Why do most people think that light skin is better i dont get it and also people say that light skin people have good hair but i know this one light skin girl who has nappy hair and it relly short now to be cute is cute and ugly is ugly i know a lot of cute dark skin people who are cute like Pleasure and slick em of pretty ricky and i know some cute light skin people like Baby blue and Spectacular of pretty ricky what do you guys think.
Light Skin V.s. Dark Skin?
White man here.....cute is cute and ugly is ugly.....
A dark skinned woman? MMM....put sumpin' on me....
Light Skin V.s. Dark Skin?
a lot of black ppl feel light skin is more attractive because they've been brainwashed by the media and want to have a more "European" (read white) look. That's why you see black ppl getting color contacts and changing their hair color and getting weaves so they can have straight hair.
Reply:I totally agree. All you see in music videos is light skin girls and very few dark skin girls. I'm not being rascist but maybe light skin people are more recognized because they are closer to white.
Reply:why is this question in the music section?
why is everyone so bent about what people look like? I know lots of beautiful ugly people.
Just so you know I am absolutely hideous. HIDEOUS i tell you!
Reply:its just a racial thing. I know no one wants to hear it, but back in the slave days light skinned stayed in the house because they were closer complexion to white people. My saying is, if you're cute ur cute. I dont care bout skin tone, race, or body image. I am VERY light, but both my parents are African Amercian. They just both happen to be fair and i came out very fair. My hair was pretty long (little over shoulders maybe) till it got cut, but it was indeed nappy. And i do not think I am better than anyone. People do ofthen ask me what I have in me (races and ethnic groups) and people tease me for people so light lol. It doesnt bother me, I just think its funny. But people thinking their better because their light and simply just racism within a race itself.
Reply:.well today makeup artists are using alot of makeup. and that's why some light shin are easy mistaking for white WOMEN. but some of the dark skin women look a like light skin. i HAVE BEAUTIFUL BROWN /BLACK HAIR AND I'M DARK SKIN!
Reply:I love dark skin. Its warm and just plain lovely.
Lighter skin too.
its all good in my book
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