I got teased all the time when I was younger for being dark skin. My family member hurted me the worst because of my skin color. It took me a long time before I started loving my skin. The first time someone told me my skin was beautiful was a white woman. She was so nice to me and she made me smile when I looked at my skin that day. So I wanted to know did other peope who are dark skin get teased for being dark? and when did you started to accept your dark skin.
To dark skin black people, did you get teased for being dark skin?
I started getting teased around the fifth grade for being dark skinned, but, I had a STRONG mother who instilled in me that "black is beautiful" and after hearing that from her all my life, I started believing it; and started carrying myself as such. I continued getting teased up until about the 7th grade; and by the time I got out of junior high and headed to high school, girlfriend, I had so much confidence, I scared myself (lol)... no, but, seriously, I started accepting my beautiful black skin, and I truly believe because I love myself so much it just oozes out of my pours and others can't help but to love me for who I am.
Good question...
To dark skin black people, did you get teased for being dark skin?
realize the disadvantages of being lighter.. (my sister is light-skinned) .well for example..Bruises are more noticable, scars are as well.. pimples can be spotted from miles away and u have to be careful of not hurting urself so much so that u wont have so many cuts.. Report It
Reply:no 1 can really see the blemishes in my skin.. i love myself the way i am... Black and beautiful and i could give a rats *** what other people think.. hope this helped..L8erz Report It
Reply:i've been picked at for being light skinned, im so pale even white people call me whitey.
Reply:i'm not black, but that is beautiful. and kind of a white woman to do that. you really don't hear that everyday.
i have dark skin, but not dark enough to be black. probably dark enough to be like a hawaiian. it's natural too, and i hated how dark it was because nobody else in my family was this dark - they were all pale. i never got teased though, but people would always ask me if i go to tanning salons. i guess now i appreciate it because my skin tans easily, so i got this skin color pretty easily.
Reply:i never got teased for my skin,maybe because i was in the Caribbean(Trinidad) and nobody has time to do that really,nobody doesn't tease you unless its really bad like you stink or something i remember buying alot of nice smelling stuff for a girl cause her smell was so overbearing she smelt like BO and pee but anyways oh yea i just remembered i got teased by this Spanish dude name Gus all he could of teased me with was my skin being darker but his face was just in a mess he was so ugly i used to pick something everyday he just stopped BTW don't let anybody make you feel bad about yourself black is beautiful,your skin is probably flawless whoever made you feel that way is probably jealous cuz their skin dont look like rich dark chocolate!
Reply:I hope you don't get teased any more - it's so cruel what people do to each other sometimes, and I'm not just talking about kids.
I work with a beautiful gal who has fairly dark skin, but she's really sweet and her skin is very soft. Too bad (for me, anyway) that she's involved with someone.....
Reply:I can't really answer your question the way you want me to, but I think your skin tone is beautiful and exotic. That's why some white people go to tanning beds, they want your complexion.
Reply:I was looking at a mannequin display in a department store, and possibly dazed off. When I moved A bunch of people around me jumped - they thought I was one of the mannequins. After that my friends have always teased me for being too pale (no freckles, either!) but I've always been a little ashamed. (I don't tan, either, so there's no changing it.)
You get teased no matter what you look like - whether or not you take it to heart is what matters.
Reply:Dark is relative. In the black community I was never bothered because I am a literal average tone for blacks. When I went to my mostly white high school I came close to having to kill someone to end the harassment that even the teachers were in on. In my extended family, ignorance reigned so they also participated in color discrimination.
How did I come to love myself? My parents were great, but true love came from not focusing on the external, but focusing on improving myself. I am smart because I choose to be. I am talented because I have varied interests. I choose to be great so I am. Others can see the skin all they want, but it is just a shell to the marvelous being within. And yes, I think my skin is good looking too and I LOVE dark women with smooth pretty skin and lovely soft features so you've got a fan right here.
Reply:Yes, I was teased all the time for my dark complextion. Growing up, My parents always told me that i was beautiful. Ofcourse, that always seemed hard to believe, given that i always felt unaccepted by my peers.However, it was not until college that i really looked at my skin and embraced it.
Reply:Yes, My family spent a bit of time in a small town. I was the darkest child in school. My sister "bless her heart" got into a lot of fights over me. { my sister is blond - blue eyes - fair skinned, I of course had black hair, dark eyes and dark skin tone} She is 4 yrs older then I - and she took up for me until we moved to where there were ppl with my skin tone. I guess I was around 9 when I accepted myself thanks to an african-american woman who would always tell me how pretty she thought my skin tone was...
Reply:No! My problem was just the opposite, only worse. I am very light complected so I had a problem with people both Black and White. I tried so hard to identify or- fit in, that when I was 18, I thought about joining the Black Panther Party, just to express my so-called, "Blackness". On the flip side of that, most Whites thought I was Hispanic or Italian. Both are cool, but because I was raised "Black", I took offense. When "White" people find that I'm "Black", their immediate response is, "No! You can't be Black!" "You don't act or talk like they do?" First of all, who is they? I guess they felt/feel that way because I don't fit the stereotype.... Just because I'm intelligent and live in a nice neighborhood; 'does that disqualify me from being "Black"? My skin color also has it's advantages. I am/was able to use my color as a free ticket to get things and go places that were off limits to most "Blacks". The best part was, that waaay-waaay back in the day, most men my complexion were referred to as "Pretty boys". That was fine with me , cause back then, "Pretty Boys" pulled all the fine women!!! That trend has definitely changed since then.... With all that being said, one day I looked in the mirror and saw a man, a successful man who had finally grown to accept who God made him to be. I can go anywhere, with anyone, and be comfortable with who I AM! I like me! It proves that God has a sense of humor. Guess what? I think I turned out to be a pretty good guy.....Amen! NMT
Reply:It was kinda the opposite in my family. Half of us are kinda peanut butter colored. The other half is pretty light. We sometimes tease the lighter ones. I'm sure you know all the yellow jokes too. I think black is beautiful! Every summer I try to stay out in the sun just to get a little more color. :o)
Reply:Not at night because people couldn't see me. Daytime was a different story.
Reply:Yes, all the time. My great-grandmother used to always tell me "not to stay in the sun too long" when I was little and she used to pinch my nose so it would be smaller.My mother and grandmother were also hurt by this type of racism and till this day,even with the death of my great-grandmother,they are still angry at her for this. I was so ashamed of my dark skin for a while. But people say I'm beautiful and I have a nice complexion.
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