Ok, i just found a type of skin cancer on my nephew. for one, he has jet black hair and dark skin (mexican decent). he just turned 2 this past 3rd of September. i was in the middle of bathing him when i went to wash his hair i felt a little bump. first i thought it was dry skin from craddle cap, then i lifted up his hair and their it was. a pink little lump. oh my goodness. i couldn't believe what i was seeing. get this right next to it another one seems to be growing. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING. what could have caused it. could it be from his mother who is a drug addict or her feeding him nothing but milk. poor baby he's been through so much, now this. i plan on taking him to emergency in the morning. HIS MOTHER WON'T GIVE MY BROTHER MY NEPHEW'S INFO SO THAT WE CAN GET HIM MEDICAL INSURANCE, GEE HE JUST TURNED TWO AND HE NEEDS HIS IMMUNIZATION SHOTS, WHICH I DON'T BELIEVE SHE'S KEPT UPTO DATE ON THAT.
Skin cancer on a dark headed 2 yr old and how can i get custody of my nephew?
In California, a dr. won't even see him without his parents consent...
If your brother is the dad...he can do it, and he can take her to court for custody...
If that is not an option, you can call social services and ask them what you can do...explain the situatiion...
Why do you think the bumps are cancer??? There are a lot of things pink bumps could be, that are no big deal...skin cancer doesn't usually look like that....my daughter had pre-cancer removed when she was 12...no reason...no sun to area...no drugs...excellent medical care and diet...she is white/blonde/green eyed...dr. said it can just happen, luckily I saw something and took her...so it was pre---not cancer.
Skin cancer on a dark headed 2 yr old and how can i get custody of my nephew?
that is just terrible! Go to a solicitor or lawyer and explain the details. Good luck to you and I hope you get custody because you sound like you would be a good mother.
Reply:Are you a doctor? If not, you can't diagnose someone with skin cancer. You're jumping the gun here. I understand that you are concerned for your nephew, but what's happening needs to be investigated and attempt made to correct it before you go ripping him away from his parents.
Reply:Please don't jump to conclusions. It's very unlikely that it's cancer. It may be a mole or other birth defect. I understand he may need other care, but please don't stress too much about the growth. get him seen by a doctor, as soon as possible. If your sister won't let you take him, you need to file a report with DCFS. Help him the best you can, and try not to get too upset in front of him. He's too young to understand what's going on.
Reply:OMG!! ok i would just steal the info! and take him or just go and say his mom isn't letting me have the forms or go to the court or whatever. i'm sorry to hear about ur nephews diagnosis:(
Reply:Do you KNOW that this is skin cancer? If not, you need to take him to a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Until you do that, the rest is up in the air.
Reply:Do you know for sure this is skin cancer? Has it been diagnosed already. There are such things called strawberrys which some children have from birth which can grow and are benign and be removed. However if you know and it is cancer sorry to hear about that. I would say in order to get custody you would need the assistance of a lawyer and it is going to be a very difficult and long ride unless she is willing to just sign her rights away which does not seem the case. Usually states give the parents very ample amounts of time to prove that they are unfit and be able to claim their children even when they have been taken away from them before they can be adoped out. You might be able to get temporary custody if the child is in imminent harms way but that would be for a court to decide. Has cps ever been called. the police ect. There would need to be proof of her negligence. I wish you the best.
Reply:Why don't you see a lawyer now and get some legal help for this child? Things seem to gone way too far. He needs help through you?
Reply:How do you know it's skin cancer? I don't think at this point anyone would give you custody without a long and thorough investigation. You can't argue that his parents gave him cancer. Take him to the doctor and see what he says the bumps are, then see where you go from there.
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