my dog has like this brownish dry sin or w/ean its itching like crazy the skin looks normal and its flaking really bdshe has long hair so its hard to put the anti itch and flaking shampoo to the skin after the bath sh still itches and that brown stuff still there looks like skin dead skin
Dogs skin problem?
Try Johnsons Cradle Cap Shampoo, the one they use for babies. It was recommended to me for one of my puppies who had dandruff and it really cleared it up.
My Vet suggested I gave her a teaspoonful of Evening Primrose Oil with her food once a day. This makes the skin really supple and stops flakiness.
Dogs skin problem?
My family used to have a golden/Labrador mix with long black fur, and in it's old age it got really bad dandruff. The vet suggested we feed it a spoonful of cod liver oil with it's wet food. Supposedly it makes their fur shinier and healthier, and it made the dandruff go away after a few weeks.
Reply:Sounds like your dog has picked up mange. This is caused by a mite and is best treated by the vet. The vet will take a skin scraping and look at it under a microscope to determine what type of medicine is appropriate. Don't wait. It doesn't get better on its own.
Reply:u should make sure it is always moisturized with a special cream a vet will be more than happy to help u.............. my dog had the same prob. we used this cream........ forgot what is was called srry.............. and if ur dog sleeps in a kennel at night make sure that only half of the cage has blanket and the other half bare DOGS LOVE IT THAt way and it will help ur dogs skin! when my dog had this propblem (he is a yorkie) we gave a hair cut so that he had really short hair.....maybe u should try it!
Reply:hurry!! go to the vet, this sounds a lot like mites, and the vet can give him either a shot or something to put on his skin. the shot works a lot better though. i have three guinea pigs that have mites right now. don't worry, this rarely kills an animal.
Reply:get some omegas (oil) in her diet i would put hamburger or bacon grease on the food i put it on my dogs food once a month this keeps skin Oily and the coat shines if you don't want to go that route get Avon's skin so soft oil rub it in the coat a couple times a week this also keeps fleas away
Friday, October 23, 2009
Clear skin?
i hav un-clear skin but i dont hav acne i hav these little blemishis ive tried proactive and that just made my skin worst for like one day now its back to normal anyway i guess my skin is sensitve well can u give me an unexpensive cleanser for senstive skin.. please? l
Clear skin?
Neutrogena Multi-Vitamin Acne Treatment
This product has Vitamin A and E and Pro-Vitamin B5. Is really good for my sensitive skin, reduce my rarely blemishes and is unexpensive!!
I am a super fan of this product, try it!
Clear skin?
Clean and Clear foaming face wash for sensitive skin (yellow) is good, but it isn't enough by itself to clear up acne.
Reply:St Ives apricot scrub. I too used proactive and it made me worse. Ive been using the blackhead %26amp; blemish control with great results but st ives also has one for sensative skin. good luck!! P.S. great price 2-3 bucks i get mine for $2 at big lots
Reply:Try Earth Science products, very in-expensive. Theyre All Natural, no chemicals. Its done wonders for my acne prone skin.
Reply:your not alone. my skin is oily but not ance-oily. you can use oily skin products for your sensitive skin, but if your skin starts to dry, use a good face lotion like "clean and clear oil-free dual action moisturizer" it'll dry out pimples while mosturizing your dry skin. i use a daily scrub in the morning and cleanser in the night when i shower. try using "clean and clear morning burst facial cleanser" (around $6? at drugstores) in the morning and "st.ives apricot scrub for oliy skin types" in the night when you shower(around $5? at drugstores). if you want to spend a little more, try "clinique clear skin 3-step ance system" if you ever get a breakout(around $40? at department stores). if you ever get MAJOR acne problems, go to the doctor's and ask them for a prescreption for "duac topical gel" acne treatment(around $130? at drugstores. but dont worry about the price, as long as you have insurance, you'll only have to pay around $30. the insurance company will pay the rest of it.). when i had MAJOR acne problems, i used duac topical gel and i disappeared within 2 days, completely clear and flawless! i highly recommend it. hope this helped you! if you have more troubles, you can contact me at
Reply:cetaphil, noxema, garnier fructis, dove, olay
Clear skin?
Neutrogena Multi-Vitamin Acne Treatment
This product has Vitamin A and E and Pro-Vitamin B5. Is really good for my sensitive skin, reduce my rarely blemishes and is unexpensive!!
I am a super fan of this product, try it!
Clear skin?
Clean and Clear foaming face wash for sensitive skin (yellow) is good, but it isn't enough by itself to clear up acne.
Reply:St Ives apricot scrub. I too used proactive and it made me worse. Ive been using the blackhead %26amp; blemish control with great results but st ives also has one for sensative skin. good luck!! P.S. great price 2-3 bucks i get mine for $2 at big lots
Reply:Try Earth Science products, very in-expensive. Theyre All Natural, no chemicals. Its done wonders for my acne prone skin.
Reply:your not alone. my skin is oily but not ance-oily. you can use oily skin products for your sensitive skin, but if your skin starts to dry, use a good face lotion like "clean and clear oil-free dual action moisturizer" it'll dry out pimples while mosturizing your dry skin. i use a daily scrub in the morning and cleanser in the night when i shower. try using "clean and clear morning burst facial cleanser" (around $6? at drugstores) in the morning and "st.ives apricot scrub for oliy skin types" in the night when you shower(around $5? at drugstores). if you want to spend a little more, try "clinique clear skin 3-step ance system" if you ever get a breakout(around $40? at department stores). if you ever get MAJOR acne problems, go to the doctor's and ask them for a prescreption for "duac topical gel" acne treatment(around $130? at drugstores. but dont worry about the price, as long as you have insurance, you'll only have to pay around $30. the insurance company will pay the rest of it.). when i had MAJOR acne problems, i used duac topical gel and i disappeared within 2 days, completely clear and flawless! i highly recommend it. hope this helped you! if you have more troubles, you can contact me at
Reply:cetaphil, noxema, garnier fructis, dove, olay
Irritated skin from sunburn!?
ok recently i got a pretty bad sunburn on both arms, and today it started peeling, and it was hurting so i was spraying aloe on it. Then as some of the dead skin went away during the day , the new layer of skin was a different color and really red looking and it looks like i have some sort of disease on my arm now!!! In some parts it looks like two layers of skin came off and so i have like 3 different colors of skin on my arm!! HELP IS THIS NORMAL...WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!?!?!
Irritated skin from sunburn!?
Use aloe gel on it and do not go in the sun until it is healed. I have had this multiple times before on both arms and my neck and back (all at the same time). The last thing you want to do is get another sunburn on the currently healing skin. Also make sure you keep the area moisturized (aloe gel will usually do this also). It should start looking better and should be completely healed in about 2 weeks (depending on the severity of the sunburn). If it starts looking worse, see your doctor.
Also, I've found some of the suggestions on this page helpful:
With any luck, it should soon stop being painful, but it will become itchy. Remember to try not to scratch it when it becomes itchy, or you will damage the delicate new layer of skin.
The best thing to do after it heals is to try to prevent being sunburned again (especially a sunburn as severe as this). Use plenty of sunscreen before and during time spent outside. Sunburns like this are not fun (trust me I know) and I have heard people say that having a few severe sunburns increases the risk of skin cancer when you're older.
I hope this helps with some treatment ideas.
Irritated skin from sunburn!?
well try putting on lotoin for extra fry skin. or for now everyday put on sunscreen for extra protection so u wont have another sunburn. but if none of those stuff work start going to the doctor.
Reply:rub aloe on it and stay out of the have a very severe sun burn...
Reply:The redness in the fresh skin will fade after awhile. But remember that this "new" skin is extra sensitive and you shoulld keep it protected from the sun for quite awhile. Otherwise, you will find yourself with an even worse sunburn than before.
If it is still painful, look for a spray or lotion that contains lidocaine or benzocaine. Those ingredients will numb the pain temporarily.
Reply:you suffer from mild, moderate or even severe hemorrhoid symptoms, try ZENMED ZIRO it really works. There are a variety of treatment options for hemorrhoids, including
temporary reliefs but ZENMED ZIRO works effectively on all types of skin. ZIRO Hemorrhoidal Treatment is a Naturally Powerful Way to Heal Hemorrhoids
Thanks for such a great product. I am glad to receive Zenmed Ziro as gift, it has worked great and I will order again from them. Happy to find an affordable
hemorrhoid treatment that really works.
Irritated skin from sunburn!?
Use aloe gel on it and do not go in the sun until it is healed. I have had this multiple times before on both arms and my neck and back (all at the same time). The last thing you want to do is get another sunburn on the currently healing skin. Also make sure you keep the area moisturized (aloe gel will usually do this also). It should start looking better and should be completely healed in about 2 weeks (depending on the severity of the sunburn). If it starts looking worse, see your doctor.
Also, I've found some of the suggestions on this page helpful:
With any luck, it should soon stop being painful, but it will become itchy. Remember to try not to scratch it when it becomes itchy, or you will damage the delicate new layer of skin.
The best thing to do after it heals is to try to prevent being sunburned again (especially a sunburn as severe as this). Use plenty of sunscreen before and during time spent outside. Sunburns like this are not fun (trust me I know) and I have heard people say that having a few severe sunburns increases the risk of skin cancer when you're older.
I hope this helps with some treatment ideas.
Irritated skin from sunburn!?
well try putting on lotoin for extra fry skin. or for now everyday put on sunscreen for extra protection so u wont have another sunburn. but if none of those stuff work start going to the doctor.
Reply:rub aloe on it and stay out of the have a very severe sun burn...
Reply:The redness in the fresh skin will fade after awhile. But remember that this "new" skin is extra sensitive and you shoulld keep it protected from the sun for quite awhile. Otherwise, you will find yourself with an even worse sunburn than before.
If it is still painful, look for a spray or lotion that contains lidocaine or benzocaine. Those ingredients will numb the pain temporarily.
Reply:you suffer from mild, moderate or even severe hemorrhoid symptoms, try ZENMED ZIRO it really works. There are a variety of treatment options for hemorrhoids, including
temporary reliefs but ZENMED ZIRO works effectively on all types of skin. ZIRO Hemorrhoidal Treatment is a Naturally Powerful Way to Heal Hemorrhoids
Thanks for such a great product. I am glad to receive Zenmed Ziro as gift, it has worked great and I will order again from them. Happy to find an affordable
hemorrhoid treatment that really works.
Removal of skin tag results in dark spots?
I had these skin tags removed with a liquid nitrogen spray and now I have these dark spots on my skin where my skin was sprayed. Are there any creams or ointments that I can find over the counter that will make it match the color of the surrounding skin? I had these skin tags removed many months ago so I do not think it will disappear on its own any time soon.
Removal of skin tag results in dark spots?
how can remove pimples that disturbs my face and some spots?
I have a black skin.
Removal of skin tag results in dark spots?
Esoterica Fade Cream. It's a top ranked product. See this source for why.
Reply:try using any over the counter whitening cream.I've got the same problem when I had my warts removed on my body,they left marks that look like freckles but thank goodness they are fading slowly.It will take time since yours is skin tags which is bigger than warts.
Removal of skin tag results in dark spots?
how can remove pimples that disturbs my face and some spots?
I have a black skin.
Removal of skin tag results in dark spots?
Esoterica Fade Cream. It's a top ranked product. See this source for why.
Reply:try using any over the counter whitening cream.I've got the same problem when I had my warts removed on my body,they left marks that look like freckles but thank goodness they are fading slowly.It will take time since yours is skin tags which is bigger than warts.
I need skin help! can someone recommend something?
proactiv didnt work for me, i used it 4 3weeks and my skin got worse. so i went back 2 clearisil which cleared my skin in 2 days! no more breakouts but now i have scars!! there r acne scars focused right under my cheek bones. right now i am using AMBI fade cream and putting it on the scars but the scars r very fine, so its hard to put the cream exactly on the mark without possibly lightening my other nice unmarked skin. lol but the ambi has a 3 month time limit!! but i have like 1 month until prom! and i want clear skin for prom!! i jus feel like i need a new face! i want clear and glowing skin! i cant hide my cheeks. i dont wear foundation or coverup and i dont want to ever have to. is there anything that can work over night?!! can anyone recommend anything that may work sooner than 3 months? maybe 2 weeks? im happy i dont have the acne but its just as bad havin these scars that shows the world that i suffered with bad acne. so many people say they arent noticable, but i notice them!
I need skin help! can someone recommend something?
The fastest way for you to get rid of the scars would be to have a chemical peel. There are available at home peeling kits. Look for either one: AHA/glycolic acid, salicylic acid, citric acid. These are mild and superficial peels that you can do safely and effectively. Results in 2 weeks.
I need skin help! can someone recommend something?
scaring may less noticable after time, but there really is no "quick fix" don't let the scars hide the beauty within. I have many scars but i get hit on lots
Reply:This is the reason I have on a bunny mask. :-(
Reply:There are ways to get rid of the scars more quickly but unfortunatly you have to got to dermatologist and the procdures are very expensive. If you have the extra cah there are procedures where the doctor basically takes a laser to your face and it removes the top layer of skin and makes new skin grow back more quickly and with out the scars. I think the procedure takes about 2-4 weeks to show all the results.
Other than that there really is no over the counter product that will work. You'll have to wait it out.
Reply:if you do not want to use the foundation and concealer because of the chemicals and the chance of them causing more blemishes. not to mention the oily heavy feel of them, try the bare minerals powder stuff. it is all natural and easily blendable. as far as any miracle creams for these types of scars let me know when you find one because i need it too.
Reply:At the pharmacy there are products that help reduce the appearance of scars. Ask someone at the pharmacy about it and they should be able to direct you to where they are. You could also try using a lifting/plumping moisturizer - I use one called No. 7 Lifting and Firming Lotion (avail. at Target) which had an immediate firming affect on my skin and it also minimized some wrinkling that I had so it may help with the scars - it isn't greasy at all.
Diet wise, try taking some fish oil tablets, eat some salmon and drink plenty of water to help make your skin as glowing as possible. You can also use a gentle exfoliator to help your skin's appearance. Do what you can but remember that the most important thing about your prom is that you have a great time - no one will look back on that night and think about how your skin looks, they'll look back and remember how much fun you were to be around.
Reply:go with clearsil it works excellent or try something homemade like honey over the entire face for 15 mintues then rinse of.. things like that will get u clear in no times
I need skin help! can someone recommend something?
The fastest way for you to get rid of the scars would be to have a chemical peel. There are available at home peeling kits. Look for either one: AHA/glycolic acid, salicylic acid, citric acid. These are mild and superficial peels that you can do safely and effectively. Results in 2 weeks.
I need skin help! can someone recommend something?
scaring may less noticable after time, but there really is no "quick fix" don't let the scars hide the beauty within. I have many scars but i get hit on lots
Reply:This is the reason I have on a bunny mask. :-(
Reply:There are ways to get rid of the scars more quickly but unfortunatly you have to got to dermatologist and the procdures are very expensive. If you have the extra cah there are procedures where the doctor basically takes a laser to your face and it removes the top layer of skin and makes new skin grow back more quickly and with out the scars. I think the procedure takes about 2-4 weeks to show all the results.
Other than that there really is no over the counter product that will work. You'll have to wait it out.
Reply:if you do not want to use the foundation and concealer because of the chemicals and the chance of them causing more blemishes. not to mention the oily heavy feel of them, try the bare minerals powder stuff. it is all natural and easily blendable. as far as any miracle creams for these types of scars let me know when you find one because i need it too.
Reply:At the pharmacy there are products that help reduce the appearance of scars. Ask someone at the pharmacy about it and they should be able to direct you to where they are. You could also try using a lifting/plumping moisturizer - I use one called No. 7 Lifting and Firming Lotion (avail. at Target) which had an immediate firming affect on my skin and it also minimized some wrinkling that I had so it may help with the scars - it isn't greasy at all.
Diet wise, try taking some fish oil tablets, eat some salmon and drink plenty of water to help make your skin as glowing as possible. You can also use a gentle exfoliator to help your skin's appearance. Do what you can but remember that the most important thing about your prom is that you have a great time - no one will look back on that night and think about how your skin looks, they'll look back and remember how much fun you were to be around.
Reply:go with clearsil it works excellent or try something homemade like honey over the entire face for 15 mintues then rinse of.. things like that will get u clear in no times
Olive skin?
whats that? olive skin complexion...i what color skin would that be? can someone show me a picture of someone with olive skin complexion...someone told me i had an olive skin complexion, and im not sure if there right so yeah.
Olive skin?
I am half Italian and have olive skin, though mine is very fair. I have very dark hair and eyes, so my skin seems very light, though I do tan very well. My skin seems to take on a yellowish hue when under florescent lights (I know - eww), and I don't look good in yellow based colors (orange or green). I hope this helps!
Olive skin?
Too me it means a slightly tanned colour skin unless we are talking about the black olives :) .
