Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Drum skin tuning, top skins and bottom skins....?

i've heard about some drummers tunning their top skins low and their bottom skins high this valid? are there any other ideas for tuning drums? like tuning the kick drum, inside skin and outside skin??
Drum skin tuning, top skins and bottom skins....?
i have been playing drums for 8 years and truly its what you like...BUT... personally what i do is tune the 1st tom to what ever i think sound's good, then i go down like so:

If DO was my first tom then i go down like this

DO ti LA so FA me RE do

the capitol letters are the drums

DO is 1st tomb

LA is 2nd tomb

FA is floor tomb

RE is base drum

(you could also use the last DO for the base drum)

also the snare drum should be tuned to F sharp or something

Hope this helps

oh ya and all the drums should sound the same if u hit both sides to prevent the wood from warping or even cracking

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