't suffer from acne. My skin looks like I'm cold/goosebumps (tiny dots) all over.
Are there different skin types? I don't mean skin color?
yes there are different types
Are there different skin types? I don't mean skin color?
erm im not so shur.. but ya... i think its due to diff skin type.. like normal skin. oily skin.. dry skin.. combination. maybe urs is normal skin.
Reply:Yes...go to see a certified cosmetologist who can help you get smoother skin.
Reply:i got that too it is fine you can go get a tube of medicen that will make them go away but they will come back there is no way to get them gone forever it is call xama it is fine
Reply:Types of skins are
# Type 1: Oily Oily skin tends to shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads %26amp; blemishes. You might experience some tightness.
# Type 2: Combination/normal This skin type has medium pores, a smooth %26amp; even texture, good circulation, healthy color, may tend toward dryness on the cheeks while being oily in the t-zone.
# Type 3: Sensitive Sensitive skin tends to be thin, delicate with fine pores. It flushes easily, is prone to broken capillaries, is frequently allergic %26amp; can be rashy.
# Type 4: Dry Dry skin feels tight, especially after cleansing, %26amp; have fine wrinkles, flaking %26amp; red patches. In women of color, skin may appear ashy or dull from dead skin buildup.
# Type 5: Aging or sun-damaged This skin also feels tight with visible wrinkles, slack skin tone -- especially around the cheeks %26amp; jawline -- with leathery texture %26amp; broken capillaries.
Reply:There's dry, sensitive, normal, oily %26amp; combination. Combination is your cheeks are dry but you have oily nose, chin, and foreheead. How you can tell if you have oily skin is if your skin looks shiny or if you put a brown bag pressed against your face and the bag looks greasy. Sensitive means your skin can't handle a lot of skin products or your skin itches with lots of fabrics (wool doesn't count, as ANY ONE can itch with wool). Normal means your skin is not oily nor does it feel rough. Rough means your skin is dry.
I hope I been of help! :-)
Reply:yeah. everyone's skin is a little different. People with oily skin usually have bigger pores.
the bumps you have might be whiteheads/blackheads and are a sign of clogged pores. you should wash your face daily with a good facewash and then follow up with a toner. toner will clean deep into the pores to remove dead skin cells and others that cause bumps on the face. Remember to moisturize MOISTURIZE moisturize! all skin types need to a moisturizer. Moisturizing will maintain your skin's hydration level. also, exfoliate at most 3 times a week (every other day).
when you exfoliate, gentally, using circular motions, rub in one direction and then the other direction. exfoliating will really remove those bumps because it lifts all the dead skin cells and bacteria clogging your pores.
clinique has a 3 step face was that's pretty good, about $54 for face wash, toner and moisturizer.
i love lancome's exfoliator. $21 but really nice. it has beads that clean and other beads that softens the skin.
if you have bumps and don't think that they're clogged pores, consult your dermatoligst! she's a pro and will know exactly why you have bumps.
Are there different skin types? I don't mean skin color?
yes there are different types
Are there different skin types? I don't mean skin color?
erm im not so shur.. but ya... i think its due to diff skin type.. like normal skin. oily skin.. dry skin.. combination. maybe urs is normal skin.
Reply:Yes...go to see a certified cosmetologist who can help you get smoother skin.
Reply:i got that too it is fine you can go get a tube of medicen that will make them go away but they will come back there is no way to get them gone forever it is call xama it is fine
Reply:Types of skins are
# Type 1: Oily Oily skin tends to shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads %26amp; blemishes. You might experience some tightness.
# Type 2: Combination/normal This skin type has medium pores, a smooth %26amp; even texture, good circulation, healthy color, may tend toward dryness on the cheeks while being oily in the t-zone.
# Type 3: Sensitive Sensitive skin tends to be thin, delicate with fine pores. It flushes easily, is prone to broken capillaries, is frequently allergic %26amp; can be rashy.
# Type 4: Dry Dry skin feels tight, especially after cleansing, %26amp; have fine wrinkles, flaking %26amp; red patches. In women of color, skin may appear ashy or dull from dead skin buildup.
# Type 5: Aging or sun-damaged This skin also feels tight with visible wrinkles, slack skin tone -- especially around the cheeks %26amp; jawline -- with leathery texture %26amp; broken capillaries.
Reply:There's dry, sensitive, normal, oily %26amp; combination. Combination is your cheeks are dry but you have oily nose, chin, and foreheead. How you can tell if you have oily skin is if your skin looks shiny or if you put a brown bag pressed against your face and the bag looks greasy. Sensitive means your skin can't handle a lot of skin products or your skin itches with lots of fabrics (wool doesn't count, as ANY ONE can itch with wool). Normal means your skin is not oily nor does it feel rough. Rough means your skin is dry.
I hope I been of help! :-)
Reply:yeah. everyone's skin is a little different. People with oily skin usually have bigger pores.
the bumps you have might be whiteheads/blackheads and are a sign of clogged pores. you should wash your face daily with a good facewash and then follow up with a toner. toner will clean deep into the pores to remove dead skin cells and others that cause bumps on the face. Remember to moisturize MOISTURIZE moisturize! all skin types need to a moisturizer. Moisturizing will maintain your skin's hydration level. also, exfoliate at most 3 times a week (every other day).
when you exfoliate, gentally, using circular motions, rub in one direction and then the other direction. exfoliating will really remove those bumps because it lifts all the dead skin cells and bacteria clogging your pores.
clinique has a 3 step face was that's pretty good, about $54 for face wash, toner and moisturizer.
i love lancome's exfoliator. $21 but really nice. it has beads that clean and other beads that softens the skin.
if you have bumps and don't think that they're clogged pores, consult your dermatoligst! she's a pro and will know exactly why you have bumps.
Skin Question??? Darken & Whiten???
How come there is something to darken your skin (a tan) but there's isn't anything like that to whiten your skin???
If there is a "tanning booth" there should be a "whitnening booth" also...or do they???
Is there something that you can like bathe in to lightnen/whiten your skin (Whole body)???
Skin Question??? Darken %26amp; Whiten???
There are a whole ton of whitening products in Asia where white/pale skin is considered to be more desirable for women. It would be hard to find that sort of stuff in America. They have face whitening products in America [Estee Lauder, H2O] but for the body, as far as I know, you would have to import it/buy it online from the internet.
The whitening products are just lotions that lighten your skin, there aren't any whitening booth :)
Hope this was helpful and good luck!
Hey, I googled and found this:
Most skin whiteners currently on the market contain ingredients (hydroquinone, ascorbic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, azealic acid, glycyrrhetinic acid (licorice extract)) that act as direct inhibitors of tyrosinase, the enzyme in the skin pigment cells (melanocytes) that make melanin.
Arbutin is a new type of skin de-pigmentation and whitening agents, an extract of Bearberry plant which produced by a solid /liquid extraction, an environmentally friendly process. Arbutin protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals, Arbutin is a skin whitening agent which is very popular in Japan and Asian countries for skin de-pigmentation, Arbutin inhibits the formation of melanin pigment by inhibiting Tyrosinase activity. It may be used to repress the virulence of bacterial pathogens and to prevent contaminating bacteria, it is also used for treating allergic inflammation of the skin . More recently, Arbutin has been used to prevent pigmentation and to whiten the skin beautifully. It can be used to whiten the skin, to prevent liver spots and freckles, to treat sunburn marks and to regulate melanogenesis.
Arbutin is very safe skin agent for external use which does not have toxicity, stimulation, unpleasant odor or side effect such as Hydroqinone.The encapsulation of Arbutin constitute a delivery system to potentialize the effect in time. It is a way to incorporate the hydrophilic Arbutin in lipophilic media. Arbutin give three main properties; Whitening effects, anti- age effect and UVB/ UVC filter .
There is an increasing awareness that vitamin C has a wide variety of role in human health. New therapeutic uses are being investigated daily, among recent discoveries is that Vitamin C can play important role in the health and beauty of your skin. Vitamin C as ascorbyl form has been tested extensively and reported in journal of American Academy of Dermatology to inhibit the production of the melanin (Melanin is the pigment which give the skin it's dark color), when Vitamin C inhibit the production of the melanin, a lighter and brighter skin will reveal in just few weeks.
Vitamin C does more than that also, vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis, which declines markedly in aging skin. As we grow older, we suffer diminished micro capillary circulation within our skin, which deprives our skin cells of the supply of vitamin C it needs for youthful collagen synthesis. The topical application of vitamin C in a skin-penetrating medium can dramatically enhance the availability of vitamin C for collagen production.
Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E in the skin. An antioxidant like vitamin E can only suppress a limited number of free radicals before it runs out of electrons to donate. Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E and enables vitamin E to provide sustained antioxidant protection in the skin's elastin fibers.
Vitamin C plays a vital role in skin repair. When your skin is injured, its Vitamin C content is used up rapidly in the scavenging of free radicals, and in synthesizing collagen to speed healing.
Glycyrrhetinic acid, isolated from Glycyrrihiza glabra (licorice) is widely used in cosmetic industry. Licorice inhibit tyrosinase activity of melanocytes without any cytotoxicity, it also showed that UV-B鈥搃nduced pigmentation and erythema can be inhibited by topical application of 0.5% Licorice The anti-inflammatory properties of Licorice were attributed to inhibition of superoxide anion production and cyclooxygenase activity.
As a fungal metabolic product, kojic acid inhibits the catecholase activity of tyrosinase, which is the rate-limiting, essential enzyme in the biosynthesis of the skin pigment melanin. Kojic acid also is consumed widely in the Japanese diet with the belief that it is of benefit to health. Indeed, it has been shown to significantly enhance neutrophil phagocytosis and lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by phytohemagglutinin. Melanocytes treated with kojic acid become nondendritic with a decreased melanin content. Additionally, it scavenges reactive oxygen species that are excessively released from cells or generated in tissue or blood.
This tyrosinase inhibitor was isolated from a plant herbal extract. The plant roots from which paper mulberry was isolated were collected in Korea. The tyrosinase inhibition of paper mulberry was compared to kojic acid and HQ. The IC50, the concentration causing 50% inhibition of the activity of tyrosinase, was reported to be 0.396% compared to 5.5% for hydroquinone and 10.0% for kojic acid.
Melanostat is a peptide obtained by amino acid synthesis with a technique of Merryfield. It demonstrate an outstanding anti MSH activity experimentally investigated for skin lightening. The target of Melanostat the membrane receptor of alpha-MSH on the melanocytes, the B- MICR receptor , its mode of action is a competitive inhibition of alpha-MSH, membrane receptors are blocked in a natural way. The anti-MSH is a molecule naturally present in the skin. It belong to the system of regulation of the pigmentation. Melanostat counterbalances the formation of melanin and especially the synthesis of tyrosinase, key enzyme involved in the process of pigmentation. In the skin, alpha-MSH plays an essential role in the stimulation of the synthesis of melanin. This process is under the control of an anti鈥擬SH, also naturally present in the skin.
Recently, researches performed on alpha- MSH enabled a detailed study of the structure and function of this molecule, so as the exact determination of its receptor. This receptor is B receptor, its scientific determination is MICR receptor. The study of these molecules enabled researchers to synthesize peptides with a similar (MSH-like), or antagonist (anti-MSH) activity. The structure of Melanostat antagonist peptide of the alpha-MSH, is relatively similar to the structure of alpa-MSH. Because of this similarity, Melanostat acts while competing the receptors of alpha-MSH on the melanocytes. The action of Melanostat occurs before the action of the well-known inhibitors. Which acts on the intracellular enzyme system. Melanostat does not penetrate the cell because its competitive activity initiates on membrane receptors. Its action enables a natural and reversible blockage of the membrane receptors, without disturbing the physiological functioning of the cutaneous cells. Thus, Melanostat counteracts the formation of melanin and notably the synthesis of tyrosinase, key enzyme of the pigmentation process of the skin. The anti-MSH molecule naturally exist in the organism, and is involved in a system that regulates melanogenesis. It is activated in season changes. When sunshine is high, the amount of alpha MSH exceed the amount of anti-MSH. The receptors for alpha-MSH multiply at the surface of the cells. The results is an increase of the synthesis of the melanin and the rise of the pigmentation of the skin. When the sunshine is low, anti-MSH exceed alpha-MSH. The receptors at the surface of the melanocytes decrease. The synthesis of melanin is not stimulated anymore, pigmentation of the skin decreases. Thus, alpha-MSH and anti-MSH play the role of accelerator or brake for the synthesis of melanin. Depending on the predominance of anti-MSH or alpha-MSH, the color of the skin evolves in a away or another.