Reply:Olive skin means your completion is darker, and that you tan easily.
I'm french so I too have OLIVE SKIN. I love it.
Reply:light brown
Reply:It's the undertone of your skin color, some have red undertones, some have yellow undertones(Asian) other have olive(Italian). I'm olive check out my my space I'm the Burnett. i also must say that olive is the best you tan so much better than others.
Reply:sort of a mix between a mexican and an albino I guess.
Olive skin?
I am half Italian and have olive skin, though mine is very fair. I have very dark hair and eyes, so my skin seems very light, though I do tan very well. My skin seems to take on a yellowish hue when under florescent lights (I know - eww), and I don't look good in yellow based colors (orange or green). I hope this helps!
Olive skin?
Too me it means a slightly tanned colour skin unless we are talking about the black olives :) .
Reply:Olive skin means your completion is darker, and that you tan easily.
I'm french so I too have OLIVE SKIN. I love it.
Reply:light brown
Reply:It's the undertone of your skin color, some have red undertones, some have yellow undertones(Asian) other have olive(Italian). I'm olive check out my my space I'm the Burnett. i also must say that olive is the best you tan so much better than others.
Reply:sort of a mix between a mexican and an albino I guess.
Will healthy, natural skin ever become the fad over sunbaked skin?
I appreciate the warning magazines and other media has put out about skin cancer, but in the end, does it really pay off?
After all, saying tanning is unhealthy but encouraging effort for that "bronze glow" with sunless tanning products doesn't really stop the craze, now does it?
I see this. . .
A girl like me, in her teens, fair skinned, reading a magazine.
The first article she reads is about skin cancer and warnings to wear SPF and protect your skin.
The next article about how to look bronze without tanning. It suggests bronzer, sunless tanning lotions and creams.
When that girl makes a trip to the drugstore, wastes possibly hundreds of dollars to be a fake "bronze beauty", and finds out that none work - some turning her orange, others making her smell, and the rest, well, working like sh*t, what will she do?
Will she stop obsessing over her "imperfect" skin?
Or will she turn to the tanning beds and booths despite the risk of cancer?
I can't help but wonder.
Will healthy, natural skin ever become the fad over sunbaked skin?
Such a good point. I couldn't agree with you more!
I can't stand the look of a withered, leathery looking woman who thinks she is beautiful because she has attained the desired skin color, even if it is affecting her skin's beauty!
I know a girl who tans obsessively. She is very pretty, naturally, but she overdoes the tanning! It looks horrible on her, like she is a french fry! I can't tell if she's coming or going, she's so baked!!
Anyway, this summer, I am applying the sunscreen all the time. My skin is fine with its natural pigments, and I think fair skin is just as beautiful as dark skin. We need to accept our skin color, whether we are light or dark, white or black, because that is what was given to us!! Natural is the best beauty look!
Will healthy, natural skin ever become the fad over sunbaked skin?
Sure would be nice if the natural skin tone won out over the tanned look. I remember as a child my mom would bake in the sun for hours. My dad never used sunscreen. Now they are both dealing with skin cancer. Barring even the cancer scare, you really dont want to end up looking like a well-worn handbag when you get older. I know I dont. Well, look at it this way, if nothing else, you will always look about 5 years younger than you really are and you will always be able to find your make up shade at the store! (fair, porcelain, alebaster, whatever the name for "light" is at the moment) I gave up on the self-tanning stuff too. I got my SPF 30 and I am happy!
Reply:well u don't sound like ur in ur teens to come up with that far fetched scenario! to me I'd much rather wear the orangy fake tan as u call it then die from skin cancer.
ANY EXPOSURE to UV rays be it the sun or tanning booths, is damaging for the rest of ur life.
kids r only doing what all the stars do that they see on TV and movies. fake tanning has been around for yrs but is far more perfected today then in the past and i recommend it any day over the sun.
due to our family business i was exposed to full sun daily with multiple burns as a child and I'm paying the price now.
looking good is one thing but young girls and guys need to remember ALL magazine shots, ALL movie stars have tons of stylists that spend tons of hrs not to mention money on them to look like that.
NO ONE is perfect... except each and everyone of us in God's image.
I appreciate the warning magazines and other media has put out about skin cancer, but in the end, does it really pay off?
After all, saying tanning is unhealthy but encouraging effort for that "bronze glow" with sunless tanning products doesn't really stop the craze, now does it?
I see this. . .
A girl like me, in her teens, fair skinned, reading a magazine.
The first article she reads is about skin cancer and warnings to wear SPF and protect your skin.
The next article about how to look bronze without tanning. It suggests bronzer, sunless tanning lotions and creams.
When that girl makes a trip to the drugstore, wastes possibly hundreds of dollars to be a fake "bronze beauty", and finds out that none work - some turning her orange, others making her smell, and the rest, well, working like sh*t, what will she do?
Will she stop obsessing over her "imperfect" skin?
Or will she turn to the tanning beds and booths despite the risk of cancer?
I can't help but wonder.
Will healthy, natural skin ever become the fad over sunbaked skin?
Such a good point. I couldn't agree with you more!
I can't stand the look of a withered, leathery looking woman who thinks she is beautiful because she has attained the desired skin color, even if it is affecting her skin's beauty!
I know a girl who tans obsessively. She is very pretty, naturally, but she overdoes the tanning! It looks horrible on her, like she is a french fry! I can't tell if she's coming or going, she's so baked!!
Anyway, this summer, I am applying the sunscreen all the time. My skin is fine with its natural pigments, and I think fair skin is just as beautiful as dark skin. We need to accept our skin color, whether we are light or dark, white or black, because that is what was given to us!! Natural is the best beauty look!
Will healthy, natural skin ever become the fad over sunbaked skin?
Sure would be nice if the natural skin tone won out over the tanned look. I remember as a child my mom would bake in the sun for hours. My dad never used sunscreen. Now they are both dealing with skin cancer. Barring even the cancer scare, you really dont want to end up looking like a well-worn handbag when you get older. I know I dont. Well, look at it this way, if nothing else, you will always look about 5 years younger than you really are and you will always be able to find your make up shade at the store! (fair, porcelain, alebaster, whatever the name for "light" is at the moment) I gave up on the self-tanning stuff too. I got my SPF 30 and I am happy!
Reply:well u don't sound like ur in ur teens to come up with that far fetched scenario! to me I'd much rather wear the orangy fake tan as u call it then die from skin cancer.
ANY EXPOSURE to UV rays be it the sun or tanning booths, is damaging for the rest of ur life.
kids r only doing what all the stars do that they see on TV and movies. fake tanning has been around for yrs but is far more perfected today then in the past and i recommend it any day over the sun.
due to our family business i was exposed to full sun daily with multiple burns as a child and I'm paying the price now.
looking good is one thing but young girls and guys need to remember ALL magazine shots, ALL movie stars have tons of stylists that spend tons of hrs not to mention money on them to look like that.
NO ONE is perfect... except each and everyone of us in God's image.
Natural yellow skin?
I have a yellow skin naturally, and always been like that, though I'm not Chinese :S
The more melanin, the more darker your skin would be .. less melanin makes your skin more fair, but what is responsible for yellow skin? o.O
My problem is, I have a yellow skin .. and the sun makes me so tanned .. so I end up with brownish-yellow which doesn't look any good...........
Natural yellow skin?
Melanin isn't the only pigment that gives the skin color. Carotene is responsible for yellow tones in the skin. We all have it, but in differing amounts.
Natural yellow skin?
same as me...i got that problem to...
tell me how to become fairer if you have found the answer..
thanx ^^
The more melanin, the more darker your skin would be .. less melanin makes your skin more fair, but what is responsible for yellow skin? o.O
My problem is, I have a yellow skin .. and the sun makes me so tanned .. so I end up with brownish-yellow which doesn't look any good...........
Natural yellow skin?
Melanin isn't the only pigment that gives the skin color. Carotene is responsible for yellow tones in the skin. We all have it, but in differing amounts.
Natural yellow skin?
same as me...i got that problem to...
tell me how to become fairer if you have found the answer..
thanx ^^
Problem Skin?
My Skins really really irritating.
Its Oily Spotty and have ache scars no amount of Makeup seems to cover them up.
ive used nearly everything to get rid of the spots but that just causes my skin to go into oily overdrive.
Anyone Got any ideas of make up that would suit my skin and anything to reduce the ache but also prevent my skin from going really oily?
Problem Skin?
This is what I recommend:
Mix baking soda and witch hazel/or water together until it comes to a good constancy, and then spread on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. these two things are very inexpensive and it's very easy to do since there is only two ingredients.
Toothpaste is good for drying out your pimple (for some people). Put only a little bit before you go to sleep. Some people use this as a mask but DON鈥楾 EVER DO THIS! It can change your skin tone and make your face discolored.
Aloe vera helps scars lighten and less noticeable (lemon, cocoa butter, witch hazel, and tea tree oil do the same thing). Use the gel (of the aloe plant) or the real thing.
Try to buy a cleanser that works for you, and when you wash your face, open your pores with hot water (not too hot, or it will dry out your skin) and massage it gently into your skin. Then, use cold water at the end to close you pores. The smaller your pores are, the less likely you're prone to pimples. Clearasil, Neutrogena, and proactive are good choices to start if you want a cleanser. Don't use body soaps because they dry out your skin. Don't scrub too hard either, because it can irritate your skin.
An egg yoke can be used to make you pores smaller. I used this when I had pimples. Just take the egg yolk (the yellow part) and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water and then splash your face with cold water.
Keep your hair out of your face because the oils in your hair could go into your pores. Change you sheets because they're are trapped with dirt, oils, etc.
Zinc (type of vitamin) is the one of the best things you can use to get rid of pimples. You can buy these almost about any large store (such as Wal-Mart or Shaws.) Have one tablet per day and try to cut down the junk food and replace it with vegetables and fruits. Drink lots of water and don't pop you acne. Popping acne can lead to acne scars.
If you have sensitive skin, don't use make up. Some of the things in make up can clog your pores and cause pimples. Keep your hands out of your face as much as you can because you hands a full of bacteria and oils.
Problem Skin?
you need a strong Vitamin A cream/serum. It targets oily pores/skin and is used specifically for acne and pigmented scars.
I am not sure which country you are in, but some countries have a law that you need a prescription for vitamin A if it's above a certain dose. if you can get your hands on a 1% or 2% vitamin A cream (that has a glycolic as well) then you're laughing.
I like the Jan Marini range.
Reply:omg i had thatproblem a few weeks ago :)
dw hun it is fixable
there is a product called Cetaphil
it has a mosturiser and cleanser
they are pH balanced so it doesn't dry out, fixes oiliness and fixes any problems...
i use , my mum does, my friends -- it better than anything ive used before
no joke
Reply:To deep cleanse(and you will feel your skin being less oily) what you can try is getting a bowl, putting some lemon juice and rose petals in it and filling it with boiling water, then u steam your face, do this once a week.
'Simple' has great products, which are also reasonable price that cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin whilst fighting oil, also if you don't get that where you live i am sure there is an alternative product, just ask the pharmacy person. Now for spot cream- you can either buy one in a shop or you could try sudocream(actually this isn't great if your skin gets oily,it just makes it oilier so don't use it)or toothpaste(works wonders, just dab it on the spots, it dries them up fine and dandy) you could also try mushing up an aspirin tablet and mixing it with a little water and rubbing this on your spots.
Now you have to give these some time to work BUT if they don't then i suggest you go to the doctor, she will straightaway give you a prescribed spot cream and that clears them up right awayand will get rid of oily skin(of course its a lot dearer then normal spot cream) now for the make-up -make sure it is oil free or use a mineral one, which is good for oily/spotty skin.
Now pet, don't worry if none of these suggestions work, you go straight to the doctor and tell her exactly your skin problems and she will give you the best possible treatment, hope all goes well x
Reply:Best bet is to see a makeup artist-at your local mall. Go to a good reputable counter, like Clinique, Chanel, Laura Mercier...etc. They can help you find the best products for your specific needs. And if you decide not to purchase anything, just say thanks and leave. But remember all their advice, tips and type of products they recommended for you. You can get less costly products (if finances are an issue) with similar effects at other stores.
Its Oily Spotty and have ache scars no amount of Makeup seems to cover them up.
ive used nearly everything to get rid of the spots but that just causes my skin to go into oily overdrive.
Anyone Got any ideas of make up that would suit my skin and anything to reduce the ache but also prevent my skin from going really oily?
Problem Skin?
This is what I recommend:
Mix baking soda and witch hazel/or water together until it comes to a good constancy, and then spread on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. these two things are very inexpensive and it's very easy to do since there is only two ingredients.
Toothpaste is good for drying out your pimple (for some people). Put only a little bit before you go to sleep. Some people use this as a mask but DON鈥楾 EVER DO THIS! It can change your skin tone and make your face discolored.
Aloe vera helps scars lighten and less noticeable (lemon, cocoa butter, witch hazel, and tea tree oil do the same thing). Use the gel (of the aloe plant) or the real thing.
Try to buy a cleanser that works for you, and when you wash your face, open your pores with hot water (not too hot, or it will dry out your skin) and massage it gently into your skin. Then, use cold water at the end to close you pores. The smaller your pores are, the less likely you're prone to pimples. Clearasil, Neutrogena, and proactive are good choices to start if you want a cleanser. Don't use body soaps because they dry out your skin. Don't scrub too hard either, because it can irritate your skin.
An egg yoke can be used to make you pores smaller. I used this when I had pimples. Just take the egg yolk (the yellow part) and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water and then splash your face with cold water.
Keep your hair out of your face because the oils in your hair could go into your pores. Change you sheets because they're are trapped with dirt, oils, etc.
Zinc (type of vitamin) is the one of the best things you can use to get rid of pimples. You can buy these almost about any large store (such as Wal-Mart or Shaws.) Have one tablet per day and try to cut down the junk food and replace it with vegetables and fruits. Drink lots of water and don't pop you acne. Popping acne can lead to acne scars.
If you have sensitive skin, don't use make up. Some of the things in make up can clog your pores and cause pimples. Keep your hands out of your face as much as you can because you hands a full of bacteria and oils.
Problem Skin?
you need a strong Vitamin A cream/serum. It targets oily pores/skin and is used specifically for acne and pigmented scars.
I am not sure which country you are in, but some countries have a law that you need a prescription for vitamin A if it's above a certain dose. if you can get your hands on a 1% or 2% vitamin A cream (that has a glycolic as well) then you're laughing.
I like the Jan Marini range.
Reply:omg i had thatproblem a few weeks ago :)
dw hun it is fixable
there is a product called Cetaphil
it has a mosturiser and cleanser
they are pH balanced so it doesn't dry out, fixes oiliness and fixes any problems...
i use , my mum does, my friends -- it better than anything ive used before
no joke
Reply:To deep cleanse(and you will feel your skin being less oily) what you can try is getting a bowl, putting some lemon juice and rose petals in it and filling it with boiling water, then u steam your face, do this once a week.
'Simple' has great products, which are also reasonable price that cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin whilst fighting oil, also if you don't get that where you live i am sure there is an alternative product, just ask the pharmacy person. Now for spot cream- you can either buy one in a shop or you could try sudocream(actually this isn't great if your skin gets oily,it just makes it oilier so don't use it)or toothpaste(works wonders, just dab it on the spots, it dries them up fine and dandy) you could also try mushing up an aspirin tablet and mixing it with a little water and rubbing this on your spots.
Now you have to give these some time to work BUT if they don't then i suggest you go to the doctor, she will straightaway give you a prescribed spot cream and that clears them up right awayand will get rid of oily skin(of course its a lot dearer then normal spot cream) now for the make-up -make sure it is oil free or use a mineral one, which is good for oily/spotty skin.
Now pet, don't worry if none of these suggestions work, you go straight to the doctor and tell her exactly your skin problems and she will give you the best possible treatment, hope all goes well x
Reply:Best bet is to see a makeup artist-at your local mall. Go to a good reputable counter, like Clinique, Chanel, Laura Mercier...etc. They can help you find the best products for your specific needs. And if you decide not to purchase anything, just say thanks and leave. But remember all their advice, tips and type of products they recommended for you. You can get less costly products (if finances are an issue) with similar effects at other stores.
How can I know that whether my skin(specially face skin) is dry or oily or something in between??
I have always thought that my skin is dry. Because in winter my skin gets rough and a bit cracked. But when I study till late night then I feel the skin around my nose is getting oily.
So I want to know a effective way of knowing whether my face skin is dry or oily.
(I used l'oreal face wash for dry skin considering my skin dry. But that didn't suit my skin that well. It is also making me think that may be my skin is not dry.And please recommend any face wash if u can...)
How can I know that whether my skin(specially face skin) is dry or oily or something in between??
If your skin is oily around the nose and dry elsewhere, that is combination skin, so look for cleansers for that skin type.
