Saturday, October 10, 2009

Old man skin on a 14 year old?

im 14 years old... In my family both my mom and dad have dry skin. My mom skin isnt so dry but its hyperlinear and old looking, but soft. My dad hasdry skin. I have 3 siblings. 2 of them half exzema and are mentally disabled. My little brother has healthy but hyperlinear skin. I have started becoming very concious of my skin. I have heard from girls i am handsome and cute but am too afraid of what they'll think of my hands.

My skin used to be very dry. Then in middle school, i began applying lotion. Im starting high school now. All the skin on my body is now normal except my fingers, palms, knucles, feet, and face. The back of my hands and feet are soft as a normal persons skin. My knuckle for my middle fingers is kinda leathery. the other knucles are just wrinkly. My fingers have a lot of folds which i find disgusting. And my palms are dry and hyperlinear.

I began drinking lots of water nd putting on vaseline before bed which help the hyperlinae palms. But wat can i do bout dry s
Old man skin on a 14 year old?
I don't know if you can afford to buy a few products. You can ask your parent's or get a paper route?? Omega 3-6-9 is very helpful, Kelp, Horsetail and Borage oil these are all vitamins and minerals. You can try olive oil (not vegetable oil) in a bath or just rubbed on to soften hard spots.Yes drinking water is a good idea.

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