The incorporation of Melanostat in skin lightening creams will place the skin in a physiological dominant anti-MSH situation. Its action is based on the reinforcement of the natural ability of the skin to counteract the activity of alpha-MSH. Melanostat has been investigated in vivo against alpha MSH: the darkening of the skin induced by alpha-MSH is assessed and expressed in percentage of change by comparison with the normal situation.
Retinol is the most important natural form of vitamin A. Vitamin A is the first vitamin to be used topically for the treatment of damaged human skin. Today, the term vitamin A is applied to retinol (Vitamin A alcohol), retinal (Vitamin A aldehyde) and tretinoin (Vitamin A acid). Vitamin A stimulates mitotic activity and the production of collagen - the stuff skin is made of. It is now known that the clinical effect obtained with high doses of vitamin A is necessary for normal differentiate and maintenance of epithelial tissues. Especially, retinol is held out as the new great hope for reduction of photo aging skin. Retinol or Vitamin A helps to renew and exfoliate the skin, giving a new lighter, beautiful skin.
Hope that was more helpful to you and good luck!
Skin Question??? Darken %26amp; Whiten???
you cant whiten the skin. darkening of skin is possible.
that is nature
Reply:you have michael Jacksonian desires? Well, colored people really don't want to be pale. I know I don't and you shouldn't either, are you Michael Jackson or something?
Reply:Apparently there is a cream that lightens your skin but I suggest not to use it. Tanning your skin goes away but who wants to look like Michael Jackson and your skin pigment messed up.
You have to use abrasive chemicals to lighten your skin.
Reply:lightening skin naturally takes a LONG time....i used to have DARK DARK skin and u really just have to wear sunscreen when u go out and limit ur sun'll prolly take more than a year.....if u REALLY want to whiten ur skin, ive read about surgeries that will do it. They have it a lot in Asia because darker skin represents working was in Time magazine....check and maybe search for the article if you're really intent on whitening ur skin
Reply:fair %26amp; lovely
Reply:They are showing up in China, but I don't know about any skin lightening establishments in the US.
Reply:Have a look in an asian grocer. I know they sell whitening makeup so they might sell something like what you want
Reply:Yes, I agree that whilst there are many facial cream in the market which whitens or brightens your face but not much for the body. I suggest you have a look at St Ives and or Nivea, I vaguely recall that they have brightening/whitening body lotion, "it won't happen over night, but it will happen".
I used to pour 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide in my bath to remove dried-up unwanted tanning lotion/tan marks (yep stripy tan lines/streaks does not look good nor does that betacarotene look). I just soak for about 10 minutes, rinse in the shower and exfoliate, works like magic everytime! Then I just moisturise my whole body for baby smooth skin...hehehe...perhaps this will help you with exfoliating your tanned skin to reveal a lighter/more desirable shade? But becareful if you have hyper sensitive skin as the hydrogen peroxide might cause redness as with any cream that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
Also do as the other person has mentioned earlier, use spf30 or higher (certain parts of Europe sells spf60 lotions/creams) when you're in the Sun as well as minimise Sun exposure. Just about an hour or 2 a day with a hat on is sufficient. You need Sunlight to stay happy otherwise you will have to take vitamin D supplement should you avoid Sun exposure altogether.
Good luck!
If there is a "tanning booth" there should be a "whitnening booth" also...or do they???
Is there something that you can like bathe in to lightnen/whiten your skin (Whole body)???
Skin Question??? Darken %26amp; Whiten???
There are a whole ton of whitening products in Asia where white/pale skin is considered to be more desirable for women. It would be hard to find that sort of stuff in America. They have face whitening products in America [Estee Lauder, H2O] but for the body, as far as I know, you would have to import it/buy it online from the internet.
The whitening products are just lotions that lighten your skin, there aren't any whitening booth :)
Hope this was helpful and good luck!
Hey, I googled and found this:
Most skin whiteners currently on the market contain ingredients (hydroquinone, ascorbic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, azealic acid, glycyrrhetinic acid (licorice extract)) that act as direct inhibitors of tyrosinase, the enzyme in the skin pigment cells (melanocytes) that make melanin.
Arbutin is a new type of skin de-pigmentation and whitening agents, an extract of Bearberry plant which produced by a solid /liquid extraction, an environmentally friendly process. Arbutin protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals, Arbutin is a skin whitening agent which is very popular in Japan and Asian countries for skin de-pigmentation, Arbutin inhibits the formation of melanin pigment by inhibiting Tyrosinase activity. It may be used to repress the virulence of bacterial pathogens and to prevent contaminating bacteria, it is also used for treating allergic inflammation of the skin . More recently, Arbutin has been used to prevent pigmentation and to whiten the skin beautifully. It can be used to whiten the skin, to prevent liver spots and freckles, to treat sunburn marks and to regulate melanogenesis.
Arbutin is very safe skin agent for external use which does not have toxicity, stimulation, unpleasant odor or side effect such as Hydroqinone.The encapsulation of Arbutin constitute a delivery system to potentialize the effect in time. It is a way to incorporate the hydrophilic Arbutin in lipophilic media. Arbutin give three main properties; Whitening effects, anti- age effect and UVB/ UVC filter .
There is an increasing awareness that vitamin C has a wide variety of role in human health. New therapeutic uses are being investigated daily, among recent discoveries is that Vitamin C can play important role in the health and beauty of your skin. Vitamin C as ascorbyl form has been tested extensively and reported in journal of American Academy of Dermatology to inhibit the production of the melanin (Melanin is the pigment which give the skin it's dark color), when Vitamin C inhibit the production of the melanin, a lighter and brighter skin will reveal in just few weeks.
Vitamin C does more than that also, vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis, which declines markedly in aging skin. As we grow older, we suffer diminished micro capillary circulation within our skin, which deprives our skin cells of the supply of vitamin C it needs for youthful collagen synthesis. The topical application of vitamin C in a skin-penetrating medium can dramatically enhance the availability of vitamin C for collagen production.
Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E in the skin. An antioxidant like vitamin E can only suppress a limited number of free radicals before it runs out of electrons to donate. Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E and enables vitamin E to provide sustained antioxidant protection in the skin's elastin fibers.
Vitamin C plays a vital role in skin repair. When your skin is injured, its Vitamin C content is used up rapidly in the scavenging of free radicals, and in synthesizing collagen to speed healing.
Glycyrrhetinic acid, isolated from Glycyrrihiza glabra (licorice) is widely used in cosmetic industry. Licorice inhibit tyrosinase activity of melanocytes without any cytotoxicity, it also showed that UV-B鈥搃nduced pigmentation and erythema can be inhibited by topical application of 0.5% Licorice The anti-inflammatory properties of Licorice were attributed to inhibition of superoxide anion production and cyclooxygenase activity.
As a fungal metabolic product, kojic acid inhibits the catecholase activity of tyrosinase, which is the rate-limiting, essential enzyme in the biosynthesis of the skin pigment melanin. Kojic acid also is consumed widely in the Japanese diet with the belief that it is of benefit to health. Indeed, it has been shown to significantly enhance neutrophil phagocytosis and lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by phytohemagglutinin. Melanocytes treated with kojic acid become nondendritic with a decreased melanin content. Additionally, it scavenges reactive oxygen species that are excessively released from cells or generated in tissue or blood.
This tyrosinase inhibitor was isolated from a plant herbal extract. The plant roots from which paper mulberry was isolated were collected in Korea. The tyrosinase inhibition of paper mulberry was compared to kojic acid and HQ. The IC50, the concentration causing 50% inhibition of the activity of tyrosinase, was reported to be 0.396% compared to 5.5% for hydroquinone and 10.0% for kojic acid.
Melanostat is a peptide obtained by amino acid synthesis with a technique of Merryfield. It demonstrate an outstanding anti MSH activity experimentally investigated for skin lightening. The target of Melanostat the membrane receptor of alpha-MSH on the melanocytes, the B- MICR receptor , its mode of action is a competitive inhibition of alpha-MSH, membrane receptors are blocked in a natural way. The anti-MSH is a molecule naturally present in the skin. It belong to the system of regulation of the pigmentation. Melanostat counterbalances the formation of melanin and especially the synthesis of tyrosinase, key enzyme involved in the process of pigmentation. In the skin, alpha-MSH plays an essential role in the stimulation of the synthesis of melanin. This process is under the control of an anti鈥擬SH, also naturally present in the skin.
Recently, researches performed on alpha- MSH enabled a detailed study of the structure and function of this molecule, so as the exact determination of its receptor. This receptor is B receptor, its scientific determination is MICR receptor. The study of these molecules enabled researchers to synthesize peptides with a similar (MSH-like), or antagonist (anti-MSH) activity. The structure of Melanostat antagonist peptide of the alpha-MSH, is relatively similar to the structure of alpa-MSH. Because of this similarity, Melanostat acts while competing the receptors of alpha-MSH on the melanocytes. The action of Melanostat occurs before the action of the well-known inhibitors. Which acts on the intracellular enzyme system. Melanostat does not penetrate the cell because its competitive activity initiates on membrane receptors. Its action enables a natural and reversible blockage of the membrane receptors, without disturbing the physiological functioning of the cutaneous cells. Thus, Melanostat counteracts the formation of melanin and notably the synthesis of tyrosinase, key enzyme of the pigmentation process of the skin. The anti-MSH molecule naturally exist in the organism, and is involved in a system that regulates melanogenesis. It is activated in season changes. When sunshine is high, the amount of alpha MSH exceed the amount of anti-MSH. The receptors for alpha-MSH multiply at the surface of the cells. The results is an increase of the synthesis of the melanin and the rise of the pigmentation of the skin. When the sunshine is low, anti-MSH exceed alpha-MSH. The receptors at the surface of the melanocytes decrease. The synthesis of melanin is not stimulated anymore, pigmentation of the skin decreases. Thus, alpha-MSH and anti-MSH play the role of accelerator or brake for the synthesis of melanin. Depending on the predominance of anti-MSH or alpha-MSH, the color of the skin evolves in a away or another.
The incorporation of Melanostat in skin lightening creams will place the skin in a physiological dominant anti-MSH situation. Its action is based on the reinforcement of the natural ability of the skin to counteract the activity of alpha-MSH. Melanostat has been investigated in vivo against alpha MSH: the darkening of the skin induced by alpha-MSH is assessed and expressed in percentage of change by comparison with the normal situation.
Retinol is the most important natural form of vitamin A. Vitamin A is the first vitamin to be used topically for the treatment of damaged human skin. Today, the term vitamin A is applied to retinol (Vitamin A alcohol), retinal (Vitamin A aldehyde) and tretinoin (Vitamin A acid). Vitamin A stimulates mitotic activity and the production of collagen - the stuff skin is made of. It is now known that the clinical effect obtained with high doses of vitamin A is necessary for normal differentiate and maintenance of epithelial tissues. Especially, retinol is held out as the new great hope for reduction of photo aging skin. Retinol or Vitamin A helps to renew and exfoliate the skin, giving a new lighter, beautiful skin.
Hope that was more helpful to you and good luck!
Skin Question??? Darken %26amp; Whiten???
you cant whiten the skin. darkening of skin is possible.
that is nature
Reply:you have michael Jacksonian desires? Well, colored people really don't want to be pale. I know I don't and you shouldn't either, are you Michael Jackson or something?
Reply:Apparently there is a cream that lightens your skin but I suggest not to use it. Tanning your skin goes away but who wants to look like Michael Jackson and your skin pigment messed up.