How can I know that whether my skin(specially face skin) is dry or oily or something in between??
well if your skin is dry it will turn white if its oily you'll get pimples especially when you are sweaty and you have bangs :]
Reply:you probably have combination skin
So I want to know a effective way of knowing whether my face skin is dry or oily.
(I used l'oreal face wash for dry skin considering my skin dry. But that didn't suit my skin that well. It is also making me think that may be my skin is not dry.And please recommend any face wash if u can...)
How can I know that whether my skin(specially face skin) is dry or oily or something in between??
If your skin is oily around the nose and dry elsewhere, that is combination skin, so look for cleansers for that skin type.
How can I know that whether my skin(specially face skin) is dry or oily or something in between??
well if your skin is dry it will turn white if its oily you'll get pimples especially when you are sweaty and you have bangs :]
Reply:you probably have combination skin
Loose skin from weight loose?
Im 17yrs old and went from weighing 280lbs in May of 2007 to 218lbs as of October 20th, I lost the weight by weight lifting and changing my eating habits and started a healthy eating life style. My fear is that once i get down to my desired weight of 180lbs by the summer that i would have loose skin and flabby skin on my body. I heard if you lose a lot of weight this happens, I also heard that lifting weights helps tighten the skin, so i dont know what to think. Does any one know what the chances are for me to have loose skin after the final 30lbs are dropped? and what i can do to fix this priar to it happening?
only serious answers please
Loose skin from weight loose?
if you dont have loose skin right now then you most likely wont have loose skin in 40 lbs
i think youll be just fine youve already lost 60 lbs
good work man
Loose skin from weight loose?
yes, it will be looser if you lose the weight quickly, you have to give your body enough time to unstretch.
you can try getting some firming lotion, it might help a little bit.
Reply:I lost about 45 pounds in one summer, and for a while i had loose skin like you are talking about, but then i stayed at that weight and started lifting, and it slowly got tighter, i notice if i gain a little weight in a short amount of time, it starts getting loose again, but yeah just lift and run man and eat right and itll get tight after a while
Reply:if you lose weight at a healthy rate like 2lbs or less a week then you shouldn't worry about it.
Reply:Drink a lot of water, and cut your caffiene. Make sure that you're doing toning/endurance exercizes with weights, as well as strength. Regular massage will help with the tightening and toning of skin as well. Other than that... you can't do a whole lot.
Reply:i believe rapid weight loss is the cause of this. if you maintain a helathy diet and continue your workouts you should be fine. your body will adapt to the weight change with a firmer skin tone.
Reply:I am not 100% sure about the loose skin that would just depends on your body and where it was that you had the weight at. However, I do know that Coco Butter will help with strechmarks and help your skin keep its elactcity. Coco Butter can we found in all kinds of lotions, oils, and rubs. I have found that the Coco butter oil works great!
I just wanted to say Congrats on your great weight loss!! Keep up the good work!
Reply:Your age may be your biggest allie here. Although it is a great deal of weight, you were under 300lbs. combine that fact with your age and your skin should tighten on it's own.
Lifting weights helps in the fact that you are replacing fat with muscle and in turn "filling out" to meet the skin but it probably isn't mandatory. There are exercises you can do to help tighten the skin though. I would do a search on that.
It may take a year or more for your skin to pull in to a normal place but I think in your case it will happen. Now, had you been at say 350lbs. The odds would be against you and you would need to have it surgically removed.
Reply:Well love even at your age you would have to come out of the wall paper to not have loose skin as there is nowhere for it to go once you have lost that much weight. What you want to think about doing when you get to your desired weight is going on a resistance programme and not too much cardiovascular type programme just to tighten up as much as you can by expanding the muscle, but I would say that your best way is to have surgery, maybe you could find out from the nhs if you are entitled to any help when they see that you have tried helping yourself lose the amount that you are planning to, good luck
skin problems
only serious answers please
Loose skin from weight loose?
if you dont have loose skin right now then you most likely wont have loose skin in 40 lbs
i think youll be just fine youve already lost 60 lbs
good work man
Loose skin from weight loose?
yes, it will be looser if you lose the weight quickly, you have to give your body enough time to unstretch.
you can try getting some firming lotion, it might help a little bit.
Reply:I lost about 45 pounds in one summer, and for a while i had loose skin like you are talking about, but then i stayed at that weight and started lifting, and it slowly got tighter, i notice if i gain a little weight in a short amount of time, it starts getting loose again, but yeah just lift and run man and eat right and itll get tight after a while
Reply:if you lose weight at a healthy rate like 2lbs or less a week then you shouldn't worry about it.
Reply:Drink a lot of water, and cut your caffiene. Make sure that you're doing toning/endurance exercizes with weights, as well as strength. Regular massage will help with the tightening and toning of skin as well. Other than that... you can't do a whole lot.
Reply:i believe rapid weight loss is the cause of this. if you maintain a helathy diet and continue your workouts you should be fine. your body will adapt to the weight change with a firmer skin tone.
Reply:I am not 100% sure about the loose skin that would just depends on your body and where it was that you had the weight at. However, I do know that Coco Butter will help with strechmarks and help your skin keep its elactcity. Coco Butter can we found in all kinds of lotions, oils, and rubs. I have found that the Coco butter oil works great!
I just wanted to say Congrats on your great weight loss!! Keep up the good work!
Reply:Your age may be your biggest allie here. Although it is a great deal of weight, you were under 300lbs. combine that fact with your age and your skin should tighten on it's own.
Lifting weights helps in the fact that you are replacing fat with muscle and in turn "filling out" to meet the skin but it probably isn't mandatory. There are exercises you can do to help tighten the skin though. I would do a search on that.
It may take a year or more for your skin to pull in to a normal place but I think in your case it will happen. Now, had you been at say 350lbs. The odds would be against you and you would need to have it surgically removed.
Reply:Well love even at your age you would have to come out of the wall paper to not have loose skin as there is nowhere for it to go once you have lost that much weight. What you want to think about doing when you get to your desired weight is going on a resistance programme and not too much cardiovascular type programme just to tighten up as much as you can by expanding the muscle, but I would say that your best way is to have surgery, maybe you could find out from the nhs if you are entitled to any help when they see that you have tried helping yourself lose the amount that you are planning to, good luck
skin problems
Dead skin cell?
Hi, I've been using proactive for 3-4 months. It works on my acne but it leaves so much dead skin cell on my face that it becomes hard to put any make up to conceal my acne scars. Recently, I'm using small amount of proactive to reduce the dead skins, but it isn't working.So I've decided to use proactive in the morning and a salicylic based cream at night.
Do you think it might help? Now, can someone tell me how to remove dead skin consireding that I have a very sensetive skin? And how to put make up on properly so that it'll look smooth rather than scaly? Thanks!
By the way, I have tried st. ives scrub and neutrogina to solve my problem, but didn't work.
Dead skin cell?
Use your Proactiv as normal at night, but in the morning, exfoliate, and use a really good moisturizer. I use Clean and Clear scrub, it works great, and you could also try Ambi, which not only scrubs away dead skin, but makes your skin tone visibly more even over time, and brightens it. Hope this helps.
Dead skin cell?
try moisturizing
Reply:have u tried using facial scrub then a good moisturiser or body butter or cocoa butter. right after using the scrub . good luck
Reply:You can either try a cleanser with glycolic acid in it or the aspirin mask on They've both worked for me.
Do you think it might help? Now, can someone tell me how to remove dead skin consireding that I have a very sensetive skin? And how to put make up on properly so that it'll look smooth rather than scaly? Thanks!
By the way, I have tried st. ives scrub and neutrogina to solve my problem, but didn't work.
Dead skin cell?
Use your Proactiv as normal at night, but in the morning, exfoliate, and use a really good moisturizer. I use Clean and Clear scrub, it works great, and you could also try Ambi, which not only scrubs away dead skin, but makes your skin tone visibly more even over time, and brightens it. Hope this helps.
Dead skin cell?
try moisturizing
Reply:have u tried using facial scrub then a good moisturiser or body butter or cocoa butter. right after using the scrub . good luck
Reply:You can either try a cleanser with glycolic acid in it or the aspirin mask on They've both worked for me.
Exfoliating the skin?
I'm currently using this soap that claims to whiten the skin, from papaya enzyme, which is a very good exfoliator, and it is supposed to exfoliate dead skin.... my question is, how does exfoliating the skin make it lighter? I mean i take a shower everyday and i'm very clean, i dont think i have any dead skin cells? and from exfoliating them how does it make your skin whiter?
Exfoliating the skin?
it doesnt :)
Exfoliating the skin?
it doesnt :)
My skin is extremely dried out from Clean and Clear Continuous Control Acne Cleanser???
It has 10% benzoyl peroxide in it, which seems to work best for my skin, but my skin is SO dry now. It's disgusting, I've been drenching it with Lubriderm lotion but it's not becoming any smoother! The thing is, besides the whole major-drying-out-of-my-skin thing, the wash works pretty great. Should I use it every other day? Or only once a day? What can I do to make my skin become smooth again?
My skin is extremely dried out from Clean and Clear Continuous Control Acne Cleanser???
u need to buy an exfoliator its those face scrubs with lil beads in them. just use that twice a day until all of the dead skin is gone also get a moisturizer not lotion thats made for ur face this can help even out ur skin tone and it won't cause break outs. i use clinique moisturizer
My skin is extremely dried out from Clean and Clear Continuous Control Acne Cleanser???
Reply:Try Aveeno Clear Complextion lotion or I use St. Ives' Blemish %26amp; Blackhead control scrub and it does not try my face out at all and it really works!
hope this helps!
Reply:Kill the chemicals, obviously they are causing problems for you...
Try this instead...
Soothing oats make this the best relief for over-dry skin. If your skin is dry from using harsh chemicals for ance relief, sunburn or just low humidity, a quick facial pack with oats, honey, vitamin E, and a touch of oil will make your skin feel wonderful. No more itching or burning, and the anti-bacterial properties of honey will help reduce bacteria that can lead to acne outbreaks. You can do this every day, even two or three times if your skin is really dry. And the side effects, soft smooth skin. Drug interactions, none. Overdose, no risk. Cancer risk, none.
Here's how you do it...
Powder a bunch of plain oatmeal in a blender or food processor. You're going to love this mask, so powder a couple of cups of oats and store in an air-tight container.
1/2 cup powdered oats
2 tablespoons honey
1 squished gel-cap of vitamin E or about 10 vitamin E drops
1 teaspoon sunflower oil, or any other liquid oil such as olive oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Mix the ingredients in a dish. Add enough water to make a paste. Warm your skin and open pores with warm compresses. Apply to skin and leave on for 10 minutes or more. Rinse. Ahh, relief.
Benzoyl peroxide is used to promote skin cancer in lab animals at an application lower dose and less frequent than that.
The lotions contain phthalates that contribute to birth defects, cancer and tons of other health problems.
Go natural. Easy. Effective. Safe.
Nurture your skin with nutrients, don't nuke it with petro-chemicals.
Reply:i have the same problem too.. the acne solution dries up ur skin to get out all the oils.. try to use it once in the night... make sure u wash ur face before u put it on otherwise thrz no point.. I have a Neutrogena Oil- Free moisture.. and it helps A LOT.. good luck
Reply:My acne control cleanser dries my skin out too! So I mix
1 egg white, oatmeal, olive oil, lemon juice,and honey and put rub that on my face for 5 minutes! Use this after you wash your face with your cleanser morning and night! It dries up pimples and softens your face! I love it! After I started doing this I didn't break out anymore! Also use a oil-free moisturizer right before you put on your foundation!
Reply:use it as much as you want but member to use a lotion. i use aveeno. its the best
My skin is extremely dried out from Clean and Clear Continuous Control Acne Cleanser???
u need to buy an exfoliator its those face scrubs with lil beads in them. just use that twice a day until all of the dead skin is gone also get a moisturizer not lotion thats made for ur face this can help even out ur skin tone and it won't cause break outs. i use clinique moisturizer
My skin is extremely dried out from Clean and Clear Continuous Control Acne Cleanser???
Reply:Try Aveeno Clear Complextion lotion or I use St. Ives' Blemish %26amp; Blackhead control scrub and it does not try my face out at all and it really works!
hope this helps!
Reply:Kill the chemicals, obviously they are causing problems for you...
Try this instead...
Soothing oats make this the best relief for over-dry skin. If your skin is dry from using harsh chemicals for ance relief, sunburn or just low humidity, a quick facial pack with oats, honey, vitamin E, and a touch of oil will make your skin feel wonderful. No more itching or burning, and the anti-bacterial properties of honey will help reduce bacteria that can lead to acne outbreaks. You can do this every day, even two or three times if your skin is really dry. And the side effects, soft smooth skin. Drug interactions, none. Overdose, no risk. Cancer risk, none.
Here's how you do it...
Powder a bunch of plain oatmeal in a blender or food processor. You're going to love this mask, so powder a couple of cups of oats and store in an air-tight container.
1/2 cup powdered oats
2 tablespoons honey
1 squished gel-cap of vitamin E or about 10 vitamin E drops
1 teaspoon sunflower oil, or any other liquid oil such as olive oil
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Mix the ingredients in a dish. Add enough water to make a paste. Warm your skin and open pores with warm compresses. Apply to skin and leave on for 10 minutes or more. Rinse. Ahh, relief.
Benzoyl peroxide is used to promote skin cancer in lab animals at an application lower dose and less frequent than that.
The lotions contain phthalates that contribute to birth defects, cancer and tons of other health problems.
Go natural. Easy. Effective. Safe.
Nurture your skin with nutrients, don't nuke it with petro-chemicals.
Reply:i have the same problem too.. the acne solution dries up ur skin to get out all the oils.. try to use it once in the night... make sure u wash ur face before u put it on otherwise thrz no point.. I have a Neutrogena Oil- Free moisture.. and it helps A LOT.. good luck
Reply:My acne control cleanser dries my skin out too! So I mix
1 egg white, oatmeal, olive oil, lemon juice,and honey and put rub that on my face for 5 minutes! Use this after you wash your face with your cleanser morning and night! It dries up pimples and softens your face! I love it! After I started doing this I didn't break out anymore! Also use a oil-free moisturizer right before you put on your foundation!
Reply:use it as much as you want but member to use a lotion. i use aveeno. its the best
Dry Skin -- NIVEA Creme -- Is It Good?
I have dry skin from washing my hands too much.
Is "NIVEA Creme" good for dry skin?
Will the dry skin be gone if I use it? If so, how many days will it take for the dry skin to go??
Dry Skin -- NIVEA Creme -- Is It Good?
Nivea is the best cream I have used. All lotions/creams are only temporary. Try reducing your handwashings if possible. Unless you're a medical professional, a few germs won't harm you. If your skin becomes cracked or irritated then use Aquaphor Healing Oinment (also works for chapped lips --better than chap stick).
Dry Skin -- NIVEA Creme -- Is It Good?
I personally use Nivea face products for men, such as face wash, shave cream, and aftershave. Lotion, not so much. I have severe dry skin, and without doubt the best lotion I have used is Eucerin. Eucerin has worked best, and fastest when healing my dry skin.
Reply:Nivea cream is good and works. Try DOVE soap, its has a moisturiser built in and does not dry the skin
Reply:You are washing your hands TOO much. You are OCD or a germaphobe. The best I can recomend besides stop doing that (;-P) is to use Dove. It has very little hemicals in it hta can dry the hands out, and has some natural moisturizers in it. Check out moisturizing gloves. You wear these in your sleep and they can help allot.
Reply:For dry skin, use a creamy cleanser to melt away dirt. Leave it on your skin before sweeping it away with cotton wool. Splash cold water onto your face to clean and refresh your skin. Use a thick cream moisturizer to seal in as much moisture as possible and have a refreshing feel.check out
Is "NIVEA Creme" good for dry skin?
Will the dry skin be gone if I use it? If so, how many days will it take for the dry skin to go??
Dry Skin -- NIVEA Creme -- Is It Good?
Nivea is the best cream I have used. All lotions/creams are only temporary. Try reducing your handwashings if possible. Unless you're a medical professional, a few germs won't harm you. If your skin becomes cracked or irritated then use Aquaphor Healing Oinment (also works for chapped lips --better than chap stick).
Dry Skin -- NIVEA Creme -- Is It Good?
I personally use Nivea face products for men, such as face wash, shave cream, and aftershave. Lotion, not so much. I have severe dry skin, and without doubt the best lotion I have used is Eucerin. Eucerin has worked best, and fastest when healing my dry skin.
Reply:Nivea cream is good and works. Try DOVE soap, its has a moisturiser built in and does not dry the skin
Reply:You are washing your hands TOO much. You are OCD or a germaphobe. The best I can recomend besides stop doing that (;-P) is to use Dove. It has very little hemicals in it hta can dry the hands out, and has some natural moisturizers in it. Check out moisturizing gloves. You wear these in your sleep and they can help allot.
