How you always chasing after us Light skin African-American women, I not trying to sound close-minded or racist but I feel like you should be chasing after your women with dark skin. I hate hip hop because all you do is using these light skinned women in the videos and things. Where are the BLack women with pretty dark skin. I see a lot of sexy dark skin black women.
I know we are all black with diffrent skin tones but I would love to see Light skin black couple togather and dark skin black couple togather without hate.
Question for Dark skin African-American men?
Personally, I'm white. I like that chocolatey brown color, tho.
Question for Dark skin African-American men?
your crazy i LOVE dark skinned girls, and im a light skinned jamaican. Report It
Reply:I feel u ma... All woman of color has that beauty on this..
Reply:that is your opinion the color of the skin should not matter when you are in love
Reply:opposites attract? i see white men more than ever dating sisters and i think that nice. interracial datin. wooooooooo all us latinos do it
Reply:So, you are just a racist in your own race eh? sad
Reply:what the hell are you talking about
Reply:I like light skin and dark skin girls. I'm not going to limit myself. You are ridiculous.
Reply:This question is extremely racist. Men can date whoever they FREAKING WANT TO DATE and idiots like you should shut up- they shouldn't be going after woman because they hare a skin one, they should be ging after woman because they LIKE THEM.
When i see a bunch of white people and then two black people, a boy and a giirl, together, i think, What the heck! Is it a coincidence that the two of them are together and their race is the same or are they together because people made them think they should be?
Reply:But what's the difference between saying that light skinned blacks should be together and dark skinned blacks should be together, and saying that whites should only dates whites and blacks should only date blacks? If you categorize by color it's all the same argument.
Love doesn't know color :-)
Reply:I don't know who lied to you "Kelis Jordan". If I were you I would be spending more time trying to learn about how to keep a fresh look for a longer period. That way your husband won't have to divorce you after 18 years in marriage.
Trying to beat down and create a complex among black women is not the answer. The answer lies in looking deep into yourself, learn how to accept yourself and you flaws like numerous black women have done. Then you can see a skin specialist to see what can be best for you in the near future. There are things like Q10, Omega 3 (I hear it's good for the skin too), Vitamin A cream, Vitamin C, peeling and alot more that skin specialists can recommend. That is more constructive. Where will you head for next when you think that you have accomplished your brainwashing mission? To Africa? What alot of energy to waste. Use another strategy, pamper youself, and your body might respond to the good treatment you give it. I personally use Cocoa Butter and a peeling mask on weekends. I'm sorry for bragging but have you seen my skin? That's why - plus fresh food diet, of course, that I grew up on. Try it, all the rest is a wastage of energy you would put onto yourself instead.
I don't know how you look right now but it's never to late to keep it from getting worse. That's what I think.
Reply:well i agree with u that their shud be more dark skinned blk women in videos. but u kinda confused me about the whole light skinned dark skinned dating thing. are u saying dark skinned guys shud onli date dark skinned women??
Reply:Are you serious? I always get light skin guys chasing after me, and dark skin guys too. I dont discriminate against complexion, and I dont surrend myself with blacks (or anyone) that do. I am glad to say that I can choose who I want...Its like someone putting a box of assorted chocolates in front of me and saying 'pick one' I'd take the whole box and run with it!!! lol...
P.s. I'm Maia Campbells complexion, and sweetie, I've meet men who've seem a dark women so beautiful that they jumped right over a light skin girl and vise versa...maybe you're just attractive...has nothing to do with skin
Reply:girl ' shut ur dumb *** up,. how u gon say ur not racist yet u dont like dark skin men,***** get ur mind right.
Reply:I like black girls, the hue of darkness makes no difference to me. We are all the same ethnic grroup.
Reply:How small your world seems to be. What someone prefers is their choice. No one agrees with everything and not everyone will agree with you. What you may like...some one may dislike. Does this difference of choice make them an enemy? An example...some one may like classical's not hip-hop but then how many light or dark complexioned men or women like that type of music? To that end, how many whites like it as well? How many African-Americans do you even see or know of that even engage in that type of music? For the sake of is said that there is no such thing as a stupid question but at least give the question some thought before you ask. You may not have noticed but whites come in different hues also. As for the videos...there are PLENTY with sexy, pretty and ugly dark skinned black women. My take and let live...we all have our own cross to bear!
Reply:you sounded really really racist. i don't mind when you say that there should be darker black women in videos.
but telling people who to date and who not to date???
that is ridiculous. would you have a look at all your answers?
what do you think most of them tell you to do?
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