You have to use abrasive chemicals to lighten your skin.
Reply:lightening skin naturally takes a LONG time....i used to have DARK DARK skin and u really just have to wear sunscreen when u go out and limit ur sun'll prolly take more than a year.....if u REALLY want to whiten ur skin, ive read about surgeries that will do it. They have it a lot in Asia because darker skin represents working was in Time magazine....check and maybe search for the article if you're really intent on whitening ur skin
Reply:fair %26amp; lovely
Reply:They are showing up in China, but I don't know about any skin lightening establishments in the US.
Reply:Have a look in an asian grocer. I know they sell whitening makeup so they might sell something like what you want
Reply:Yes, I agree that whilst there are many facial cream in the market which whitens or brightens your face but not much for the body. I suggest you have a look at St Ives and or Nivea, I vaguely recall that they have brightening/whitening body lotion, "it won't happen over night, but it will happen".
I used to pour 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide in my bath to remove dried-up unwanted tanning lotion/tan marks (yep stripy tan lines/streaks does not look good nor does that betacarotene look). I just soak for about 10 minutes, rinse in the shower and exfoliate, works like magic everytime! Then I just moisturise my whole body for baby smooth skin...hehehe...perhaps this will help you with exfoliating your tanned skin to reveal a lighter/more desirable shade? But becareful if you have hyper sensitive skin as the hydrogen peroxide might cause redness as with any cream that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
Also do as the other person has mentioned earlier, use spf30 or higher (certain parts of Europe sells spf60 lotions/creams) when you're in the Sun as well as minimise Sun exposure. Just about an hour or 2 a day with a hat on is sufficient. You need Sunlight to stay happy otherwise you will have to take vitamin D supplement should you avoid Sun exposure altogether.
Good luck!
Skin allergy??
I have been having tiny bumps on my face, that seem like tiny clusters. Around certain areas, it gets very dry and the skin there starts to peel away. Its itchy too, and it doesnt seem to go away with any kind of medication. One skin specialist says it is allergy due to dust. My skin used to be very clear before, and now i seem to get tiny pimples and acne too!!! Has anyone experinced this or has this. Help.
Skin allergy??
its called growing up
Skin allergy??
I have the same problem, and i'm 26! It has only happened a handful of times, but almost always in relation to dust (and sometimes chemicals in face creams). I actually have a reaction at the moment, which is why i was googling and came upon your post!
Try switching to a hypo allergenic detergent for your clothes and sheets and dust regularly.
Once i've had a reaction, i find the soak and seal method helps clear it up - ie. splash your face with warm water, leave it slightly wet and then rub in a moisturisor for sensitive skin. Makes it feel a lot better too.
Hope that helps! I know how frustrating it can be, and uncomfortable!
Skin allergy??
its called growing up
Skin allergy??
I have the same problem, and i'm 26! It has only happened a handful of times, but almost always in relation to dust (and sometimes chemicals in face creams). I actually have a reaction at the moment, which is why i was googling and came upon your post!
Try switching to a hypo allergenic detergent for your clothes and sheets and dust regularly.
Once i've had a reaction, i find the soak and seal method helps clear it up - ie. splash your face with warm water, leave it slightly wet and then rub in a moisturisor for sensitive skin. Makes it feel a lot better too.
Hope that helps! I know how frustrating it can be, and uncomfortable!
I hate the whole skin tone questions, don't you?
It's like some of these people are really freaking me out with the whole "Light skinned people are beautiful", "dark skinned people are more considered as a black person or w/e".
I can't take it. I'm not dark skinned nor light skinned. I'm inbetween. (brownskin).
I think its horrible how some of the blacks here are agruing over their skin tones. (who's better? i mean my gosh)
Don't you think its stupid and it should end.
Also: (Mia Long, Diamond, The light skinned boy and girl and all the other idiots are really werid and creepy and yucky and ew. Don't you agree lol.
Thanks for reading.
And uh......Hiya! (ahahahaha ghehehehe, i love to giggle)
Have a wonderful day and enjoy you're 2 points.
I hate the whole skin tone questions, don't you?
You like to giggle and you're brown-skinned.
And you want us to not think in terms of skin colour.
O.... K..... Well, how about not bringing it up then?
I hate the whole skin tone questions, don't you?
I like em, they are funny
Reply:yea it should end its stupid what matters is the person i mean god a white person can be as bad a black person and as well as Hispanic and visa verse point is its all in the person not the skin tone and everyone is beautiful in their on special way that's what makes the person beautiful.
Reply:hi honey! yeah i agree with you. but i always thought they were trolls? i don't read that many of their questions, don't let it get to you. just for the record i'm white.
Reply:Yeah I am in the brown color and I thank god for that! But I do notice that sometimes because im brown depending on the company I keep I am labeled Dark skinned, when dealing with very light complexion blacks and some whites that actually acknowledge that we have complexions, and my family is mostly very darkskinned so I am often referred to as the "yellow" one. Its all too subjective to worry about as long as your happy in your skin, live in it!
Reply:It's all just a game and a joke, as is all of YA. I'm going to go play Rainbow Six, do some killin'. Join me, I'm Ouch95148.
Reply:i agree with you!! to all u brothers and sisters stop acting a fool ur all beautiful. no matter how light you are you get treated no better than the darker skined brothers and know what i mean? just be you!
told ya look at some of the ignorant replys
and those that say the n-word do u know what it means?
take a look in the mirror!!! you'll find ur answer:)
Reply:its sp shallow, and the ones who talk about dark skin or light skinned being better always date people of the opposite complexion!
Reply:I don't hate it but I think people on the whole must stop judging each other in this manner. It really shows a lack of adjectives in describing a person, One could use eye color, hair st lye, clothing etc
I can't take it. I'm not dark skinned nor light skinned. I'm inbetween. (brownskin).
I think its horrible how some of the blacks here are agruing over their skin tones. (who's better? i mean my gosh)
Don't you think its stupid and it should end.
Also: (Mia Long, Diamond, The light skinned boy and girl and all the other idiots are really werid and creepy and yucky and ew. Don't you agree lol.
Thanks for reading.
And uh......Hiya! (ahahahaha ghehehehe, i love to giggle)
Have a wonderful day and enjoy you're 2 points.
I hate the whole skin tone questions, don't you?
You like to giggle and you're brown-skinned.
And you want us to not think in terms of skin colour.
O.... K..... Well, how about not bringing it up then?
I hate the whole skin tone questions, don't you?
I like em, they are funny
Reply:yea it should end its stupid what matters is the person i mean god a white person can be as bad a black person and as well as Hispanic and visa verse point is its all in the person not the skin tone and everyone is beautiful in their on special way that's what makes the person beautiful.
Reply:hi honey! yeah i agree with you. but i always thought they were trolls? i don't read that many of their questions, don't let it get to you. just for the record i'm white.
Reply:Yeah I am in the brown color and I thank god for that! But I do notice that sometimes because im brown depending on the company I keep I am labeled Dark skinned, when dealing with very light complexion blacks and some whites that actually acknowledge that we have complexions, and my family is mostly very darkskinned so I am often referred to as the "yellow" one. Its all too subjective to worry about as long as your happy in your skin, live in it!
Reply:It's all just a game and a joke, as is all of YA. I'm going to go play Rainbow Six, do some killin'. Join me, I'm Ouch95148.
Reply:i agree with you!! to all u brothers and sisters stop acting a fool ur all beautiful. no matter how light you are you get treated no better than the darker skined brothers and know what i mean? just be you!
told ya look at some of the ignorant replys
and those that say the n-word do u know what it means?
take a look in the mirror!!! you'll find ur answer:)
Reply:its sp shallow, and the ones who talk about dark skin or light skinned being better always date people of the opposite complexion!
Reply:I don't hate it but I think people on the whole must stop judging each other in this manner. It really shows a lack of adjectives in describing a person, One could use eye color, hair st lye, clothing etc
Skin issues?
i have been using skin lightening products to remove blemishes but though they've worked out ok i feel my skin looks duller. do you have any suggestions of products i can use to brighten up my skin? i have used exfoliants and moisturizers but want something more effective. any suggestions?
Skin issues?
yes I would have to agree with chris. use a microdermabraision. also, make sure your skin stays moisturized.
Skin issues?
Try a home microdermabrasion kit. The Neutrogena one you can get at drug stores is supposed to be quite good!
Reply:If the exfoliants haven't worked it may be a deeper problem. I'd try drinking lots of water and taking a good multivitamin. Everytime my skin looks dull it's usually because I haven't been taking care of my health and it shows on my skin.
Skin issues?
yes I would have to agree with chris. use a microdermabraision. also, make sure your skin stays moisturized.
Skin issues?
Try a home microdermabrasion kit. The Neutrogena one you can get at drug stores is supposed to be quite good!
Reply:If the exfoliants haven't worked it may be a deeper problem. I'd try drinking lots of water and taking a good multivitamin. Everytime my skin looks dull it's usually because I haven't been taking care of my health and it shows on my skin.
Skin bleaching creams, wha twill they do to me? PLEASE ANSWER.?
I hear it makes your skin darker after use, and i would like to know if it is permanent. Also how long does it last, and what kind it the best and cheapest you can get at a local store like Publix or Winn Dixie? Ive also heard it permanently makes skin lighter, is this true? Also how much lighter does it make your skin, is it extremely noticeable or minorly?
Skin bleaching creams, wha twill they do to me? PLEASE ANSWER.?
it depends which one use i've used fair lovely mulivtivamtem creame it was okay but fair lovely has bath scrub which is preety good you can get at indain and chinese markets also thier shisedo i haven't tried yet but it works fast. however when use belching creames do your neck and cheack the ingredaiments it would be a better a idea to stick to home remides like
and the best baby powder it works it nice but it slow
p.s use sun screen
Skin bleaching creams, wha twill they do to me? PLEASE ANSWER.?
it tears layers of your skin away. don't use it.
Reply:it makes you a shade lighter. I use to use it and I looked really pale. Didn't match the shade of my neck. Don't use it unless you have age spots or something, then use it on that
Skin bleaching creams, wha twill they do to me? PLEASE ANSWER.?
it depends which one use i've used fair lovely mulivtivamtem creame it was okay but fair lovely has bath scrub which is preety good you can get at indain and chinese markets also thier shisedo i haven't tried yet but it works fast. however when use belching creames do your neck and cheack the ingredaiments it would be a better a idea to stick to home remides like
and the best baby powder it works it nice but it slow
p.s use sun screen
Skin bleaching creams, wha twill they do to me? PLEASE ANSWER.?
it tears layers of your skin away. don't use it.
Reply:it makes you a shade lighter. I use to use it and I looked really pale. Didn't match the shade of my neck. Don't use it unless you have age spots or something, then use it on that
Why is my skin peeling???
a couple days after i went to the beach i got a little sunburned on my back. then my nose and forehead skin started peeling a tiny bit then it stopped after a couple days. then the skin on my shoulders started peeling. it doesnt hurt. skin skin where it peeled is now white compared to my tanned skin. why is this happening? once i got back to america it stopped. what can i do to keep it from peeling?
Why is my skin peeling???
Maybe you are losing a suntan.
Why is my skin peeling???
Just let it peal, it is dead skin that is why it is peeling. No reason to worry, your fine.
Reply:use lots of aloe vera or just regular sun tan lotion...that ought to do the trick, i always peel when i get burnt
Reply:The best way to keep from peeling is to not get burned. You burned the skin in those areas and it died. Use sun screen prior to getting in the sun and moisturizer after.
Reply:You need it to peel because that's the burnt skin that's trying to come off. It's unhealthy to keep it on your skin, let it flake off. In fact, try scraping it off with a pumice stone. If you let the skin stay on, then the mutated skin cells could metasize and skin cancer can be next. Just use aloe vera to help with the burn.
Reply:one word SUNSCREEN!