Reply:For dry skin, use a creamy cleanser to melt away dirt. Leave it on your skin before sweeping it away with cotton wool. Splash cold water onto your face to clean and refresh your skin. Use a thick cream moisturizer to seal in as much moisture as possible and have a refreshing feel.check out
how can i get healthy skin, what do i need to eat and product do i need to use for me skin
i have acne and stuff
this is how i look
This is how i could look if it took care of my skin
can you list them , example what kind of vegetables and what brand product should i use for my skin
for acne prone skin, why not try using water based products or those with alpha hydroxy acid
also, eating food rich in vitamin c (citrus fruits) and vitamin e(avocado) is also good to the skin..
orangey soaps are also good for pimpled skin...
Drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses of pure water each day. Water hydrates, flushes toxins, relieves puffiness and increases radiance.
Eat sufficient protein so that the skin can repair itself. Protein deficiency brings on sagging and premature aging.
Include fish in your diet. Essential fatty acids keep skin soft and supple.
Limit simple carbohydrates. Refined sugar and flour cause premature aging.
Load up on brightly colored vegetables. Vitamins A and C enhance skin strength and metabolism, reduce inflammation and protect DNA.
Exercise to increase your blood flow, which brings more nutrients to your skin. However, don't forget to wash your body and face afterwards to keep it healthy.
Look for products that are soap, alcohol and fragrance free for the face as these will damage skin and clog pores.
Eat a diet high in fiber, including whole grains and fresh vegetables and fruits, to keep your body healthy overall and provide nutrients to your skin. Stay away from junk food, caffeine and salty foods.
Determine whether specific foods aggravate your skin and eliminate them from your diet.
Consider adding zinc supplements to your diet.
ps..hey what did u do to clear up ur face like that in the other pic?
Reply:You should use Products containing Salysilic acid,because Benzoil peroxide is too drying.I would recommend St.Ives apricot scrub for acne prone skin,or Murad complex if you have the money.Dont waiste your money on Proactive.You can try Clinique acne line as well.Something thats 2% high in SA should work just fine for you,and remeber to always Use a Oil free moisturizer=) good luck there buddy.
Either way you look handsom=)
Reply:You should really look into Murad's products. They have an "Acne Complex Kit" which has cleanser, treatment, moisturizer, and spot treatment inside of it; all that you need.
Murad is awesome...a bit pricey, but awesome. =)
Reply:The source below talks a little about food for healthy skin.
Reply:Acne is known as an Skin condition but the truth is the side effect of hormonal imbalances I suggest get off any dairy products and replace them for soy products you would be amaze and will see results within a week I also suggest get a good skin cleanser like the Clearskin at AVON you can shop at
and let me know because I'm sure you would want to thank me .... :)
Also drink lots of water is a list of foods that would help your skin:
Carrots, cucumbers,fish any green vegetable ,and also beets
Reply:no special diet needed. just lay off the pops drink more water-- lots of water. wash daily and moisterize
Reply:dude,ok this is drastic.every single day before you go to bed,steam your face for about half an hour,take a buket,pour hot water in,take atowl and put it over you so no steam will go free.after that take a lemon and rub it all over your face,drink lots of water and try to stay away from too much chocolates,sweet things,white bread and coke.
Reply:If you have not tried proactive you should really consider it.It works miracles and it leaves you feeling fresh and rejuvenated.Try to drink alot of milk and eat foods that are good in protein.Hope I helped.One really good vegetable is avocado.Also eat alot of citric fruits and foods with vitamin c in them.
i have acne and stuff
this is how i look
This is how i could look if it took care of my skin
can you list them , example what kind of vegetables and what brand product should i use for my skin
for acne prone skin, why not try using water based products or those with alpha hydroxy acid
also, eating food rich in vitamin c (citrus fruits) and vitamin e(avocado) is also good to the skin..
orangey soaps are also good for pimpled skin...
Drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses of pure water each day. Water hydrates, flushes toxins, relieves puffiness and increases radiance.
Eat sufficient protein so that the skin can repair itself. Protein deficiency brings on sagging and premature aging.
Include fish in your diet. Essential fatty acids keep skin soft and supple.
Limit simple carbohydrates. Refined sugar and flour cause premature aging.
Load up on brightly colored vegetables. Vitamins A and C enhance skin strength and metabolism, reduce inflammation and protect DNA.
Exercise to increase your blood flow, which brings more nutrients to your skin. However, don't forget to wash your body and face afterwards to keep it healthy.
Look for products that are soap, alcohol and fragrance free for the face as these will damage skin and clog pores.
Eat a diet high in fiber, including whole grains and fresh vegetables and fruits, to keep your body healthy overall and provide nutrients to your skin. Stay away from junk food, caffeine and salty foods.
Determine whether specific foods aggravate your skin and eliminate them from your diet.
Consider adding zinc supplements to your diet.
ps..hey what did u do to clear up ur face like that in the other pic?
Reply:You should use Products containing Salysilic acid,because Benzoil peroxide is too drying.I would recommend St.Ives apricot scrub for acne prone skin,or Murad complex if you have the money.Dont waiste your money on Proactive.You can try Clinique acne line as well.Something thats 2% high in SA should work just fine for you,and remeber to always Use a Oil free moisturizer=) good luck there buddy.
Either way you look handsom=)
Reply:You should really look into Murad's products. They have an "Acne Complex Kit" which has cleanser, treatment, moisturizer, and spot treatment inside of it; all that you need.
Murad is awesome...a bit pricey, but awesome. =)
Reply:The source below talks a little about food for healthy skin.
Reply:Acne is known as an Skin condition but the truth is the side effect of hormonal imbalances I suggest get off any dairy products and replace them for soy products you would be amaze and will see results within a week I also suggest get a good skin cleanser like the Clearskin at AVON you can shop at
and let me know because I'm sure you would want to thank me .... :)
Also drink lots of water is a list of foods that would help your skin:
Carrots, cucumbers,fish any green vegetable ,and also beets
Reply:no special diet needed. just lay off the pops drink more water-- lots of water. wash daily and moisterize
Reply:dude,ok this is drastic.every single day before you go to bed,steam your face for about half an hour,take a buket,pour hot water in,take atowl and put it over you so no steam will go free.after that take a lemon and rub it all over your face,drink lots of water and try to stay away from too much chocolates,sweet things,white bread and coke.
Reply:If you have not tried proactive you should really consider it.It works miracles and it leaves you feeling fresh and rejuvenated.Try to drink alot of milk and eat foods that are good in protein.Hope I helped.One really good vegetable is avocado.Also eat alot of citric fruits and foods with vitamin c in them.
Keeping skin moisturized - tips?
I used to have very oily skin; however, I have been on Accutane twice, and now I have extremely dry skin. I've been off Accutane for more than a year, but my skin is still very dry. Besides putting on a ton of moisturizer (which really doesn't do anything for me) and drinking lots of water, what else can I do to try to get moisture in my skin?
Keeping skin moisturized - tips?
After showering or bathing don't dry self just moisturize. I like Cocoa Butter Cream. It's very thick. Also Cetaphil is good. Take warm not hot showers.
Take multi-vitamin/mineral %26amp; additionally take 2-3000mg of Omega 3 fish oil gel caps with meals. Vitamin D3 1200mg is also good for skin. Eat fruit %26amp; vegetables with lots of water like celery, cucumbers, watermelon.
Check out Invite Health site under skin
Good Luck
Keeping skin moisturized - tips?
After showering or bathing don't dry self just moisturize. I like Cocoa Butter Cream. It's very thick. Also Cetaphil is good. Take warm not hot showers.
Take multi-vitamin/mineral %26amp; additionally take 2-3000mg of Omega 3 fish oil gel caps with meals. Vitamin D3 1200mg is also good for skin. Eat fruit %26amp; vegetables with lots of water like celery, cucumbers, watermelon.
Check out Invite Health site under skin
Good Luck
My skin is very sensitive. if i got a scratch on any part of my body, my skin rises form that part. plz help?
my skin embrose[phool jati hai] when i got some scratch.for ex
if i got a mark of pen my skin rises from that part n it looks very ugly,,,,,,, i feel shy,,,, the skin automatically becomes normal in 1 or 2 hrs,,, plz help me ppl,,,,, plz,,,, i bag of u
My skin is very sensitive. if i got a scratch on any part of my body, my skin rises form that part. plz help?
this is not a big problem. many people have fair skin that does this same thing.
if it really bothers you, try to put ice on it or even get some anti-inflamation used for sport injuries. the cream should prevent a lot of the swelling
My skin is very sensitive. if i got a scratch on any part of my body, my skin rises form that part. plz help?
it's normal. when people scratch the skin it raises like a bump, thin line bump. and if it goes back in 1-2 hrs then your fine.
if i got a mark of pen my skin rises from that part n it looks very ugly,,,,,,, i feel shy,,,, the skin automatically becomes normal in 1 or 2 hrs,,, plz help me ppl,,,,, plz,,,, i bag of u
My skin is very sensitive. if i got a scratch on any part of my body, my skin rises form that part. plz help?
this is not a big problem. many people have fair skin that does this same thing.
if it really bothers you, try to put ice on it or even get some anti-inflamation used for sport injuries. the cream should prevent a lot of the swelling
My skin is very sensitive. if i got a scratch on any part of my body, my skin rises form that part. plz help?
it's normal. when people scratch the skin it raises like a bump, thin line bump. and if it goes back in 1-2 hrs then your fine.
After skin has peeled from a sunburnt... how long does it take for the new skin to be normal?
my skin has been peeling from a sunburnt.. it peeled several times because several layers were damaged i guess.. the burnt part of my face peeled and now the new skin is itchy and red..and slighty bumpy.. why is this? how long does it take for the new skin to be normal and fully heal? what can i do to make healing faster?
After skin has peeled from a sunburnt... how long does it take for the new skin to be normal?
u can use thermal spa wather , rich in mineral salts and oligo elements , and of course a verry good moisturizeing cream , and in maximum 3 days skin will b normal again , dont wash it with soap or any astrigent solutions , it will make it verry dry
u can also use a yogurt mask wich will calm ur skin and moisturize it(just put yougurt on ur sunburned skin )and keep it for 10-15 minutes after , remove it with wather , or just use a after sun cream from the farmacy , but that i dont know how fast will work .
After skin has peeled from a sunburnt... how long does it take for the new skin to be normal?
u can use thermal spa wather , rich in mineral salts and oligo elements , and of course a verry good moisturizeing cream , and in maximum 3 days skin will b normal again , dont wash it with soap or any astrigent solutions , it will make it verry dry
u can also use a yogurt mask wich will calm ur skin and moisturize it(just put yougurt on ur sunburned skin )and keep it for 10-15 minutes after , remove it with wather , or just use a after sun cream from the farmacy , but that i dont know how fast will work .
What does "skin tone" mean?
I have many products that say that it will help improve skin tone, or change your skin tone, and brighten skin tone. But i'm not even sure what it means by my skin tone.. it is like the color of your skin? texture?
What does "skin tone" mean?
skin tone is basically the color of your skin. There is no such color as white, black, hispanic, so don't just look for white makeup if you are "white".
You're avatar looks white, so I'm guessing that you are. Go for a makeup product that says light, fair, or peach. If you are kinda tan, go for beige or tan.
For those who are African-American, go for something that says bronze, dark, etc.(it depends on how dark you are)
You can't really "brighten" your skin tone. You can make it tanner by using a self tanner(Sally Hansen has some). OR you could even it out. Some people have a pink nose and peach skin or a really dark brown forehead but bronze skin. If the color of your skin isn't the same(or close to the same) around your face, use foundation or powder to even it out.
Also remember that not all makeup brands use the term light, tan, beige, etc. They might use cocoa for a black person.
Hispanics should look for olive, tan, or bronze(depends on how dark you are)
Asians should go for olive.
What does "skin tone" mean?
it is like the shade of your skin.
Reply:I think its the color and texture combined.
Reply:It makes your skin not dry or make your skin TAN OR PEACH OR BROWN I use them to make me Tan
Reply:Tone as in tautness, and not sagging or laxity. Not tone as in "shade", but tone as in "fit."
Reply:ya its the color of your skin...there is fair, med, olive, dark...those kind..
Reply:skin tone refers to the tone coloring shade of your skin. Depending on what the product says it will do it basically will either lighten, darken, even or smoth out your natural shade of your skin.
Reply:It depends on the context in the product description.
Products that deal with color or shading are refering to the colortone of your skin. For example, foundation or powder.
Products that deal with your pores or skin texter are referring to the elascticity of your skin. Skin "toner" which is used when you wash your face helps reduce the size of your pores.
Reply:It means the color of your skin and if it is dry or flaky or have blemishes, when it says that it will help your skin tone it means that it will even out your skin if you have discoloration or spots or blemishes or anything that makes your skin look uneven.
Reply:The colour of your skin - light colour or dark colour!
Reply:your natural skin color.....
Reply:Tone means color so skin tone would mean the different shades and color of your skin.
Reply:R u seriouse??? tone means ur skin color...skintone is what determines what kind of color matches you.
For example: If u have light skin, dark lip stick probably wont match you!...but light will, cuz u have sexii light skin
BYE Sexyyyy
Good luck Hon =]
Reply:Your shade.
Reply:Your skin tone is the shade of your skin.
Reply:yes it is the color of your skin like
stuff like that
Reply:The Color You're(Black or White)
What does "skin tone" mean?
skin tone is basically the color of your skin. There is no such color as white, black, hispanic, so don't just look for white makeup if you are "white".
You're avatar looks white, so I'm guessing that you are. Go for a makeup product that says light, fair, or peach. If you are kinda tan, go for beige or tan.
For those who are African-American, go for something that says bronze, dark, etc.(it depends on how dark you are)
You can't really "brighten" your skin tone. You can make it tanner by using a self tanner(Sally Hansen has some). OR you could even it out. Some people have a pink nose and peach skin or a really dark brown forehead but bronze skin. If the color of your skin isn't the same(or close to the same) around your face, use foundation or powder to even it out.
Also remember that not all makeup brands use the term light, tan, beige, etc. They might use cocoa for a black person.
Hispanics should look for olive, tan, or bronze(depends on how dark you are)
Asians should go for olive.
What does "skin tone" mean?
it is like the shade of your skin.
Reply:I think its the color and texture combined.
Reply:It makes your skin not dry or make your skin TAN OR PEACH OR BROWN I use them to make me Tan
Reply:Tone as in tautness, and not sagging or laxity. Not tone as in "shade", but tone as in "fit."
Reply:ya its the color of your skin...there is fair, med, olive, dark...those kind..
Reply:skin tone refers to the tone coloring shade of your skin. Depending on what the product says it will do it basically will either lighten, darken, even or smoth out your natural shade of your skin.
Reply:It depends on the context in the product description.
Products that deal with color or shading are refering to the colortone of your skin. For example, foundation or powder.
Products that deal with your pores or skin texter are referring to the elascticity of your skin. Skin "toner" which is used when you wash your face helps reduce the size of your pores.
Reply:It means the color of your skin and if it is dry or flaky or have blemishes, when it says that it will help your skin tone it means that it will even out your skin if you have discoloration or spots or blemishes or anything that makes your skin look uneven.
Reply:The colour of your skin - light colour or dark colour!
Reply:your natural skin color.....
Reply:Tone means color so skin tone would mean the different shades and color of your skin.
Reply:R u seriouse??? tone means ur skin color...skintone is what determines what kind of color matches you.
For example: If u have light skin, dark lip stick probably wont match you!...but light will, cuz u have sexii light skin
BYE Sexyyyy
Good luck Hon =]
Reply:Your shade.
Reply:Your skin tone is the shade of your skin.
Reply:yes it is the color of your skin like
stuff like that
Reply:The Color You're(Black or White)
BAD SKIN...HELP :( please?
hi i'm 18 years old, my skin was great just a few months ago. i squeeze my pimples/ ance, sleep kinda late, rub my face with towel after taking a bath to exfoliate. i know it sounds crazy but i used to do those things but my skin never looked this bad. i used to be really pretty,like just a few months ago, now i have a really bad skin. here are my problems:
1.) blemishes ( that's takin like forever to disappear)
2.) i have alot of little wrinkles on my face
3.) dark spots
4.) dry skin
5.) dark circles around my eyes
i know that i look pretty without those things a have said i wanna know how to remove or get rid of them please help me. i dont wanna look at my face in the mirror anymore. and it's breaking my heart:( help me please.thanks alot guys....
BAD SKIN...HELP :( please?
