Well, a few weeks ago i burnt my hand while i was cooking bacon. My hand slipped and my hand fell on the side of the frying pan. It burnt my skin really badly, at first it felt like just a clump of dead skin was on top of it but the next day it was like rock hard the skin. So i went to the doctor about 5 days later because its not infected.. He said that the area is hard because their is dead skin on top that has hardened or something, and now he said that it will probably heal and that i need to go see him tomorrow as i was walking out the door he is like you may need to get a skin graft. Im only 15 and im nearly dying here.. Im scared out of my brains just even going into the hospital but anyway i tried picking the burn before to see if it was just a scab that was on top and it started bleeding do i need a skin graft?? and do they hurt?? PLEASE GOD NO
Picture of burn
Do skin grafts hurt?
To put getting skin grafts in perspective:
I wouldn't worry too much..
Do skin grafts hurt?
Yes skin graphs do hurt they are peeling away layers of your skin
Reply:Yes! I burned my arm once when i was a child. It feels like a million bees stinging you at once while wolves are tearing at your flesh.The pain is so terrible you want to die but cant. It has scared me for life and i will never go within a hundred feet of fire or a doctor again. SOrry about the bad news
Reply:Skin graft....yes
Scrubbing of dead tissue....yes
Hurts like hell....you betcha
Reply:ooowhhh, nice burn. yes, they hurt alot, but theres always morphine and vicodin.
without the graft, the burn will scar much worse, it is usually worth the pain.
good luck, and ask for painkillers! i know i wouldnt want to feel that...
Reply:Yes, it does hurt!!! I recently had on done to my right hand. My hand was hurt due to a IV which was placed in my hand and the medication leaked onto my skin and killed the skin. They had to take me into surgery to take the dead skin off then they waited to see if the skin would grow back on it's own, which it did not. So I went back into surgery and had to have skin taken off my right thigh and place on my hand. The thigh area did't really hurt but the hand did. They had to put me on morphine IV due to the pain. The area still looks terrible I think but I don't want to have plastic surgery done which is the next step. Good Luck
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