Reply:you need to wear sun block. Trust me, it's totally normal. The outside layer have been burned and our falling off for the new skin to come to the surface. It will go away eventually. But don't keep peeling your skin because if you keep peeling it it's going to leave a scar or it will start hurting reeally bad.
Reply:use a a aloevera lotion
Reply:next time you go sunbathing, apply more suncream! but all you can do now to help your skin is to apply lots of body-lotion, moisterizer etc. hope this helps :)
Reply:it is a symtome of a first degree burn (sunburn) the skin dries out and the outer layer which is already a dead layer forms another dry dead layr underneath. this causes the most outer dead layr to peel off. do not worry this is perfectly normal. to keep this from happening during the day when you are around people, use aloe. avoid rubbing it or messing with it.
Reply:because you got *burned* and your body is shedding the dead skin so it can heal.
Reply:The sun dried out your skin!
Lotion, lotion,lotion and you'll be fine. And smell good!
Reply:stay away from the sun, sweetie!! trust me
Reply:You have sunburn on your skin,It will start peeling when it die.
Don't worry, just rub your own urine on to the skin,you will get back beautiful skin soon.
Urine is a natural medicine been used for thousand of year.
2 weeks ago, I have a cut on my finger when I was in forest.I have no other medicine but just urine on my finger.Now it is recover without any scar
Why is my skin peeling???
Maybe you are losing a suntan.
Why is my skin peeling???
Just let it peal, it is dead skin that is why it is peeling. No reason to worry, your fine.
Reply:use lots of aloe vera or just regular sun tan lotion...that ought to do the trick, i always peel when i get burnt
Reply:The best way to keep from peeling is to not get burned. You burned the skin in those areas and it died. Use sun screen prior to getting in the sun and moisturizer after.
Reply:You need it to peel because that's the burnt skin that's trying to come off. It's unhealthy to keep it on your skin, let it flake off. In fact, try scraping it off with a pumice stone. If you let the skin stay on, then the mutated skin cells could metasize and skin cancer can be next. Just use aloe vera to help with the burn.
Reply:one word SUNSCREEN!
Reply:you need to wear sun block. Trust me, it's totally normal. The outside layer have been burned and our falling off for the new skin to come to the surface. It will go away eventually. But don't keep peeling your skin because if you keep peeling it it's going to leave a scar or it will start hurting reeally bad.
Reply:use a a aloevera lotion
Reply:next time you go sunbathing, apply more suncream! but all you can do now to help your skin is to apply lots of body-lotion, moisterizer etc. hope this helps :)
Reply:it is a symtome of a first degree burn (sunburn) the skin dries out and the outer layer which is already a dead layer forms another dry dead layr underneath. this causes the most outer dead layr to peel off. do not worry this is perfectly normal. to keep this from happening during the day when you are around people, use aloe. avoid rubbing it or messing with it.
Reply:because you got *burned* and your body is shedding the dead skin so it can heal.
Reply:The sun dried out your skin!
Lotion, lotion,lotion and you'll be fine. And smell good!
Reply:stay away from the sun, sweetie!! trust me
Reply:You have sunburn on your skin,It will start peeling when it die.
Don't worry, just rub your own urine on to the skin,you will get back beautiful skin soon.
Urine is a natural medicine been used for thousand of year.
2 weeks ago, I have a cut on my finger when I was in forest.I have no other medicine but just urine on my finger.Now it is recover without any scar
Skin Discoloration?
Hello, I have some concerns regarding my skin. First of all, I would like to point out that I do have ezcema if this helps any. My neck has some patches on where it's lighter than the regular tone of my skin. I was wondering if this is the cause of my ezcema and if I am able to get my skin to its regular color.
Skin Discoloration?
It's skin depigmentation. You have lost melanin. I don't think there's any cure other than covering it with cosmetics.
But see your dermatologist.
Skin Discoloration?
It's skin depigmentation. You have lost melanin. I don't think there's any cure other than covering it with cosmetics.
But see your dermatologist.
How to tighten skin?
Hi Im 16 years old 6 feet tall and I have a problem with lose skin. I used to weigh about 210 lbs and now I weigh around 173. I have excess skin in my abdomen area and have tried a lot of creams that claim to tighten skin (ex. collagen creams, amino acids, vitamin c). I started to lose weight about two summers ago and since then I have stayed at about the same weight and havent seen an improvement on my skin.What can i do? Should I try HGH creams but im not sure if they tighten skin or not? Help
How to tighten skin?
Go to a doctor about it. I'm not a doctor, but I know that it usually tightens by itself normally. How long have you lost that much weight? If it has been more than a few months, then maybe you should see a doctor.
Before you see a doctor, though, I suggest increasing the muscle in your abdomen by doing crunches and other abdominal exercises.
I don't think the creams really work well. Don't use HGH unless prescribed by a doctor.
How to tighten skin?
no creams will help, you MUST see a cosmetic surgeon if the skin is that loose. IT is the only way. First try doing abdominal excercises for a while. Go to a gym, do searches online. Congrats on the weight loss!
How to tighten skin?
Go to a doctor about it. I'm not a doctor, but I know that it usually tightens by itself normally. How long have you lost that much weight? If it has been more than a few months, then maybe you should see a doctor.
Before you see a doctor, though, I suggest increasing the muscle in your abdomen by doing crunches and other abdominal exercises.
I don't think the creams really work well. Don't use HGH unless prescribed by a doctor.
How to tighten skin?
no creams will help, you MUST see a cosmetic surgeon if the skin is that loose. IT is the only way. First try doing abdominal excercises for a while. Go to a gym, do searches online. Congrats on the weight loss!
Skin getting white without any reason. need help?
My sister-in-law's skin getting white. Her normal skin is dark brown. Now she is 30 years old. At 20 years of age some portion of her leg skin started getting white. That was the starting, now it affected here chest, arms etc. Slowly it will increase. There is no itching, pimple or anything. Because of this problem she didn't marry till now. Friends CAN YOU HELP HER WITH ANY SUGGESTION. ANY MEDICINE YOU KNOW. PLS
Skin getting white without any reason. need help?
could be vitiligo...but what do i know, i'm not a dermatologist. i suggest contacting one and i bet they'll know what to do the minute you step into their office
Skin getting white without any reason. need help?
take her to the doctor......maybe she has what Michael Jackson has.
Reply:ask that child molester jackson I'm sure he knows
Reply:It happens only remedy is fake tan. I assume she has visited the doctor
Reply:it could be vitiligo which is a sking condition- but i would recommend she speaks to a g.p
have a look at and type in the conidition for more information
Reply:try selson blue take a shower and use it for your body leave it on for 5 minutes then rinse it will help even out skin color. my son is mexican and has dark spots due to me not having any water when i was pregnant and i have been using it for about 4 months and it works his spots are barely noticable anymore
Reply:No medicine, sorry
My good friend has this condition and so does my great aunt. I don't remember what it is called right now but it is a lack of pigment in the skin. just be careful in the sun
Reply:if the whitning of the skin is similar to a burnt skin color then its a skin diesease some what similar to soryasis except it doesn't itch or develop any rash. it cannot be cured but could be controlled. Ayurvedics claim to have a medicine for that. try Himalaya ayurveda specilists.
my grand ma suffers from this disease but it started after her 60's. it started to show her forehead she is using some oils to control it. It also results in hair loss.
act quickly,before it spreads. It horribly disfigures its prey and it surely is a great loss for a woman. Especilly one so young.It could effect her psycologically unless she is very strong and determined.
Skin getting white without any reason. need help?
could be vitiligo...but what do i know, i'm not a dermatologist. i suggest contacting one and i bet they'll know what to do the minute you step into their office
Skin getting white without any reason. need help?
take her to the doctor......maybe she has what Michael Jackson has.
Reply:ask that child molester jackson I'm sure he knows
Reply:It happens only remedy is fake tan. I assume she has visited the doctor
Reply:it could be vitiligo which is a sking condition- but i would recommend she speaks to a g.p
have a look at and type in the conidition for more information
Reply:try selson blue take a shower and use it for your body leave it on for 5 minutes then rinse it will help even out skin color. my son is mexican and has dark spots due to me not having any water when i was pregnant and i have been using it for about 4 months and it works his spots are barely noticable anymore
Reply:No medicine, sorry
My good friend has this condition and so does my great aunt. I don't remember what it is called right now but it is a lack of pigment in the skin. just be careful in the sun
Reply:if the whitning of the skin is similar to a burnt skin color then its a skin diesease some what similar to soryasis except it doesn't itch or develop any rash. it cannot be cured but could be controlled. Ayurvedics claim to have a medicine for that. try Himalaya ayurveda specilists.
my grand ma suffers from this disease but it started after her 60's. it started to show her forehead she is using some oils to control it. It also results in hair loss.
act quickly,before it spreads. It horribly disfigures its prey and it surely is a great loss for a woman. Especilly one so young.It could effect her psycologically unless she is very strong and determined.
Skin help?
i have really gross skin. when it gets cold, or even in the summer time, it gets all red and bumpy whereas everyone else has really soft, flawless skin. i've tried all kinds of lotions-nothing works. if there are any recommendations to what i could do to improve my skin to look beautiful and not red and bumpy--sometimes it even turns purple. i put lotion on it every day after getting out of the shower and before i go to bed. it's on my upper arms and on my thighs. i've run out of ideas. is there some kind of medication that could clear this up?
Skin help?
Check your products. A lot of lotions contain alcohol which can be hurting or irritating your skin even more. Go for a cocoa butter lotion or even aloe vera. These two contain soothing benefits that can really help you out. then again, check for any alcohol or harsh chemicals that get added to beauty products they are very bad. My best advice would be to visit a doctor because it may be due to a certain allergy to chemicals and such. Take care, this is very seriouse!! Hope you get better.
Skin help?
Try cocoa butter and maybe ponds or go to a hospital and git that checked out.
Reply:i have reviews on some of products i used in my blog. also, ingredients you should avoid. i don't think this is normal so check you product's ingredients. check with a derm if it gets worse. good luck!
Reply:You need a cream that Hydrates %26amp; Replenishes
Real Beauty Begins With Healthy Skin
The skin is the first line of defense and our face to the world. But too often, we don鈥檛 protect and nourish it as we should.
There鈥檚 nothing more beautiful than healthy skin. How many times have you wished that your skin still felt well-toned and had a healthy glow like years ago? The truth is that over time, our skin can become dull and dry.
Every day, every hour, every minute, our skin feels the effects of the sun, wind, cold, humidity, and dryness. If the skin isn鈥檛 protected against the abuses of the elements, the result is visible damage and signs of aging. When it comes to maintaining beautiful skin, nothing compares to a combination of good nutrition and the regular application of a quality skin cream.
I know of a skin Perfecting Cream that contains a specially prepared milk protein isolate. Two other important ingredients work to beautify your skin:
Emu oil hydrates and moisturizes the skin.
Sodium PCA is a naturally-occurring component of human skin that is thought to be responsible for an ability to trap moisture.
Together, the milk protein isolate, Emu oil, and Sodium PCA work to help shield your skin from the effects of the environment.
Traditional moisturizers are often pleasant to use but do not really moisturize the skin at all. Instead they consist of a thin greasy film that attempts to hold moisture in.
On the other hand, this Skin Perfecting Cream works below the surface to help maintain healthy-looking skin. Over time, skin will look softer and healthier and feel naturally moisturized.
The Skin Perfecting Cream I am recommending is most effective when used daily. In addition a tightening, lifting sensation will be experienced.
I have link for getting this product really cheap!
Feel free to contact me for any additional Information at
Skin help?
Check your products. A lot of lotions contain alcohol which can be hurting or irritating your skin even more. Go for a cocoa butter lotion or even aloe vera. These two contain soothing benefits that can really help you out. then again, check for any alcohol or harsh chemicals that get added to beauty products they are very bad. My best advice would be to visit a doctor because it may be due to a certain allergy to chemicals and such. Take care, this is very seriouse!! Hope you get better.
Skin help?
Try cocoa butter and maybe ponds or go to a hospital and git that checked out.