90% of our aging is actually caused from our environment (sun). If you don't already, use a daily moisturizer with an SPF of 8. Anything higher has been proven to be too irritant for the skin. If you can, try to also stay out of the sun as much as possible (even if you wear sunscreen everyday). Also, if you can remember, when you use a washcloth, try to use a white one as there are no dyes in them. Anti-aging products are normally recommended for people starting in their early 20's, but there are no specific rules that say you cannot start earlier. As a matter of fact, Arbonne's revolutionary NutriMinC Re9 Anti-Aging system is perfect for all ages. I started using the system last year and I definitely recommend it. Arbonne's products are pure, safe, beneficial, hypoallergenic, pH correct, botanically-based products that are formulated with 9 key anti-aging elements and nanosphere technology. Nanosphere technology helps products to adjust to specific needs (applying more moisture in dry areas and less in oily areas). The products are also water based so they will penetrate the dermis and deeply condition and hydrate your skin with the proper ingredients to help with you concerns. There is no alcohol, wax, dyes, chemicals, fragrances, acetone, or mineral oil in any of Arbonne鈥檚 products. The system is specifically formulated to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, the affects of sun damage (dark spots and freckles), and combat the visual signs of aging. Research shows that 6 months continued use of Arbonne's Re9 system gives a 68% decrease in deep density lines and wrinkles. However, I noticed results within a week or two. My skin was much more hydrated and healthy. The other women in my family (my mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, cousins, aunts) all use this system and absolutely love it. If you're interested in learning more, I'll be happy to help you.
BAD SKIN...HELP :( please?
Sleep is a big one! Are you getting enough of it? its sounds dumb but really, it takes its toll on your skin if you dont get enough. Also, go get a facial! For $50 they will clear up your skin and tell you what you need to do correct the problems youre having. Im telling you, those facial people are miracle workers!
Reply:Well maybe your skin is alittle sensitive right now. I wouldn't use a towel to rub my face, maybe like a soft sponges for faces. And for the circles under your eyes sleep early.
Reply:1. St Ives Apricot Scrub. It works!!
2. Olay Degenerist?
3. Idk
4. MOISTURIZER. I couldnt stress it more.
5. Vita-K For Dark Circles.
Reply:i feel to be natural is beauty by itself. regular use of cleasing foam will do. the blemishes will take time to recover. as fro dry skin, apply moisturizer after cleaning. clinique moisturizer is quite good... thin layer and don't make you feel "coated"..
another aspect is to have self confidence and you will be pretty!!
Reply:Id have to agree it could be that right now your skin is sensitive, but I would suggest to use Neutrogena Advanced Solutions great. as for the circles thats really all about makin sure you get enough sleep but in the mean time Neutrogena has a eye booster enhancing cream that you put under your eyes and it works to help reduce the dark circles from reappearing...hope that helps you.
Reply:maybe stressing out alot. that make ur face breakout tyr to relax
Reply:1- Wash all the exposed parts of your body especially your face, every 3 to 4 hours.
2- Before going to sleep do the following - Splash Cold water, use a light cleanser and apply a mild moisturiser
3- Apply Aloe Vera Cream around your eyes and all wrinkle affected places
4- wash with water everytime you come back home from wherever you went to.
5- Avoid touching your blemishes and pimples. All the germs from your hand will only aggravate your problems
I did all this and all my problems , which are now your problem have decreased a lot. We seldom forget that our skin needs a lot of attention and we take it for granted . And oh yes. Get a minimum of 5 hours of good sleep.
All the Best
Reply:There are many causes of dark circles, from age, heredity, allergies, cold or sinus infection, bone structure and glasses which are not so commonly known.
If you would like to apply home remedies to reduce dark circles, here are some of my suggestions:
Buy a box of regular, old fashioned unflavored gelatin (e.g. Knox) from grocery store. Take a small cup or bowl and put in 1 teaspoon of the gelatin mix. Add one tablespoon of boiling water %26amp; stir for a minute. Test it on your wrist to make sure it is not too hot. Then, using a cotton ball, pat it under your eyes as you would an eye cream or gel. Go lie down and listen to some music, or take a bath %26amp; let it stay on for at least 30 minutes. Then just rinse it off.Gelatin is very high in Vitamin K %26amp; Biotin. It will not remove your dark circles on the first application (but you will notice a difference), but if you do it daily for a week, and then 2-3 times a week for maintenance, you should notice a drastic reduction in dark circles.
1.) blemishes ( that's takin like forever to disappear)
2.) i have alot of little wrinkles on my face
3.) dark spots
4.) dry skin
5.) dark circles around my eyes
i know that i look pretty without those things a have said i wanna know how to remove or get rid of them please help me. i dont wanna look at my face in the mirror anymore. and it's breaking my heart:( help me please.thanks alot guys....
BAD SKIN...HELP :( please?
90% of our aging is actually caused from our environment (sun). If you don't already, use a daily moisturizer with an SPF of 8. Anything higher has been proven to be too irritant for the skin. If you can, try to also stay out of the sun as much as possible (even if you wear sunscreen everyday). Also, if you can remember, when you use a washcloth, try to use a white one as there are no dyes in them. Anti-aging products are normally recommended for people starting in their early 20's, but there are no specific rules that say you cannot start earlier. As a matter of fact, Arbonne's revolutionary NutriMinC Re9 Anti-Aging system is perfect for all ages. I started using the system last year and I definitely recommend it. Arbonne's products are pure, safe, beneficial, hypoallergenic, pH correct, botanically-based products that are formulated with 9 key anti-aging elements and nanosphere technology. Nanosphere technology helps products to adjust to specific needs (applying more moisture in dry areas and less in oily areas). The products are also water based so they will penetrate the dermis and deeply condition and hydrate your skin with the proper ingredients to help with you concerns. There is no alcohol, wax, dyes, chemicals, fragrances, acetone, or mineral oil in any of Arbonne鈥檚 products. The system is specifically formulated to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, the affects of sun damage (dark spots and freckles), and combat the visual signs of aging. Research shows that 6 months continued use of Arbonne's Re9 system gives a 68% decrease in deep density lines and wrinkles. However, I noticed results within a week or two. My skin was much more hydrated and healthy. The other women in my family (my mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, cousins, aunts) all use this system and absolutely love it. If you're interested in learning more, I'll be happy to help you.
BAD SKIN...HELP :( please?
Sleep is a big one! Are you getting enough of it? its sounds dumb but really, it takes its toll on your skin if you dont get enough. Also, go get a facial! For $50 they will clear up your skin and tell you what you need to do correct the problems youre having. Im telling you, those facial people are miracle workers!
Reply:Well maybe your skin is alittle sensitive right now. I wouldn't use a towel to rub my face, maybe like a soft sponges for faces. And for the circles under your eyes sleep early.
Reply:1. St Ives Apricot Scrub. It works!!
2. Olay Degenerist?
3. Idk
4. MOISTURIZER. I couldnt stress it more.
5. Vita-K For Dark Circles.
Reply:i feel to be natural is beauty by itself. regular use of cleasing foam will do. the blemishes will take time to recover. as fro dry skin, apply moisturizer after cleaning. clinique moisturizer is quite good... thin layer and don't make you feel "coated"..
another aspect is to have self confidence and you will be pretty!!
Reply:Id have to agree it could be that right now your skin is sensitive, but I would suggest to use Neutrogena Advanced Solutions great. as for the circles thats really all about makin sure you get enough sleep but in the mean time Neutrogena has a eye booster enhancing cream that you put under your eyes and it works to help reduce the dark circles from reappearing...hope that helps you.
Reply:maybe stressing out alot. that make ur face breakout tyr to relax
Reply:1- Wash all the exposed parts of your body especially your face, every 3 to 4 hours.
2- Before going to sleep do the following - Splash Cold water, use a light cleanser and apply a mild moisturiser
3- Apply Aloe Vera Cream around your eyes and all wrinkle affected places
4- wash with water everytime you come back home from wherever you went to.
5- Avoid touching your blemishes and pimples. All the germs from your hand will only aggravate your problems
I did all this and all my problems , which are now your problem have decreased a lot. We seldom forget that our skin needs a lot of attention and we take it for granted . And oh yes. Get a minimum of 5 hours of good sleep.
All the Best
Reply:There are many causes of dark circles, from age, heredity, allergies, cold or sinus infection, bone structure and glasses which are not so commonly known.
If you would like to apply home remedies to reduce dark circles, here are some of my suggestions:
Buy a box of regular, old fashioned unflavored gelatin (e.g. Knox) from grocery store. Take a small cup or bowl and put in 1 teaspoon of the gelatin mix. Add one tablespoon of boiling water %26amp; stir for a minute. Test it on your wrist to make sure it is not too hot. Then, using a cotton ball, pat it under your eyes as you would an eye cream or gel. Go lie down and listen to some music, or take a bath %26amp; let it stay on for at least 30 minutes. Then just rinse it off.Gelatin is very high in Vitamin K %26amp; Biotin. It will not remove your dark circles on the first application (but you will notice a difference), but if you do it daily for a week, and then 2-3 times a week for maintenance, you should notice a drastic reduction in dark circles.
Acne gone... skin annoying....?
A little background information.
I first starting dealing with my HORRIBLE acne with Proactiv. My acne was so bad. I wasn't drinking water, I wasn't eating healthy, my self-esteem was low. This all contributed to my horrible acne freshman year.
I finally asked my dad to order Proactiv and he did. This worked amazingly for me up until December of last year (2006). For some reason it just began to dry out my skin. It was as if my skin wasn't producing natural oils anymore. This forced me to stop using Proactiv. When I did I again started breaking out.
I looked for natural ways to clear acne. I started eating eating healthier, taking vitamins, drinking 2 gallons of water a day, eliminating soda and all. This virtually cleared my skin, but that's not my issue. I mean, I get one here and there, but my main issue is my dry skin.
For some reason about midway through the day around 2:30 PM my skin gets dry around my nose and my laugh lines. It feels like I will crack my face if I laugh.
Acne gone... skin annoying....?
Home remedies available at
I first starting dealing with my HORRIBLE acne with Proactiv. My acne was so bad. I wasn't drinking water, I wasn't eating healthy, my self-esteem was low. This all contributed to my horrible acne freshman year.
I finally asked my dad to order Proactiv and he did. This worked amazingly for me up until December of last year (2006). For some reason it just began to dry out my skin. It was as if my skin wasn't producing natural oils anymore. This forced me to stop using Proactiv. When I did I again started breaking out.
I looked for natural ways to clear acne. I started eating eating healthier, taking vitamins, drinking 2 gallons of water a day, eliminating soda and all. This virtually cleared my skin, but that's not my issue. I mean, I get one here and there, but my main issue is my dry skin.
For some reason about midway through the day around 2:30 PM my skin gets dry around my nose and my laugh lines. It feels like I will crack my face if I laugh.
Acne gone... skin annoying....?
Home remedies available at
Light skin guy dark skin girl love stories?
I was reading this book with a light skin guy falling in love with a dark skin girl. He was rich and she was poor. so he could be with her, because she was poor and dark skin.
i don't remember the name so does anyone know of a book like that?
or even a good story that is like that.
Light skin guy dark skin girl love stories?
oh yeah! u should most definitely read
' noughts and crosses' by malorie blackman
it is one of my fav. books
pls pls read it.
a really good book.
Light skin guy dark skin girl love stories?
sounds familiar
Reply:I don't know which one you're talking about ( sounds good and familar), but Jason and Kyra by Dana Davidson is something similar to that and REALLY good. I've read it 4-5 times. It's about a caramel colored extremely intelligent science geeky-type girl and a super hot dark skinned star basketball player who fall for each other. I LOVE THIS BOOK!
i don't remember the name so does anyone know of a book like that?
or even a good story that is like that.
Light skin guy dark skin girl love stories?
oh yeah! u should most definitely read
' noughts and crosses' by malorie blackman
it is one of my fav. books
pls pls read it.
a really good book.
Light skin guy dark skin girl love stories?
sounds familiar
Reply:I don't know which one you're talking about ( sounds good and familar), but Jason and Kyra by Dana Davidson is something similar to that and REALLY good. I've read it 4-5 times. It's about a caramel colored extremely intelligent science geeky-type girl and a super hot dark skinned star basketball player who fall for each other. I LOVE THIS BOOK!
Simple skin care.?
i have sensitve skin but i do get a couple of spots on my chin and my forehead from time to time. what i want to know is, is the simple skin care range good for getting rid of spots AND will it not irritate my skin? i dont have very sensitive skin but i did try the witch skin care range and it irratated my skin and if i use something to harsh for spots my cheeks get very dry.
Simple skin care.?
Hi :)
people are going to get sick of me saying it but if you have any problems with your skin, try sea buckthorne oil. I force it on all my friends and most of themuse it regularlynow.
Read up on the benefits here...
I buy it from this website because it isn't diluted and I use it before going to bed...
Over the years I've tried so many different products including Simple. For me, it wasn't remarkable at all. The only benefit I found, was that it was one of the very few face creams that had no fragrance added to it, but nowadays there are so many more options.
I have very sensitive skin and still get spots at a certain time of the month - sea buckthorn dries them up over night.
Exfoliating on a regular basis really helps too - I use Aapri Dual Cleansing Pads 3 times a week and they are brilliant and sooo gentle.
For daily cleansing I use euceryn gentle cleansing milk which is very effective yet non irritating:) You can buy it on ebay cheaper than the shops.
Hope this helps.
It's just trial and error. Experiment until you find something that you're happy with and from which you see noticeable benefits.
Ask at the big cosmetic counters for trial samples so you don't waste too much money on products that don't suit you. I've been through it, and cannot recommend sea buckthorn oil enough!
purchase flowers
Simple skin care.?
Hi :)
people are going to get sick of me saying it but if you have any problems with your skin, try sea buckthorne oil. I force it on all my friends and most of themuse it regularlynow.
Read up on the benefits here...
I buy it from this website because it isn't diluted and I use it before going to bed...
Over the years I've tried so many different products including Simple. For me, it wasn't remarkable at all. The only benefit I found, was that it was one of the very few face creams that had no fragrance added to it, but nowadays there are so many more options.
I have very sensitive skin and still get spots at a certain time of the month - sea buckthorn dries them up over night.
Exfoliating on a regular basis really helps too - I use Aapri Dual Cleansing Pads 3 times a week and they are brilliant and sooo gentle.
For daily cleansing I use euceryn gentle cleansing milk which is very effective yet non irritating:) You can buy it on ebay cheaper than the shops.
Hope this helps.
It's just trial and error. Experiment until you find something that you're happy with and from which you see noticeable benefits.
Ask at the big cosmetic counters for trial samples so you don't waste too much money on products that don't suit you. I've been through it, and cannot recommend sea buckthorn oil enough!
purchase flowers
Fell down and my skin ripped off totally, HELP!!!?
About 2 days ago. I fell down and knocked my leg really hard on the door. I mean below the door. The skin on my foot just rip off about 1cm long and 0.3cm wide. The thing is that my 1st layer of skin is totally gone. I can see my second layer skin. No pain at the moment coz there is no skin to send impulse to my brain..
Just about 1-2 minutes later it started to bleed. I feel like going to go fainted after about 5-8 minutes, so i decided to drink some water. It helped.
And now (2days later) some scab formed on the wound.
The problem is that i find it hard to walk. My skin around the wound is getting alittle red and it feels like there is something inside the skin(alittlebit hot). Blood most probably.
I think my blood vessel on my 1st layer of skin is cut off and blood is flowing through out the space between my 2 layer of skin.
It feels like something is going to burst out from my skin thround the wound..
Does any1 get into this trouble before?.. what to do?
Help me ASAP =(
Fell down and my skin ripped off totally, HELP!!!?
ok it's getting mildly infected. get some neosporin (or any topical antibiotic ointment) and apply to the wound. wrap the wound in some nice sterile dressing. take some ibuprofen and relax. you're not going to bleed to death and your leg most likely won't fall off.
and btw, acetaminophen (tylenol) will do nothing for the swelling or infection. and be worried about any doctor that can't spell advil or tylenol.
Fell down and my skin ripped off totally, HELP!!!?
I would go to the dr or to the ER. They would be the best ones to help you!
Er would probably be faster.
Reply:The heat you feel may be the sign of a possible is the body's response to bacteria. I would suggest getting some peroxide and cleansing the wound very well. Go to the store and purchase some gauze ("sterile" if available), triple antibiotic ointment and tape or large band-aids. Clean the area with sterile water, then the peroxide and apply a thin layer of ointment.....put the gauze over it and change it once per day. You will NEED to STAY OFF of your foot for a least a week because it will take longer to heel with the constant pressure.
Good Luck
Reply:It sounds like you might be getting infected.
Wash the wound well with soap and water, unless you have some peroxide, then you can dab it and then rinse. If you have any Bacitracin or other antibiotic ointment, put some of that on. Then apply gauze or a clean cloth of anykind -- a ripped up handkerchief or whatever. Then wrap it with a compression type wrap -- Ace bandage, Coban (co-hesive bandage) but not too tight to cut off the circulation of your foot. Or whatever long strip of cloth you can find for the time being.
I would suggest going to the ER or any doc in the box type of place, since you might actually have to be put on antibiotics.
