im 17 female was born a light light skin girl chinese eyes im black and we black people these days gets those skin problems and im light skin caramel and my skin changes all the time but i want my original light skin complexion back and i need good products dont care if its expensive i can buy it and it has to be good and dematoligsit recommended i cant spell it lol well anyways yea i need its for my back,neck, my big butt,
and i have blackheads and blemishes i want my good skin back like when i was little now i just feel ugly and ughhhh my man dont see that lol well anyways i need GOOD PRODUCTS LIKE skin bleach for discoloration please people love you bye everyone...
Discoloration skin in my a*** and back of my neck HELP i need products!!?
try ambi skin lightener ,u can get it at almost any store ,or a sally"s beauty supply,comes in different creams,like 4 dry,oily or regular skin,I used it to get rid of my freckles,and scars
Discoloration skin in my a*** and back of my neck HELP i need products!!?
ok dear...first thing to do as what u have stated here that u got a skin problem? well, all i can advice that much better if u have to mix of ur own formula and buy the stuff henna powder 2.hydrogen peroxide 20 volume 3.strong ammonia 4.lemon(small circle) 5.soap chips (ivory soap) 6.eveporated milk 7.white egg. for mixing:(depends on where u gonna apply)as i read ur history...materials: one big bowl %26amp; sterrer, start mixing white henna powder(10 tablespoonful), hydrogen peroxide vol.20( like sticky as mixing like cakes), soap chips(5tablespoonfuls), ster it very well looks very fine results then add five drops of strong ammonia, white eggs, lemon(10pcs.) then ster again until fine results. apply where u want , and maintain it everyday for one week for 30minutes then wash it in warm water then use milk lotion to make it smooth and shiny, after one week of time again u need to apply it 3 times in a week after followed by once a week (for 3 application) finally to maintain it make it every once a month for ur maintenance......good luck !!!!!
Reply:Good Morning, well at such a young age you want something for your delicate skin. You can go on-line and look at Mary Kay's line of skin care. We offer a variety of supplements for your thirsty skin. You may want to try an even complexion lotion for your face and neck. I use my own Mary Kay products and simply love it. Go on-line and check it out for yourself and feel free to ask me questions at any time.
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