Reply:i have reviews on some of products i used in my blog. also, ingredients you should avoid. i don't think this is normal so check you product's ingredients. check with a derm if it gets worse. good luck!
Reply:You need a cream that Hydrates %26amp; Replenishes
Real Beauty Begins With Healthy Skin
The skin is the first line of defense and our face to the world. But too often, we don鈥檛 protect and nourish it as we should.
There鈥檚 nothing more beautiful than healthy skin. How many times have you wished that your skin still felt well-toned and had a healthy glow like years ago? The truth is that over time, our skin can become dull and dry.
Every day, every hour, every minute, our skin feels the effects of the sun, wind, cold, humidity, and dryness. If the skin isn鈥檛 protected against the abuses of the elements, the result is visible damage and signs of aging. When it comes to maintaining beautiful skin, nothing compares to a combination of good nutrition and the regular application of a quality skin cream.
I know of a skin Perfecting Cream that contains a specially prepared milk protein isolate. Two other important ingredients work to beautify your skin:
Emu oil hydrates and moisturizes the skin.
Sodium PCA is a naturally-occurring component of human skin that is thought to be responsible for an ability to trap moisture.
Together, the milk protein isolate, Emu oil, and Sodium PCA work to help shield your skin from the effects of the environment.
Traditional moisturizers are often pleasant to use but do not really moisturize the skin at all. Instead they consist of a thin greasy film that attempts to hold moisture in.
On the other hand, this Skin Perfecting Cream works below the surface to help maintain healthy-looking skin. Over time, skin will look softer and healthier and feel naturally moisturized.
The Skin Perfecting Cream I am recommending is most effective when used daily. In addition a tightening, lifting sensation will be experienced.
I have link for getting this product really cheap!
Feel free to contact me for any additional Information at
Skin Lightening.... Bleaching?
I'm in desperate need of a skin lightening cream or solution...
See.... I'm from latin descent... i'm not too tan.. but my skin has
a 'yellow' type of appearence.. %26amp; I want fairer colored skin.
what do you think is the best cream ? What would work for me?
What does the bleaching process consist of.?
Could i bleach my face?... I know that's wierd but
I really would appreciate any input.
(%26amp; I don't need micheal Jackson for
Skin Lightening.... Bleaching?
if you have a yellow colorin , you might want to go and see a doc. sounds a lil wike jauntice......
other wise, be proud of your heritage. there is nothin rong with you, or your colorin. some people wud die fer your colorin.
be proud of yourself..
if you are a guy, girls will fall all over you. why, i don't know but........
if you are a girl, al the other girls will really be jealious of you......... flant it some........ and the guys, they will think you are ever sooooooo pretty...............
use what god give you to your advantage, be proud of your heritage, your self.........
Skin Lightening.... Bleaching?
you don't need to lighten your skin because it will do more harm than good. accept your color for what it is. i'm pretty sure that you are a beautiful person. Why would you want to damage your skin. you'll look 60 by the time you're 35!
Reply:You can use cocoa butter. It also has a good smell. If you rub it all over your body like 2-3 times a day you will see the difference. I used to use it but i dont anymore because i got to the color i wanted!
Reply:Hi, never bleach your face, you can use good face wash, toner as pure rose water and moisturiser.
See.... I'm from latin descent... i'm not too tan.. but my skin has
a 'yellow' type of appearence.. %26amp; I want fairer colored skin.
what do you think is the best cream ? What would work for me?
What does the bleaching process consist of.?
Could i bleach my face?... I know that's wierd but
I really would appreciate any input.
(%26amp; I don't need micheal Jackson for
Skin Lightening.... Bleaching?
if you have a yellow colorin , you might want to go and see a doc. sounds a lil wike jauntice......
other wise, be proud of your heritage. there is nothin rong with you, or your colorin. some people wud die fer your colorin.
be proud of yourself..
if you are a guy, girls will fall all over you. why, i don't know but........
if you are a girl, al the other girls will really be jealious of you......... flant it some........ and the guys, they will think you are ever sooooooo pretty...............
use what god give you to your advantage, be proud of your heritage, your self.........
Skin Lightening.... Bleaching?
you don't need to lighten your skin because it will do more harm than good. accept your color for what it is. i'm pretty sure that you are a beautiful person. Why would you want to damage your skin. you'll look 60 by the time you're 35!
Reply:You can use cocoa butter. It also has a good smell. If you rub it all over your body like 2-3 times a day you will see the difference. I used to use it but i dont anymore because i got to the color i wanted!
Reply:Hi, never bleach your face, you can use good face wash, toner as pure rose water and moisturiser.
Skin solution?
i have really oily skin and i have scars from previous pimples , and a few pimples , what can i put on my face to hide all this and make my skin look perfect , and not oily , and i dont want the makeup to look cakey and fake
and also what can i put on my skin at night to get rid of these things
Skin solution?
Use topical Retinoic acid or Tretinoin. Apply lightly and evenly on the face at night. It will dry up your acne and will cause mild peeling to remove the superficial dermis and reveal the new, smoother skin underneath.
Use cosmetics which are non-comedogenic.
Skin solution?
Try using proactive? I don't have acne ( i used to get a few pimples and now I don't anymore because i use it) but I use it and it has made my skin look very smooth and I look refreshed i guess is the word. Plus it has a tendancy to dry my skin up a little so I use it maybe every other or two days. you should try it, if you haven't already.
Reply:I would go to a dermatologist. There are many factors that affect our skin- stress, environment, hygiene, hormones, diet, etc. You won't know what is causing your acne unless you go to a dermatologist. I know it seems expensive, but it's better to pay for something that is going to work than to try a whole bunch of different things that are cheaper, but may do more harm than good and end up just frustrating you more. After your skin is doing better, you won't have to worry about covering everything up. If you decide that you don't want to go to a dermatologist, here are a few things to know:
*If you do decide to use cosmetics to cover up your blemishes, be sure to use non-comedogenic products. They won't clog your pores.
*Try not to touch your face throughout the day. Our fingers have a ton of bacteria on them and you don't want bacteria to form pimples
* Don't use too many products or wash your face too often. This can dry out your skin and your skin will produce more oil to compensate.
* Even if you have oily skin, you should still use a light moisturizer with SPF in it
and also what can i put on my skin at night to get rid of these things
Skin solution?
Use topical Retinoic acid or Tretinoin. Apply lightly and evenly on the face at night. It will dry up your acne and will cause mild peeling to remove the superficial dermis and reveal the new, smoother skin underneath.
Use cosmetics which are non-comedogenic.
Skin solution?
Try using proactive? I don't have acne ( i used to get a few pimples and now I don't anymore because i use it) but I use it and it has made my skin look very smooth and I look refreshed i guess is the word. Plus it has a tendancy to dry my skin up a little so I use it maybe every other or two days. you should try it, if you haven't already.
Reply:I would go to a dermatologist. There are many factors that affect our skin- stress, environment, hygiene, hormones, diet, etc. You won't know what is causing your acne unless you go to a dermatologist. I know it seems expensive, but it's better to pay for something that is going to work than to try a whole bunch of different things that are cheaper, but may do more harm than good and end up just frustrating you more. After your skin is doing better, you won't have to worry about covering everything up. If you decide that you don't want to go to a dermatologist, here are a few things to know:
*If you do decide to use cosmetics to cover up your blemishes, be sure to use non-comedogenic products. They won't clog your pores.
*Try not to touch your face throughout the day. Our fingers have a ton of bacteria on them and you don't want bacteria to form pimples
* Don't use too many products or wash your face too often. This can dry out your skin and your skin will produce more oil to compensate.
* Even if you have oily skin, you should still use a light moisturizer with SPF in it
Skin whitening?
hey people, i was light skinned and this summer i got a tan because of the sun and i was at the beach and swimming pool . my arm and my face and my abs are dark how am i gonna get them lighter skin . so i can have a prefect skin tone .is there a way for me to get back to where i was?
Skin whitening?
I don't know why you would be so desperate for light skin as most people especially men look better with a tan.
However, some stores sell skin-lightening creams but they're probably pretty unsafe if they even work at all. If you just apply sunscreen when you go out and wait awhile, your tan will fade away. I'm assuming you're in the Northern Hemisphere so you'll have a few months of reduced UV exposure.
Now if you got that purple-on-leather fake 'n' bake look from running around without sunscreen, you probably should talk to a dermatologist.
Skin whitening?
Ask Michael Jackson what he used.
Worked great for him; he went from a black man to a white woman in a very short time.
purchase flowers
Skin whitening?
I don't know why you would be so desperate for light skin as most people especially men look better with a tan.
However, some stores sell skin-lightening creams but they're probably pretty unsafe if they even work at all. If you just apply sunscreen when you go out and wait awhile, your tan will fade away. I'm assuming you're in the Northern Hemisphere so you'll have a few months of reduced UV exposure.
Now if you got that purple-on-leather fake 'n' bake look from running around without sunscreen, you probably should talk to a dermatologist.
Skin whitening?
Ask Michael Jackson what he used.
Worked great for him; he went from a black man to a white woman in a very short time.
purchase flowers
Skin peeled off my tongue?
Just to start with, I was a dental nurse for 6 years and never saw this.
Also, I have impeccable oral hygiene, I'm 24 and have never had a cavity.
But yesterday I was reading and felt something on my tongue. It felt a bit like a really fine onion skin or something sitting there, so I scratched it off. It was some white stuff. I thought it must have been something I ate. Then it happened again, and again so I went to look in the mirror and saw that the white stuff was all over my tongue.
The white stuff was the skin covering my tongue and when I looked at the rest of my mouth, it was the same. I peeled it all off (like peeling off sunburned skin) and it wasn't sore or anything.
I haven't seen this before and I haven't eaten anything hot or spicy in the last few days, but I am pregnant. Has this ever happened to anyone else? And why?
Skin peeled off my tongue?
The only time I had this was after eating too many salt and vinegar potato chips. Can't say I've ever heard of it because of pregnancy.
Skin peeled off my tongue?
My son had this a couple of weeks ago. It is called Thrush. If it hasn't gone away, call a doctor and they will send in a prescription for you. They don't even need to see you to diagnose it. Report It
Reply:it sounds like geographic tongue.
Reply:I've had some skin peel off the inside of my mouth occasionally, but not off my tongue...
Reply:It doesn't have to be hot or spicy to do this. Bananas and some nuts do the same thing to me. But, I wouldn't rule out the pregnancy. You are going to have lots of experiences being pregnant. Not to alarm you. They all won't be bad. Good luck!
Also, I have impeccable oral hygiene, I'm 24 and have never had a cavity.
But yesterday I was reading and felt something on my tongue. It felt a bit like a really fine onion skin or something sitting there, so I scratched it off. It was some white stuff. I thought it must have been something I ate. Then it happened again, and again so I went to look in the mirror and saw that the white stuff was all over my tongue.
The white stuff was the skin covering my tongue and when I looked at the rest of my mouth, it was the same. I peeled it all off (like peeling off sunburned skin) and it wasn't sore or anything.
I haven't seen this before and I haven't eaten anything hot or spicy in the last few days, but I am pregnant. Has this ever happened to anyone else? And why?
Skin peeled off my tongue?
The only time I had this was after eating too many salt and vinegar potato chips. Can't say I've ever heard of it because of pregnancy.
Skin peeled off my tongue?
My son had this a couple of weeks ago. It is called Thrush. If it hasn't gone away, call a doctor and they will send in a prescription for you. They don't even need to see you to diagnose it. Report It
Reply:it sounds like geographic tongue.
Reply:I've had some skin peel off the inside of my mouth occasionally, but not off my tongue...
Reply:It doesn't have to be hot or spicy to do this. Bananas and some nuts do the same thing to me. But, I wouldn't rule out the pregnancy. You are going to have lots of experiences being pregnant. Not to alarm you. They all won't be bad. Good luck!
Skin Bleaching? has it got out of control?
It seems many people today are bleaching their skin. I mean, I know blacks aren't the only ones. I saw a very dark man with one light arm and one dark arm, he also had a white nose, bleaching gone bad? Is it the new epidemic to develop ivory skin. I heard asians have always desired white skin too.