I hope it's not all that bad, but if it is, leaving it untreated by a medical professional might be a mistake this time.
Reply:You need to go to a hospital or a family doctor, to get this wound cleaned and if needed closed.
The hotness and swelling you are feeling is from the inflammation of the wound and tissue oedema,
most propably the wound is getting infected which can really make things worse, especially if you are a diabetic person (you should check esp that you say you can't feel the pain in the wound).
until you go to the doctor, make sure to clean the wound with soap and water, an over the counter pain bill (like adevil or tylanol) will help you with the pain and will decrease the inflammation
Reply:It's probably some normal inflammation around the area. I'm sure you whacked it pretty hard and there's some soft tissue swelling I'm sure. The warmth and redness makes me think that there's an infection going on. You should have put a compress on it (even if it was paper towels!) to stop the bleeding ASAP, put some triple antibiotic on it (Neosporin) and kept it covered to keep germs out of it. Start putting the Neosporin on it NOW, cover it and take Tylenol to keep the infection (and possible fever down the road) at bay.
Reply:I tripped over some boards 4/28/06 and it's bearly finishing the healing part. Because the and nerves have been damaged the healing has to start from the inside out. If it starts on to then the injured part will become infected. You have to keep it very clean. I used neosportin. I didn't go to the doctor because I thought I could handle it myself. I should have gone because it started to get infected and I needed antibiotics. Please see a doctor to have this deep wound looked after.
I have damage all around the the area out. The skin is like a plastic and itches at times. When this happens i spray it with benedryl for allergies and it helps. I hope this helps you somewhat.
Reply:You should have immediately cleaned the wound with peroxide and put neosporin or some other type of ointment on it and bandaged it to prevent infection. It sounds like you may already have an infection at this point though (foot wounds are really succeptible to infections since your feet are constantly touching the ground which is covered in bacteria) so you should go to the emergency room or see a doctor about it right away; they will clean the wound properly and probably put you on some sort of antibiotic.
Reply:You may be getting a superficial infection because of the large skin being ripped off. I'd suggest going to see your nearest podiatrist for an evaluation. You may need to be put on 7-10days of antibiotics. Leave the scab alone as it will heal on its own - your doctor may debride that if it looks it needs to be debrided. I'd also cover the area with Neosporin and a big gauze pad. Please do go see that doctor soon - red, hot, swollen usualy means infection. Hope this helps!
Just about 1-2 minutes later it started to bleed. I feel like going to go fainted after about 5-8 minutes, so i decided to drink some water. It helped.
And now (2days later) some scab formed on the wound.
The problem is that i find it hard to walk. My skin around the wound is getting alittle red and it feels like there is something inside the skin(alittlebit hot). Blood most probably.
I think my blood vessel on my 1st layer of skin is cut off and blood is flowing through out the space between my 2 layer of skin.
It feels like something is going to burst out from my skin thround the wound..
Does any1 get into this trouble before?.. what to do?
Help me ASAP =(
Fell down and my skin ripped off totally, HELP!!!?
ok it's getting mildly infected. get some neosporin (or any topical antibiotic ointment) and apply to the wound. wrap the wound in some nice sterile dressing. take some ibuprofen and relax. you're not going to bleed to death and your leg most likely won't fall off.
and btw, acetaminophen (tylenol) will do nothing for the swelling or infection. and be worried about any doctor that can't spell advil or tylenol.
Fell down and my skin ripped off totally, HELP!!!?
I would go to the dr or to the ER. They would be the best ones to help you!
Er would probably be faster.
Reply:The heat you feel may be the sign of a possible is the body's response to bacteria. I would suggest getting some peroxide and cleansing the wound very well. Go to the store and purchase some gauze ("sterile" if available), triple antibiotic ointment and tape or large band-aids. Clean the area with sterile water, then the peroxide and apply a thin layer of ointment.....put the gauze over it and change it once per day. You will NEED to STAY OFF of your foot for a least a week because it will take longer to heel with the constant pressure.
Good Luck
Reply:It sounds like you might be getting infected.
Wash the wound well with soap and water, unless you have some peroxide, then you can dab it and then rinse. If you have any Bacitracin or other antibiotic ointment, put some of that on. Then apply gauze or a clean cloth of anykind -- a ripped up handkerchief or whatever. Then wrap it with a compression type wrap -- Ace bandage, Coban (co-hesive bandage) but not too tight to cut off the circulation of your foot. Or whatever long strip of cloth you can find for the time being.
I would suggest going to the ER or any doc in the box type of place, since you might actually have to be put on antibiotics.
I hope it's not all that bad, but if it is, leaving it untreated by a medical professional might be a mistake this time.
Reply:You need to go to a hospital or a family doctor, to get this wound cleaned and if needed closed.
The hotness and swelling you are feeling is from the inflammation of the wound and tissue oedema,
most propably the wound is getting infected which can really make things worse, especially if you are a diabetic person (you should check esp that you say you can't feel the pain in the wound).
until you go to the doctor, make sure to clean the wound with soap and water, an over the counter pain bill (like adevil or tylanol) will help you with the pain and will decrease the inflammation
Reply:It's probably some normal inflammation around the area. I'm sure you whacked it pretty hard and there's some soft tissue swelling I'm sure. The warmth and redness makes me think that there's an infection going on. You should have put a compress on it (even if it was paper towels!) to stop the bleeding ASAP, put some triple antibiotic on it (Neosporin) and kept it covered to keep germs out of it. Start putting the Neosporin on it NOW, cover it and take Tylenol to keep the infection (and possible fever down the road) at bay.
Reply:I tripped over some boards 4/28/06 and it's bearly finishing the healing part. Because the and nerves have been damaged the healing has to start from the inside out. If it starts on to then the injured part will become infected. You have to keep it very clean. I used neosportin. I didn't go to the doctor because I thought I could handle it myself. I should have gone because it started to get infected and I needed antibiotics. Please see a doctor to have this deep wound looked after.
I have damage all around the the area out. The skin is like a plastic and itches at times. When this happens i spray it with benedryl for allergies and it helps. I hope this helps you somewhat.
Reply:You should have immediately cleaned the wound with peroxide and put neosporin or some other type of ointment on it and bandaged it to prevent infection. It sounds like you may already have an infection at this point though (foot wounds are really succeptible to infections since your feet are constantly touching the ground which is covered in bacteria) so you should go to the emergency room or see a doctor about it right away; they will clean the wound properly and probably put you on some sort of antibiotic.
Reply:You may be getting a superficial infection because of the large skin being ripped off. I'd suggest going to see your nearest podiatrist for an evaluation. You may need to be put on 7-10days of antibiotics. Leave the scab alone as it will heal on its own - your doctor may debride that if it looks it needs to be debrided. I'd also cover the area with Neosporin and a big gauze pad. Please do go see that doctor soon - red, hot, swollen usualy means infection. Hope this helps!
Peeled Skin from washing/rubbing face, skin was red now pink, will my skin regenerate back 2 normal?
The area where I lost/peeled skin had retin a applied the night be4 and the area where I lost/peeled skin had no active acne. No blood came out of the peeled area but my skin is gone and what I saw was flesh like red and after a few hours it is now pink. I've been applying neosporin 4 now 2 keep it moist. Will I have scar now? Will my skin regenerate back 2 normal after a week or 2? What should I do now 2 heal? Thanks for any educated/experienced responses.
Peeled Skin from washing/rubbing face, skin was red now pink, will my skin regenerate back 2 normal?
Your skin should be just fine and shouldn't need any special care, not even the neosporin cream. Just try to refrain from irritating it further and everything should go back to normal with no scarring, just give it a chance to heal a bit.
Peeled Skin from washing/rubbing face, skin was red now pink, will my skin regenerate back 2 normal?
Yes you do not need to mess with it and all i mean you need to check on it and will get back to normal and all and from now on dont rub it so hard.
Peeled Skin from washing/rubbing face, skin was red now pink, will my skin regenerate back 2 normal?
Your skin should be just fine and shouldn't need any special care, not even the neosporin cream. Just try to refrain from irritating it further and everything should go back to normal with no scarring, just give it a chance to heal a bit.
Peeled Skin from washing/rubbing face, skin was red now pink, will my skin regenerate back 2 normal?
Yes you do not need to mess with it and all i mean you need to check on it and will get back to normal and all and from now on dont rub it so hard.
Dark skin tone???
My skin tone is brown, maybe a shade lighter than Gabreille Union's. Now, I'm happy with my skin but one thing I do not like is having it uneven. See, my skin tone is weird. I let it stay brown in the winter and then I tan it so that it becomes really dark in the summer. Since I've moved down here in the south, I stay out in the sun longer and now my skin stays really dark throughout the year but on some parts of my neck it's uneven. I just need to know how to get it to match the rest of my skin tone without putting a lot of makup on those parts. Does anobody know? Also, I used to use this Olay cream that would even my skin tone, and it worked on my face but not my neck. FYI, I had an allergic reaction to some lotion on my neck on time, and although it's gone, it left a really dark mark on it(like almost black). I really want to know how to get rid of this b/c it looks like somebody burned me on my neck. Hope this wasn't confusing, but that's my problem.
Dark skin tone???
You might try Mary Kay Even Complexion Essence. It works for some people with uneven coloration.
Dark skin tone???
It is easy, make nudity and get sun on all your body.
Reply:In some African beauty store, they sell some creme create lighter tone. But I don't know if it really works but should try it.
Reply:Check this out for home remedies for improving the complexion
Dark skin tone???
You might try Mary Kay Even Complexion Essence. It works for some people with uneven coloration.
Dark skin tone???
It is easy, make nudity and get sun on all your body.
Reply:In some African beauty store, they sell some creme create lighter tone. But I don't know if it really works but should try it.
Reply:Check this out for home remedies for improving the complexion
Simple skin care.?
i have sensitve skin but i do get a couple of spots on my chin and my forehead from time to time. what i want to know is, is the simple skin care range good for getting rid of spots AND will it not irritate my skin? i dont have very sensitive skin but i did try the witch skin care range and it irratated my skin and if i use something to harsh for spots my cheeks get very dry.
Simple skin care.?
Hi :)
people are going to get sick of me saying it but if you have any problems with your skin, try sea buckthorne oil. I force it on all my friends and most of themuse it regularlynow.
Read up on the benefits here...
I buy it from this website because it isn't diluted and I use it before going to bed...
Over the years I've tried so many different products including Simple. For me, it wasn't remarkable at all. The only benefit I found, was that it was one of the very few face creams that had no fragrance added to it, but nowadays there are so many more options.
I have very sensitive skin and still get spots at a certain time of the month - sea buckthorn dries them up over night.
Exfoliating on a regular basis really helps too - I use Aapri Dual Cleansing Pads 3 times a week and they are brilliant and sooo gentle.
For daily cleansing I use euceryn gentle cleansing milk which is very effective yet non irritating:) You can buy it on ebay cheaper than the shops.
Hope this helps.
It's just trial and error. Experiment until you find something that you're happy with and from which you see noticeable benefits.
Ask at the big cosmetic counters for trial samples so you don't waste too much money on products that don't suit you. I've been through it, and cannot recommend sea buckthorn oil enough!
leather handbag
Simple skin care.?
Hi :)
people are going to get sick of me saying it but if you have any problems with your skin, try sea buckthorne oil. I force it on all my friends and most of themuse it regularlynow.
Read up on the benefits here...
I buy it from this website because it isn't diluted and I use it before going to bed...
Over the years I've tried so many different products including Simple. For me, it wasn't remarkable at all. The only benefit I found, was that it was one of the very few face creams that had no fragrance added to it, but nowadays there are so many more options.
I have very sensitive skin and still get spots at a certain time of the month - sea buckthorn dries them up over night.
Exfoliating on a regular basis really helps too - I use Aapri Dual Cleansing Pads 3 times a week and they are brilliant and sooo gentle.
For daily cleansing I use euceryn gentle cleansing milk which is very effective yet non irritating:) You can buy it on ebay cheaper than the shops.
Hope this helps.
It's just trial and error. Experiment until you find something that you're happy with and from which you see noticeable benefits.
Ask at the big cosmetic counters for trial samples so you don't waste too much money on products that don't suit you. I've been through it, and cannot recommend sea buckthorn oil enough!
leather handbag
Dark skin tone???
My skin tone is brown, maybe a shade lighter than Gabreille Union's. Now, I'm happy with my skin but one thing I do not like is having it uneven. See, my skin tone is weird. I let it stay brown in the winter and then I tan it so that it becomes really dark in the summer. Since I've moved down here in the south, I stay out in the sun longer and now my skin stays really dark throughout the year but on some parts of my neck it's uneven. I just need to know how to get it to match the rest of my skin tone without putting a lot of makup on those parts. Does anobody know? Also, I used to use this Olay cream that would even my skin tone, and it worked on my face but not my neck. FYI, I had an allergic reaction to some lotion on my neck on time, and although it's gone, it left a really dark mark on it(like almost black). I really want to know how to get rid of this b/c it looks like somebody burned me on my neck. Hope this wasn't confusing, but that's my problem.
Dark skin tone???
You might try Mary Kay Even Complexion Essence. It works for some people with uneven coloration.
Dark skin tone???
It is easy, make nudity and get sun on all your body.
Reply:In some African beauty store, they sell some creme create lighter tone. But I don't know if it really works but should try it.
Reply:Check this out for home remedies for improving the complexion
Dark skin tone???
You might try Mary Kay Even Complexion Essence. It works for some people with uneven coloration.
Dark skin tone???
It is easy, make nudity and get sun on all your body.
Reply:In some African beauty store, they sell some creme create lighter tone. But I don't know if it really works but should try it.
Reply:Check this out for home remedies for improving the complexion
Fell down and my skin ripped off totally, HELP!!!?
About 2 days ago. I fell down and knocked my leg really hard on the door. I mean below the door. The skin on my foot just rip off about 1cm long and 0.3cm wide. The thing is that my 1st layer of skin is totally gone. I can see my second layer skin. No pain at the moment coz there is no skin to send impulse to my brain..
Just about 1-2 minutes later it started to bleed. I feel like going to go fainted after about 5-8 minutes, so i decided to drink some water. It helped.
And now (2days later) some scab formed on the wound.
The problem is that i find it hard to walk. My skin around the wound is getting alittle red and it feels like there is something inside the skin(alittlebit hot). Blood most probably.
I think my blood vessel on my 1st layer of skin is cut off and blood is flowing through out the space between my 2 layer of skin.
It feels like something is going to burst out from my skin thround the wound..
Does any1 get into this trouble before?.. what to do?
Help me ASAP =(
Fell down and my skin ripped off totally, HELP!!!?
ok it's getting mildly infected. get some neosporin (or any topical antibiotic ointment) and apply to the wound. wrap the wound in some nice sterile dressing. take some ibuprofen and relax. you're not going to bleed to death and your leg most likely won't fall off.
and btw, acetaminophen (tylenol) will do nothing for the swelling or infection. and be worried about any doctor that can't spell advil or tylenol.
Fell down and my skin ripped off totally, HELP!!!?
I would go to the dr or to the ER. They would be the best ones to help you!
Er would probably be faster.
Reply:The heat you feel may be the sign of a possible is the body's response to bacteria. I would suggest getting some peroxide and cleansing the wound very well. Go to the store and purchase some gauze ("sterile" if available), triple antibiotic ointment and tape or large band-aids. Clean the area with sterile water, then the peroxide and apply a thin layer of ointment.....put the gauze over it and change it once per day. You will NEED to STAY OFF of your foot for a least a week because it will take longer to heel with the constant pressure.
Good Luck
Reply:It sounds like you might be getting infected.
Wash the wound well with soap and water, unless you have some peroxide, then you can dab it and then rinse. If you have any Bacitracin or other antibiotic ointment, put some of that on. Then apply gauze or a clean cloth of anykind -- a ripped up handkerchief or whatever. Then wrap it with a compression type wrap -- Ace bandage, Coban (co-hesive bandage) but not too tight to cut off the circulation of your foot. Or whatever long strip of cloth you can find for the time being.
I would suggest going to the ER or any doc in the box type of place, since you might actually have to be put on antibiotics.
I hope it's not all that bad, but if it is, leaving it untreated by a medical professional might be a mistake this time.
Reply:You need to go to a hospital or a family doctor, to get this wound cleaned and if needed closed.
The hotness and swelling you are feeling is from the inflammation of the wound and tissue oedema,
most propably the wound is getting infected which can really make things worse, especially if you are a diabetic person (you should check esp that you say you can't feel the pain in the wound).
until you go to the doctor, make sure to clean the wound with soap and water, an over the counter pain bill (like adevil or tylanol) will help you with the pain and will decrease the inflammation
Reply:It's probably some normal inflammation around the area. I'm sure you whacked it pretty hard and there's some soft tissue swelling I'm sure. The warmth and redness makes me think that there's an infection going on. You should have put a compress on it (even if it was paper towels!) to stop the bleeding ASAP, put some triple antibiotic on it (Neosporin) and kept it covered to keep germs out of it. Start putting the Neosporin on it NOW, cover it and take Tylenol to keep the infection (and possible fever down the road) at bay.
