Saturday, October 10, 2009

Black skin to white skin?

I was born in India and my skin colour is dark brown. When i was in back home i had some bad experiences because of the skin colour. Actually my mom has white skin %26amp; my dad had black skin. My relatives said i am unlucky to have my dad's colour. Also, our community people say that white skin girls are only pretty girls.Thats hurt me a lot when i was a child. After, i came to Canada and started to live with the multicultural people and i found very comfortable. Here, everyone says that i am very attractive but i still have a feeling for that skin colour. How can i lighten my skin?
Black skin to white skin?
Why on EARTH would you want to change? I bet you have a beautiful skintone and do you realize that every years millions of white women pay thousands of dollars to look darker??? People always want the opposite of what they have - brunettes want blond hair, brown eyes want blue eyes, straight hair wants curly hair, short wants tall, etc.... You need to realize that you are beautiful just the way you are - become confident in yourself and it will never matter what your skintone is - you are beautiful on the inside first! Good Luck hon!
Black skin to white skin?
You can't (at least I don't know of any methods to whiten your skin) and you shouldn't. You should feel comfortable in your own skin literally. Do you wanna become like Michael Jackson? :-/
Reply:Don't lighten your skin. I mean, come on, do you want to look like Michael Jackson? Ick! What it sounds like you need to do is develop your self-esteem and self-worth and realize that you are beautiful just the way you are. Accept and love yourself for who you are without regard to the things people have said in your past.
Reply:Dont worry about your skin color. The people who concern themselves with accepting you because of your color of skin are not worth your time any way.
Reply:There is no same and effective way to lighten your skin

You can try but more than likely it will be discolored.

Your skin color is how it is supposed to be, don't try to change it with chemicals.
Reply:I've seen people do it and the results are not as dramatic as desired. Hopefully you can learn to enjoy what you look like and not be bothered by it.You are the only you you've got!
Reply:Don' are beautiful just the way God, your mother and your father made you! You need to cast aside those old ideas in yor new home.
Reply:lighten your skin? for what?!?! to look like michael jackson. don't change your look because of what your culture feels of you.
Reply:Don't lighten your skin. You should love the way you look no matter what. I love having dark skin myself because it shows my features and bright colors look good with my skin.
Reply:Don't be retarded... You are beautiful the way you are. And if you want a man that'll love you then hit me up. All you have to do is move to the States, and I'll show you just how beautiful you are. Hint hint... you're not married are you?
Reply:u cant , its how god made you and you should be proud , you know Indian people are very attractive so be happy , i wish i was born in India [your lucky]
Reply:All the skin lightening creams and stuff aren't good for you. You should appreciate your beauty because not every one is. Any color can be beautiful and if everyone around you thinks you are, they are probably on to something.
Reply:Do you want to end up like Michael jackson?

Whatever color you are, is the color God intended you to be.

Be happy the way that you are- don't become your own worst enemy!
Reply:cocoa butter will do the trick!
Reply:Don't, I think dark skin looks gorgeous. Be confident and comfortable with who you natrually are.
Reply:stay beautiful or you'll look like Micheal Jackson
Reply:Just be you and be happy , .
Reply:thats not true dark skined people are beautiful to i have some good tips for you:

How to lighten your skin with lemon:

1. Find a empty spray bottle and put lemon juice in it. If you want add some water. Spray it on your skin and go out in the sun.

2. Rub it on. Rub a lemon rime over your skin. It cleanses it.

3. Use it to "wash" your face. Splash it on to oyur face in the morining the same way you'd use water to wash your face.

TIPS: If your not going into the sun with the lemon on your skin always put sunscreen on it not only helps it but also prevents cancer.

Dont Forget: ALWAYS wash it off afterwards so it will not harm your skin.

*good luck* :)
Reply:don't even bother,be what u are,the color of ones skin isn't important,its what you make of yourself,how u treat people,will be how they react to u not your skin colour
Reply:haha I'm indian...and your screwed, just kidding it's no big deal.
Reply:wow ur really dumb if you want to change ur skin color. be happy with what God gave you. so if ur feeling comfortable in canada now, why change? cause u still have a feeling? it doesnt matter. just be happy with what u have.
Reply:don't lighten ur skin because its ur natural skin color and u probably have beautiful skin .cant lighten ur skin color unless u use makeup.
Reply:Girl, I wouldn't do may end up looking like Michael Jackson!

Your relatives said those things probably because they didn't agree with you're parents marriage, and whoever told you white girls were prettier were jealous.

Believe me, I have white skin (not as fair as some), but pretty much all white girls have a harder time with acne(because scars are so noticeable), and we burn easily in the sun, (so there's the problem with sun spots, sunburns, and freckles).

I don't know of any kind of treatment that purposely lightens the skin, but I do know people shouldn't judge from the outside.
Reply:You're kidding me right? One of the most important things we must learn in this life is that we are all connected to every other living being in the universe. We are all the same; part of the Mystic Law of the Universe, no matter what color we are. Being comfortable in your own "skin" is something you should strive for. No one can exert influence or opinion over you if you do not allow it. Keep your mind and heart true to yourself and you will be a happy person despite any adversity. Don't change your skin color. Change your attitude about yourself. Love yourself and you will see the world differently. Who has the power to judge you? Only yourself. I am sorry you have experienced such negativity but, obstacles are opportunities for us to challenge ourselves and be victorious in life. Obstacle is benefit.
Reply:I wouldn't!!!!

Don't whiten your skin! You're beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:To be honest with you, I find the dark colored Indian girls so much prettier. I think Pariminder Nagra from ER is gorgeous! I'm sure you're beautiful the way you are.

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