Skin Bleaching? has it got out of control?
Im a nice pecan brown and I have no desire to be lighter skinned I think society has brainwashed many people no matter what race that lighter skin means that your a better person or that you will be beautiful just because your skin is a light. I think people bleach their skin because they are insecure and ignorant.
Skin Bleaching? has it got out of control?
Some people actually have a skin disorder which causes some skin to be lighter pigmentation than other areas.
Although Anal bleaching is probably the worst thing I have heard of in the last few years. Eveyone wants a white butt hole!
Skin Bleaching? has it got out of control?
Im a nice pecan brown and I have no desire to be lighter skinned I think society has brainwashed many people no matter what race that lighter skin means that your a better person or that you will be beautiful just because your skin is a light. I think people bleach their skin because they are insecure and ignorant.
Skin Bleaching? has it got out of control?
Some people actually have a skin disorder which causes some skin to be lighter pigmentation than other areas.
Although Anal bleaching is probably the worst thing I have heard of in the last few years. Eveyone wants a white butt hole!
Skin Tags?
I have about 20 wart type things under my armpits on one and about 4 on the other and i have some like on my chest and they look alot like skin tags they keep popping up i think there are to much to be warts i don't know if they are though they are like my color skin and they look like a mole are they skin tags?
Skin Tags?
Dylan H I have had a lot os skin tags, I had one under my arm that looked like I had a testicle sack growing there. I finally had it removed. I was going to leave it until it got bigger and have it transplanted where my testicles was as I lost them and my bag from an accident really ! But the wife couldn't stand looking at it ,and it did irritate me, so I had it removed with a bunch of others. I am willing to say these are skin tags you have, and they are removed right in the dr's office with very little pain involved. The one under my arm was the worst where it was so large. I still get them, and I thought it was from my testosterone shots I take. But maybe not now that you have posted this. In any case I hope this has been of value to you . Have very Merry Christmas! Good Luck!
Skin Tags?
They are probably skin tags. You can have a family doctor or a dermatologist take them off - relatively simple, minimal discomfort. Have them all taken off at once.
Skin Tags?
Dylan H I have had a lot os skin tags, I had one under my arm that looked like I had a testicle sack growing there. I finally had it removed. I was going to leave it until it got bigger and have it transplanted where my testicles was as I lost them and my bag from an accident really ! But the wife couldn't stand looking at it ,and it did irritate me, so I had it removed with a bunch of others. I am willing to say these are skin tags you have, and they are removed right in the dr's office with very little pain involved. The one under my arm was the worst where it was so large. I still get them, and I thought it was from my testosterone shots I take. But maybe not now that you have posted this. In any case I hope this has been of value to you . Have very Merry Christmas! Good Luck!
Skin Tags?
They are probably skin tags. You can have a family doctor or a dermatologist take them off - relatively simple, minimal discomfort. Have them all taken off at once.
Skin Tags?
I have about 20 wart type things under my armpits on one and about 4 on the other and i have some like on my chest and they look alot like skin tags they keep popping up i think there are to much to be warts i don't know if they are though they are like my color skin and they look like a mole are they skin tags?
Skin Tags?
Dylan H I have had a lot os skin tags, I had one under my arm that looked like I had a testicle sack growing there. I finally had it removed. I was going to leave it until it got bigger and have it transplanted where my testicles was as I lost them and my bag from an accident really ! But the wife couldn't stand looking at it ,and it did irritate me, so I had it removed with a bunch of others. I am willing to say these are skin tags you have, and they are removed right in the dr's office with very little pain involved. The one under my arm was the worst where it was so large. I still get them, and I thought it was from my testosterone shots I take. But maybe not now that you have posted this. In any case I hope this has been of value to you . Have very Merry Christmas! Good Luck!
Skin Tags?
They are probably skin tags. You can have a family doctor or a dermatologist take them off - relatively simple, minimal discomfort. Have them all taken off at once.
leather handbag
Skin Tags?
Dylan H I have had a lot os skin tags, I had one under my arm that looked like I had a testicle sack growing there. I finally had it removed. I was going to leave it until it got bigger and have it transplanted where my testicles was as I lost them and my bag from an accident really ! But the wife couldn't stand looking at it ,and it did irritate me, so I had it removed with a bunch of others. I am willing to say these are skin tags you have, and they are removed right in the dr's office with very little pain involved. The one under my arm was the worst where it was so large. I still get them, and I thought it was from my testosterone shots I take. But maybe not now that you have posted this. In any case I hope this has been of value to you . Have very Merry Christmas! Good Luck!
Skin Tags?
They are probably skin tags. You can have a family doctor or a dermatologist take them off - relatively simple, minimal discomfort. Have them all taken off at once.
leather handbag
How to clear skin that Proactiv damaged?
I see many people on here recommending Proactiv to people with acne/breakouts. I've been using Proactiv for a few months. My skin actually got worse. I've tried using the mask, I've tried lessening the number of times I used the scrub or repairing lotion a day/week. At first, my skin cleared up within the first two weeks, then I started getting abcess acne that is really painful. I'm just wondering if anyone has at home/natural treatments. Or even store-bought, gentle stuff. I have sensitive, acne prone skin. It was oily, but since I used Proactiv, it's now oily but flaky (with small scabs where my break-outs once were) So I guess you'd call my skin type combination. Is there anyone out there who has the same skin type as I do who uses something on a regular basis that works? Not something you used once before...but daily/weekly. If so, what is it and how often do you use it? Thank you all.
How to clear skin that Proactiv damaged?
Proactiv is probably about the worst product on the market. Go to your dermatologist and ask him to give you scripts for Duac, Differin and Doryx...the 3 together will make your skin look fantastic! Also, use Neutrogena face wash.
How to clear skin that Proactiv damaged?
I been down the same road your on now. I tried proactive and my skin got so dry and red I couldn't do my job at work. I go around and talk to the patients at our local hospital. I felt really self conscious about my appearance. I had been selling and using Mary Kay products so I went back to that.My skin got 100% better. why don't you try mk. It's really good! email me and let me know how that
How to clear skin that Proactiv damaged?
Proactiv is probably about the worst product on the market. Go to your dermatologist and ask him to give you scripts for Duac, Differin and Doryx...the 3 together will make your skin look fantastic! Also, use Neutrogena face wash.
How to clear skin that Proactiv damaged?
I been down the same road your on now. I tried proactive and my skin got so dry and red I couldn't do my job at work. I go around and talk to the patients at our local hospital. I felt really self conscious about my appearance. I had been selling and using Mary Kay products so I went back to that.My skin got 100% better. why don't you try mk. It's really good! email me and let me know how that
Skin probs-dry skin and some pimples?
I've used proactive and clean and clear. but my skin is dry at the same time. i dont have acne but just a few stubborn pimples. my skin has been getting dry and feeling tight. advice? or some good products?
Skin probs-dry skin and some pimples? the answer.
Skin probs-dry skin and some pimples?
The most basic form of pimple prevention is hygiene and preventive skin care. More such solutions at
There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at
Reply:i suggest you try using an all natural skin care moisturizer to keep the skin clean and well-moisturized. also, have good and healthy habits that can take care of the skin. avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for this has drying effect. for more tips on how to take care of the skin visit
Skin probs-dry skin and some pimples? the answer.
Skin probs-dry skin and some pimples?
The most basic form of pimple prevention is hygiene and preventive skin care. More such solutions at
There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at
Reply:i suggest you try using an all natural skin care moisturizer to keep the skin clean and well-moisturized. also, have good and healthy habits that can take care of the skin. avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for this has drying effect. for more tips on how to take care of the skin visit
Skin remedies?
My chihuahua has ichy skin. The vet gave her a shot today. Is their anything I could use to make her skin not feel irritated. I hate knowing that she is itchy and her skin burns.
Skin remedies?
probably food allergies which is the biggest problem that causes skin problems in dogs. Get it off food with corn in it. give a bath in an oatmeal bath to help with the itching
Skin remedies?
Bathe her in special anti-itch shampoo, they're easy to find in PetsMart.
How long has it been going on? If it's just been recent, it could be an allergic reaction.
Reply:1. Change her food. I like the ones at because they are non-allergic and good for skin and coat.
2. Get a shampoo to help with skin. I recommend this:
The Dermapet Shampoo. If you can't click the banner above it to order, go to the "Related Links" and then "J-B Pet Supplies" to order.
Good luck!
Reply:check with your vet and get an oatmeal based shampoo, this works great. the other thing there is a spray you can use also from the vet's that will help to eleviate the itching too. have you had her tested for allergies? food, fleas etc. how old is she? good luck
Reply:Ask your vet to recommend something.
Reply:What kind of injection did the veterinarian give her? Maybe you should asked to be refered to an animal dermatologist. They can test for different allergies. This has been very helpful to a lot of people. Ask your vet about different allergies your pet might have.
Reply:it's this stuff called blue's really messy but it works.....
please know that it's really really messy and whatever it gets on besides the will be a permanent stain....use gloves and do it outside......
Good luck I hate to hear that about your dog......Good luck
Reply:shampoos are misleading they only dry the skin the best thing is to give him an oderless garlic tablet everyday also try ecinacea take a teaspoon of it and boil it in a cup of water feed her a dropper ful in the morning and a dropper ful at night along with 200 miligrams of vitimin C this will boost her immune system enabling her to fight the skin problem you can get that stuff at natural food stores
Reply:mineral oil and egg in her food once or twice a week. stop with the shampoo's ,it will only irritate the skin, and dry it out. was the shot for allergies or what?
does she constantly chew at herself? if so find a doggie typr sweater with a sheep skin lining. this wat even if she rolls to itch at least she cant scratch and chew.
Reply:And do you also do annual vaccinations? Read the Wisconsin University weblink
Vaccinations can be the cause of skin problems.
Skin remedies?
probably food allergies which is the biggest problem that causes skin problems in dogs. Get it off food with corn in it. give a bath in an oatmeal bath to help with the itching
Skin remedies?
Bathe her in special anti-itch shampoo, they're easy to find in PetsMart.
How long has it been going on? If it's just been recent, it could be an allergic reaction.
Reply:1. Change her food. I like the ones at because they are non-allergic and good for skin and coat.
2. Get a shampoo to help with skin. I recommend this:
The Dermapet Shampoo. If you can't click the banner above it to order, go to the "Related Links" and then "J-B Pet Supplies" to order.
Good luck!
Reply:check with your vet and get an oatmeal based shampoo, this works great. the other thing there is a spray you can use also from the vet's that will help to eleviate the itching too. have you had her tested for allergies? food, fleas etc. how old is she? good luck
Reply:Ask your vet to recommend something.
Reply:What kind of injection did the veterinarian give her? Maybe you should asked to be refered to an animal dermatologist. They can test for different allergies. This has been very helpful to a lot of people. Ask your vet about different allergies your pet might have.
Reply:it's this stuff called blue's really messy but it works.....
please know that it's really really messy and whatever it gets on besides the will be a permanent stain....use gloves and do it outside......
Good luck I hate to hear that about your dog......Good luck
Reply:shampoos are misleading they only dry the skin the best thing is to give him an oderless garlic tablet everyday also try ecinacea take a teaspoon of it and boil it in a cup of water feed her a dropper ful in the morning and a dropper ful at night along with 200 miligrams of vitimin C this will boost her immune system enabling her to fight the skin problem you can get that stuff at natural food stores
Reply:mineral oil and egg in her food once or twice a week. stop with the shampoo's ,it will only irritate the skin, and dry it out. was the shot for allergies or what?
does she constantly chew at herself? if so find a doggie typr sweater with a sheep skin lining. this wat even if she rolls to itch at least she cant scratch and chew.
Reply:And do you also do annual vaccinations? Read the Wisconsin University weblink
Vaccinations can be the cause of skin problems.
23 year old skin...?
How does 23 year old female skin compare to 18 year old female skin? Is it less firm than the younger skin? Is 22, 21, and 20 year old skin also less firm than 18 year old skin?