Reply:I tripped over some boards 4/28/06 and it's bearly finishing the healing part. Because the and nerves have been damaged the healing has to start from the inside out. If it starts on to then the injured part will become infected. You have to keep it very clean. I used neosportin. I didn't go to the doctor because I thought I could handle it myself. I should have gone because it started to get infected and I needed antibiotics. Please see a doctor to have this deep wound looked after.
I have damage all around the the area out. The skin is like a plastic and itches at times. When this happens i spray it with benedryl for allergies and it helps. I hope this helps you somewhat.
Reply:You should have immediately cleaned the wound with peroxide and put neosporin or some other type of ointment on it and bandaged it to prevent infection. It sounds like you may already have an infection at this point though (foot wounds are really succeptible to infections since your feet are constantly touching the ground which is covered in bacteria) so you should go to the emergency room or see a doctor about it right away; they will clean the wound properly and probably put you on some sort of antibiotic.
Reply:You may be getting a superficial infection because of the large skin being ripped off. I'd suggest going to see your nearest podiatrist for an evaluation. You may need to be put on 7-10days of antibiotics. Leave the scab alone as it will heal on its own - your doctor may debride that if it looks it needs to be debrided. I'd also cover the area with Neosporin and a big gauze pad. Please do go see that doctor soon - red, hot, swollen usualy means infection. Hope this helps!
Just about 1-2 minutes later it started to bleed. I feel like going to go fainted after about 5-8 minutes, so i decided to drink some water. It helped.
And now (2days later) some scab formed on the wound.
The problem is that i find it hard to walk. My skin around the wound is getting alittle red and it feels like there is something inside the skin(alittlebit hot). Blood most probably.
I think my blood vessel on my 1st layer of skin is cut off and blood is flowing through out the space between my 2 layer of skin.
It feels like something is going to burst out from my skin thround the wound..
Does any1 get into this trouble before?.. what to do?
Help me ASAP =(
Fell down and my skin ripped off totally, HELP!!!?
ok it's getting mildly infected. get some neosporin (or any topical antibiotic ointment) and apply to the wound. wrap the wound in some nice sterile dressing. take some ibuprofen and relax. you're not going to bleed to death and your leg most likely won't fall off.
and btw, acetaminophen (tylenol) will do nothing for the swelling or infection. and be worried about any doctor that can't spell advil or tylenol.
Fell down and my skin ripped off totally, HELP!!!?
I would go to the dr or to the ER. They would be the best ones to help you!
Er would probably be faster.
Reply:The heat you feel may be the sign of a possible is the body's response to bacteria. I would suggest getting some peroxide and cleansing the wound very well. Go to the store and purchase some gauze ("sterile" if available), triple antibiotic ointment and tape or large band-aids. Clean the area with sterile water, then the peroxide and apply a thin layer of ointment.....put the gauze over it and change it once per day. You will NEED to STAY OFF of your foot for a least a week because it will take longer to heel with the constant pressure.
Good Luck
Reply:It sounds like you might be getting infected.
Wash the wound well with soap and water, unless you have some peroxide, then you can dab it and then rinse. If you have any Bacitracin or other antibiotic ointment, put some of that on. Then apply gauze or a clean cloth of anykind -- a ripped up handkerchief or whatever. Then wrap it with a compression type wrap -- Ace bandage, Coban (co-hesive bandage) but not too tight to cut off the circulation of your foot. Or whatever long strip of cloth you can find for the time being.
I would suggest going to the ER or any doc in the box type of place, since you might actually have to be put on antibiotics.
I hope it's not all that bad, but if it is, leaving it untreated by a medical professional might be a mistake this time.
Reply:You need to go to a hospital or a family doctor, to get this wound cleaned and if needed closed.
The hotness and swelling you are feeling is from the inflammation of the wound and tissue oedema,
most propably the wound is getting infected which can really make things worse, especially if you are a diabetic person (you should check esp that you say you can't feel the pain in the wound).
until you go to the doctor, make sure to clean the wound with soap and water, an over the counter pain bill (like adevil or tylanol) will help you with the pain and will decrease the inflammation
Reply:It's probably some normal inflammation around the area. I'm sure you whacked it pretty hard and there's some soft tissue swelling I'm sure. The warmth and redness makes me think that there's an infection going on. You should have put a compress on it (even if it was paper towels!) to stop the bleeding ASAP, put some triple antibiotic on it (Neosporin) and kept it covered to keep germs out of it. Start putting the Neosporin on it NOW, cover it and take Tylenol to keep the infection (and possible fever down the road) at bay.
Reply:I tripped over some boards 4/28/06 and it's bearly finishing the healing part. Because the and nerves have been damaged the healing has to start from the inside out. If it starts on to then the injured part will become infected. You have to keep it very clean. I used neosportin. I didn't go to the doctor because I thought I could handle it myself. I should have gone because it started to get infected and I needed antibiotics. Please see a doctor to have this deep wound looked after.
I have damage all around the the area out. The skin is like a plastic and itches at times. When this happens i spray it with benedryl for allergies and it helps. I hope this helps you somewhat.
Reply:You should have immediately cleaned the wound with peroxide and put neosporin or some other type of ointment on it and bandaged it to prevent infection. It sounds like you may already have an infection at this point though (foot wounds are really succeptible to infections since your feet are constantly touching the ground which is covered in bacteria) so you should go to the emergency room or see a doctor about it right away; they will clean the wound properly and probably put you on some sort of antibiotic.
Reply:You may be getting a superficial infection because of the large skin being ripped off. I'd suggest going to see your nearest podiatrist for an evaluation. You may need to be put on 7-10days of antibiotics. Leave the scab alone as it will heal on its own - your doctor may debride that if it looks it needs to be debrided. I'd also cover the area with Neosporin and a big gauze pad. Please do go see that doctor soon - red, hot, swollen usualy means infection. Hope this helps!
Peeled Skin from washing/rubbing face, skin was red now pink, will my skin regenerate back 2 normal?
The area where I lost/peeled skin had retin a applied the night be4 and the area where I lost/peeled skin had no active acne. No blood came out of the peeled area but my skin is gone and what I saw was flesh like red and after a few hours it is now pink. I've been applying neosporin 4 now 2 keep it moist. Will I have scar now? Will my skin regenerate back 2 normal after a week or 2? What should I do now 2 heal? Thanks for any educated/experienced responses.
Peeled Skin from washing/rubbing face, skin was red now pink, will my skin regenerate back 2 normal?
Your skin should be just fine and shouldn't need any special care, not even the neosporin cream. Just try to refrain from irritating it further and everything should go back to normal with no scarring, just give it a chance to heal a bit.
Peeled Skin from washing/rubbing face, skin was red now pink, will my skin regenerate back 2 normal?
Yes you do not need to mess with it and all i mean you need to check on it and will get back to normal and all and from now on dont rub it so hard.
Peeled Skin from washing/rubbing face, skin was red now pink, will my skin regenerate back 2 normal?
Your skin should be just fine and shouldn't need any special care, not even the neosporin cream. Just try to refrain from irritating it further and everything should go back to normal with no scarring, just give it a chance to heal a bit.
Peeled Skin from washing/rubbing face, skin was red now pink, will my skin regenerate back 2 normal?
Yes you do not need to mess with it and all i mean you need to check on it and will get back to normal and all and from now on dont rub it so hard.
My skin is flaky, but oily at the same time...?
My skin is oily and I have (treated) acne, but there are still flakes of skin. I get shiny but the flakes are still there. Ive exfoliated and done a lot of home remedies but still nothing seems to work. Anyone know what causes this? Its not any skin cleansers or anything that's making it like this because it's been like this for awhile even after changing products. All my skin products are for combination skin, by the way. How can I fix my skin up?
My skin is flaky, but oily at the same time...?
Your skin is excessively oily because it is trying to moisturize itself from the chronic dryness caused by your acne products - hence, the 'flakes'.
Try a different approach. Purchase a bar of natural soap and a gallon of distilled water (chlorine in public water supplies is often the source of acne outbreaks called 'chloracne'). Wash two or three times a day with the natural soap and distilled water. Wipe gently afterward with witch hazel to control the oil - but not if the witch hazel burns, which it could depending on the chemicals you are using for the acne. The chemicals in the acne products are causing the excessive dryness, leading to the excessive oilyness and, of course, to worse breakouts requiring more acne products that cause excessive dryness, that lead to the excessive oilyness and well, you get the picture.
Plain natural soap without fragrances or dyes (if you can't pronounce an ingredient, don't buy it), distilled water, witch hazel. Pretty simple and will balance out your skin. No more dryness, no more oilyness and a naturally radiant glow.
There is a mask on my profile that you can try - but it won't do too much for you if you keep using acne products that undo the benefits of nature.
My skin is flaky, but oily at the same time...?
Forget all those expensive cosmetics; I recommend virgin coconut oil for your skin, hair and diet. I could list a dozen reasons why, but if you Googled "virgin coconut oil" you'd find them yourself. Since I've been using it about 2 weeks, my skin is softer, smoother, and NOT dry anymore, even I live in Southern California. My hair is unbelievable-I've never had such soft, shiny hair and it's down to my waist. I also have these dry skin patches on my legs from a medication. I've had them for years and absolutely hate them-they are SO ugly. But the virgin coconut oil is making them *disappear*.
You can get it from eBay item like this:
Reply:1] buy face wash [ NOT bar soap ], toner [ NOT astringent ], sunscreen, and oil free moisturizer for YOUR skin type - consider sensitive skin formula, instead of combo skin ].
Wash, tone, and sunscreen in AM; wash, tone, and moisturize in PM.
2] exfoliate with St Ives sensitive skin apricot face scrub, two or three times a week. Rinse very thoroughly.
3] avoid using foundation, or other skin makeup as often as possible until skin gets in better shape
4] avoid all fried, fast, or junk food - even diet junk food
5] drink 1/2 gallon of water a day - avoid caffeine, alcohol, sweeteners or diet sweeteners
6] take a good multivitamin with minerals in it every day
7] if no improvement after two weeks of this, see a dermatologist
Reply:An oily skin , as the name implies, is one in which the sebaceous or oil-producing glands are over active. As surface grease tends to attract dirt, an oily skin acquires a dirty surface film , that needs to be removed daily. For more details log to
Reply:funny how Rina Oct copies and pastes the same crap on every one of her answers. its spam....beware.
drink lots and lots of water, I would use a facial peel mask, and follow up with biosilk therapy for hair, mixed w/ henna and placenta repair. it works wonders for me.
My skin is flaky, but oily at the same time...?
Your skin is excessively oily because it is trying to moisturize itself from the chronic dryness caused by your acne products - hence, the 'flakes'.
Try a different approach. Purchase a bar of natural soap and a gallon of distilled water (chlorine in public water supplies is often the source of acne outbreaks called 'chloracne'). Wash two or three times a day with the natural soap and distilled water. Wipe gently afterward with witch hazel to control the oil - but not if the witch hazel burns, which it could depending on the chemicals you are using for the acne. The chemicals in the acne products are causing the excessive dryness, leading to the excessive oilyness and, of course, to worse breakouts requiring more acne products that cause excessive dryness, that lead to the excessive oilyness and well, you get the picture.
Plain natural soap without fragrances or dyes (if you can't pronounce an ingredient, don't buy it), distilled water, witch hazel. Pretty simple and will balance out your skin. No more dryness, no more oilyness and a naturally radiant glow.
There is a mask on my profile that you can try - but it won't do too much for you if you keep using acne products that undo the benefits of nature.
My skin is flaky, but oily at the same time...?
Forget all those expensive cosmetics; I recommend virgin coconut oil for your skin, hair and diet. I could list a dozen reasons why, but if you Googled "virgin coconut oil" you'd find them yourself. Since I've been using it about 2 weeks, my skin is softer, smoother, and NOT dry anymore, even I live in Southern California. My hair is unbelievable-I've never had such soft, shiny hair and it's down to my waist. I also have these dry skin patches on my legs from a medication. I've had them for years and absolutely hate them-they are SO ugly. But the virgin coconut oil is making them *disappear*.
You can get it from eBay item like this:
Reply:1] buy face wash [ NOT bar soap ], toner [ NOT astringent ], sunscreen, and oil free moisturizer for YOUR skin type - consider sensitive skin formula, instead of combo skin ].
Wash, tone, and sunscreen in AM; wash, tone, and moisturize in PM.
2] exfoliate with St Ives sensitive skin apricot face scrub, two or three times a week. Rinse very thoroughly.
3] avoid using foundation, or other skin makeup as often as possible until skin gets in better shape
4] avoid all fried, fast, or junk food - even diet junk food
5] drink 1/2 gallon of water a day - avoid caffeine, alcohol, sweeteners or diet sweeteners
6] take a good multivitamin with minerals in it every day
7] if no improvement after two weeks of this, see a dermatologist
Reply:An oily skin , as the name implies, is one in which the sebaceous or oil-producing glands are over active. As surface grease tends to attract dirt, an oily skin acquires a dirty surface film , that needs to be removed daily. For more details log to
Reply:funny how Rina Oct copies and pastes the same crap on every one of her answers. its spam....beware.
drink lots and lots of water, I would use a facial peel mask, and follow up with biosilk therapy for hair, mixed w/ henna and placenta repair. it works wonders for me.
Major skin problem and in desperate need of help!?
OKay my face isn't too zitty but I have little zits and bumps under the skin on my forehead and chin. It doesn't look too bad but I hate it and sometimes it hurts. I also ahve tiny black heads all over my nose and inbetween my eyebrows and on my hair line and beside all my zits my skin is dry and when I try to cover it up with make up it looks worse. I've tried every thing. I use St. Ives apricot scrub, clean and clear, clearisil, i have this clean and clear scrub but it only seems to make my skin more dry and look worse. I don't really want to use proactive because you ahve to order it. I really need help. My freshman year is approching and I don't want to have bad skin for my first highschool year. I need to know what to use and how to use it and how many times a day and every thing. Please help me I've been baddaling this bad skin for years and I feel like an ugly loser around all my perfect skinned friends. Thanx a Million!
Major skin problem and in desperate need of help!?
Hey. I know what you mean.... I suffer from medium-severe acne. So,..I'll just tell you my experiences.
I tried almost every over the counter product. Anything from Clean and Clear or Neutrogena works pretty good. But it didn't help much for me. lol.
Proactive BURNED my skin. And when I went out in the sun, it would peel, and turn red. It took 8 months to get my skin back to normal again, and it still looked like ****. haha^^. AND I WORE SPF 50 every day! lol
So.. what I suggest to you, is to go see a dermatologist. It isn't that hard to make an appointment for something that can change your life dramatically. The derm will look at your skin, and find something that will suit YOUR skin type, and YOUR problem areas. I went to the dermatologist, and she gave me 2 pills to take, along with 2 creams. It took about 3 months for my face to be clear, and it got worst in months 1 and 2, but it's worth it. I use....Retin A micro, and clindamycin^^.
In the morning, I make sure I put on a light moisturizer on my face. I've tried EVERYTHING, but.... the only one that really moisturized my skin oil (you can get it at walgreens). Some good ones that might work for you are Aveeno and Olay. Didn't do much for me though.....
For St. Ives, the ones with beads are good for exfoliating. You shouldn't overdo it because it pretty much peels your skin, and makes it raw. =/ It's good if you use it like..once a week. But, use a gentle cleanser. I don't use one because it just irritates my skin too much.
ANYWAYS, it might take a while for you to find something that works for you... Just try products, but don't overdo it. And, keep it simple. Cleanse, and moisturize, and heal. Don't pop pimples,...just makes it worse.
Hope I helped! loool. bye!! %26lt;333
Major skin problem and in desperate need of help!?
I had the same problem the summer before I started freshman year, and I decided to go to a dermatologist, who gave me two medicines that worked wonders on my skin. If I were you, I'd ask your parents to go for a consultation as soon as possible, since many medications take a while to start working, so you can start the year with confidence.
Reply:All those products that you were listing such as the apricot scrub, clean and clear, etc. Im sorry baby but that's not to REMOVE acne, it's to prevent it.
You have to cure your blemishes first. Ask your doctor about some medication. My aunt is a pharmacist and she gave me this medicine for my acne, and it worked enormously well, my skin cleared up soo well, and now i just maintain my clear skin with proactive.
Also, proactive doesn't have to be ordered, you can purchase a kit at the mall, and also it's a bigger kit than the one in the commerical.
good luck with your first year of high school!
Reply:Nothing over the counter will probably work. You will have to go to a dermatologist and talk to them. That is your best bet.
