Saturday, October 10, 2009

Skin question concerning feet?

Notice: possibly disgusting stuff begins here

I have had this problem before, but I did not implement the advice given to me so I have to ask again.

On my heels, inside sections of my feet, and on my big toes I have incredibly hard skin, almost like it (and possibly it is) callused. On the heels, the skin is yellow even.

I know its dead and dry skin, and the problem is so bad that I am able to plunge a knife into the area on the back of one heel and cut some of the skin away without feeling any pain. (Another notice: I was actually trying to use the nail-file part of a finger nail clipper set to rub away the area, but accidently forced a little to hard. I wasn't actually trying to cut off the dead skin but I did)

How do I get rid of this disgusting skin malady? And what are some tips for keeping skin well moisturized, even in areas like the feet where its not something you do all the time?
Skin question concerning feet?
I would start by going and having a pedicure done, let them do all the hard work of scrubbing all that dead skin off. (they also have special tools to get all the hard stuff off). Then use a pumice stone often when you are in the shower, you can get them at the dollar store or Walmart, no it isn't in the girly section. You can find them where they keep the foot products. Soak you feet in warm water, use the pumice stone then put a thick coat of Vaseline on your feet and put socks on and wear that for 3 or 4 hours or over night. Hope this helps.

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