23 year old skin...?
look, it doesnt matter how old the person is. it depends of how u take care of it.
23 year old skin...?
it would all depend on if the 23 year old has had a child yet and how she takes care of herself. not all women's skin feels the same, even if they are the same age!
Reply:there is usually not appreciable difference, especially if the person in question takes care of their skin and protects it from the sun.
Reply:Yes, skin loses elasticity as we age. Once we pass the age of maturity it's downhill. The differences may be undetectable to human senses and can be delayed slightly with the application of mosturizers and sunscreens.
Reply:it's about the same. When you get around the age of 30 you may notice a difference.
Reply:at 23 there shouldnt be much difference from an 18 year olds skin...
Reply:I really think the difference isn't even something you can measure. Skin is so firm and nice well into the late 20's. Just take care of it and avoid the sun.
I didn't notice a change in my skin until I was late 30's and then it was a very fast change. It started always looking dry no matter how much I moisturized it.
Reply:put at least 10 years difference to test
i will gladly run your tests
Reply:as u age, ur losing cells everyday of ur life. therefore logically u cant compare bt nowadays there r various creams and cosmetic solutions, although biologically it is all down 2 age.
Reply:are you stupid or what....what are you talking about honey.....23 yeah thats indeed ancient,ask your question again when you are 43,ok Meanwhile enjoy overall youth....why not start cleansing your face mornings and before sleep with cleansingmilk/tonic NO SOAP....and start using a good day/nightcare-cream and ofcourse try to stay out of really long sunbathing,dont overdo your caffeine-intake and MOST importantly be young THINK young....NO USE to worry about a lot of things when you are 23,ok.This might give you early frown/lines and wrinkles
Reply:smoother tighter and softer
23 year old skin...?
look, it doesnt matter how old the person is. it depends of how u take care of it.
23 year old skin...?
it would all depend on if the 23 year old has had a child yet and how she takes care of herself. not all women's skin feels the same, even if they are the same age!
Reply:there is usually not appreciable difference, especially if the person in question takes care of their skin and protects it from the sun.
Reply:Yes, skin loses elasticity as we age. Once we pass the age of maturity it's downhill. The differences may be undetectable to human senses and can be delayed slightly with the application of mosturizers and sunscreens.
Reply:it's about the same. When you get around the age of 30 you may notice a difference.
Reply:at 23 there shouldnt be much difference from an 18 year olds skin...
Reply:I really think the difference isn't even something you can measure. Skin is so firm and nice well into the late 20's. Just take care of it and avoid the sun.
I didn't notice a change in my skin until I was late 30's and then it was a very fast change. It started always looking dry no matter how much I moisturized it.
Reply:put at least 10 years difference to test
i will gladly run your tests
Reply:as u age, ur losing cells everyday of ur life. therefore logically u cant compare bt nowadays there r various creams and cosmetic solutions, although biologically it is all down 2 age.
Reply:are you stupid or what....what are you talking about honey.....23 yeah thats indeed ancient,ask your question again when you are 43,ok Meanwhile enjoy overall youth....why not start cleansing your face mornings and before sleep with cleansingmilk/tonic NO SOAP....and start using a good day/nightcare-cream and ofcourse try to stay out of really long sunbathing,dont overdo your caffeine-intake and MOST importantly be young THINK young....NO USE to worry about a lot of things when you are 23,ok.This might give you early frown/lines and wrinkles
Reply:smoother tighter and softer
I have flaky skin on my nose, but it's not dry skin. Help please?
The skin on my nose and around my upper lip area is really flaky, but it's not dry skin. The skin on my nose peels off in patchy layers, so I never have even looking skin on my nose. I've tried microdermabrasion scrubs which help a little but not enough. I don't use soap on my face but use a facial cleanser. I also don't want to put lots of moisturizer on my nose because then it looks oily. I'm 39 and I've had this condition most of my adult life, but in the past year it has gotten really bothersome. Serious advice only, please.
I have flaky skin on my nose, but it's not dry skin. Help please?
You should first make sure that this is not a pre-cancerous condition called an actinic keratosis. See a dermatologist. If it is, it can be treated with liquid nitrogen. If not, the dermatologist can determine if it should best be treated with an emolient or a low dose steroid cream.
I have flaky skin on my nose, but it's not dry skin. Help please?
It sounds like it might be eczema or maybe even psoriasis, but I haven't heard of psoriasis on the face like that.
Check out, they have lots of info on different conditions. Search for eczema and see if your symptoms match.
And until you get it checked out by a doctor, I'd stop the microdermabrasion or any exfoliation, because that could actually be making it a lot worse!
I have flaky skin on my nose, but it's not dry skin. Help please?
You should first make sure that this is not a pre-cancerous condition called an actinic keratosis. See a dermatologist. If it is, it can be treated with liquid nitrogen. If not, the dermatologist can determine if it should best be treated with an emolient or a low dose steroid cream.
I have flaky skin on my nose, but it's not dry skin. Help please?
It sounds like it might be eczema or maybe even psoriasis, but I haven't heard of psoriasis on the face like that.
Check out, they have lots of info on different conditions. Search for eczema and see if your symptoms match.
And until you get it checked out by a doctor, I'd stop the microdermabrasion or any exfoliation, because that could actually be making it a lot worse!
Skin Lightening ? help?
how do you lighten skin%26gt; my skin's usually pretty light, but this summer, i got so tan and it hasn't gone away yet. my tan usually leaves pretty fast after summer.
how do i lighten my skin?
it can be a product or natural,
if its a product though, nothing Expensive!!!!!
Skin Lightening ? help?
why would you ever want to lose your tan?!?
i lost mine and im dying to get it back!!
Skin Lightening ? help?
staying out of the sun is the cheapest and safest way! I agree - as a pale and pasty person, I would love a tan. Enjoy it!
how do i lighten my skin?
it can be a product or natural,
if its a product though, nothing Expensive!!!!!
Skin Lightening ? help?
why would you ever want to lose your tan?!?
i lost mine and im dying to get it back!!
Skin Lightening ? help?
staying out of the sun is the cheapest and safest way! I agree - as a pale and pasty person, I would love a tan. Enjoy it!
Skin help- sensitive, dry, red, acne, blackheads, etc. What do I use???
OK, I know this is really gross, but I'm getting rather tired of my skin being utter crap. It's sensitive, so anything that I use (especially moisturizers, ironically enough) dry it out/kinda burn. Despite the dryness, I have HORRIBLE acne (and oily skin- I don't understand how the same patch of skin can be dry and oily at once, but it is) and blackheads and it's red and lumpy and gross and impossible to cover up. So basically, I need a good skincare routine/products and some good concealer/power suggestions. Thanks!
Skin help- sensitive, dry, red, acne, blackheads, etc. What do I use???
Don't buy anything over the counter. The best way to get rid of acne is to go to a dermatologist. They can also recommend light treatments on your skin if the acne medication doesn't work.
As far as makeup, use Bare Essentials (great for people with skin issues -- all natural and doesn't irritate the skin). Clinique makes really good concealers as well.
Skin help- sensitive, dry, red, acne, blackheads, etc. What do I use???
Their is a acne line by Arbonne go on to their website and buy it. I totally works. it worked for me and all of my friends it is awesome. I t might be a little expensice but stiil it really works
Reply:I would try noxxema they sell it really cheap. You can get it almost anywhere. If you dont find it look for clearasil acne/blackhead treatment. I used this stuff and it knocked my blackhead out in 3 days!!!! It gentaly bleaches out the pimple or blackhead of its color and gentally replenishes the skin to normal!!
Skin help- sensitive, dry, red, acne, blackheads, etc. What do I use???
Don't buy anything over the counter. The best way to get rid of acne is to go to a dermatologist. They can also recommend light treatments on your skin if the acne medication doesn't work.
As far as makeup, use Bare Essentials (great for people with skin issues -- all natural and doesn't irritate the skin). Clinique makes really good concealers as well.
Skin help- sensitive, dry, red, acne, blackheads, etc. What do I use???
Their is a acne line by Arbonne go on to their website and buy it. I totally works. it worked for me and all of my friends it is awesome. I t might be a little expensice but stiil it really works
Reply:I would try noxxema they sell it really cheap. You can get it almost anywhere. If you dont find it look for clearasil acne/blackhead treatment. I used this stuff and it knocked my blackhead out in 3 days!!!! It gentaly bleaches out the pimple or blackhead of its color and gentally replenishes the skin to normal!!
Skin Darkning due to sun exposure.?
I'm 26/m. My skin from neck upwards has darkned out due to over exposure to sun for 10-15 yrs. There is a strong visible difference in colour below neck and above. Below part much fairer.
My question is: Is there a way to make skin colour consistant with below neck part? Sun screen I'm using but its not helping. My skin type is dry.
Skin Darkning due to sun exposure.?
cut a slice of raw potatoe and just lightly
rub on your skin while you feel the liquid
from the potatoe is there,
%26amp; as soon as the slice is dry change the
side or cut another side %26amp; rub.
you'll see the skin color change,
because potatoes have a enzymes to lighten
the skin color,
so its also harm less.
try to apply for about 1 month or 2.
you'll see the difference.
Skin Darkning due to sun exposure.?
You have to exfoliate first. You could use glycolic acid or beta hydroxy acids, or pure powdered vitamin c mixed with a little bit of cleanser. Leave whatever type of "mask" you choose on for like 15 min. (or shorter if it burns at first but you'll get used to it.
Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, you could start with once or twice weekly and then increase to maybe every other day. If you use a more mild exfoliant like Patricia Wexler's, every day should be fine. After you wash it off use moisturizer and sunscreen with at least 30 spf and at least ++ UVA protection.
It'll take a while to see improvement but while you're doing it (and forever after) you HAVE to were sunscreen every single day cause your skin will be even more vulnerable.
Reply:. Mix Oats with Honey, Yogurt and Ground Almonds. Apply this on your face, leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash with lukewarm wate
A face mask made of Egg White and Honey gently removes tan from your face
For a Fair Skin, try this natural bleach. Mix Orange Peel Powder (sun dried and powdered) with Milk, apply this paste on your face and leave for 25 minutes and wash off.
Apply the mixture of Tomato Juice and Honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes. It will help you get rid of tan.
Apply the mixture of Carrot Juice and Basil. Leave it till it dries and wash the face for Clearer Complexion.
Add two teaspoon of Tomato Juice with 4 teaspoon of Yogurt and apply on the face to get Brighter Complexion
Apply the mixture of Turmeric Powder and Milk Cream on the face and wash it after 20 minutes. It will Lighten your Complexion.
Apply the mixture of Honey, Chickpea Powder, Milk Cream and Olive Oil as a face pack for Lighter Complexion.
Mix Honey, Lemon and Olive Oil . Apply this mixture and rinse off after 15 minutes to get soft and lighter complexion
Reply:mix some sugar granules, lemon and honey to scrub ur skin at sudnt be expsed to sun after scrubbing or after bleaching.. wash off n dnt put nethin untill da nxt morning...u can apply sunscreen which contains spf15....remember always to put da sunscreen to put b4 15 mins b4 u go out to get da maximum protection as da skin will absorb da components in da sunscreen n prepares da skin to b exposed to the sun...
Reply:better go for massaging raw milk in the morning before 15 minutes of taking bath and after at night go for massage with honey(3 spoons) and lemon juice(3 spoon). after honey massage dont go out side and wash after half an hour. that will help u alot.
Good luk. have a fairy and beautiful skin.
Reply:Mix Glycerin, lemon juice, rose-water in equal ratio. Store it.
Apply it after shower in the morning and before going to bed at night.
Do it regularly.
Just this.
And You would soon be dazzling*****
Reply:go get a tan to even it out. and don't go lighten your not the thing to do. pale skin makes it look like you're sick
Reply:sunscreen can't get you lighter, it will just prevent or minimize further skin darkening.. skin lighteners can bring back your original skin color to even out your skin tone.. these should be without hydroquinone, mercury or steroids because these harm the skin.. you can use a good skin lightening soap and cream for best results.. skin lighteners need not be expensive to be tagged as 'more effective'.. you just need to know where to find the good ones..