Reply:have you thought about what you eat? i used to be allergic to milk, but am over it. i notice when i eat and drink less milk products my face doesn't break out quite so badly. think about the things you eat a lot.
but boy can i relate... well, i too after years of suffering since like 6th grade went to the dermatologist for the first time this year over spring break, and i was a freshman in college. he put me on retin-a micro and it seems
to be working some, but it's still not quite the way i want it. i wish i could answer it better for you, but i'd suggest going to the dermatologist, you may be perscribed something completely different or stronger. it's like there is a sea of options.
i have tried this in the past few weeks, so i can' tell you how they work quite yet accurately, but i bought clean and clear oil absorbing wipes to try to soak up some excess oil to keep my pores from plugging up worse. they work really well to get the oil off, and less oil=skin that can breathe better and less to clog it up. also, try biore blackhead strips for your nose, they are pretty neat, but dont use them more then once every 3 days! (at least it says so on the package)
hope something works for you! i'm still waiting! :)
Reply:Well first off.....alot of this depends on diet believe it or not.
Also, on how often your washing your face. Consistancy is very important. The products that you use too, because some can make your skin worse. You might want to get your doc to recommend you to a dermatologist.
Another thing is the kind of makeup you're wearing. I would say steer clear from it right now, well cover up or foundation for now. But anything that's oil based is no good. That will just clog your pores. Waterbased foundations are the way to go.
My personal cleaning regiment is washing my face with noxema. I've been using it since I was 11 and it's always been great for my skin. I then put toner on, which draws out oils and dirt and tightens pores and then I use a 'water' based moisturizer. And 2 times a week I use a scrub on my face and also steaming the face is helpful.
OH and one more thing.....I find putting toothpast..yes toothpaste on zits really works. I put it on the affected area before I go to bed and in the morning I wash it off.
Hope any of this helps you..Good luck
Major skin problem and in desperate need of help!?
Hey. I know what you mean.... I suffer from medium-severe acne. So,..I'll just tell you my experiences.
I tried almost every over the counter product. Anything from Clean and Clear or Neutrogena works pretty good. But it didn't help much for me. lol.
Proactive BURNED my skin. And when I went out in the sun, it would peel, and turn red. It took 8 months to get my skin back to normal again, and it still looked like ****. haha^^. AND I WORE SPF 50 every day! lol
So.. what I suggest to you, is to go see a dermatologist. It isn't that hard to make an appointment for something that can change your life dramatically. The derm will look at your skin, and find something that will suit YOUR skin type, and YOUR problem areas. I went to the dermatologist, and she gave me 2 pills to take, along with 2 creams. It took about 3 months for my face to be clear, and it got worst in months 1 and 2, but it's worth it. I use....Retin A micro, and clindamycin^^.
In the morning, I make sure I put on a light moisturizer on my face. I've tried EVERYTHING, but.... the only one that really moisturized my skin oil (you can get it at walgreens). Some good ones that might work for you are Aveeno and Olay. Didn't do much for me though.....
For St. Ives, the ones with beads are good for exfoliating. You shouldn't overdo it because it pretty much peels your skin, and makes it raw. =/ It's good if you use it like..once a week. But, use a gentle cleanser. I don't use one because it just irritates my skin too much.
ANYWAYS, it might take a while for you to find something that works for you... Just try products, but don't overdo it. And, keep it simple. Cleanse, and moisturize, and heal. Don't pop pimples,...just makes it worse.
Hope I helped! loool. bye!! %26lt;333
Major skin problem and in desperate need of help!?
I had the same problem the summer before I started freshman year, and I decided to go to a dermatologist, who gave me two medicines that worked wonders on my skin. If I were you, I'd ask your parents to go for a consultation as soon as possible, since many medications take a while to start working, so you can start the year with confidence.
Reply:All those products that you were listing such as the apricot scrub, clean and clear, etc. Im sorry baby but that's not to REMOVE acne, it's to prevent it.
You have to cure your blemishes first. Ask your doctor about some medication. My aunt is a pharmacist and she gave me this medicine for my acne, and it worked enormously well, my skin cleared up soo well, and now i just maintain my clear skin with proactive.
Also, proactive doesn't have to be ordered, you can purchase a kit at the mall, and also it's a bigger kit than the one in the commerical.
good luck with your first year of high school!
Reply:Nothing over the counter will probably work. You will have to go to a dermatologist and talk to them. That is your best bet.
Reply:have you thought about what you eat? i used to be allergic to milk, but am over it. i notice when i eat and drink less milk products my face doesn't break out quite so badly. think about the things you eat a lot.
but boy can i relate... well, i too after years of suffering since like 6th grade went to the dermatologist for the first time this year over spring break, and i was a freshman in college. he put me on retin-a micro and it seems
to be working some, but it's still not quite the way i want it. i wish i could answer it better for you, but i'd suggest going to the dermatologist, you may be perscribed something completely different or stronger. it's like there is a sea of options.
i have tried this in the past few weeks, so i can' tell you how they work quite yet accurately, but i bought clean and clear oil absorbing wipes to try to soak up some excess oil to keep my pores from plugging up worse. they work really well to get the oil off, and less oil=skin that can breathe better and less to clog it up. also, try biore blackhead strips for your nose, they are pretty neat, but dont use them more then once every 3 days! (at least it says so on the package)
hope something works for you! i'm still waiting! :)
Reply:Well first off.....alot of this depends on diet believe it or not.
Also, on how often your washing your face. Consistancy is very important. The products that you use too, because some can make your skin worse. You might want to get your doc to recommend you to a dermatologist.
Another thing is the kind of makeup you're wearing. I would say steer clear from it right now, well cover up or foundation for now. But anything that's oil based is no good. That will just clog your pores. Waterbased foundations are the way to go.
My personal cleaning regiment is washing my face with noxema. I've been using it since I was 11 and it's always been great for my skin. I then put toner on, which draws out oils and dirt and tightens pores and then I use a 'water' based moisturizer. And 2 times a week I use a scrub on my face and also steaming the face is helpful.
OH and one more thing.....I find putting toothpast..yes toothpaste on zits really works. I put it on the affected area before I go to bed and in the morning I wash it off.
Hope any of this helps you..Good luck
Please Help, skin issue? Esthetician or anyone who knows anything about skin?
I have very fussy/sensitive skin, and try to use products that are free of fragrance and dyes. I am having so much trouble in choosing a product (moisturizer mainly) that will suit my skin. Either the cream/lotion will not hydrate it enough, then it feels tight, or, it will moisturize it well (and will feel comfortable) but then my skin looks super oily and shiny. I am losing my mind, and spending so much money to get the right product. I am currently using Dove Sensitive cleansing cloths, Clinique MILD toner (no drying alcohol), and Dove Sensitive lotion. It is all well and great, but my skin looks so oily from the lotion. When I try the Clinique DDM Lotion, then it is not moisturized Enough, and it gets tight with dry lines. I cannot get a happy medium, and it is driving me insane. I have decent skin, but need something to fix these issues, so my skin can just be "normal". Anyone have any ideas??
Please Help, skin issue? Esthetician or anyone who knows anything about skin?
Look into Dermalogica products. They are developed by dermatologists and are awesome. You can go check out their website and read all about their products. For your situation, definitely check out the Multi-Active Toner...I love it, it actually helps seal moisture into your skin. They have three moisturizers I really like that avoid that shiny situation: Active Moist, Sheer Moisture, and Oil Control Lotion, but that last one doesn't sound like it would be right for you. If you really want professional advice on picking exactly the best one for you, see an aesthetician that is familiar with Dermalogica products...I'd say most all of them are, and probably most use them in their treatments...and they will be able to evaluate your skin up close. If you decide to go for Dermalogica, DON'T buy it in the stores or salon! They mark it up ridiculously. Buy it from You will save a ton of money, the shipping is free on order over I believe $49, and they will send you samples of whatever you ask for. They ship SUPER fast, my order usually arrives within 2 business days of when I order it...they are located in Novato, California I believe, and I live in Ventura County, California, so I don't know if that has something to do with the short time or where you live, but in any case they always ship it out next day, sometimes even same day if you get the order in early enough. Good luck with your search and I hope this helped and that you will find what works for you.
Please Help, skin issue? Esthetician or anyone who knows anything about skin?
Look into Dermalogica products. They are developed by dermatologists and are awesome. You can go check out their website and read all about their products. For your situation, definitely check out the Multi-Active Toner...I love it, it actually helps seal moisture into your skin. They have three moisturizers I really like that avoid that shiny situation: Active Moist, Sheer Moisture, and Oil Control Lotion, but that last one doesn't sound like it would be right for you. If you really want professional advice on picking exactly the best one for you, see an aesthetician that is familiar with Dermalogica products...I'd say most all of them are, and probably most use them in their treatments...and they will be able to evaluate your skin up close. If you decide to go for Dermalogica, DON'T buy it in the stores or salon! They mark it up ridiculously. Buy it from You will save a ton of money, the shipping is free on order over I believe $49, and they will send you samples of whatever you ask for. They ship SUPER fast, my order usually arrives within 2 business days of when I order it...they are located in Novato, California I believe, and I live in Ventura County, California, so I don't know if that has something to do with the short time or where you live, but in any case they always ship it out next day, sometimes even same day if you get the order in early enough. Good luck with your search and I hope this helped and that you will find what works for you.
Bebo Skin Help Please! =S?
Yes, um, you know when you make a skin? And yeah, it's all made and edited, finished. Then, you set it to 'anyone can use', so that, well, anyone can use it really (shrugs) =/
But, how do you delete the skin after??? =S
Cuz, I did a skin for my friend, and I set it to 'anyone can use' so that she could use it for her bebo. And now, I want to delete the skin because my friend has it now, cuz it was meant for HER.
How do you delete the skin after it's been set as 'anyone can use' ...... ??
Please answer ^^ Thanks a LOT if ya do =] Had lots of trouble last night figuring out how to delete the skin 卢卢
ANYWAY, thanks again! =D
Bebo Skin Help Please! =S?
If its one you have made you cant delete but you can change yours sorry x
But, how do you delete the skin after??? =S
Cuz, I did a skin for my friend, and I set it to 'anyone can use' so that she could use it for her bebo. And now, I want to delete the skin because my friend has it now, cuz it was meant for HER.
How do you delete the skin after it's been set as 'anyone can use' ...... ??
Please answer ^^ Thanks a LOT if ya do =] Had lots of trouble last night figuring out how to delete the skin 卢卢
ANYWAY, thanks again! =D
Bebo Skin Help Please! =S?
If its one you have made you cant delete but you can change yours sorry x
What seaon irritates the skin most by drying out the skin? I heard that winter irritates the skin most why?
also, does spring, summer, and fall irritates the skin by drying it out? i have acne skin so i really dont wanna irriate my skin and worsen my acne...So does winter irritates the skin? does summer irriate skin? spring, fall? And also, does a heater dry up the skin? it's really cold, i wanna use a heater, but i think it might irriate my skin and worsen my acne.
What seaon irritates the skin most by drying out the skin? I heard that winter irritates the skin most why?
It's more cold during winter time so ur skin gets drier thts why.....
What seaon irritates the skin most by drying out the skin? I heard that winter irritates the skin most why?
im sure a heater is absolutely fine... (might i recomend the "clean and clear" spot treatment? it works great for acne!) go ahead and use your heater.... dont freeze yourself because you're afraid of a few more pimples!
Reply:Winter irritates the skin the most because of the harsh winds causing dry skin. Plus, since its winter you might be wearing full-length itchy clothes that could irritate the skin even more.
Reply:acne is mostly a adolescents problem. dyred skin mostly happens in winter with the cold winds %26amp; snow. yes a heater ( stove ) will dry up the skin because your suppose to have a ressavoir full of water on/with it .
Reply:'Winter skin' is usually more dry because people turn their heaters on, but don't use humidifiers.
This affects some people [ usually those of us who already have dry skin ], but not the majority.
The weather itself is not the problem - it is the lack of humidity in the air.
Spring, summer, fall should not affect skin much, unless heat is on!
fruit baskets
What seaon irritates the skin most by drying out the skin? I heard that winter irritates the skin most why?
It's more cold during winter time so ur skin gets drier thts why.....
What seaon irritates the skin most by drying out the skin? I heard that winter irritates the skin most why?
im sure a heater is absolutely fine... (might i recomend the "clean and clear" spot treatment? it works great for acne!) go ahead and use your heater.... dont freeze yourself because you're afraid of a few more pimples!
Reply:Winter irritates the skin the most because of the harsh winds causing dry skin. Plus, since its winter you might be wearing full-length itchy clothes that could irritate the skin even more.
Reply:acne is mostly a adolescents problem. dyred skin mostly happens in winter with the cold winds %26amp; snow. yes a heater ( stove ) will dry up the skin because your suppose to have a ressavoir full of water on/with it .
Reply:'Winter skin' is usually more dry because people turn their heaters on, but don't use humidifiers.
This affects some people [ usually those of us who already have dry skin ], but not the majority.
The weather itself is not the problem - it is the lack of humidity in the air.
Spring, summer, fall should not affect skin much, unless heat is on!
fruit baskets
Greasy skin... any ideas to dry it out?!?
My skin's become really greasy lately, so I've stopped using toner as I heard it can make the skin produce more sebum (grease), and I've changed to a moisturiser for oily skin, and have started using a daily scrub designed for oily + blemished skin.
I've been on this routine for about 2 weeks now, but there seems to be no improvement, my skin is still like an oil slick, esp towards the end of the day.
Does anyone have any ideas/tips/particular toiletries or remedies they can recommend to help clear it up or at least calm it down?!
(Also does anyone know why skin can suddenly become greasy with no change to cosmetics/toiletries etc?)
Thanks all, and have a good day ^.^
Greasy skin... any ideas to dry it out?!?
maybe its the products you are using, which are making your skin all greasy. I suggest you should go for organic, natural stuff like body butter you can buy at the BODY SHOP which comes in many varity of fruit and flavours which are healthy for your skin???
Greasy skin... any ideas to dry it out?!?
dont take your showers or baths to hot! this will also make your hair shinyer if you cool it down a bit,
when you done showering, end it of with as cold as you can take! its not very nice, but it certainly helps!
Good Luck!
Reply:try clearisil ultra face wash, then clean n clear astringent(it looks like a blue liquid), then put clearsil acne treatment cream on your pimples(if u have any). this really works!!! do this twice a day!
Reply:i would recommend a mild bar of soap that you can buy in the supermarket like asda, tesco's etc. try to find one which has aloe Vera in it and says helps to heal the skin as i got one in sainsbury's and it was only about 34p i know it sounds cheap and nasty but its really kind on my face and it makes my skin look really good as it isn't greasy or dry it seems just right good luck Hun. x plus using this kind of product is better for you as there aren't any harmful chemicals in it which can dry out your skin etc.
Reply:wash your face with estee lauder fash wash for oily skin and use oil absorbing sheets whenever you need a touch up. good luck.
Reply:Make sure your products are oil free and non commedone. Lots of things can effect your skin, weather, your eating habits, exercise..etc
I use proactiv, and i have been told by lots of acne/oily skin sufferers that it helps them with drying out the oilyness of their skin
I've been on this routine for about 2 weeks now, but there seems to be no improvement, my skin is still like an oil slick, esp towards the end of the day.
Does anyone have any ideas/tips/particular toiletries or remedies they can recommend to help clear it up or at least calm it down?!
(Also does anyone know why skin can suddenly become greasy with no change to cosmetics/toiletries etc?)
Thanks all, and have a good day ^.^
Greasy skin... any ideas to dry it out?!?
maybe its the products you are using, which are making your skin all greasy. I suggest you should go for organic, natural stuff like body butter you can buy at the BODY SHOP which comes in many varity of fruit and flavours which are healthy for your skin???
Greasy skin... any ideas to dry it out?!?
dont take your showers or baths to hot! this will also make your hair shinyer if you cool it down a bit,
when you done showering, end it of with as cold as you can take! its not very nice, but it certainly helps!
Good Luck!
Reply:try clearisil ultra face wash, then clean n clear astringent(it looks like a blue liquid), then put clearsil acne treatment cream on your pimples(if u have any). this really works!!! do this twice a day!
Reply:i would recommend a mild bar of soap that you can buy in the supermarket like asda, tesco's etc. try to find one which has aloe Vera in it and says helps to heal the skin as i got one in sainsbury's and it was only about 34p i know it sounds cheap and nasty but its really kind on my face and it makes my skin look really good as it isn't greasy or dry it seems just right good luck Hun. x plus using this kind of product is better for you as there aren't any harmful chemicals in it which can dry out your skin etc.
Reply:wash your face with estee lauder fash wash for oily skin and use oil absorbing sheets whenever you need a touch up. good luck.
Reply:Make sure your products are oil free and non commedone. Lots of things can effect your skin, weather, your eating habits, exercise..etc
I use proactiv, and i have been told by lots of acne/oily skin sufferers that it helps them with drying out the oilyness of their skin
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