how can i get healthy skin, what do i need to eat and product do i need to use for me skin
i have acne and stuff
this is how i look
This is how i could look if it took care of my skin
can you list them , example what kind of vegetables and what brand product should i use for my skin
for acne prone skin, why not try using water based products or those with alpha hydroxy acid
also, eating food rich in vitamin c (citrus fruits) and vitamin e(avocado) is also good to the skin..
orangey soaps are also good for pimpled skin...
Drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses of pure water each day. Water hydrates, flushes toxins, relieves puffiness and increases radiance.
Eat sufficient protein so that the skin can repair itself. Protein deficiency brings on sagging and premature aging.
Include fish in your diet. Essential fatty acids keep skin soft and supple.
Limit simple carbohydrates. Refined sugar and flour cause premature aging.
Load up on brightly colored vegetables. Vitamins A and C enhance skin strength and metabolism, reduce inflammation and protect DNA.
Exercise to increase your blood flow, which brings more nutrients to your skin. However, don't forget to wash your body and face afterwards to keep it healthy.
Look for products that are soap, alcohol and fragrance free for the face as these will damage skin and clog pores.
Eat a diet high in fiber, including whole grains and fresh vegetables and fruits, to keep your body healthy overall and provide nutrients to your skin. Stay away from junk food, caffeine and salty foods.
Determine whether specific foods aggravate your skin and eliminate them from your diet.
Consider adding zinc supplements to your diet.
ps..hey what did u do to clear up ur face like that in the other pic?
Reply:You should use Products containing Salysilic acid,because Benzoil peroxide is too drying.I would recommend St.Ives apricot scrub for acne prone skin,or Murad complex if you have the money.Dont waiste your money on Proactive.You can try Clinique acne line as well.Something thats 2% high in SA should work just fine for you,and remeber to always Use a Oil free moisturizer=) good luck there buddy.
Either way you look handsom=)
Reply:You should really look into Murad's products. They have an "Acne Complex Kit" which has cleanser, treatment, moisturizer, and spot treatment inside of it; all that you need.
Murad is awesome...a bit pricey, but awesome. =)
Reply:The source below talks a little about food for healthy skin.
Reply:Acne is known as an Skin condition but the truth is the side effect of hormonal imbalances I suggest get off any dairy products and replace them for soy products you would be amaze and will see results within a week I also suggest get a good skin cleanser like the Clearskin at AVON you can shop at
and let me know because I'm sure you would want to thank me .... :)
Also drink lots of water is a list of foods that would help your skin:
Carrots, cucumbers,fish any green vegetable ,and also beets
Reply:no special diet needed. just lay off the pops drink more water-- lots of water. wash daily and moisterize
Reply:dude,ok this is drastic.every single day before you go to bed,steam your face for about half an hour,take a buket,pour hot water in,take atowl and put it over you so no steam will go free.after that take a lemon and rub it all over your face,drink lots of water and try to stay away from too much chocolates,sweet things,white bread and coke.
Reply:If you have not tried proactive you should really consider it.It works miracles and it leaves you feeling fresh and rejuvenated.Try to drink alot of milk and eat foods that are good in protein.Hope I helped.One really good vegetable is avocado.Also eat alot of citric fruits and foods with vitamin c in them.
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