Reply:use Garnier sun block cream
fruit baskets
My question is: Is there a way to make skin colour consistant with below neck part? Sun screen I'm using but its not helping. My skin type is dry.
Skin Darkning due to sun exposure.?
cut a slice of raw potatoe and just lightly
rub on your skin while you feel the liquid
from the potatoe is there,
%26amp; as soon as the slice is dry change the
side or cut another side %26amp; rub.
you'll see the skin color change,
because potatoes have a enzymes to lighten
the skin color,
so its also harm less.
try to apply for about 1 month or 2.
you'll see the difference.
Skin Darkning due to sun exposure.?
You have to exfoliate first. You could use glycolic acid or beta hydroxy acids, or pure powdered vitamin c mixed with a little bit of cleanser. Leave whatever type of "mask" you choose on for like 15 min. (or shorter if it burns at first but you'll get used to it.
Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, you could start with once or twice weekly and then increase to maybe every other day. If you use a more mild exfoliant like Patricia Wexler's, every day should be fine. After you wash it off use moisturizer and sunscreen with at least 30 spf and at least ++ UVA protection.
It'll take a while to see improvement but while you're doing it (and forever after) you HAVE to were sunscreen every single day cause your skin will be even more vulnerable.
Reply:. Mix Oats with Honey, Yogurt and Ground Almonds. Apply this on your face, leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash with lukewarm wate
A face mask made of Egg White and Honey gently removes tan from your face
For a Fair Skin, try this natural bleach. Mix Orange Peel Powder (sun dried and powdered) with Milk, apply this paste on your face and leave for 25 minutes and wash off.
Apply the mixture of Tomato Juice and Honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes. It will help you get rid of tan.
Apply the mixture of Carrot Juice and Basil. Leave it till it dries and wash the face for Clearer Complexion.
Add two teaspoon of Tomato Juice with 4 teaspoon of Yogurt and apply on the face to get Brighter Complexion
Apply the mixture of Turmeric Powder and Milk Cream on the face and wash it after 20 minutes. It will Lighten your Complexion.
Apply the mixture of Honey, Chickpea Powder, Milk Cream and Olive Oil as a face pack for Lighter Complexion.
Mix Honey, Lemon and Olive Oil . Apply this mixture and rinse off after 15 minutes to get soft and lighter complexion
Reply:mix some sugar granules, lemon and honey to scrub ur skin at sudnt be expsed to sun after scrubbing or after bleaching.. wash off n dnt put nethin untill da nxt morning...u can apply sunscreen which contains spf15....remember always to put da sunscreen to put b4 15 mins b4 u go out to get da maximum protection as da skin will absorb da components in da sunscreen n prepares da skin to b exposed to the sun...
Reply:better go for massaging raw milk in the morning before 15 minutes of taking bath and after at night go for massage with honey(3 spoons) and lemon juice(3 spoon). after honey massage dont go out side and wash after half an hour. that will help u alot.
Good luk. have a fairy and beautiful skin.
Reply:Mix Glycerin, lemon juice, rose-water in equal ratio. Store it.
Apply it after shower in the morning and before going to bed at night.
Do it regularly.
Just this.
And You would soon be dazzling*****
Reply:go get a tan to even it out. and don't go lighten your not the thing to do. pale skin makes it look like you're sick
Reply:sunscreen can't get you lighter, it will just prevent or minimize further skin darkening.. skin lighteners can bring back your original skin color to even out your skin tone.. these should be without hydroquinone, mercury or steroids because these harm the skin.. you can use a good skin lightening soap and cream for best results.. skin lighteners need not be expensive to be tagged as 'more effective'.. you just need to know where to find the good ones..
Reply:use Garnier sun block cream
fruit baskets
Skin discoloration around my mouth (corner of my mouth to chin area).?
Hi, I am a 29 year old Indian girl with Fair skin. lately I have noticed some skin discoloration (blackish mark on the corner of my mouth going towards my chin area). It gets extremely dry even after applying a heavy moisturiezer. I start to see white flakey stuff coming off of my face. I have oily skin and i do exfoliate every other day and use good heavy moistureizer. Please advise since i can't afford to go to the doctor. Any house hold remedies i can use? Thanks in advance. Brenda.
Skin discoloration around my mouth (corner of my mouth to chin area).?
Sounds like peri oral dermatitis. This is a pretty common condition seen most often in women 18-45 and for some reason boys 8-15. I know it sounds backwards, but lay off the heavy cream and go with a lighter moisturizer, lay off of the exfoliation for a while and see if that improves the condition. If it doesn't, you may need to visit a doctor because sometimes it takes oral and topical antibiotics to clear up peri oral dermatitis. Whatever you do, avoid topical steroids, as they will make it worse. It might look like it's better at first, but the minute you stop, it wil come back worse than you have ever seen it.
Skin discoloration around my mouth (corner of my mouth to chin area).?
this sounds strange but use miconazole cream. it is over the counter. It is used to treat fungal infections but it also helps with that.
Skin discoloration around my mouth (corner of my mouth to chin area).?
Sounds like peri oral dermatitis. This is a pretty common condition seen most often in women 18-45 and for some reason boys 8-15. I know it sounds backwards, but lay off the heavy cream and go with a lighter moisturizer, lay off of the exfoliation for a while and see if that improves the condition. If it doesn't, you may need to visit a doctor because sometimes it takes oral and topical antibiotics to clear up peri oral dermatitis. Whatever you do, avoid topical steroids, as they will make it worse. It might look like it's better at first, but the minute you stop, it wil come back worse than you have ever seen it.
Skin discoloration around my mouth (corner of my mouth to chin area).?
this sounds strange but use miconazole cream. it is over the counter. It is used to treat fungal infections but it also helps with that.
Skin cancer on a dark headed 2 yr old and how can i get custody of my nephew?
Ok, i just found a type of skin cancer on my nephew. for one, he has jet black hair and dark skin (mexican decent). he just turned 2 this past 3rd of September. i was in the middle of bathing him when i went to wash his hair i felt a little bump. first i thought it was dry skin from craddle cap, then i lifted up his hair and their it was. a pink little lump. oh my goodness. i couldn't believe what i was seeing. get this right next to it another one seems to be growing. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING. what could have caused it. could it be from his mother who is a drug addict or her feeding him nothing but milk. poor baby he's been through so much, now this. i plan on taking him to emergency in the morning. HIS MOTHER WON'T GIVE MY BROTHER MY NEPHEW'S INFO SO THAT WE CAN GET HIM MEDICAL INSURANCE, GEE HE JUST TURNED TWO AND HE NEEDS HIS IMMUNIZATION SHOTS, WHICH I DON'T BELIEVE SHE'S KEPT UPTO DATE ON THAT.
Skin cancer on a dark headed 2 yr old and how can i get custody of my nephew?
In California, a dr. won't even see him without his parents consent...
If your brother is the dad...he can do it, and he can take her to court for custody...
If that is not an option, you can call social services and ask them what you can do...explain the situatiion...
Why do you think the bumps are cancer??? There are a lot of things pink bumps could be, that are no big cancer doesn't usually look like daughter had pre-cancer removed when she was sun to drugs...excellent medical care and diet...she is white/blonde/green eyed...dr. said it can just happen, luckily I saw something and took it was pre---not cancer.
Skin cancer on a dark headed 2 yr old and how can i get custody of my nephew?
that is just terrible! Go to a solicitor or lawyer and explain the details. Good luck to you and I hope you get custody because you sound like you would be a good mother.
Reply:Are you a doctor? If not, you can't diagnose someone with skin cancer. You're jumping the gun here. I understand that you are concerned for your nephew, but what's happening needs to be investigated and attempt made to correct it before you go ripping him away from his parents.
Reply:Please don't jump to conclusions. It's very unlikely that it's cancer. It may be a mole or other birth defect. I understand he may need other care, but please don't stress too much about the growth. get him seen by a doctor, as soon as possible. If your sister won't let you take him, you need to file a report with DCFS. Help him the best you can, and try not to get too upset in front of him. He's too young to understand what's going on.
Reply:OMG!! ok i would just steal the info! and take him or just go and say his mom isn't letting me have the forms or go to the court or whatever. i'm sorry to hear about ur nephews diagnosis:(
Reply:Do you KNOW that this is skin cancer? If not, you need to take him to a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Until you do that, the rest is up in the air.
Reply:Do you know for sure this is skin cancer? Has it been diagnosed already. There are such things called strawberrys which some children have from birth which can grow and are benign and be removed. However if you know and it is cancer sorry to hear about that. I would say in order to get custody you would need the assistance of a lawyer and it is going to be a very difficult and long ride unless she is willing to just sign her rights away which does not seem the case. Usually states give the parents very ample amounts of time to prove that they are unfit and be able to claim their children even when they have been taken away from them before they can be adoped out. You might be able to get temporary custody if the child is in imminent harms way but that would be for a court to decide. Has cps ever been called. the police ect. There would need to be proof of her negligence. I wish you the best.
Reply:Why don't you see a lawyer now and get some legal help for this child? Things seem to gone way too far. He needs help through you?
Reply:How do you know it's skin cancer? I don't think at this point anyone would give you custody without a long and thorough investigation. You can't argue that his parents gave him cancer. Take him to the doctor and see what he says the bumps are, then see where you go from there.
Skin cancer on a dark headed 2 yr old and how can i get custody of my nephew?
In California, a dr. won't even see him without his parents consent...
If your brother is the dad...he can do it, and he can take her to court for custody...
If that is not an option, you can call social services and ask them what you can do...explain the situatiion...
Why do you think the bumps are cancer??? There are a lot of things pink bumps could be, that are no big cancer doesn't usually look like daughter had pre-cancer removed when she was sun to drugs...excellent medical care and diet...she is white/blonde/green eyed...dr. said it can just happen, luckily I saw something and took it was pre---not cancer.
Skin cancer on a dark headed 2 yr old and how can i get custody of my nephew?
that is just terrible! Go to a solicitor or lawyer and explain the details. Good luck to you and I hope you get custody because you sound like you would be a good mother.
Reply:Are you a doctor? If not, you can't diagnose someone with skin cancer. You're jumping the gun here. I understand that you are concerned for your nephew, but what's happening needs to be investigated and attempt made to correct it before you go ripping him away from his parents.
Reply:Please don't jump to conclusions. It's very unlikely that it's cancer. It may be a mole or other birth defect. I understand he may need other care, but please don't stress too much about the growth. get him seen by a doctor, as soon as possible. If your sister won't let you take him, you need to file a report with DCFS. Help him the best you can, and try not to get too upset in front of him. He's too young to understand what's going on.
Reply:OMG!! ok i would just steal the info! and take him or just go and say his mom isn't letting me have the forms or go to the court or whatever. i'm sorry to hear about ur nephews diagnosis:(
Reply:Do you KNOW that this is skin cancer? If not, you need to take him to a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Until you do that, the rest is up in the air.
Reply:Do you know for sure this is skin cancer? Has it been diagnosed already. There are such things called strawberrys which some children have from birth which can grow and are benign and be removed. However if you know and it is cancer sorry to hear about that. I would say in order to get custody you would need the assistance of a lawyer and it is going to be a very difficult and long ride unless she is willing to just sign her rights away which does not seem the case. Usually states give the parents very ample amounts of time to prove that they are unfit and be able to claim their children even when they have been taken away from them before they can be adoped out. You might be able to get temporary custody if the child is in imminent harms way but that would be for a court to decide. Has cps ever been called. the police ect. There would need to be proof of her negligence. I wish you the best.
Reply:Why don't you see a lawyer now and get some legal help for this child? Things seem to gone way too far. He needs help through you?
Reply:How do you know it's skin cancer? I don't think at this point anyone would give you custody without a long and thorough investigation. You can't argue that his parents gave him cancer. Take him to the doctor and see what he says the bumps are, then see where you go from there.
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